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Old 08-22-2011, 02:55 AM   #1
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Thumbs up for those who are thinking about buying some mens ... - FC2ブ*グ

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Old 08-22-2011, 03:11 AM   #2
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598824 2010年11月23日 13:41 浏览(loading...) 评论(0) 分类:个人日记

中国99%的白领以及他们的家庭行将面临破产。而且是必然破产!无路可逃!这件事可能是发生在 未来2-10年。你可以尽量去猜忌这个数字。但它必然发生,绝非危言耸听。' 就如我预言中国国营企业职工必然失业一样,在当时来说没人信。但确实会发生。因为在中国这样一个发展中国家 ,其必然以一直的以通货膨胀和改革手段来换取经济的发展。而每一次改造所带来的阵痛都是由百姓来承当的。无 论是上山下乡时迷茫的知青们还是改革开放带来的大量国企纷纭倒闭时大量下岗职工。如果他们能有一定的前瞻性 的话,那么我想他们也许会为自己留一点后路。但是由于过分相信文件以及过火相信生涯不会渐变,所以才导致了 他们的人生悲剧。 -
  有人说政府不会坐视不理白领破产,实在政府当然不乐意。可有的事件……怎么说呢。想想当年的下岗职工吧 。引起了那么大的社会震撼。又能怎么呢?今天的白领来日破产的时候也那样罢了,ナイキ エアフォースワン。 -
  而改革开放20多年来,中国的经济发展快捷起飞。但旧的体制并没有完全更改。各种主要行业仍然实施的是 政府垄断机制在运行。如:银行,金融,冶金,能源,信息,运输,医疗,教育,土地。在改革开放初期我国不可 能对这些东西进行全方面的改革开放。但到了今天,垄断经营所带来的抵触日益凸起。 -
  首当其冲的就是房地产。由于我国的法制不健全,尤其是金融以及改革领域里涌现了各种失误导致房地产节节 攀升。随着房地产的增添以及外来人口向大城市集中。所以城市新民工也就是所谓的'白领'收入名义上也在提升 ,以北京为例3000-15000元国民币的月薪处处可见。但这一部门收入重要用于支付租房或还贷。 -
  为了深刻地了解为什么99%的白领家庭会破产,我们就必须先了解房价为什么会这么高?高在哪里?资金是 运转的?(这里的白领指买房或者预备买房族。)以及发展趋势带来的相干效应。本文会分三个阶段 向你论述。 -
  1:导致房价爆涨的第一个因素:银行竞争下的贷款开放。 -
  其实房价的爆涨的因素主要是因为百姓在替政府所犯下的错误买单。比如以前一个开发商通过某银行贷款了1 000万开发了一个房子。如果还不起那他就不幸了,因为所有的银行都是一个系统,你欠了钱没还就再也没有翻 身的机遇,ナイキ エアフォース。但是中国在银行改革的基本上开了一条口子,为了各银行之间的竞争所以把工行,农行,建设银行等等全部独破 经营。这本来是好事。但问题是这些银行都不是私有的,而是国家的。我们不难设想。当一个开发商从工行贷款1 000万的成果。他只须要用500万来开发房子,然后把售价提升,再把这个开发中的房子按他的售价标准抵押 从农行再贷款 2000万,然后再用这 2000万中的1000万开发一套售价更高的房子来找建设银行典质贷款4000万。就是这样一个滚雪球的疯 狂贷款模式。 -
  房子卖不卖得出去不重要,要害是房价要高,不得降价。反正银行的钱不是私人的,所以略微畅通一下行长加 之又有'正当的'高零售价的楼盘做抵押所以天然就越来越好从银行贷款。 -
  那么这样造成的成果就是,屋子价钱只攀不跌!因为不能跌!一跌银行贷出去的款就再也回不来了。这可是政 府的银行,政府的钱!所认为了堵住这个资金黑洞一些被拉拢的专家、媒介便开始猖狂制作舆论用各种舆论手腕威 胁利诱人买房子。 -
  比如土地资源严峻缓和,再不买房将来就只能住在郊区呀之类的。导致人们不得不去买房。其实住不了市核心 这种情形这基本不可能产生,城市居民是一个新老调换的进程,要上班的住城里,老人退休爱好住郊区。只要人口 不爆炸就不会呈现上班族住不了市中央的情况。固然这些舆论造成了很多人买房子,但是仅仅是这样,房价还没有 高到现在这样的离谱。紧接着政府又犯了第二个过错。 -
2:导致房价爆涨的第二个错误:中国特点的按揭。 -
  按揭原来是一种西方很风行的轨制,也很适合。但这个制度一旦应用到中国就有点问题了。由于从大的体系上 来说。所有银行都是国度的,而不是私家的。所以贷款这个关口就不可能把持得住。只有文件上说得从前,人们就 能贷到款。 -
  为了早日缓解第一个错误所带来的资金黑洞。政府开始实行个人按揭制度来售房。还时常举什么美国来太太和 中国老太太的例子来引诱人们去按揭。确实有人按揭了,而且是疯狂的按揭。只要和银行有点'门路'的人。他们 先按揭一套80万的房子,自己出10万首付然后再从银行贷出70万。之后再把这个房子抬高价格到180万发 售。这个时候他们的亲戚或者老爸老妈再去买下,也用按揭的方法自己出首付30万再从银行贷出150万。然后 就不论了。他们不还贷款怎么办?银行爱收不收。反正根据合同我还不上钱你可以收走房子,我们两 不相欠。 -
  所以转了一圈,抬高了几倍价格的房子又回到了政府回到了银行手里。这就说明了为什么很多新楼盘刚开始修 就被'炒房团'买走了。他们炒的不是赌房子会升值。而是拿了房子去整理银行。 -
  银行拿到这个房子怎么办?更不敢降价了。只好再加点价接着卖。所以一般老百姓现在根本别想买到真正公道 价格的房子!即使你直接从开发商手里买来的房子都说不定已经转了好几回手又回到银行以及开发商手里的了。说 句不好听的现在8000/平的房子里,有只有2500才是房价,有5500都是以为决议毛病带来的资金黑洞!也就是说你正在替身不辞 辛苦地擦屁股。 -
  3:第三个问题:白领家庭何时破产?? -
  那么我们研讨了房子价格为什么会涨,再来研究一下中国城市所谓的白领家庭破产的偶然性。 -
  首先国外白领收入确切是高,然而高得有价值。而中国所谓的白领则广泛素质较差。中国企业内讧重大。人人 相轻,人人固执。所以难怪外资企业一进入中国大陆市场就开始惊呼:'在中国办企业招不到人!'对此我也深有 领会。那有人会说:'既然现在的白领不值这个身价,那水木周平你说说为什么他们还能拿到这样的 薪水呢?' 其实,这因为房地产的火爆造成的一个量子效应。银行丧失的资金大批的经由少数人之手流向了市场。这些人开始 在中国的其余范畴疯狂投资。因为他们自己也知道房地产就快要崩盘了。他们这样一轮又一轮的投资高潮正在疾速 消化这些资金,他们投资互联网,投资高新技巧,投资娱乐,投资很多很多。但最少付出的工资要够员工付房子月 租或者月供吧。所以恰是因为房价的高涨所以培养了中国城市人口工资程度的绝对晋升。不信任你自己算算你所在 的城市白领阶级均匀收入一旦交完每月的租金,手上还能剩多少钱?我想这个问题就不用我再罗嗦了吧。大家心理 有数。所以我可以说一旦房地产崩盘紧接着瓦解的就是你的工资。 -
  有很多很多我意识的白领们都购了房。他们的算盘很简略:'两口子除开各种税收保险每月纯收 入还 12000。交3000房钱算什么?我还能再买一套呢!'是的不算什么。但因为房子贵所以什么货色都贵。吃 的贵,交通贵,膏火贵,医疗费用更贵!!!所以交了房钱你再除开生活用度就基础上一分钱存不下来,就算存点 也赶不上正常的通货膨胀率。问题是如果能始终坚持这个现状的话,实践上说应该没事。你这二十年赚来的钱正好 可以补充政府的两个错误带来的亏损。 -
  但问题也出在这里。随着WTO5年缓冲期的结束,大量外资通信,银行,医疗,保险等等公司都会陆续进入 中国。到时候没有人能禁止你把钱存入花旗,存入汇丰。请问一下到那个时候谁违心把钱存在呆帐坏帐如此之多的 中国国有银行呢?即使政府再怎么采用办法也可能挤兑,所以到时候会发生什么现在还很难说。但有一点可以确定 的是到时中国国有这些银行的压力将变得十分宏大。贷款就会难上加上,因为银行根本无钱可贷!同时大量具备高 素质人材的外资企业进入中国必定带来市场的强烈冲击和大量现有企业的倒闭以及白领失业。也就是说。一旦外资 企业参加竞争,中国现有的 99%的白领都将面临大环境下的就业压力! -
  而且外资银行一旦积聚了资金开始投资房地产,那么因为它们是畸形的操作流程所以造出来的房子就会廉价, 其必定拉动全国房地产大幅下跌。如我方才所说,房价一跌,紧随着跌的就是你所在的企业的工资收入!可你之前 买的房子还贷价格并不会下降或者减少,所以你将无力支付昂扬的贷款。那么你的的房子会被银行收走,你的存款 会被直接冻结。所以将来中国城市中的白领们最大的可能是和几十年前的中国国有企业职工一样。辛辛劳苦二十年 ,到头来竹篮打水一场空! -
如何防止破产? -
  看到这里您应当清楚,不要买房是一个避免破产的好措施。不过我还要提示你,为了托住楼市不跌,他们还有 个方法,那就是鼓吹老百姓不买房就不是个爷们儿!您别说,这还真有点效果。现在的人一张口第一句就是:'你 有房吗。'仿佛你没房就是个太监一样。我切实是气得连骂人的力量都没有了。还有人在百度水木周平这个帖吧里 发帖说:'不买房子你住哪里?'我就奇怪了,住和买有必然接洽吗?在中国一个土地都不属于你的房子卖给你和 租给你有什么差别?(笑)。更别提土匪一样的物业和把人不当人的强迫拆迁!这不纯洁是'天子的新装'吗?不 外既然WTO中已经阐明出版业和传媒业中国还是错误外开放的。那么舆论救市就会成为政府和开发商手中的最后 一张王牌。 -
  所以我们在面对许多甜言蜜语的时候仍是自己多动动头脑。当前我们听到的房产的鬼话会越来越多,越来越令 人发指!好比最近就有砖家在宣传房价不贵时都说: '什么即便年薪5万,两口子也是一年10万,5年就50万。所以房价当然不贵。'我奇异的是竟然有人拍板称 是?也许对这种或者此类已经进化到了不吃不喝不病不穿不动且爹娘早已逝世毫不用供养的砖家来说兴许还真是那 么回事。所以大家留神进步警戒。 -
  停止语: -
  已经买房或者筹备买房的白领一族一定跟着房价的崩溃而崩溃,那会是一个迟缓发生的过程。短则两年,长则 十年。但这是不可逆转的趋势。所以中国99%城市白领一族已经面临破产一说绝非危言耸听!今天你往银行交的 每一分房钱都是替政府替炒房者补洞,只有一小局部是真正的房钱。明天大环境一变,你没有那么多资金来补洞的 时候就会被市场和银行一脚踢回老家,换一批新人来接着补。不信?走着瞧呗!--PS:为什么我说99%这个数,是因为依据我的懂得99%的人一旦月薪过5000就开始买房,甚至3000 ,4000都买。小俩口什么都不明白这样买下去人生一定会很惨。我只是替他们感到哀伤。当然如果你是那1% 的智者,多劝救他们吧。独乐乐不如众乐乐。-
买房象征着什么?意味着你占有了一个属于自己的房子。是的,你是这样以为,但是在中国你并无法领有这个房子 ,只是租给你而已。因为房子是你的,地不是你的,只是把土地应用权70年(从现在退70年那是抗日战斗时代 ,谁见过那时候的房子?)。房子通常情况下30年左右就会赶上拆迁或者旧房改革。也就是说你花了买房的钱, 却只能得到租房的实际后果。当然这还不是最坏的。最坏的是,当几十年后你察觉上当了!有一群流氓冲进你用一 辈子积蓄买下的房子,画上一个大大的拆字!而后把你的家当全体当垃圾一样的仍出门外,不顾你的苦苦乞求,甚 至还在报纸上给你按一个钉子户的臭名,エアフォース,任民众辱骂的时候你就会知道什么叫做失望! -
  以前,有个地主有很多地,找了很多长工干活,地主给长工们盖了一批团结楼住着,一天,地主的谋士对地主 说:东家,长工们这几年手上有点钱了,他们住你的房子,每月交租子,不划算,反正他们永远住下去,你罗唆把 房子卖给他们起个花样叫做――公房出卖!告诉他们房子永远归他们了,可以把他们这多少年攒的钱收回来,地主 说:不错,那房钱怎么办?谋士说:照收不误,起个日本名儿,叫物业费!地主很快履行了,赚了好多钱,长工们 那个愉快啊!-
  过了几年,地主的村子发展成城镇了,有钱人越来越多,没地方住,谋士对地主说:东家,长工们这几年手上 又有钱了,咱们给他们盖新居子,起个名堂叫做旧城改造,他们把手上的钱给我们,我们拆了房子盖新的,叫他们 再买回去,可以多盖一些卖给别人,地主又实行了,这次,有些长工们不兴奋了,地主的家丁派上用处了,长工们 打掉牙只好往肚子里咽,地主又赚了好多钱。-
  又过了几年,地主的村庄发展成大城市了,有钱人更多了,地主的土地更值钱了,谋士对地主说:东家,咱们 把这些长工的房子拆了,在这个地方建别墅,拆出来的地盖好房子卖给那些有钱的大款还能赚一笔,地主说:长工 们不干怎么办?谋士说:咱给他们钱多点儿,起个名堂叫货泉化安顿,咱再到咱们的猪圈旁边建房子,起个名堂叫 经济实用房,给他们修个马车道让他们到那边买房住,地主说:他们钱不够怎么办?谋士说:从咱家的银号借钱给 他们,一年6分利,咱这钱还能生钱崽,又没危险,地主又实施了,长工们拿到钱,地主的经济适用房到现在才建 了一间,长工们只好排队等房子,直到现在,还等着呢……-
  于是,长工们开始闹事了,地主有点慌,忙问谋士怎么办?谋士说:连忙告诉长工们,房子要跌价了,别买了 ,租房住吧,正好把我们的猪圈租给他们,结果,这么多年后,长工们的钱全没了,还在租房住,直 到永远! -
  这个笑话虽然有点夸大,但实际上这何尝又不是事实呢?有人说既然如斯?为什么中国人还要买房?疯了一样 的买?为什么?还不是愚民教育的结果,就好象60 年代,鼓吹人们必须购置三大件:腕表、缝纫机、自行车才算是胜利人士才可嫁人娶妻。70年代鼓吹人们必须购 买新四大件:电视,冰箱,洗衣机,装电话才算是出人头地才可授室生子一样,记切当年装电话可是要几千块钱一 部啊(人均收入不到200的小城),nike air force 1,而北京上海更有上万一部的时候,还得排队买号搭人情,和今天的买房又何其类似?-
  而今天所有的狗屁学者又开始了这一套愚弄百姓的旧招:白领一族新尺度,成功人士新抉择X环X路小户型, X环X路商住型。收了你几十万后,还得每个月收你租金(新物业费),银行本钱,以及各种巧扬名目的加息、政 策等等等等。总之不怕你不被整死,就怕你死得不够惨!老百姓咋就怎么乐于上当,而且百上不厌呢?我真是气得 浑身都湿了!
第二大当:就业 -
当有人终于开端感慨:当年当知青的时候,当有人下岗之后觉得不活路,只能静坐抗议却无人理睬,只能沦落街头 还被人编首歌讥笑着人生豪放,重头再来的时候。你可曾想过!他们也曾经和今天的白领一样景色!他们的收入和 位置也曾经让四周的人艳羡不已?你可曾想过20年后的今天!你一样会和他们一样沦落街头,笼络 人心?!
  有人说嘿!你不晓得有失业保险,养老保险,XX保险么?呵呵,我在北京流浪N年,交了无数保险或许有好 几万吧,但失业的时候跑断腿也没人给我啥保险,反而很多保险都被解冻了说我交得断断续续的,我几乎又气得… …这还不算,你以为你到了60岁真的就可以拿到养老保险了吗?天上又不会掉钱!今天的老年人拿的退休金是我 们在挣!而今天30-40岁的人通常都有好几个兄弟姐妹!意思就是,今天的老年人能在 60岁拿到养老保险是因为有5个人供一个白叟!而我们这一代老去之后则是一个人供我们两个老人!钱从哪里来 ?没得来!您要是能活到90岁估量能领到一些养老保险,嘿珍重吧您。然而即使是这样,家长们还是疯了一样的 把孩子往各种企事业国有单位里送,我身边就常常有这样的例子。我老家一个远房亲戚,找关联拖友人,花了七万 块钱通过公然应聘把儿子送进了交警队,干上合同制的police。一个月拿800块。结果第三年被竞争上岗 给刷下来了。一家人哭哭啼啼,我说刷了好,你上那班一辈子挣不回那七万,赶快先洗洗睡,改明再凑点钱做小生 意去吧!没准还能赚点。-
  当年我毕业的时候,我不文化用语也是领着我抱着钱,把我往XX部送。我一看负责招工那人那德行,就忍不 住的恶心,再一看薪水,不文明用语呀,我这不是白干10年不吃不喝才拿回本钱。所以我暗里要挟了那家伙一把 ,吓得那个脑满肠肥的X科长再也不敢招收我。我才得已:离家出奔。-
  我就想不明确?中国人咋就这么傻?这么科学国字呢?醒醒吧,思维正常一点行不?做事之前自己算算合算分 歧算成不?-
  还有那些年事微微的小白领们,找工作最好把薪水要高点,别要医疗保险和啥保险,然后自己把钱存起来最保 险,将来用得着。 -
  第三大当:教导 -
一张文凭值多少钱?一张文凭值多少钱?一张文凭值多少钱?印刷成本两块钱顶了天了。一个老师工资多少?嘿, 两个学生的学费足够一学期了!一个班的书本印刷多少钱?两个学生的足够了!一个班房租多少钱一学期?嘿嘿两 个学生足够了。!嘿!中国教育你凭啥收那么多钱!?-
  嘿!庶民们!我们为啥要受骗?因为从小统治阶层就告诉咱们考上秀才才光荣。哦对不起我说错了,是考上大 学才光荣。但老百姓素来不去想一想为什么光荣?为什么光彩…… 大学秀才又怎样还不是废料!-
  你知道你的孩子是什么人在教么?在中国个别是无法适应社会的人才会沦为一个老师,举个例子。前段时光我 因为一个项目标关系,找了几个大学的硕士生做程序。结果有几个人笨得很,完整不给你考虑,非得你守着才华活 ,而且给个文件显明有一个错别字,也不给改,等你发明了还跟你较真,是这不是他的错,是你给的就是错的。一 点义务感,一都不会斟酌毕竟是为了做事而做事还是为了做好一件事而做事。我还是很平心静气的给他们讲情理: 你们必需学会为别人思考,思考别人想要什么结果再去做事情。否则无奈在社会上生存。结果那几个说:我们才不 要去社会上,我们测验成就好得很,学校要我们留校做老师。再说了本来我们就没什么错,你怎么部署我们怎么做 ,你不支配我们就不做。这是我们的尊严和准则。我说:假如你去守门,老板没支配你放工的时候锁好仓库你就不 锁了吗?您心寒吗?以后您的孩子就是在这样的人的领导下学习和成长。您释怀么?-
  难怪现在读大学的同居,逃课,打架,自残…… 但家长们还是乐意花钱把孩子送进学校去,而且是花一辈子的钱。 -
第四大当:买车 -
中国人疯了吗?买车?为什么要买车???当然您有了钱花不光了,您爱怎么买怎么买,买车买房,反正油价怎么 涨你也花不完钱,房子要拆迁你也不疼爱。但是大多数老百姓呢?-
  我以前有个共事住北二环,公司西直门那里。每天坐地铁上班最多半小时。可非得买一二手夏利,天天早上8 点开始在路上堵着,然后一点一点的挪到公司。嘿,一个月停车费都不少。可人家就感到开了车自己身份高等一点 。别说开个夏利,就是开个奥迪我也没见谁对谁三磕九拜。除了显得自己比别人傻一点外完全没有别 的作用。-
  还有一次,我遇见一个月收入才4000的小姑娘,在打算贷款买车。于是我就问她:小姑娘,你又没做生意 ,自己按时上班,地铁又便利,买车干什么呢?想了半天,真实 未审估计也想不出什么理由来了就说:有时候去超市买东西吧,打车又觉得近了点不划算,走路又远了点。所以自 己开车去了!听得我差点没恶心死。你开车去超市买个方便面不认为恶心么?设备了大哥大去拣垃圾 ,air force 1,也是拣垃圾的!别以为买了车能证实什么。-
  比方我当初本人做生意,很忙,一天大略要跑4-5个处所,见良多客户。但我就不买车,为什么?我打车随招即来,打完就走,不用担忧泊车没地方,不必担心挂 了碰了,不用担心被贼偷了绑了,无论挂风下雨都有司机。万一碰着个堵车还能够下车坐地铁。一年也就一万多块 RMB!要买一车!一年停车费都得一万多!这不是傻么?-
  说别买车别买车,可就有无数的人疯了一样的去贷款买?一定要嫌自己未来死得不够惨似的!买吧,买完了加 息了不是?油价涨疯了不是?停车又贵了不是?懊悔了不是?新车一上路就掉价了卖也卖不掉了不是 ??-
  最后说一句,每个人都不傻,都是从小被愚民教育给弄啥了。傻点没关系,但生命悠关的事儿您还是紧着点, 多计算打算经济好处之间的关系!别到头来,房产一跌,油价一涨,交了半辈子钱拿了毕业证还是啥啥不会干,交 了几十年横征暴敛还啥啥福利没有。您亏的可不仅仅是差价几十万。-
  有人还说什么?哎呀没办法,岂非不住了,不买车啦,公车好挤呀。我说全是愚民教育出来的虚荣心在做怪。 您看看我,租一个房子住才一千多块一个月,也就相称于有些人的物业费。如果要结婚我还租得起3-4千的,家具装修一应具全。而且还哪方便我住哪儿。不想搬就长期租。也和交物业费一个样。还白白省出还银行 贷款、利息、首付一大堆。有事就打车,没事就地铁,一年一万顶天了,还省了车库费,停车费,罚 款等一堆,ナイキ エアフォース1,油价涨到10块也乐呵,也不延误事。俺大学没念完就跑了,一边自学一边自己研究市场出谋划跑业务,不也同 样可以进外资企业,上市企业做经理么?还省出好几万学费来。 -
  当然有的人会说:你连个房子都不买,指定结不了婚。我心想:我是没有,您以为您有啊?有人说租房子不划 算,租完了还是别人的,嘿嘿,你以为买房子还了几十年贷款,还清了就是你的了啊……
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Old 08-22-2011, 08:54 AM   #3
General of the Army
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1895 the aggression against Taiwan, the Japanese warships
1930 年 10 months, the Japanese fire to the hill tribes Wushe
50 years of colonial rule in Taiwan, Japan,ナイキ エアマックス, what did?
the 60th anniversary of Sino-Japanese War, Taiwan's liberation from Japanese colonial rule but also return to the motherland 60 years. 50 years of colonial rule, the people of Taiwan have suffered more severely than the suffering of the mainland, the Taiwan people's anti-Japanese struggle in the Chinese people against foreign invasion in the history of a glorious page. Understand the truth of this history, those who advocate the superior argument of Japanese colonial rule will go too.
cruel **
process Joyner
1895, the Qing government to fail in the Sino-Japanese War, was forced to sign humiliating, cede territory and pay reparations way to force access to the coveted Taiwan.
news, the national public outcry. Ceded Taiwan in the Taiwan people to hear the news is mixed anger, led by Chin Qiu, several people in Taiwan Shen Qing power, against the cession of Taiwan; Taipei, people in the
brutal force into account
1895 年 5 25, Qiu, Lin Zhaodong gentry such as Taiwan announced the establishment of Feng Qing court orders are not prepared, independent anti-Japanese, but used Liu Yongfu democratic country led by Hei Qijun the southern most famous, combining self-organized volunteers to local people, who came to receive a strong blow to Taiwan's Japanese colonial forces.
Japanese ships near the port of arrival of fresh water, was a garrison strong resistance, the Japanese see the fresh water to Hong Kong easy to take, then replaced by Sandiaojiao Aodi near the landing, 2 June the Japanese occupation of Keelung Fort. On the same day, the Qing Hua Shan and information on behalf of Chi Li Jingfang signed an agreement cutting table. Tang Jingsong, Qiu and other leaders of democratic countries see the situation critical, have the crossing. Leadership Center and losses, the Taipei city will fall into chaos ... ... After the Japanese won the Taipei City on June 17 at Government House at the beginning of the governor Yashu political ritual, announced the beginning of the rule of the day by the Japanese to before the anniversary of the Taiwan government.

However, the Japanese army advancing to the south, led by Liu Yongfu Shique Hei Qijun met with strong resistance from all over the ford. In Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Miaoli, the Rebel battle with the Japanese are quite tragic, June and July, the Rebel counterattack once Hsinchu, Hukou wipe out the big Japanese cavalry, Wu Peng Liu Yongfu also sent annual Hei Qijun Beiyuan, in Hsinchu, Miaoli month stalemate with the Japanese. Early August, the Japanese large-scale troop, three columns to the Tainan forward. In mid-August, the Japanese capture of Miaoli, Changhua Baguashan late fierce fighting with the Japanese Army, lO Chiayi in early fall, volunteers to heavy casualties,多台电视共用一个机顶盒的方法, Wu Pang-hand man, General Liu Yongfu, Wu Tang Xing, Xu Ji, and so gradually the dead, in the Japanese Under attack superior forces, the Ministry of Passing Liu Yongfu, helpless. Anping Liu was forced to dive to the last, the ferry to Xiamen. November 18, Japan In the process of force over Taiwan, the Japanese went to great lengths, which lasted five or six months, after several more troops, to send troops up to seventy people, the casualties (including patient death), and attrition due to illness up to 1 .1 million people (the Japanese own admission figures, generally considered to be more conservative), was basically put down the resistance of the Taiwan military and civilian.
During this period, Japan occupied Taiwan, the city is on the countryside and mountain control is still relatively weak, and many volunteers to have to ground all over the endless action of armed resistance to Japan, the Japanese exhausted. Said ** Colonial rulers angry anti-Japanese armed, brutal scorched-earth policy implemented, the massacre of the people of Taiwan are difficult to count. 1898, Japan's fourth term then in the Japanese with the Pressure forced the situation, in order to save the vital forces, the northern leader Jane Rebel Lion has announced that Japanese went to capitulate, were killed. Fails to suppress angry Japanese, the mixed military and police siege for the fourth road into the mountains, Jane lion can not be based in Taiwan, sneak into Zhangzhou. Japanese informed, stress Qing siege. Jane lion was captured by Qing Kaohsiung-Pingtung area in the forest fighting the cat is not pacify a small policy move, the Japanese business people invited his good offices, a small cat made forest conditions, forest planning posterior wall (now Kaohsiung Lin Yuan, Kaohsiung area) one for the volunteers to autonomous regions, officials prohibited from person to carry weapons when going out, family party in prison are released back to the impunity and so on, one by one everyone agreed on, and in the a great shame. Lin Shao Lin posterior wall of the cat for three years, reclamation operations, implicitly a state within a state, the Japanese even as thorn in the side. Government House in 1902 ordered the mobilization of army decisively, Meng and ships in the cover of heavy artillery, the battle sixty-seven hours, and finally break the fortress, a small forest cat died. Death of a small forest cat for the Japanese people in Taiwan, according to Taiwan early draw down the armed anti-Japanese movement to an end. ** with gas bombs
1906 years later, the situation in Taiwan is gradually subsiding, many guerrilla been smashed. Japan's implementation of the police in Taiwan politics, the people of Taiwan increasingly tight control, but the Japanese invasion of the people of Taiwan-funded enterprises in the economy have been pressing for the exploitation of resistance against Japanese colonial rulers and high pressure, the people of Taiwan with the gang more than the secret of religion anti-Japanese movement, including the leadership of Peipu Cai Qinglin 1907 uprising, 1912 LIU Revolutionary Party and the peasants led by the armed opposition to occupation of Government House to support the Japanese zaibatsu Qi Po bamboo forest ownership Uprising (also known as bamboo events), by the Revolution of Law lucky star, who plans to Miaoli rebellion (but uncovered by the police in advance) and a series of anti-Japanese incidents, and the 1915 Yuqing Fang, Jiang set, Luo Jun, who led the West to Temple events (their religion with a secret anti-Japanese activities, but Contact uprising before being found, hasty uprising, the end for the Japanese by **). Hsi Lai Temple event
subsided, the Taiwan people's anti-Japanese anti-colonial movements to fight for civil rights, the autonomy of the national movement war, when the Japanese ruled Taiwan for a long time, Taiwanese people completely off anti-Japanese movement of armed resistance color. At a time when the First World War, many of the world have experienced a national awakening small nations. As a result, Taiwan's emerging intellectuals in support of national sentiment to fight for Taiwan's democracy, autonomy, and thus
for self-determination, autonomy as the goal, and Japan continue to fight. These movements of the colonial authorities has caused considerable pressure on the Government House to suppress the action of these intellectuals, and even the grounds of breach of public order law and launched a large island of Su-examination. However, the hostility on the colonial authorities did not achieve the desired effect, but provoked more attention to the people of Taiwan. War broke out, Taiwan was involved in the war system, the Japanese take a comprehensive ** policy, participation in social movements or political movements, not arrested imprisoned, is to be closely monitored, political movements, social movements gradually depressed.
anti-Japanese struggle in the people of Taiwan, it is worth mentioning that the anti-Japanese activities of Taiwanese aborigines, the most famous of which is 1930's Wushe in Nantou County in central Taiwan, near the famous Sun Moon Lake, as long misty here named, the place inhabited by the Atayal community Oceanside Solskjaer 12 people (the equivalent of tribes). Japanese mountain police oppression of indigenous people Jinian put the years of exploitation, forced labor, ** women, aboriginal people aroused strong indignation. October 27, 1930, Mary Black community leaders step led Mona Rudao aborigines more than 300 people attacked a nearby police unit in the 13 minutes. Wushe attack while the police into the compartment, schools, post offices, the Japanese official residences and so on, stabbed a policeman and around Wushe Fall Games held in Japanese. After the outbreak of the uprising, the Government House dispatched more than 5,000 people in 31, arrived at Wushe, and use mountain artillery bombardment of the rebel army. The rebels to retreat into the valley, build fortifications, vow to fight. Japanese no less than Jiugong, November 18 flew openly cast internationally banned poison gas bombs, most of the insurgents died of poisonous gas into. Uprising failed. After this event, the fog from the aboriginal communities of 1,400 population, down 500. Including indigenous people of Taiwan, including the indomitable anti-Japanese struggle, the Chinese people against foreign invasion in the history of a glorious chapter; same time, Taiwan's armed anti-Japanese history from one side of today who still advocate the Japanese colonial rule is superior a strong argument to the person who fight back. Wang meters economic plunder
Taiwan is China's largest island, is rich in resources, but also briefly maritime transport hub, has long attracted desired by the Japanese imperialists Kai, Sino Japan through 1895, forced the Qing government to sign the treaty betrayal grab Taiwan. After the Japanese occupation of Taiwan, the people of Taiwan had a very cruel economic exploitation, in order to strengthen Japan's economic strength, further aggressive expansion of its services.
Japanese colonial rule in Taiwan has just established, we use Taiwan not to ownership of land certificates, deeds, as according to situation, the broad masses of Taiwan compatriots, land for the survival of the continuing plunder and seizure. In 1898, the Japanese colonial government in Taiwan is set to the public for the Secretary in the village of Japanese colonialists started soon ordered forests, land survey, the implementation of the so-called Where no proof of the main land and not complete all the formalities officials have reverted to,air max, and heavily taxed private land. Thus, some of the poor crop land as living beyond their means, the owner will not dare to apply for ownership of land The Government of Japan through a series of ****, and Japanese zaibatsu land grab just a few years in Taiwan reached 2,643,000 A (approximately 0.97 hectares IA), the entire island for 68.5% of the total land area . Finally, 97% of Taiwan's forest into the private property of the Japanese colonialists.
the Japanese occupation of Taiwan, in order to mass looting of rice in Taiwan to achieve its and production conditions, such as the introduction of improved varieties, increased fertilizer, expansion of irrigation, or even rely on local government officials, police and baojia system, forced by Taiwan's rice farmers, planting windbreaks. To 1905, Taiwan's rice production increased to 622,000 tons. But the Japanese colonial rulers adopted various means to improve the fundamental purpose of rice production, but in order to meet the needs of the Japanese mainland, which chose Taiwan as Japan's agricultural production base, free labor for the Japanese industrialization. In addition, Taiwan production of pineapples, bananas, camphor, sugar and other agricultural and forestry products are also a large number of Japanese colonial rulers to Luewang Japan, or sold to Europe and the United States. Taiwan's exports to Japan every year a large number of agricultural products, while imports from Japan are very few things, thus forming the name gives a false impression of the huge trade surplus. Sunrise over Taiwan in 1935 96 million yen in 1939, jumped up 1.84 billion yen, almost double 1935.
exercise monopoly, to extract wealth
exercise monopoly to extract wealth, is the Japanese colonial rulers, the people of Taiwan, another means of economic plunder. Japanese colonialists not only for salt, tobacco, alcohol, matches and other necessities to implement monopoly, and also banned smoking in Japan, Taiwan will enjoy a monopoly in opium and poison the people of Taiwan. Japanese colonial authorities in March 1897 by the first set up Taiwan's pharmaceutical, exercise monopoly on opium. Robinson followed in May 1899 and August have been set up by Taiwan Salt Bureau and the Taiwan Camphor, exercise monopoly of salt and camphor. End in June 1901 in the Taiwan Governor Monopoly Bureau was formally established within a unified whole in charge of all the goods in Taiwan monopoly issues. Taiwan Monopoly Bureau, is a huge system of organizations, under the eight branches and 11 offices,姚晨都离婚了,我们还能相信爱情吗?, six proprietary products manufacturing plants, three pilot plant and a weights and measures are, there are various types of management and production personnel 27000 people. Government Monopoly in Taiwan and later set up one after another on alcohol and tobacco, matches, kerosene and other daily management of industrial implementation of the monopoly, and gradually According to statistics, from l897 to 1944 to 47 years, the Taiwan Government income earned through the monopoly system of total revenue in the fiscal year the proportion of people who, up to 43.42% per annum. Japanese colonial rulers through the introduction of the system monopoly to squeeze from the people of Taiwan a huge amount of wealth.
control the economic lifeline
compared with the direct economic exploitation, the use of modern Japanese colonial economic exploitation monopoly more covert. During the Japanese occupation, the Taiwan Governor-exclusive monopoly of the Japanese bureaucracy group capital and major Japanese zaibatsu controlled monopoly capital control of Taiwan's industrial production. Taiwan Governor's Office Main Control railway, mining, ports, electricity, salt, camphor, alcohol and tobacco and other industrial enterprises. Mainly by the Mitsui zaibatsu, Sumitomo, Nomura, Mitsubishi, Furukawa, Okura, Yasuda, Okawa Foundation and other operating alone or in partnership sugar, chemical, building materials, rice processing and other industrial enterprises. By 1945, the Japanese colonial monopoly capital control of total bank deposits in Taiwan 60%, 96% of the power industry, sugar industry, 94%,エアマックス95, complete control of Taiwan's economic lifeline, these companies profit from Taiwan every year the number of was beyond statistics.
Financial income people, does not return to Taiwan. This is why Taiwan's trade income, merely a reflection of the Japanese to conquer Taiwan, a data only, nothing to do with Taiwan's economic development. In addition, the commodity trade between Taiwan and Japan, the two sides exchanged material, in full accordance with Japan's domestic economic development resource needs to decide. For a long time, from Taiwan to Japan continuously supplies, mainly rice, salt, sugar, camphor, ore, timber and coal resource of primary products. And shipped to Taiwan from Japan are mainly cotton textiles, fertilizers, dried (salted) fish, sake, soy sauce, matches, medicines, metal and ceramics and other household industrial products. By the two sides exchanged in trade in goods can be seen that all the materials from Taiwan to Japan are all necessary for Japan's domestic economic development, but scarce resources. This trade in full compliance with the rule of imperialism and colonial trade, the colonial is nothing more than sources of raw materials and dumping the market.
For example, in Taiwan the population survey, water conservancy construction, improve crops, promoting the use of fertilizers, transport and construction. But these so-called In fact, due to the indiscriminate expansion of Japanese monopoly capital, the national capital of Taiwanese no way out, almost all of Taiwan compatriots, becoming Japan's cheap labor, which in terms of modernization of Taiwan is entirely suppressed. In addition, these modern enterprises not only produce wealth, indeed, instead of the police surveillance. Large concentration of new industrial plant workers, also focused on the power of implementation. All the industrial sector in 1944 employed 238,856 people and 19,536 Japanese, Taiwanese, Japanese, mostly managers, and almost all of Taiwan compatriots for the industrial workers, the Japanese accounted for about 8% of the people of Taiwan. After the war, according to 1946 statistics, Taiwan's officials and police total of 500,604 people, Taiwan's total population of 5,768,711, Japanese accounted for the proportion of people in Taiwan is 8%. Violence authorities the proportion of the rulers and the ruled and the economic production managers and industrial workers in the same proportion of amazing, reflecting the structure of the same colonial power, and real plunder.
from Liu Ming-chuan In addition, its real purpose is to belittle the Modernization of China to achieve In fact, the modernization of Taiwan's first start in the Qing Dynasty ruled Taiwan during the Taiwan governor Liu Ming-chuan. His term of office (1885 ~ l891) of vigorously to strengthen coastal and establish self-reliance of the province's Telegraph Office in Taipei set up,エアマックス24-7, set up more than 1,400 land and water in the wire, and in Penghu, Changhua and other places additional reporting bureau; creation of a new postal system, established the General Post Office in Taipei, the island is divided into the next station, waist station, next to the station 43 Department; stamps, postal routes as far as Xiamen, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Hong Kong, is the first of running the postal service, postal than the Qing government official Board also set up as early as eight years; the construction of Taipei to Keelung, Hsinchu and Keelung to Hsinchu Railway, which is the first self-financing, self-organized, self-controlled self-built railway; encourage private businessman to finance the construction market in Taipei, go cart, security lights, lead water, build the iron bridge, so that China became more prosperous Taipei city. Liu Ming-chuan of Taiwan has also chaired the first time in history large-scale measurement of land activities, the establishment of the West Hall, hire foreign teachers to teach, as Taiwan has a modern sense of trained personnel. At that time, Taiwan's Modernization and the Modernization of China's coastal provinces started the same time,エアマックス2010, is a microcosm of change in modern China.

Liu Ming-chuan and his China and France
1884 war, was ordered to supervise the rank of governor of Taiwan military affairs. In extremely difficult circumstances, he led the fierce resistance of the Taiwan military and civilian first Tuidi in Cang Long, and bloody Huwei (freshwater). Besieged by the French in Taiwan with the mainland isolated cases, Liu Ming-chuan oath rise or fall with the island. He took the lead in combat, soldiers and civilians moved and inspired, bloody against the enemy. Eight months of bitter struggle, finally defeated the French invaders, to keep Taiwan. In 1885, Taiwan Province, as the first governor. Six years in office good governance, strengthening the military, planning preparedness, reorganize the army. In particular, to establish independence of the province to implement the In Liu Ming-chuan Management, Taiwan face became pale, and started the modernization of the island the sea and the Modernization of Chinese rule, in fact, opened the first modern construction of Taiwan people.
As early as 1896 the colonial authorities were set to teaching institutions in the first Japanese the cost of country spirit. Japanese language education is very tough, are not allowed to speak in schools Chinese (Taiwanese), a Chinese-speaking that lend a variety of penalties.
establish slavery education system. In 1919 the colonial authorities introduced the so-called In order to prevent the Chinese higher education, secondary education from the beginning to limit Chinese students learn professional; higher education is basically a Japanese exclusive, and the Medical Institute and Tainan, in addition to higher business schools, all other colleges and universities in Japan conducting examinations. Teaching content is transmitted mainly colonial culture, the Chinese history, thought and culture are being squeezed in the list to remove from the roots of Chinese culture. In the primary education stage, Chinese children are studying
differential treatment is the fundamental period of Japanese rule, although in law the people of Taiwan be considered . Japan in 1900 introduced free primary education, the people of Taiwan can not enjoy. The colonial authorities that Therefore, they advocate will only conduct a very limited education, the implementation is actually the Taipei Imperial University was established in 1925, but the little children of university asylum in Taiwan. Usually only on children in Taiwan specializing in such as specialized medical schools,エアマックス, vocational schools, which are designed to accept the practical skills training to meet the needs of Japanese rule. Few people have access to liberal arts education of the elite. Demonstration of Japanese colonial education in Taiwan, the purpose is not to promote Taiwanese culture and knowledge.
erased from all aspects of the 17 Kobayashi Governor Ji made arrival in September 1936 soon after began a large-scale implementation of the September 30, 1937, the Japanese colonial authorities was held in Taipei Public Hall The main content is to carry out the spirit of pro-Japanese propaganda and ideological mobilization, tried to eliminate the concept of the Taiwan people's homeland, instilling Before and after the Pacific War broke out in 1941, The April 9, 1941, the colonial authorities established the Hasegawa by the Governor when he was concurrently president of the Qing, from Government House to the streets and villages have established branches, and by the local Chief Executive. In addition, the establishment of the numerous external organizations, as implementation of the
then more actively in Taiwan, Japan, universal education and the promotion of Japanese. School-age children in Taiwan in 1930, enrollment in less than 30%, to 1938, increased to 50% more in 1943 to 92%. In 1930 the people of Taiwan understand the Japanese less than 10%, 40% jump in 1937, also increased to 70% in 1944. Colonial authorities prohibited the people of Taiwan folk belief in the various traditional religions, gods, the burning of the various home Taiwanese folk deity worship, dedicated to Amaterasu, the Japanese and forced in the October 27 and all industries must worship; primary and secondary schools provides for 1 month, 8 days, 15 visits to the Yasukuni shrine every time. Starting from the early 40s, the Japanese colonial authorities prohibited the use of Chinese name of Chinese people. Japanese colonial authorities declared that Chinese ancestors left behind the name change as a insult, we can see,
In view of the Japanese authorities, according to Taiwan for 40 years while most of Taiwan and China still embrace a strong national consciousness, the colonial authorities on the one hand vigorously promote
imperial history, propaganda so-called social and national relations, there has always remained essentially the colonial structures of discrimination. Colonial Taiwan by the Japanese authorities on the one hand among the intellectuals and the public for their own national feelings of inferiority and hopelessness civilized nation, on the other hand in the As
On the one hand has created a hostile country's pro-Japanese
1945 the emperor of Japan announced its unconditional surrender. In accordance with the Japan was in the instigation of the Taiwan Governor Liji Ando in a number of Japanese militarists and the 1946, Automatically assembled to attack the government agencies and the mainlanders, they sing the Japanese military songs and danced samurai sword, cursed continent human to Daogun kill. Incident died down, the The first generation of For example the first generation of *** Separatist words and deeds have a deep ***'s Father worked as the Japanese police, the family received Japan's In Kyoto Imperial University,80个小炒,令你炒菜不再烦恼!, he also actively respond to the call of the Japanese authorities, The influence of Japanese culture, shaping the personality and emotion ***, July 1994, *** in the meeting with Japan's
the recovery of Taiwan from 1945 to the 60s of last century in Japan gathered a lot of people This period of United States, (
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