14 Mar 2011 Initially seven TeV collisions of 2011 A screenshot of 'LHC Page One' — which displays the status of the accelerator — showing stable beams in the LHC. Data taking has begun for the 2011 run after stable beams at an energy of 3.5 TeV were announced shortly after 6pm on 13th March. Physicists from the LHC experiments will now begin acquiring and analysing data from proton collisions,
microsoft office Pro 2007 keygen, slowly building evidence for current models and seeking tantalizing clues of new physics. Data from over 3000 billion collisions was recorded in 2010 by the CMS and ATLAS experiments. More information Bulletin 28 February: LHC Report: Beams are back in the LHC Quantum Diaries: Why don't we just say collision rate? LHC Page one decoded in the Bulletin: Switch on to the LHC,
microsoft office Standard 2007 keygen! Press release: CERN announces LHC to run in 2012 Archived features »