Panetta was connate in the Italian emigrant family, his political resume is wealthy in more than forty years-long political career, also served for a congressman,
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Panetta sworn in later the loosen of a statement:
in which he talked about the U.S. military is currently facing several challenges, including the warfare on terrorism, Afghanistan and Iraq war.
issue in China, in a recent U.S. Senate listening of their assignation, Panetta said the US-military narrations . He accented that US-China military relations to progress from now on,
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Panetta also talked about the prickly issue of defense ration cuts. He said that we need to save money when nourishing quality and avails of the U.S. military. Although the budget to make complicated choices, yet he did no meditation financial discipline and lusty citizen defense tin merely be a second co-optation between.
Panetta became defense minister in the CIA until final week the U.S. Senate unanimously ratified the appointment of his case, there is not discussion between the two parties to convert the new defense minister candidate.
73-year-old 莱昂帕内塔 July 1 officially sworn in as the 23rd U.S. secretary of ward, to take over the