I actually borrowed this from a friend who used this to recover from a tummy tuck. They put the incision in the exact location where our c-section scars were located. I think it’s a great support just like wearing a weight belt helps you prevent yourself from hurting when lifting weights. The only reason I added use with caution is not a fault of the product. The doctors tell you to take it easy after a c-section. Yeah right. Like the laundry folds itself. It’s great for giving you support for reaching down for the dishwash detergent and reaching up for all those cooking spices but since it gives you so much support, I personally found that I tended to “overdo it” since I relied on the support brace so much and secondly, when I didn’t have it on, I would forget and do some crazy move that I should never have done without it on (like when I was in the bathroom). I think it definitely helped with reducing the swelling. I wore it along with some “grandma” underwear to help recover from my Csection. I wore it for 3 weeks after my csection. And yes, it does create a better line under your clothes.
Postpartum support works pretty well, August 5,
Hermes Jewelry, 2005Gretchen Whaley (TN) –
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Rosetta software, Postpartum,
Montblanc pens, Small/Medium, Support.
Excellent but use with caution, August 6, 2005S. Van “skating11″ (Tampa, FL) –