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Old 09-14-2011, 02:16 PM   #1
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 4,209
adkj4o58 is on a distinguished road
Default The history and products of Ed Hardy

You are a street fashion people,cheap necklace wholesale, you are familiar with many clothing brand. Do you know Ed Hardy clothing brand? It is a world famous clothing brand that famous for the special tattoo art design. Now I will tell you something about the unique clothing brand.
History: The brand got its name from the famous American tattoo artist Ed Hardy. He was a very famous tattoo artist and has published many books on tattooing techniques. But his tattooing turned into a brand by the efforts of a company called Christian Audiger. This company was a very famous and very powerful company in the field of clothing. They felt that it would be appropriate to create a brand called Ed Hardy and use Hardy’s art as the main selling point for the brand. This venture had turned out to be a very successful one and Ed Hardy clothing is one of the most famous brands in the clothing industry.
Products: The brand became very famous because it was worn by many famous celebrities like Madonna, Britney spears and also Sylvester Stallone. The brand has clothes for men,cartier trinity bracelet, women,cartier ballerine rings, and kids. They have also diversified their business by having a lot of accessories to support their clothing business. for men they have a variety of products such as Ed Hardy t-shirts,silver initial necklace, active wear,Cartier Yellow Gold Plated Leve Circle Earrings, denim,Cartier Earrings in Stainless Steel with White Gold Plated, outwear,knock off cartier love bracelets, swim trucks,floating diamond necklace, sweaters,fashion jewelry necklaces, tops etc. the accessories include things such as belts,cartier white gold love bracelet, caps,cartier charity love bracelet, scarves,Y shape necklace 18 carat yellow gold, shoes,cartier diamond platinum bracelet, socks,pearl necklace and earrings, jeweler,cartier monette bracelets, sunglasses, ties and even wallets. For women the brand has apparels such as active war,cartier bracelets for women, bottoms,gold necklace, denim,Cartier Yellow Gold Plated Contorted Double-oval Bracelet, hoodies, intimates,buy gold cartier love bracelet, t shirts and tanks.
Reasons for the brand’s popularity: People started liking the brand because of the art work that the brand products had on them. People felt that they could express themselves very well by wearing the brand. They felt that they were able to standout from the crowd if they wore Ed Hardy’s collection of dresses. It did work and very soon it became very famous among the youngsters of USA. The thing to be considered is that the product attracted both male and female customers. It was a huge attraction because it enabled people to exhibit tattoos without having to tattoo their body.
Because of the unique and bold design styles,Bracelet 18-carat yellow gold, Ed Hardy clothing attracted many world-renowned person. In addition, add the celebrity’s appeal more and more people become familiar with Ed Hardy. Today, you can see Ed Hardy stores here and there especially in the Europe country.
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Old 09-14-2011, 02:37 PM   #2
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  10月26日上午,王旭在楚门镇中心小学推销学生课外读物时被人误以为是人贩子,被群殴致死,同行的4 人受伤。王旭的家人闻讯,悲痛欲绝。


  “我要我儿子!我只要我儿子!”玉环县人民医院住院部楼下大厅,刚从急诊室出来的王旭母亲悲痛欲绝。1 0月27日晚上,王旭父母以及其他五位受害者家属从黑龙江赶赴玉环。此时常年多病的王旭母亲仍然不知道儿子 去世的消息,家人怕她受不了打击,只告诉她“儿子出事了。”10月28日,mbt outlet,得知儿子去世的消息,王母当场晕厥,被送往医院急诊室抢救。

  “一个月前,我好好地看他出门的,现在怎么就没了?他才23岁啊!”提起儿子,父亲王金生几度哽咽。这 个有着两女一儿的家庭,因为失去唯一的儿子,平添了无尽的伤痛。


  站在一旁的王旭女友郭蕊泪流满面。她告诉记者,online mbt,当时她和王旭在校门外,看到同伴杨鸽和张小明被带到传达室询问,想上去解释,没有想到,被激动的群众当作 人贩子围攻。

  当时王旭拉着郭蕊的手,把她和她妈妈挡在身后,让她们不要靠上来。“要不是他挡在我和我妈 的前面,skechers shoes,我们早就……”此时的郭蕊泪流不止,“当时拉着他的手,感觉他的呼吸越来越微弱,后来,我自己也没了知觉 。”



  在玉环县人民医院的病房里,张小明正在挂点滴。回忆起10月26日上午的那一幕,他觉得委屈又害怕。旁 边的杨鸽神情黯然,这个年仅15岁的女孩,像惊弓之鸟一样站在角落里,听到“王旭”的名字时,眼泪悄无声息 地滑落。杨鸽说,因为学习成绩不好,初中还没毕业,她就跟着同乡出来打工了,这是她第一次出远 门。




  本报记者 姜宏伟 通讯员 张文忠 林赛君

  昨天,温岭的林小姐来电:温岭市第四人民医院来了一个病人,听说“感冒”一个多月了,怎么治都不见好。 后来一说自己的工作是名水手,才查出,他得的根本不是感冒。


  乐美兵是温岭松门人,一名国内运输船的水手。一个多月前,他因发热在天津各大医院以“流感、肺炎”诊治 ,花费了2千多元医药费,但却一直不见好。生病的这段时间,乐美兵经常发烧到38―38.5℃,足足瘦了4 公斤。

  前段时间,乐美兵回到老家松门,又到当地的医院看病治疗。医生询问病情后发现,他得的很有可能不是感冒 ,而是与他自己的生活工作有关系的疾病。

  原来,乐美兵因为工作的关系,发病前的三个月都在安徽,并且经常在水下作业,饮用水也很难保证清洁。乐 美兵出现发烧症状时,船正好在天津,因此便到当地医院诊治,mbt shoes

  在天津医院治疗时,医生没有问到乐美兵的工作生活史,因此他也没说。就这样,乐美兵的病情 一拖再拖,mbt walking shoes

  乐美兵到松门当地医院检查时,医生根据他的生活工作史判断,他得的不是感冒,很有可能是“血吸虫感染” 。于是,医院及时联系当地卫生疾控部门,通过进一步检查证实,“血吸虫抗体检测阳性”,乐美兵得了“血吸虫 感染”。


  因此,温岭市第四人民医院张文忠医师提醒市民,因为有些疾病和生活工作很有关系,看病就医时别忘了和医 生说说自己的生活工作史,以免误诊。
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