Mercury and the Sculptor
MERCURY ONCE DETERMINED to learn in what esteem he
was held among mortals. For this purpose he assumed the haracter
of a man and visited in this disguise a Sculptor's studio having
looked at various statues,
buy caverta, he demanded the price of two figures of
Jupiter and Juno. When the sum at which they were valued was
named, he pointed to a figure of himself, saying to the Sculptor,
"You will certainly want much more for this,
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the Messenger of the Gods, and author of all your gain." The
Sculptor replied, "Well, if you will buy these, I'll fling you that into
the bargain."
The Swan and the Goose
A CERTAIN rich man bought in the market a Goose and a Swan.
He fed the one for his table and kept the other for the sake of its
song. When the time came for killing the Goose,
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get him at night, when it was dark, and he was not able to
distinguish one bird from the other. By mistake he caught the
Swan instead of the Goose. The Swan, threatened with death,
burst forth into song and thus made himself known by his voice,
and preserved his life by his melody.