Pink Diamond Engagement Rings - When You Go Pink You'll Always Stand Out
What is it about pink diamond engagement rings that make women of all ages, backgrounds and social backgrounds go gaga?? Could it be that pink is a ladies color & all things pink attract ladies like honeybees to nectar; or could there be other reasons why pink engagement rings stand out among all the other diamond rings out there?
Why Do they Stand Out you Ask?
According to statistics, out of every 10
######y babydoll,000 carats of diamonds mined (and that's a lot of diamonds), only one carat would be a fancy colored diamond. This doesn't even guarantee that you will get a pink colored diamond. So are pink diamonds a fluke of nature? Well not quite. They are rare but nature just doesn't spit things out of the earth.
These diamonds acquire their color from the mineral manganese. As nature would have it, this precise mixing of carbon (which is what diamonds are formed from) and manganese is concentrated over one part of the world which is Australia.
The Argyle mines in Australia produce the highest amount of pink fancies anywhere in the world. They were sorely responsible for removing pink colored diamonds from the realm of collectors to that of Jack & John next door who can now afford to buy pink diamond rings for their fiancés.
Having said that, if you compare a white diamond vs. a pink diamond like for like in terms of the 4C's which are diamond carat, color, clarity and cost, the pink diamond will be more expensive due to its scarcity.
This scarcity has meant that top quality pink stones have become a favorite item at diamond auction houses and their prices have increased over time.
Since no major new mines producing pink colored diamonds have been discovered
######y lingerie, these prices are expected to keep increasing over time due to the laws of demand and supply. Does that mean that a time may come when love struck gentlemen will be unable to buy pink diamond rings for their fiancés? I don't think so!!
Technology has given you a lifeline. You can now find irradiated pink diamonds at selected jewelers. Irradiated colored diamonds are obtained by bombarding normal diamonds with radiation thus obtaining beautiful pink
corset tops, blue, yellow and red diamonds.
These diamonds are cheaper than natural ones and have deeper colors as they are formed in a lab and the results are controlled. You can get a "baby pink" lab created pink diamond for a fraction of a "pinkish" natural diamond of the same size. However be warned, the pink color in the lab created diamonds wears off over the years while that of a natural diamond remains the same over time regardless of how light the color saturation was.
A trick that can enable you to get pink diamond engagement rings at a low price is to buy a channel set diamond ring with many little pink diamonds totaling 1 carat or above. This will be cheaper than getting a one carat solitaire ring.
What is the Best Way to Set Pink Diamond Engagement Rings?
The best way to set pink colored diamonds is in pink gold. Pink gold? Yes there is a metal known as pink gold. It's an alloy of copper
corset tops, silver and gold.
This creates an alloy that has a pink hue and gives your ring setting a softer look. or those of you who are extroverts and like to show off, then there is only one way to go & that is platinum. The contrast between pink and platinum is simply breathtaking.... Now that you have all the facts, there is no reason you shouldn't make your fiancé or wife melt by getting her a pink diamond ring.
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