1, if a sudden onset, short duration acute poisoning may be acute infectious disease or disease, a longer time if the disease may be chronic.
2, the number of
incidence of a small number of sick or sporadic disease, may be chronic or ordinary disease, sick or both quantity disease may be infectious or in toxic disease.
3, on the meat production performance
only to understand the growth rate, weight gain, and uniformity of the situation, should be observed on laying hen egg production, egg weight, egg shell Quality, eggshell color.
4, disease onset age
flocks of different age may indicate different disease
(1) ; of all ages the same time or one after another in the same poultry disease, and higher morbidity and mortality can be prompted to Newcastle disease, avian influenza, duck plague and poisoning disease.
(2) 1 month incidence of death in a large number of young birds may be salmonella, E. coli, bursal inflammation, renal mass support, etc., if accompanied by severe respiratory symptoms may be the mass support, chronic respiratory disease, Newcastle disease and avian influenza.
(3) If a large number of dead ducklings, mostly for duck viral hepatitis, salmonella infection, a large number of adult onset mostly ducks duck plague, influenza, avian cholera or duck infectious serosal go far.
(4) If a large number of goslings disease, mostly gosling plague, coccidiosis, paramyxovirus infection incidence into a large number of geese, mostly caused by E. coli yolk peritonitis, such as influenza or cholera.
5, feeding and management to understand the situation
sick before and after onset of feeding, water conditions, ventilation and sanitary conditions within the poultry house, etc. is good.
6, drug use
if treated with antibiotics to stop the rapid symptom relief or death, may suggest bacterial diseases, antibiotics had no effect if used, may be a virus disease or toxic diseases or metabolic diseases.
7, epidemiological investigations of suspected
is an infectious disease, in addition to general investigations, but also for epidemiological surveys, including the current symptoms, past history, outbreak investigation, usually the implementation of other prevention measures.
8, Survey
feed nutritional deficiency of suspected flocks to feed checks focus on examination of feed energy, protein, calcium, phosphorus, etc., necessary when a variety of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids composition was analyzed.
9, poisoning investigation
if a large number of disease shortly after feeding, individual large poultry early onset, death and more, individual small poultry disease late fewer deaths may be suspected poisoning disease. Treatment of flocks to the investigation, with which drug, dosage, time and method of drug use, whether poisoning possible hires have gas, whether the feed is moldy and so on.
Second, the history and outbreak
1, understanding of animal medical his
field or specialized household poultry flocks what had been a major epidemic, with or without a similar disease course and outcome of their, etc., in order to analyze the incidence of this disease and past relationships. Such as occurred in the past E. coli, Newcastle disease, and for the thorough disinfection of the poultry house, poultry vaccination has not carried out, consider relapse.
2, survey the vicinity of poultry farms near the outbreak investigation
poultry farm (household) have a similar outbreak in this field, if it could be considered Air-borne diseases such as Newcastle disease, influenza, avian infectious bronchitis. If two or more poultry farm poultry rearing, single incidence of bird species, the prompt for specific infectious diseases of poultry, all poultry are disease if, you are prompted for the poultry were suffering from diseases such as cholera, influenza and so on.
3, investigating the situation
introduction of many diseases is the introduction of avian (eggs) transmission, such as pullorum, Mycoplasma disease, avian encephalomyelitis and so on. Investigation of the introduction and the diagnosis of the disease may be clues in the region. If the newly contaminated with the virus of avian mixed feeding flocks with local, often lead to a new infectious disease outbreaks.
4, the usual implementation of quarantine measures
understand flocks before and after the onset of immunological methods adopted, the use of the vaccines. Through inquiries and investigations, the diagnosis has helped many get first hand information will help make the correct diagnosis.
III clinical examination
1, groups in the sheds in the farm inspection
direct observation or external sad corner, you can enter the poultry house to inspect the entire flocks. Because poultry is a relatively sensitive animals, especially chicken, chicken. So enter into the poultry house should be gradually to prevent disturbed flocks. Check the groups mainly observed flocks mental state, exercise status, feed, water, feces, respiration and production capabilities.
(1) flocks mental state examination
① normal state, responses to external stimuli compared poultry sensitive, acute hearing, eyes wide open God. Exalteth a little to stimulate the head of poultry, observed around the movement back and forth, can cause severe shock stimulation group, the pressure reactor, flying, running around, send tweet.
② in the pathological state, the poultry first reaction to the change in mental status, there will be the spirit of excitement, the spirit of melancholy and lethargy.
mental excitement: poultry, mild irritation of the outside world or the performance did not stimulate a strong reaction, causing panic group, flying, chirping, the clinical performance of multi-drug poisoning, vitamin deficiency and so on.
spirit depressed: flocks mild external stimuli, or even no response, the performance of poultry outlier Dai Li, head and neck crouched, his eyes half closed, actions sluggish and so on. Many diseases are clinically cause depression, such as chickens infected with Salmonella, cholera, IBD, Newcastle disease, avian influenza, kidney support, coccidiosis, and so on.
sleepiness: severe malaise, like sleeping with eyes closed, standing immobile, or downer, give a strong stimulus caused only a slight reaction or no reaction, can be found in many critical stage, often poor healing.
(2) motion state inspection
① normal state, freedom of movement of poultry agile, rest often lying in the two limbs bent, from the lying freely, one thing immediately stood to stimulate activity.
② motion abnormalities under pathological conditions
claudication: is the most common form of clinical motor abnormalities, clinical manifestations of petrified, paralyzed, hi lying, the movement was limp, clinical common Ca, P disproportionate, vitamin D3 deficiency, gout, viral arthritis, Mycoplasma synoviae, poisoning; chicken limp more common in Newcastle disease, encephalitis, VE selenium deficiency; broiler lameness more common in E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection; just to pick up chicks chicken legs were paralyzed more common in other exposure to cold or avian encephalomyelitis.
splits: stretch the legs before a young chicken, a leg stretch, the formation of splits Liang Chi drooping posture or, more common neurological Marek, broiler chicken leg appears mostly splits disease.
star view: chicken head bent backward to form the so-called extreme
turned: chickens head distortion is more obvious after the shock, the clinical sequelae of common Newcastle disease.
hemiplegia: hemiplegia on the side of the chicken, the two limb extension, head tremor occurs, more common in avian encephalomyelitis.
valgus elbow: elbow valgus movement of poultry, joints shorter, thicker, more common in clinical manganese deficiency.
penguin-like posture: sick abdominal larger degree of movement from side to side float higher, like penguins, like sports, more common in clinical broiler ascites syndrome; laying more common in the early infectious bronchitis or clothing mycoplasma infections cause irreversible damage to fallopian tubes caused permanent
toe song inside: two limbs bent toe, curling, toe song on the inside to the ground limb joints, and wings to maintain balance, clinical common vitamin B2 deficiency.
legs extension: Laying up in the morning found his legs back straight, paralyzed, can not stand upright, individual sheds and outdoor sports recovery, mostly for Long Yangji egg fatigue.
cusp in fin: fin tip of the waterfowl movement, the head high, tail, under pressure, more common in Staphylococcus aureus infection.
opisthotonos: duckling If there is twitched to the side of Yang Bo, head and bend back, legs kicking back paroxysmal, and sometimes on the floor rotation, mostly for duck viral hepatitis.
dog sitting posture: birds often show difficulty in breathing was dog sitting posture, the head Gaotai, mouth breathing, plantar Department of the ground. Chicks common in aspergillosis, lung-type white diarrhea, common in the chicken laryngotracheitis,
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forced feeding: involuntary head and neck of poultry appears to blindly point the same as the feed, more common in virulent Newcastle disease, coccidiosis, necrotic enteritis.
neck paralysis: the performance of the head and neck stretched forward, flat on the ground, can not lift, also known as soft neck disease, simultaneous leg wing paralysis, more common in duck poisoning disease.
going around: goose about 30 minutes after the binge there ataxia, wing legs weakness, unsteady gait, legs haste linear forward or backward, or going around, mostly gosling water intoxication disease.
(3) status check
① intake under normal conditions, relatively large amount of poultry feed, feeding of laying hens caged in particular 1 to 2 hours after the food can be eaten, can observe the daily feed intake records of changes in food intake can accurately grasp the situation, you can also observe the chicken prime capsule size within the trough the amount of material remaining when the chicken feed and feed to determine the status of other birds feeding situation. Such as discounted high temperature, feed intake will be reduced; discounted lower the intake temperature to rise. Feed intake reduction is a reflection of the most sensitive poultry disease symptoms can be the first group reflect the health status of poultry.
② Changes in food intake under pathological conditions directly reflect the health status of flocks, clinical common in the following situations:
reduced food intake: the performance by adding material, the feed does not positive, after a few mouthfuls of food back to the side of the trough margins too much. Decreased feed intake than normal, many of the clinical disease all can decrease feed intake, such as salmonella, cholera, E. coli disease,
jordan release dates 2010, blood group defeated Mycoplasma,
mbt amali 为爱许个愿, Newcastle disease, influenza and so on.
intake of waste must: more common in poultry late, often poor prognosis.
intake increase: more common in excessive salt, feed energy is low, or the recovery process in the disease will continue to increase feed intake, reflecting the disease better.
(4) observed
manure will cause many diseases and abnormal changes in poultry manure. Therefore of great significance in stool examination. Stool stool examination should be noted that the nature of foreign body color and feces and so on.
① normal shape and color of feces: Under normal circumstances, like chicken manure as the conch, the following above the small spiral big, a little above the color white urate , more performance for the brown color; poultry developed cecum, excluding thin morning stool soft brown paste; newly hatched chicks not feed, the discharge is white or dark green meconium thin liquid.
physiological factors affect the fecal droppings of temperature: for poultry manure channel connected to the cloaca and urinary tract, feces and urine excreted at the same time, poultry nor sweat glands, the body surface covered by a large number of feathers. Therefore, increased temperature, poultry droppings become relatively rare, especially in the summer can cause watery diarrhea; low temperature, manure thickens.
feed ingredients of poultry manure: If adding the feed Miscellaneous Miscellaneous cake meal (such as rapeseed), fermented black excrement antibiotics and the dregs will; if the feed by adding white maize and wheat cause fecal lighter color fades. impact of drugs on the fecal
: If the feed black stool will add sodium humate.
stool pathological abnormalities in the exclusion of such physiological factors affect the feces, feed factors, drug factors, if an exception occurs mostly pathological waste status, clinical common with the changing nature of feces, stool color change, feces and other foreign matter.
stool color change:
pale stool: thin and pale stool samples, such as lime, under the feather in the cloaca was lime salt pollution is acid residue samples, clinical common gout, chicks pullorum, Ga, P disproportionate, VD lack of bursal inflammation, renal infectious bronchitis.
blood will: stool bright red blood flow, clinical common cecal coccidiosis, pecking injuries.
hair green: greenish stool color was green grass, clinical Newcastle disease more common infections, typhoid fever and chronic wasting disease (Marek, lymphatic leukemia, there are a large number of E. coli caused by tubal cheese thing) and the other When the poultry house ventilation is not good, the environment, high levels of ammonia and feces was also found green.
black: dark stool color was black tar-like, clinical common intestinal coccidian, gizzard erosion, hemorrhagic enteritis.
yellow it: stool color was yellow with mucus, clinical common necrotizing enterocolitis, influenza and so on.
West rang like it: stool with mucus, red like tomatoes caramel, clinical common intestinal coccidian, hemorrhagic enteritis or intestinal toxicity syndrome.
with bloodshot eyes: bright red with the blood stained stool on clinical common poultry Paragonimus or pecking injuries before.
stool color lighter: lighter than normal color fades, clinical common liver diseases, such as the cecum of hepatitis, inclusion body hepatitis. the changing nature of
loose stool water: watery stool, clinical common salt poisoning, catarrhal enteritis.
fecal undigested feed in large: also known as fecal material, fecal sour, clinical common indigestion, bowel toxicity syndrome.
with mucus in feces: feces off with a large number of epithelial tissue and mucus, feces stench, clinical common necrotizing enterocolitis, flu, heat stress and so on.
stool foreign:
egg white like discharge with stool, more common in the chicken bursa inflammation; become more common in salpingitis chicken and bird flu.
material with yellow cheese: feces cheese with a yellow fibrinous material agglomeration, more common in clinical infections caused by E. coli tubal inflammation.
size of nodules with white rice: white rice in stool with the size of nodules, clinical common taeniasis.
feces with foam: If the chicken with a large number of bubbles in the stool, clinical common chicken excessive exposure to cold or at home or with dextrose caused too long.
stool in pseudomembranous: with the cellulose in the feces, shed-like pseudomembrane intestines, clinical common reactor type coccidiosis, necrotic enteritis, duck plague and so on.
stool with a big worm: clinical common worm disease.
tory system clinical examination of poultry respira
tory diseases accounted for about 70%, many diseases are caused by respira
tory symptoms, so check the significance of the respira
tory system significant.
A, under normal circumstances, the chicken respiratory rate per minute is 22 to 30 times, 15 to 18 ducks, geese and 9 to 10 times, calculate the number of chickens, mainly through the respiratory side of the abdomen under the observation of the cloaca and contraction of the anus and external conflict to be calculated.
respiratory system, mainly through visual examination examination, auscultation to complete, depending on the patient major observation of respira
tory rate, mouth breathing frequency, whether the rejection of blood sticky strips. Major groups of respiratory auscultation to listen to whether there is noise in the auscultation, turn off the lights at night is best slowly into the coop to auscultation.
B, pathological state of the respiratory system abnormalities:
Shenjing mouth breathing: the performance of poultry, difficulty breathing, airway stenosis caused more by the clinical common post-infectious laryngotracheitis, avian diphtheria pox, bronchitis late chick lung appears more common type of mouth Shenjing scour or respiratory fungal infection. Heat stress can also occur when the birds mouth breathing should note the difference. Article
rejection stick blood samples: the aisle, cage, manger, etc. found in the blood with mucus article, clinical common laryngotracheitis.
nasal rejection: auscultation thrown when there is nasal hear flocks, clinical common infectious rhinitis, mycoplasma and so on.
common failure of clinical blood mycoplasma, infectious bronchitis, infectious laryngotracheitis, Newcastle disease, avian flu, such as aspergillosis.
Guaijiao tone: when birds laryngeal foreign body within the Ministry of the trachea will be issued when the strange sound, clinical common infectious laryngotracheitis, fowl pox and other types of diphtheria.
(6) Growth and production performance of broiler check
, Yucheng Ji poultry mainly observed growth rate, growth conditions and flock uniformity. If the growth rate of flocks normal, well-developed, uniformity consistent with abrupt onset of clinical infectious diseases more common in acute or toxic diseases; if flocks poor growth, slow growth, poor uniformity, clinical common in chronic wasting disease, weak immune deficiency disease or secondary to other diseases.
OUTCOME layers and breeder egg production, egg weight, eggshell quality, egg internal quality changes:
decreased egg production: egg production rate of decline caused by many diseases, such as egg drop syndrome, avian encephalomyelitis, Newcastle disease, avian influenza, infectious bronchitis, infectious laryngotracheitis, E. coli, salmonella infection.
shell eggs, soft-shell eggs increased: the clinical examination revealed a large shell eggs, soft-shell eggs, a large number of channel in the faecal egg white and egg yolk, calcium and phosphorus deficiency or clinical common disproportionate, VD the lack of avian influenza, infectious bronchitis, infectious laryngotracheitis, salpingitis and so on.
eggshell color change: If there is brown shell egg white shell eggs increased, the proportion of clinical common improper calcium and phosphorus, VD lack of avian influenza, infectious bronchitis, infectious laryngotracheitis, Newcastle disease, etc. .
small eggs increased: more common in salpingitis and avian influenza.
thin egg white water: if the open egg, egg white, thin as water, common clinical infectious bronchitis.
2, individual check
inspection by groups of individuals selected characteristic lesions of the individual to do further inspection, individual examination including temperature checks, crown inspection eye examination, nasal examination, oral examination, examination of skin and feathers, neck examination, chest examination, abdominal examination, leg checks, cloacal inspection.
(1) body temperature: body temperature is one of the hallmarks of poultry disease, the body can touch the chicken or using a thermometer to check.
① normal chicken temperature 41.5 ℃ (40 ~ 42 ℃), Ap 41 ~ 43 ℃, geese and 40 ~ 41 ℃.
② temperature changes under pathological conditions: when the animal appears diseases, other clinical symptoms, the first body temperature changes, temperature changes are of clinical hyperthermia and hypothermia down two pathological conditions.
body temperature: the role of a heat source of the stimulus, the body temperature of the central nervous function disorder, the balance of heat production and heat damage, heat production increased, leaving less heat temperature rise, and the emergence of symptoms said the fever. Clinical disease caused by a lot of heat. Many infectious diseases can cause poultry fever, such as avian cholera, salmonellosis, Newcastle disease, avian flu, heat stress and so on.
temperature drops: Chicken less heat too much heat, causing the body temperature in the normal hereinafter referred to as the temperature drops. Pathological state of the temperature drops more common in malnutrition, nutritional deficiencies, toxic diseases, and frequency of death is bird.
(2) Crown and wattle check
① normal state crown and bright red gills, wet and shiny, with warm feelings hand palpation.
② crown and wattle under pathological changes in
crown and wattle swelling: clinical common in fowl cholera, avian influenza, severe subcutaneous injection of vaccine-induced E. coli and neck.
appeared pale crown and wattle: the clinical crown and wattle if there is not shrinking simple pale, more common in white crown disease, chicken coccidiosis, Vibrio hepatitis, pecking injuries and so on.
Crown atrophy: clinical common crown and wattle from large to small, shrinking, color yellow, the crown and the vertical dull, clinical common in wasting diseases, such as Malik, lymphatic leukemia, Salpingitis due to E. coli infection or other disease infections follicle atrophy.
crown and wattle cyanosis: clinical crown and wattle appears dark red, more common in Newcastle disease, fowl cholera, respiratory diseases.
crown and wattle appears blue purple: Clinical common H5 influenza infection.
crown and black wattle appears: Clinical common cecal coccidiosis (also known as blackhead disease)
a pox spots: Clinical common fowl pox.
a small grain size fusiform hemorrhage and necrosis: Clinical protozoosis more common in white card.
dander crown and wattle there are dull: Clinical prevalent malnutrition, VA deficiency, fungal infections and external parasites.
(3) nasal nasal examination
inspection, the inspector of poultry in the head with his left hand fixed, the two look around the nose is clean, then use the right hand thumb and index finger to squeeze the two nostrils hard to observe whether the nose and nostrils fluid or foreign body.
healthy poultry without nasal nostrils. Have shown the pathological disease state appears meaningless nasal fluid. Such as a transparent colorless serous nasal fluid, more common in the catarrhal rhinitis; yellow-green or yellow nasal mucous half liquid, thick, greyish yellow, dark brown or mixed with the blood of the nasal fluid, mixed with necrotic tissue, accompanied by more common in nasal odor infectious rhinitis; nasal fluid volume more common in infectious coryza, fowl cholera, avian flu, the chicken blood group defeated Mycoplasma disease, duck plague and so on. In addition,
supra tk shoes 广州话童谣, Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, infectious laryngotracheitis, duck the process of diseases such as chlamydia, also a small amount of nasal fluid. When vitamin A deficiency, may be out of yellow cheese-like exudate. When the nasal cavity spot common fowl pox pox. It is noteworthy that, where the nasal fluid of respiratory diseases associated with general can occur in varying degrees infraorbital pox yen, the performance of the infraorbital pox swelling.
(4) eye examination
① eyes under normal circumstances, there is the spirit of poultry, especially chickens eyes wide open, the pupil to light stimuli sensitive, flushing conjunctiva, cornea white. When the inspection to observe the corneal eye color, with or without hemorrhage and edema, corneal integrity and transparency of the situation and eye secretions pupil situation.
② eye lesions under pathological conditions:
eyes half shut afterwards Status: eye into strips, clinical common infectious laryngotracheitis, environment, ammonia, formaldehyde concentration is too high.
eye tears occur: eye there tears, now serious contaminated feathers, clinical common infectious ophthalmia, infectious coryza, infectious laryngotracheitis, fowl pox, Mycoplasma and ammonia, formaldehyde concentration is too high.
corneal edema, hemorrhage: clinical common conjunctivitis, eye type fowlpox, avian aspergillosis, avian E. coli, Mycoplasma and so on. In addition, when the environment can also be caused by too much dust and should note the difference.
swelling of the eye: eye swelling, severe upper and lower eyelids together, the inner product of a lot of yellow bean curd residue material like cheese. Clinical common infectious ophthalmia, mycoplasma, mucosal-type fowlpox, VA deficiency, broilers E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection.
red cornea: Corneal redness, associate clinical common E. coli.
corneal opacity: corneal cloudiness,
asics nimbus gel, formation of white spots and ulcers serious clinical common eye Marek.
conjunctival plaque formation pox: Clinical common mucosal-type fowl.
(5) Face Check
① normal poultry face ruddy, shiny, in particular, laying hens is more obvious, check the note face facial swelling and facial color is dander situation.
② pathological changes in circumstances face:
swelling of the face: If by hand palpation of the face of fever, a sense of volatility, common clinical fowl cholera, infectious laryngotracheitis; hand palpation without a sense of volatility prevalent in the infection, avian flu, E. coli disease; if two infraorbital sinus swelling more common in sinusitis, mycoplasma and so on.
face a large number of dander: common clinical VA deficiency, malnutrition and chronic wasting disease.
(6) oral examination oral examination of poultry
①: fixed head with his left hand, right thumb Bankai down under the bill, and press the tongue, jaw and left middle finger from the back of the throat up the gap soft reduction, and then observe the oral cavity. Under normal circumstances a small amount of poultry in wet oral liquid, a warm feeling. Cleft palate when you pay attention to the oral examination, the tongue, oral mucosa and esophagus larynx, organs and other changes.
② pathological state of oral abnormalities:
in the oral mucosa to form a layer of white pseudomembrane: clinical bacterial infections common prayer beads.
oral ulcers: oral and esophageal papillae larger and fuse to form ulcers, common clinical VA deficiency.
cheese material formed at upper palate: clinical common infection, mucosal-type fowl.
oral liquid product has a lot of sour green: common clinical Newcastle disease, crop inflammation and reflux gastritis.
plot a large number of oral mucus: Clinical common bird flu, E. coli, fowl cholera.
oral liquid product of a bubble: clinical common respiratory disease.
with oral blood viscosity Article: Clinical common infectious laryngotracheitis.
oral product with thin blood: white blood cells of clinical common card's original echinococcosis, pulmonary hemorrhage, Vibrio hepatitis.
laryngeal edema hemorrhage: clinical common infectious laryngotracheitis, Newcastle disease and avian influenza.
throat is yellow cheese-like material embolic occlusion: clinical common infectious laryngotracheitis late.
larynx, trachea pox on the plaque: clinical common mucosal-type fowl.
trachea with a yellow block or curd-like cheese-like material: clinical common mycoplasma, infectious bronchitis, Newcastle disease and avian influenza.
black tip of the tongue: clinical common drug-induced or circulatory disorders.
base of the tongue necrosis, recurrent swallow: clinical common poultry eat grass or rope wound around the tongue necrosis.
duck beak of the deformation: deformation of the beak shorter, more common duck light of clinical allergy and drug allergy.
(7) crop inspection
① crop in the cervical and thoracic esophageal junction before the formation of a bulge in the clavicle diverticula, spherical, highly flexible. Chicken, turkey's crop is more developed. Commonly used method of visual examination and palpation examination crop.
② crop abnormal pathological conditions:
soft crop: its characteristic is the volume swelling, palpation become soft, there are fluctuations, such as the Overturned head of poultry, while pressing the liquid out of the crop may be oral, and rancid flavor, some common clinical infectious diseases, poisoning disease; turkey when suffering from Newcastle disease, crop a large quantity of viscous liquid.
hard crop: When the bird lack of exercise, lack of drinking water, or dry material feeding a single, hard-crop often occurs. Time was pressing the dough.
down crop: the crop increases, the total is not empty, the contents fermented sour taste, clinical common in feeding caused a lot of roughage.
crop ulceration: more common in clinical eating lime or caustic soda caused.
prime wall thickening: thickening of the wall by hand palpation of the common crop study bacterial infections.
(8) of skin and feathers, and check
① under normal circumstances. Adult poultry feathers neatly smooth, shiny, symmetrical arrangement, just hatched chicks with downy fiber, the varieties of skin color differ.
② pathological conditions of skin and feather disease:
the formation of skin tumors: clinical common skin Marek.
skin ulcers: the formation of ulcers on the skin, hair and easy off, subcutaneous bleeding, clinical common staph infection.
a white plastic-like oozing skin: clinical common VE selenium deficiency.
a green plastic-like oozing skin: clinical common Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection.
umbilical healing is poor, black, hard abdomen Education: Clinical common Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection caused by omphalitis.
feathers dull, easy to fall off: more common clinical VA deficiency, malnutrition, chronic wasting disease or external parasitic disease.
subcutaneous abscess formation occurs, severe ulceration, pus: common clinical vaccine injury or infection.
the formation of subcutaneous emphysema: a serious blow when the birds like a balloon, as the clinical common trauma caused by balloon rupture into the skin.
(9) chest examination
① flat chest, under normal circumstances, the chest muscles attached to the good, not the same because of the economic role of the muscle are different. Chicken breast muscle development, Egg and Poultry moderate chest muscles, ribs bulge. Note that in the clinical examination in case the sternum straight, both sides of the muscle development as well as whether there is cyst.
② pathological changes under the sternum:
appears bent sternum, ribs (cartilage) appears Depression: Clinical common Ca, P, VD deficiency,
asics kayano 15 review, disproportionate calcium fluoride poisoning.
sternal portion cysts: clinical common breeder, broiler movement caused by inadequate or bedding too hard.
sternal ridge was knife: poor muscle development sternum, the sternum was knife ridge, clinical common as chronic wasting disease, such as Malik, lymphatic leukemia, caused by E. coli peritonitis, salpingitis.
(10) chicken breast examination
① abdominal sternum and pubic bone is formed between the soft parts of the body cavity. Chest examination by palpation to check the main methods. Under normal circumstances the size of the poultry abdomen moderate, relatively plentiful, especially in laying hens, broilers hands warm and soft and flexible palpation in the abdomen on both sides touched upon only under the liver edge; abdomen touched only under a hard muscular stomach (gastric muscle layers, attention should not be confused with the egg). Of ducks, geese need to touch, can feel the muscular stomach in the palm rolling, pressing and resilient. It should be noted in the clinical observation of the process the size of the abdomen, flexibility, sense of volatility and so on.
② Abnormal abdominal pathologic condition:
smaller stomach volume: clinical common poultry feed intake decreased and caused shutdowns of laying hens.
larger abdominal volume: If the chicken abdominal volume increases, there is a sense of volatility palpation, clinical syndrome more common in ascites; if hens abdomen large, walk like a penguin, clinical common poultry Early infection of infectious bronchitis, chlamydia cause irreversible tubal disease, leading to a large number of egg yolk or water in the fallopian tubes or abdominal cavity within the aggregate; if the young bird abdomen large,
where do they sell supra shoes, hand-to-hard, clinical common from E. coli, caused by Salmonella or early temperature is too low due to poor absorption of yolk.
abdomen hardens: If palpation feels very thick, clinical common in the chicken crossed the fat, abdominal fat accumulation caused by excessive; if broiler abdominal palpation hard clinical E. coli infections more common; production layer thin knife blade was shaped sternum, abdomen hard and large, clinical common E. coli, Salmonella infection caused by the inner product of a large number of tube material due to cheese.
abdomen felt a small lump UNEVEN objects, abdominal temperature, palpation with pain, abdominal puncture with a yellow or gray liquid with a fishy taste muddy, and more tips yolk peritonitis. swelling of the liver to the pubic bone
frontier: clinical common in lymphatic leukemia.
(11) cloacal examination
① Under normal circumstances, clean the feathers around the cloaca. High layer oval anal, wet, loose. Check the check by hand to seize the chicken legs together the chicken hung upside down,
genuine louis vuitton 合同范本300例(以后有用的上, facing up to the anus open with his right thumb and index finger anus, anal mucosal observed color, integrity, stress, humidity and the availability of foreign matter.
② pathological state, the cloacal anomaly:
pseudomembrane formation: swelling, redness around the anus and formed a kind of toughness, yellow-white cheese-like pseudomembrane. After stripping the pseudomembrane, leaving the rough surface of bleeding, clinical inflammation in chronic cloaca (also known as anal cream) or duck plague.
lime-like secretions: anal swelling, how the amount of mucus-like covering around the white discharge, including a small amount of lime, the common hen former paragonimiasis, E. coli disease.
prolapse of the rectum: anal was prominent, and even anal eversion and redness, swelling, redness or purple, is a high-yield continuous efforts hen hen or childbirth due to rectal prolapse syndrome responsible.