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The Burberry Prorsum collections have provided us with some edgy British chic in trench coats with a twist, spiked and over-sized plaids and studs, bold design elements and heels all with a nod to the British classics. This adorable clutch is no exception to the over-the-top styling. While we're in the midst of a sweltering summer and white is perfectly fine to carry, this bag ships AFTER Labor Day. If the proper, etiquette abiding, tea-loving English say it's okay to carry white in the Fall, then it really must be true!
This Burberry BiColor Nappa whimsical bag has an unusual, somewhat kidney shaped, over-sized tassles and sawtooth detailing simultaneous give a nod and a cheeky wink to schoolgirl style. This bag is not hard-edged or even a bit tough. It is bold and a little more on the fun side with the large tassles that look a bit like an oversized mustache. The black piping and sawtooth edging frame the bag nicely. A tiny silver-tone Burberry logo plate accents the bag in a subtle way. The removable, slim strap attached to the front and back of the bag for use as a shoulder bag.
It's such an adorable and uniquely shaped bag, it would be fun to carry. So, I say go ahead and push your comfort zone with white and enjoy the rule-breaking! Set aside time to indulge in scones and tea to commemorate your liberation from the rules! Pinkies out!
The calfskin bag measures 8.25″ x 11.87″ x 1.2″. You can pre-order this bag for a September delivery from LUISAVIAROMA for $1195