Tonight I remembered a beautiful lady… | 瑜伽的艺术与生活
Tonight I remembered Manjari, a beautiful lady, who is at the edge of leaving this physical realm. I was in her small apartment, standing in the tiny kitchen and I was amazed by how organized that small space was. I can feel her energy of wisdom and love in that space. I can feel her warmth and consideration. I felt so welcomed <a href=""><strong>custom NHL jerseys</strong></a> and so at home in that space. And there she came in, with her bright eyes shining. Just by receiving her smile I felt changed and the world became a better place to be. She laughed with all her heart and all her kindness and all her understanding. <a href=""><strong>custom NFL jerseys</strong></a> She listened with such intelligence and love. She was kind of pale but she was beautiful. She was innocent and wise at same time. Tonight I see her soul beyond her withering physical form. Her aura is peaceful. I visualized her saintly presence and she is so soft, so soft… Posted on August 31, 2011 at 10:17 pm in e n g l i s h | RSS feed | Respond | Trackback URL