body acupuncture points and hit every note
B1 , cough , sore throat,
Simple choice really., fatigue
B2 indigestion pain , reduce stress, head
B4 seasickness ,
Shox R6, increase Number of appetite
B5 ease anxiety
B6 relieve wrist pain,
uggs for cheap, insomnia
B8 knee pain , rheumatism, stomach
B9 relieve knee problems , eye edema
B11 Fatigue, hangover
F1 facial acupuncture points that relieve headaches, eye bright
F2 to resolve acne, acne
F3 reduce the stuffy nose, eyes, tears easily Symptoms
F4 ease cramps , dizziness
hand acupuncture points that
D1 sinus waist
D2 D6 D7 rectum
D3 shoulder the ear eyelid
D8 Liver,
ugg insoles, stomach
D5 D4 D9 D10 gallbladder neck
< including hand on the back )