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Most women have several handbags and purses
Coach Women Shoes, different styles, colors, as well as handbags with handles and those that are worn over the shoulder. Unless you are very fortunate and have a lot of money why is it not a good investment to put your money in a replica handbags, it is said that it takes a very sharp eye to tell a replica from an original so having 3 or 4 replicas instead of one original would be a great investment.
You can buy a designer handbag that will cost from $400.00 up to $3,000.00 which is a very sizable investment but you can also buy 3 to 4 replicas for that kind of money and the originals designers will still have buyers to satisfy there market of the originals
Popular Sunglasses, these people have ample money to invest in the handbag of there choice at what ever price.
The first key to buying a new-to-you purse is to do your research! You must learn the name of the style. Then get familiar with the style and brand. What kind of hardware does the manufacturer use? silver, nickel, brass, leather coated? Is the hardware stamped? If so, where? What colors was the model made in? What leathers were used? What kind of stamps or seals does the manufacturer use?A lot of this research can be done online and there are a ton of resources out there that will help you familiarize yourself with the purse model you're interested in getting. This is why blogs are so awesome! They serve as a catalog of the purses that each manufacturer has made. Some consignment shops have great research kits that will help you familiarize yourself with the brand and how to spot ########s.
We have a lot of clothing manufacturers that buy the competition garment and literally take it apart so as they can copy the product and put it on the market under there label, this is done all the time and it seems that you do not hear of any problem and of course clothing manufacturers do not like what goes on but visit any quality ladies shoppe and you will find this all the time. has excellent research tools to help learn more about various labels, especially for Louis Vuitton.2. CONSIGNMENT SHOPS:
You can buy at consignment shops. This again requires a lot of research and you should ask fellow purse lovers which consignment shops they recommend. My favorites are: Fashionphile, Yoogi'sCloset, Ann's Fabulous Finds, Let Trade, Castira and Bag, Borrow or Steal. These sites are very well regarded and stand behind their product.Just note one thing: Generally, consignment shops have higher prices. The upside is they do the research, they authenticate the product and you can buy worry free.
Even though you will find many people with different ideas on whether selling replica handbags is illegal, I have found as many say it is illegal as there is saying no as long as you tell people that are buying your product it is a replica.