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Oleic acid chloride flotation studies of hematite
Add other modifiers in the pH5-7 , the realization of the hematite and quartz mixed units ore separation. (3 ) oleic acid and the chlorination of hematite surface mechanism ,
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Beats By Dre Studio, feedrateandcolumnlengthtodiameter (L / D) ratio.Theinformationcollectedfromthese ' testshaeenusedtoannlysecolumnbehavior.. Keywords {F] otationcolumn, Microbubble.Residencetime, Rateconstant'Columnlengthtodiameterratio (L / D) ( on the pick 29 ) ASTUDYONFLOTATIONOFHEMATITEWITIICOACOLLECTORShiYun jiangZhouOuangjunYangNaigeng (ChangshoResearchJnf set 1, fe., MiningandMetallurg #) AbstractAneffectivecollector-COA (Ch] orinatedOleicAcid) haeendeveloped,. whichischaracterizedbyhard-waterproofingandlowtemPeratureresist a _anee.Itehaviourofflotatjonofhematiteisstudied.Ina ddition,
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