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Old 04-24-2011, 09:09 PM   #1
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Default 陈光标:做好事不说睡不着觉www.hg7717.com皇冠怎么开


  富豪慈善与平民慈善交锋 中国现代慈善需要程序设计


  《法制周报》记者 何金燕

  “我从小就高调,做好事不说出来,晚上会睡不着。雷锋要是不写日记,好事也会没人知道。”面对公众对高 调慈善的质疑,陈光标如是解释说。

  2010年春节前夕,“高调慈善家”陈光标把3300万元现金堆成“钱墙”,一个个分发给受捐者。20 10年11月8日,“富豪慈善家”王健林个人向南京市金陵大报恩寺重建工程捐赠10亿元人民币。而此时,“ 平民慈善家”赵正和正挨家挨户敲米缸,以确定捐助对象。

  这些慈善行为一度被公众推到风口浪尖上,在中国现今并未完全开发的慈善事业中,他们的出现注定是另类。 是捐赠者的“傲慢”还是公众的“偏见”?

  4月8日,刚刚经历“暴力慈善”风波的中国首善陈光标,在湖南长沙接受媒体记者专访时,首次讲述了他备 受争议的善举背后的故事。


  “我每天都开心、快乐、幸福得不知道用什么词来形容自己。”陈光标说,根据他多年经验,荣誉是治愈他身 心疲劳的最佳良药。

  率真、单纯、勤俭、朴实这些词,配上他浓眉大耳、方头方脸的外形特征,恰到好处。他是民间发起抗震救灾 的第一人,10年来向慈善事业捐款捐物累计8.1亿元,受资助人数达30多万,连续四年获得中 华慈善奖。

  在宣布裸捐后,皇冠网投注,人们都在思索,陈光标究竟还有多少资产可供“挥霍”,他能过上怎样闲云野鹤的生活。可是,他依旧冲锋在灾 难的前线,从大陆到台湾再到海外,对自己和家人也一如既往地节俭。


  在中国现今慈善事业中,陈光标的出现注定是个另类。他曾表述,在某杂志的财富排行榜上,他名落孙山。他 更多是以一种近乎“暴发户”的面孔登场,简单直接把货真价实的真金白银交到百姓手中。

  2300多本荣誉证书叠加在一起,足有5层楼高,3000多面锦旗、16000多条藏民送的哈达,这些 成了陈光标公司展厅里的瑰宝。

  2010年春节前夕,陈光标把3300万现金堆成“钱墙”受非议。盈江地震,他又因为一张让受助者高举 百元大钞的照片再次受到指责。


  1968年,陈光标生在江苏省泗洪县的农村家庭。年幼的他时常利用中午时间,担水去集镇贩卖。一年暑假 ,他拾麦穗赚得4块多钱,缴完自己的学费,他还帮另一位家境贫寒的同学交了书本费。班主任为此给他颁发一颗 小红星,他用口水把星星贴在脸上,依次去各班展示。红星后滑落,他用鼻涕重新贴上,皇冠开户投注,放学后跑遍全村去“炫耀”。小红星在他幼小心灵埋下的信念种子日益成长。


  “当你手指指着别人的时候,问问自己做了哪些事。”这成了陈光标最得力的言辞之一,他说他相信:人在做 ,天在看。




  在中国慈善行业,陈光标的慷慨、高调首屈一指,然而,他并不孤独。他24小时挂在脸上的微笑依旧灵动, 他甚至常常在夜间笑醒。他感知,自己已经走上了一条没有终点的慈善之路。


  做好事高调与否已不再是问题的核心所在,只是,在当下,单靠他一个人的力量,显然已无法托起整个中国慈 善的未来。

  “毫无疑问,陈光标的‘裸捐’只是个例。他参与慈善付诸实际行动,但并不真正了解慈善文化。”湖南省慈 善总会理事、长沙市慈善会副会长、湖南师范大学历史文化学院教授周秋光指出,慈善是一种“为人”与“无我” 的人道主义精神的表现,是一种无私的表现。如果含有任何功利的目的,便算不得真正的慈善。也就是说,慈善只 讲付出,不求回报。

  在周秋光看来,比尔・盖茨、巴菲特和他们所带来的“裸捐”效应,不过是媒体炒作出来的一场“鸿门宴”, 基于信仰、实力、国情的巨大差异,中国目前没有条件、也不可能出现众多的裸捐者。

  “陈光标的行善方式给社会发送了一条错误信息。他的捐赠方式是零散式、输血性、非专业性的。”面对《法 制周报》记者的采访,周秋光分析,企业家的裸捐风潮将会滋生新的社会压力。在中国尚不完善的社会保障体制下 ,企业的抗风险能力、企业家的家庭成员及员工下岗的生活保障等一大堆社会问题,都会堆到政府的 桌面上来。

  “他现在还有企业要经营,如果他像比尔・盖茨一样,选择在退休后全身心经营慈善,那效果可能会不一样。 ”诸多学者认为,陈光标的行为已不能单纯用“善良”或者“大方”来解读,皇冠足球投注系统

  近期,在湖南卫视《岳麓实践论》讲坛上,谈及陈光标的高调慈善,北京师范大学壹基金公益研究院院长王振 耀表示理解。并且,他认为,越是物欲横流的时代,越需要对富豪施加“善的压力”。

  有专家分析,现代慈善无疑只会进步,决不会倒退到传统慈善。而陈光标之所以坚持把每一分钱交到民众手中 ,缘于当下中国基金会的行政化、行善渠道不畅,这归结为信誉问题。


  “你是官办,就有一个人家对你相不相信的问题。你手上掌握纳税人的钱,应该解决纳税人的苦难。而如今你 又来收纳税人的捐款,捐款人心理上就有一层障碍,甚至怀疑你是否将捐款用到实处。”周秋光认为,为了提高慈 善公信力,官办慈善应逐渐淡出,同时,慈善事业必须实施合理有效的监管,“这不是要政府直接承担慈善事业, 也不是将慈善组织作为政府下属的部门直接管理,而是指慈善事业要进行法制化管理。”



  2010年11月8日,大连万达集团股份有限公司董事长、总裁王健林个人向南京大报恩寺重建工程捐赠1 0亿元人民币。据悉,这是迄今为止,中华慈善史上最大数额的单笔个人捐赠。

  然而,他的此举让民众大呼不解。当今,尚有很多人未能解决温饱问题,他竟捐赠巨资修庙,令 人难以认同。

  王健林坦承,此次巨额捐赠,并不是信众的布施,而是盛世之下弘扬中华传统文化、丰富中华历史文化内涵、 带动南京旅游事业发展、促进社会和谐的善举。

  “他的行善方式是一种现代慈善。”王振耀为王健林大呼冤屈,据其分析,按照西方标准来看,王健林捐助文 化产业,契合现代慈善理念。(法制周报新闻热线:0731-84802117)南京的报恩寺发现国家级、世界级的财富,皇冠怎么开户,如何保护也便是世界级的难题,王健林第一个“吃螃蟹”,无奈非议不断。


  “我们的企业、富人、平民都不太会做慈善,所以才有零散式的、输血式的慈善模式。”清华大学公共管理学 院副教授邓国胜分析,政府通过行政劝募把社会募集的资金统一使用,大大挤压了慈善的空间。

  周秋光说,富人拥有更多的资源,其最重要的作用是典型示范,不仅是在捐钱方面起带头作用,而且在怎么用 好资源方面也理应起示范作用,包括监督的责任也应树立榜样。那样,企业、富人才会从零散的、输血的、非专业 的慈善尽快地走向战略的、造血的、不断创新的慈善,从而提高慈善的效率。



  被誉为“平民慈善家”的赵在和,湖南湘潭县人,现年77岁,退休15年来,他始终以救助农村贫困学子为 “职业”。每天,赵老骑着一辆破旧的自行车,翻山越岭,走街串巷,考察贫困学生情况,募集助学善款。在过去 长达17年的时间里,赵老联系进行募捐的天数为3717天,他总的行程是12万公里,相当于绕地球赤道的3 圈。他为近千名贫困学子募得善款200余万元。

  为了解贫困学生的真实情况,他经常“内查外调”,确保所资助学生是“墙上奖状贴得满,碗柜里面油盐空” 的特困优秀学生。他制订了严格而明晰的慈善档案,他劝募的资金,都通过“一帮一”的方式,送到受助学生手中 ,都有受助者在“学费到位清单”上签名。

  然而,又有人疑虑了,像赵老这样日夜奔波,每年才资助不到60人,投入产出比太大,且他的慈善半径仅仅 局限在湖南的一个县,他值不值?他不但要去学校调查学生的学习成绩,还要去其周边社区调查受捐者的家庭环境 ,甚至挨家挨户敲米缸以确定捐助对象,他是否过滤掉了受捐者的自尊心?

  “开发平民慈善,必须考虑普通人的普通感情,不能做完美无缺的道德假设,需建立一个现代的感恩标准。” 王振耀呼吁,公众对平民慈善家应多一些理解包容和支持。

  然而,湖南大学法学院副院长徐涤宇亦指出,在中国当下来看,传统的道德文化已走向市场化,利益被制度化 、合法化,平民慈善在很大程度上不具有可操作性。


  “社会的公平还是依靠第一、第二次分配,而不是依靠第三次分配。对慈善事业来说,是人人参与,特别是在 市场经济之下培养道德体系,培养人与人之间关爱的精神和价值,这才是真谛。”周秋光指出,慈善事业要发展, 必须形成大规模和经常性的格局。

  “全世界都有很好的经验。民间组织捐一块钱,政府就给你配一块钱,甚至配两块钱,来支持平民慈善的发展 。”周秋光补充说道。



  “中国慈善事业已入快车道,知识界如果不能提供可操作的程序性方案,中国慈善的现代化没有未来。”王振 耀说,足球平台出租,慈善事业量大人多,要使其兴旺发达,必须有专门的项目设计、网络系统和支持系统。

  王振耀分析,让平民慈善进入程序设计,包括很多细节。比如,美国有些社区,一个普通的凳子也刻有捐款人 的姓名。他呼吁,像诸如此类方便平民捐赠的细小项目需立即开发出来。

  “遇到问题,用技术和程序的办法解决它,如此这般,中国的慈善一定会有很光明的前途。”被称作中国现代 慈善的倡导者和程序设计师的王振耀,对中国慈善的未来充满信心。(本报博客地址:http://blog.sina.com.cn/fazhizhoubao)


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Old 04-24-2011, 09:27 PM   #2
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 4,150
sandy7827 is on a distinguished road

Tackle, Tackle
I don抰 know how people raise daughters because I have 2 sons. In my in-sanest moments, I have thought about having a daughter and have entertained thoughts about rushing into Toys扲us straight to the Barbie doll section.
My preoccupation with daughters is short-lived. Then I become sane all over again ?I must be out of my mind thinking about having another child! No way, it抯 totally corset tops, absolutely, positively, undoubtedly out of the question. I do love babies. Oh, how I do love them. Pinching cheeks is not one of my favorite things to do an infant but I sure do love the feel of their feathery skin that is layered with fine, fine hair. I can抰 resist touching their bums like a lunatic.
I am quite sure daughters are fun. Sometimes I watch other mothers fuss with their daughter抯 hair and I look at Joshua and Jared and think to myself, 揧ou think daddy will still love them if I leave their hair long so that I can tie them in braids and put ribbons on them??My sons are pretty pretty, if I do say so myself but I don抰 think they抎 like me to dress them up as girls.
I tried.
Dressing my boys as girls
Joshua already knows the difference between girls and boys ?after the countless number of times we抳e broached the topic, how could he NOT know??? The times when we laughed till we were rolling around in unabashed ##########ness in the bathroom because he thought I dropped my penis? Classic case of ###### education gone folly. Jared, in the meantime, kept lifting up the skirt to see where the pant is one time I dressed him up as a Cinderella. I guess, it抯 not going to work.
My confusion and problem on dealing with little girls started when I realized that I don抰 know how to buy pretty dresses and fancy head gears for girls. Mind you, although I DO have a critical eye out for fashion faults, I am not a very good dresser. I prefer the slip-on-and-go-and-don抰-feel-like-I-am-wearing-anything-at-all types of clothes. If I had to insomuch as zip, button, snap-on, clasp or buckle anything, I抎 feel like dressing was too much of an effort. Naturally, being the 慶asual dresser?that I am (my family members refer to it as 憇loppy?but I object), I find myself in a mental maze whenever I have to buy gifts for girls. And in this month itself, there are two. One is for my 9-year-old cousin (being 32 this year, I have a pre-puberty cousin? Yes, I do. So, sue me) and another is for my niece, who抯 turning 3 this month.
Birthday present problem
For my cousin, I was thinking about buying soft toys because it抯 hard to go wrong with soft toys. I mean corset tops, doesn抰 everybody adore soft toys anymore? But no, I decided against it. I went into the clothes department to get her some fairy costumes, a princess crown or glass slippers bra inserts, whatever! But it occurred to me that I didn抰 know how to pick out female clothing at all. Then, I jogged myself into the stationery department, thinking of getting her a school bag. Boy, a school bag? How boring can I be? So, off I go again, into the books department this time. And I got her something that I don抰 know whether she will like or not ?but I am quite sure it抯 hard to go wrong with books. Furthermore, I know I would have loved to get books as a present if I was still 9-years-old. Granted the fact that I was a major bookworm at that time.
It抯 even worse for my 3-year-old niece ?I went from one department to another, shopping mall to shopping mall for days on end. Up till today, I come home empty-handed, wide-eyed and clueless. What in the world do you buy for a 3-year-old girl who already has everything she can ever wish for?
揃ah!?to girls.
Another thing that bothers me is that I tend to be a little?erm?adventurous and wild with my kids. They抮e boys, so, they naturally like to roughhouse a little and jump, hop, skip, run, hide, scare?tackle each other. And being a good mom, that抯 precisely the kind of games that I play with them. I tackle them to the ground, wrestler-fashion, knocking my knuckles into their skull corset tops, digging my fingernails into their backs and sides, biting into the butts, pushing their heads into pillows?.
When my nieces come into the room and take one look at the kind of games that we抮e playing with each other, they have 2 different reactions. One, they gape at us. Two, they want to join us but is afraid to. I remember playing the roughhousing game with one of my nieces, throwing her up in the air the way I throw Jared. She went stiff like a baseball bat in the air and when I caught her back into my arms, she looked like she was going to barf! Her face was green and her lips suddenly had cracks on them.
I gingerly placed her back on the floor and she sped out of the room.
Article Tags:
Soft Toys
Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

Marsha Maung is a freelance graphic designer and copy writer who works from her home in Selangor, Malaysia. She loves nothing more than blowing bubbles in the park with her 2 kids, Joshua and Jared and considers getting her hair yanked while playing horsey. To her, it抯 a privilege she treasures. She is the author of "Raising little magicians", and the popular "The Lance in freelancing". More information can be found at http://www.marshamaung.com


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