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08-19-2011, 04:27 AM
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,448
有的时候制定决策会发现实施起来慢慢会与计划产生偏差,甚至最后的结果完全背离计划,管理学上叫做离心 力现象。结合经历谈。(2010年3月3日上午海关面试真题)
离心力现象反映了计划与执行之间的辩证关系。在日常生活中也是常见的,对于这个问题我们要具体问题具体 分析,采取不同的解决措施以不断的促进决策与执行的相统一。
产生离心力现象可能有如下原因。首先,要考虑决策是否正确,如果是由于决策制定失误而导致无法实施,则 要分析造成决策失误的原因,在以后的决策过程中汲取经验,加强组织、调研,全面细致分析总结,从而制定正确 的决策。其次,如果决策相对合理,在实施的过程中,出现了突发的情况或者其他状况,则要分析实施过程中的问 题,不断的调整,提高执行力,以期更好地执行决策。
对于我自身而言,这个问题也曾经出现过。在我的毕业论文调研过程中,我在调研之前写了调研计划,相当于 题目中的决策,但是在后来的实际调研中,我发现我的调研活动与我的计划有很大出入。经过仔细分析,发现问题 在于在写计划时,没有结合调查点的时间情况制定相应的计划,而是想当然按照自己的想法去订计划,这直接导致 严重脱离实际,理论与实践相背离。通过调研过程的不断修正,最终保证了论文的顺利完成。
这个事情给了我很大的启发,今后走上公务员工作岗位,会不断地以此鞭策自己,加强自身修养,严谨制定决 策,同时,对已经确定的决策,要积极贯彻执行,并在实际工作中不断寻找更优的解决方式。
1、 我国如何在保证经济发展的同时发展低碳经济。
发展低碳经济作为协调社会经济发展、保障能源安全与应对气候变化的基本途径,正逐渐被越来越多的国家认 同,成为全球性的共识与探索。在相当长的时间里,我国的经济发展主要依靠大量消耗能源资源来推动。这一过程 的代价是巨大的, shape up shoes,教训是深刻的,有必要探索一条实现经济发展与资源环境保护双赢的发展模式。作为经济社会发展模式的新探索 ,发展低碳经济是一项涉及经济、政治、文化、社会各个方面的系统工程,需要统一认识、健全法规,完善规划、 夯实基础,落实各项保障措施,全面推进我国应对气候变化事业发展与改革各项工作。
我国要发展低碳经济,可以采取如下措施, shape up skechers。1、继续制定全国及地区节能降耗约束性指标,大力推广节能省地绿色型建筑,加快城市快速公交和轨道交通建 设,大力宣传低碳消费理念和低碳行为好的做法,引导城乡居民转变消费观念。2、转变经济发展方式,推进产业 结构的战略性调整,大力发展高新技术产业和现代服务业,大力发展服务贸易,着力构建低碳发展产业。进一步强 化抑制高耗能和高排放产品的出口政策,努力开发和生产高附加值、低能耗产品,实现整个产业结构的低碳化。3 、大力发展清洁能源,着力提升太阳能等可再生能源的比重,引导和鼓励农村居民发展使用沼气,利用生产生活物 质原料,促进新能源的加快发展。4、加大科技投入,促进低碳技术创新。把可再生能源、先进核能、碳捕集和封 存等先进低碳技术作为提升国家技术竞争力的核心内容,列入国家和地区科技发展规划。
我国发展低碳经济是走可持续性发展的并由之路,在全民低碳理念的支持之下,结合我国政府经济推进低碳经 济的有效措施,能够更好更快的推进我国的经济发展。
【是什么】(1)随着我国城市化进程的推进,越来越多的农民工来到城市打工挣钱,由此产生了跟随来到城 市的农民工子女的教育问题。由于我国现实国情,很多农民工子弟学校存在着教学资源少,教学不规范,学生安全 存在隐患等问题。如本题中,跑道建在楼顶,学生在娱乐过程中存在着很大的安全隐患。
【为什么】(2)造成这个现象的主要原因是教育资源分配不均问题。社会上的弱势群体不能够享有同等的教 育机会,一些地方政府对农民工子弟的教育投入也严重不足。农民工子弟在受教育过程中一直处于无法享受公平对 待,各地民工子弟学校几乎都面过办学资金不足、办学条件简陋、师资力量薄弱、办学地点“动荡漂泊”。尽管这 些年政府高度关注,出台了不少相关政策保障农民工子女就学,也取得不错成绩。但现阶段的基本国情和人口发展 趋势决定了农民工子女教育是我国教育事业发展面临的一项长期任务。
【怎么办】(3)教育公平是社会公平之根本。特别是对于农民工子弟这一特殊的弱势群体,我们应给予更多 的关心和爱护。首先,各地政府必须首先在思想上认识到农民工子弟能公平享受教育资源对社会稳定的重要性。农 民工子女与城市孩子同样是祖国的未来,同样有接受义务教育的权利;其次,各级政府要加大对弱势群体教育的投 入,将较多承担农民工子女就学学校的建设列入城市基础设施建设规划。各地财政部门要安排必要经费,对接收农 民工子女就学较多的学校给予补助,如通过设立助学金、减免费用、免费提供教科书等方式,帮助家庭经济困难的 农民工子女就学;最后,加快发展农村经济,消除城乡差距,同时加快户籍制度改革,通过建立完善的保障农民工 子女接受义务教育的制度和机制,才能从根本上解决此类问题。
真题:你是超市工作人员,你所在超市有个政策,一些人可以免费得到一些超市的东西,有人举报超市存在假 冒产品,而且该领物品的人没领到,这时你的领导也在场,你怎么办?
第一, 我会向领导做好解释工作,请领导不必担心,我会处理好。
第二, 我会向举报人员表示感谢,谢谢他对我们超市的关注和负责,并做好耐心的解释说明工作,即我们产品的进货途径 是安全的,所有产品也都是经过质监部门检验的。
第三, 同时,不过本着对产品对群众负责的态度,我们会迅速核实他所举报的产品,请质监部门的工作人员来做检测。及 时将检测工作的结果予以公告:如果没有任何假冒产品,我们会向他们及时作出澄清,如果确实存在假冒产品,我 们会及时将其下架,并且会加强自身进货渠道的把关,同时配合相关部门做好假冒产品的源头调查工 作。
第四, 对于该领物品的人没领到的问题,我会向群众做好解释工作,由于最近领礼品的群众众多,而我们超市工作人员有 限,导致礼品不能及时发放,还请群众们多多谅解。同时我们也会合理调配人手,协调好时间和程序,做好礼品的 统筹发放工作。希望群众们不要着急,没有领到的我们都会补发给他们。
第五, 这件事情处理完毕之后,我会向我的领导做好汇报工作,同时也会把自己工作中的失误向领导承认错误,需要承担 的责任和弥补的损失我也会尽自己所能把它完善好。希望能够得到领导的指示和帮助,把以后的工作 做得更好。
1、校车安全演习,车上的小孩子以为真的出了安全事故,不停的哭喊,还用逃生锤弄碎了玻璃,围观的群众 也以为发生了安全事故,纷纷议论,你是这次演习的负责人,该如何处理?
【参考答案〕:作为一个负责人,对学生进行安全演习发生惊慌失措砸玻璃的情况,我是有不可推卸的责任的 。但是现在更重要的是眼前的问题,如何安抚学生的情绪、如何保证学生的安全、如何控制这样的场面才是最为重 要的。所以,我会第一时间启动本次演习的应急预案。
首先,依照应急预案,确保演习现场的秩序,并组织人员隔离演习现场。同时,组织老师制止学生砸玻璃的行 为,并安抚学生的情绪,告诉他们这只是一次演习,让他们不要惊慌。如果有学生受伤的话,则由专人负责联系在 场的医护人员。如果没有学生受伤,则在尽快的时间内,稳定所有学生的情绪,并清点学生的人数,防止在混乱之 中,有学生丢失。
其次,在确定没有学生受伤和没有学生丢失的情况下,我会和家长做好解释工作,请求他们谅解,并请他们放 心,告诉他们所有的学生现在都安然无恙;若有学生受伤,也会和受伤学生的家长做好沟通工作,再次地表示歉意 ,并把孩子已经送往医院前去治疗的消息告诉他们,让家长安心;对于公交公司的损失,我们也会承诺赔偿,事后 会请专人和公交公司沟通,并请司机朋友谅解;对于围观群众,做好疏导和解释工作。
事后,作为学校负责人,学生的演习发生这种事情,我会主动向上级主管部门汇报相关的情况,请求上级的处 分。同时我会总结问题的原因,是平时对学生的安全意识培养不够还是平时开展相关的安全活动太少?总之,针对 问题的原因加以改进,以后更好地开展工作。
【参考答案】:有人说,“拥有一副好牌,不如有好的打法”,这句话是在告诉我们“好牌”和“好的打法” 之间的关系,认为好的打法更重要,其实二者不是谁比谁更重要的关系,而是当我们遇到不同状况时候,我们应该 怎么办的问题。对于这句话我是这样理解的:
我们在打牌的时候,都希望能拥有一副好牌,再加上有好的打法,那么势必会在这场博弈中赢得胜利;当我们 拥有一副好牌,而没有好好去经营,没有好的打法的时候又会怎么样呢?而且,运气不会永远站在我们这边,多数 时候我们不会拿到好牌,相反也许会很糟糕,那么这个时候我们应该怎么办呢?是缴械投降,还是用好的打法转败 为胜?
打牌如此,我们的人生又何尝不是如此呢?当我们拥有良好的家庭背景的时候,当我们拥有过人的天资的时候 ,当我们拥有难得的机遇的时候,我们不自以为是、不洋洋得意、不目空一切,我们善于利用、积极进取、顽强拼 搏,我相信成功一定不会离我们太遥远, skechers shape up shoes。
相反,有些人或是因为家世的显赫,或是因为天资的聪颖,或是因为机遇的再三惠顾,便自以为了不起,从而 不思进取起来,洋洋自得起来,最后反而“沦为众人尔”。而还有些人,虽然没有很好的先天的条件,却始终坚持 自己的理想,不抛弃、不放弃,一步一个脚印,稳扎稳打,最终也找到了属于自己的一片天地,实现了自己的人身 价值和社会价值。一代京剧大师梅兰芳,我相信大家都不会陌生,梅老师的眼睛本来没有那么的流转有神,但为了 使自己的眼波如水,为了能在舞台上呈现给观众更好的表演,他每天仰望天空飞燕、低俯水中金鱼,坚持不懈,最 终得到了观众的认可,成为了一代大师。这样的例子数不胜数。
我们羡慕那些取得成功的人,总是看到别人拥有的鲜花、掌声和光环,看到别人背后的先天条件,但是我们更 应该看到的难道不应该是他们后天的努力和拼搏吗?我想这才是成功的关键所在。
所以,当我们走在人生的道路上,无论是抓了一副好牌还是坏牌,我们都要认真对待,找到正确的打法,这样 才是正确的态度,才有成功的可能。如果我们拥有了一副好牌,我们要善打、会打,否则再好的牌也不会是成功的 保证;而当我们不幸抓取了一副不好的牌,我们也不要怨天尤人、顾影自怜,通过自己的努力和拼搏,一定也能取 得成功。
真题:要对一个农作物的新品种进行推广,但是却没有多少农民来进行咨询和寻求帮助,你怎么 做?
任何时候,人们对新事物的产生都有一个由不接受到接受的过程。新事物在推广阶段遇到困难是很正常的。关 键是要不断的深入调查,有针对性的进行宣传推广,使之逐渐被接受。
对于农作物新品种的推广也是这样。我会通过集中调查和入户访谈的方式,深入田间地头,走入农户家里,了 解农民的看法,然后对这些数据进行细致地分析,并据此制定更加有针对性地宣传和推广计划,明确推广计划的时 间、地点、对象、预算、相关服务和产品等要素,报领导审批并修改。
在计划实施阶段,依照采取多种方式,争取各方面的支持的帮助,比如利用村委会组织动员村民,利用相关的 媒体进行宣传,尤其要针对调查中有困惑的村民,对他们不理解的问题进行讲解,方便农民加深对这一新品种的了 解。注意推广的方式方法,特别是保证活动中的秩序问题,防止意外的发生。
计划结束之后,统计农民采用新品种的比例,深入总结,并写出书面报告向领导汇报, skechers shoes online,最后我还会充分利用机关网络和媒体进行宣传。
1 钱学森大师所描述的现象是客观存在的,暴露出我国教育方面的不完善之处。
2 分析原因:教育体制不完善、以分数为核心的考试制度、以成绩论成败的教育观念、以学习成绩高低来判断学生的 社会风气
3 影响:教育方面的不完善不利于国家培养出高素质的复合型人才,不利于国家科教兴国的战略
4 措施:我国政府已经对此问题高度重视,并采取相关措施。如北大的校长实名推荐制就是在这方面做出的有益尝试 ,虽然尚有不完善的地方,但依然是教育体制改革迈出的有意义的一步。
5 相信通过努力,国家能够更好地完善教育机制,形成良好教育环境,贯彻落实科教兴国战略
2.处长让新来的同事把文件归档,但他还不熟悉,处长让你帮忙,但你有紧急的事要处理,你 怎么办?
1 帮助同事是自己应该做的事情,有助于形成良好的同事关系。但做事要分清轻重缓急。
2 如果自己要处理的事情非常重要和紧急,则要以工作为重,先完成自己的任务。
3 同时,向同事解释一下,可以采取请其他同事帮忙或者让新同事看一些关于文件归档方面的文本资料或规定等方式 ,向同事提供帮助。
4 在自己的事情完成后,再向新同事了解需求,给予更加详细的帮助。
5 在日常的工作中,常会遇到需要同时处理多件事的情况,要分清轻重缓急、认真对待。
真题:某市城管执法部门实行“公众接待日”制度,有上级领导要来参加,你单位领导让你来组 织,怎么做?
实行公众接待日工作制度,是城管执法部门进一步转变作风、提高办事效率、全面加强机关效能建设的具体体 现,也是实现其全心全意为人民服务的重要保证。因此我会认真组织好这次活动。
首先,我会向单位领导咨询这次“接待日”的目的及要求,向有经验的同事们请教,集思广益确定一份详细的 计划,包括活动的主题、时间、地点、所参加的部门和人员,接待时所要准备的材料等。计划完成后报领导审批, 同时在单位和社会上做好宣传工作。
其次,领导审批后,立即按照计划分工合作,通知好参加活动的上级领导及群众。活动开始后,接待好每一位 群众,针对他们所反映的问题,及时记录并尽快予以解决。对于活动中出现与计划有变的情况,积极向领导汇报, 并灵活处理好突发事件。
最后,活动结束时,认真总结,肯定成绩、找出差距,写好工作总结,报送领导,以利不断提高自己的工作能 力,今后能更好地做好这方面的工作。同时,要进行“公众接待日”的宣传报道工作, skechers shape ups,这是一次很好的机会,我们不能流于形式,而应当形成相应的制度。
1.汶川地震救灾工作引发整个社会对慈善事业的高度关注,促进了我国慈善事业的发展,也暴露出一些不完 善之处。
2.我国慈善事业的发展:慈善组织发展壮大,全社会的慈善意识普遍提高,慈善捐助数量逐年提高,慈善制 度建设得到重视和加强。
3.不完善之处:慈善事业的作用和社会需求比还不完全适应,法律法规政策措施与慈善事业的发展不完全适 应,慈善组织自身能力建设与社会转型加速不相适应,慈善专业人才与慈善组织的发展壮大不相适应 。
4.对此,应该大力弘扬慈善精神,健全政策法规,培育发展慈善组织,建立长效协调机制, skechers women。
2.要想得第一,需要各方面的因素:自身的努力,科学的工作方式,合适的时机,自身能力与行业的匹配等 。
3.在自身能力与所在行业需求确实存在不相适应的时候,可以经过理性的判断选择一个更适合自己发展的行 业,这样有助于自身的发展和进步,使得第一这个目标能够更容易实现。
4.对改行要经过理性客观的决策,不能只是为了得第一而改行,如果自身不努力,无论在哪个行业都不会得 第一。不理性地改行,只会对自己的职业生涯产生不利的影响。
2.要形成良好的合作关系,在合作中应该善于倾听别人的意见,对别人的需求有所了解,尽力提供帮助,予 以配合。
3.但是凡事都有度,对于一些不合理的要求,要学会谢绝。每个人的精力有限,要将自身工作放在最重要的 位置。只有每个人对自己的工作负责,才能形成良好的合作氛围和机制。
4.每个人的日常工作都离不开合作,因此要锻炼自己与人合作的能力。对别人的要求要进行客观判断,尽力 提供帮助,必要时也要学会谢绝。
1、临近过年的时候,很多政府机关人员都受到一份这样的礼物,一个台式挂历,上面写着老百姓最不愿意听 到的许多话,像什么“自己在墙上看”等,谈谈你对这件事情的看法,你怎么在以后的工作中避免这 种事情。
1、辩证看待这件事情。首先它说明了政府对打造服务型政府、转变服务方式的关注,这对督促提醒官员改变 工作方式和态度起到了一定的作用;但是仅仅靠这份礼物,不落实到实际的工作中是不行的。
2、政府机关工作人员工作方式和态度不好的原因:官本位思想、对中央政府的服务型政府的政策不了解、服 务意识不强、工作作风差等。
2、有些城市流动人口特别多,没有当地户籍,引发很多酗酒、抢劫等犯罪事件,领导让你组织关于这个事件 的调查,你怎么开展?
2、事前准备:和领导沟通,明确调查的目的、经费等相关事项;向有经验的同事请教,确定调查的方案。方 案包括:调查的范围、时间、人群、方式(走访、问卷、网络)等等;确定方案后报领导审批,以查 漏补缺。
3、召开一个准备会,按照方案确定的内容,分配责任到人、落实任务、明确分工、提出要求。按照分配有序 高效的进行调查,并且在调查过程中要检查督促、协调指导,发生问题及时请示汇报领导。
4、调查结束后,把调查的结果汇报整理成文字性的材料,提交领导审阅。同时对于在调查中出现的问题要及 时整理、反思,以为下次借鉴,避免再发生类似的问题;对于工作中的有利经验也要及时总结、汇总,以便工作更 好的开展。
1、元月份我国普降大雪,内蒙古地区有辆列车中途被雪灾困在低洼地区,大雪掩埋了半截车厢,车上的食物 、饮用水、药品都已经严重不足。这时,你作为列车长,你会怎么办?
1.遇到这样的情况,作为列车长,必须保持沉着,及时通报上级领导。同时,组织工作人员有序开展工作, 为乘客服务。
2.迅速明确事态状况,向所有工作人员,特别是旅客。及时通报天气、车况等基本情况。根据职责将列车上 的工作人员分成各工作小组,主要包括联络组,安抚组,维持秩序组,医护组等。联络组负责与指挥中心保持联系 ,随时了解气象状况,并向外界请求支援;安抚组负责将信息及时传递给乘客,安抚乘客情绪;维持秩序组负责保 持列车上的良好秩序,避免引起骚动;医护组则负责对部分病患乘客进行医护。
3.等待过程中,作为列车长,要组织协调各小组工作,随时关注事态发展,对突发状况及时进行处理。特别 是注意尽一切可能就近联系到相关的食物、饮用水和药品,以便保证车上的供应。
2、为了贯彻中央关于“保民生、聚民心、促发展”的政策精神,当地政府有关部门决定从百姓最关心、与人 民群众生活最密切的十件事着手进行工作。领导派你作为调查员去收集相关资料供领导决策时参考,你将如何开展 工作?
1.“保民生、聚民心、促发展”是我国政府积极为百姓谋福利的重要决策,进行民意信息采集则是贯彻这一 政策的必要条件,一定要加强重视,保证信息准确,能反映广大群众的真实需求。
3.制定采集方案,选用多种调查方式进行信息采集,如调查问卷、居民访谈、网络调查等,组织专业人员进 行科学的问题设计,确定调查的时间地点安排、人员安排和相关的材料设备以及预算问题。
4.方案审批后,组织工作人员进行分工协作,包括宣传组、调查组等,确保物尽其才,人尽其用。调查过程 中,与相关单位进行协调合作,对调查样本的选择要涉及到不同行业、不同年龄、不同收入阶层、不同地域范围等 各方面的人群,确保调查的科学性。对调查中的突发状况要及时进行处理,必要时请示领导。
5.对调查结果进行汇总和分析,制成调查报告,上报领导,以供领导决策时参考。自己对这次工作中的经验 教训也要予以总结,以备日后更好的开展工作。
1、现在一些人往往利用手机传播色情东西,危害很大,是有人建议政府尽快立法禁止12岁以下儿童使用手 机,你怎么看?
【考核能力】综合分析能力 语言表达能力
1.利用手机传播色情东西对整个社会风气造成很坏的影响,尤其对自控能力较差的青少年的成长危害很大, 题中这一建议初衷是好的,但方法有待商榷。
2.禁止12岁以下儿童使用手机,主要基于如下原因:儿童好奇心强,对用手机接触到的不良信息缺乏辨别 能力;儿童自控能力差,容易沉溺于手机游戏中,影响正常的生活和学习;手机辐射对儿童的身体健康也可能有很 大的危害。
3.但是,这一建议有待商榷。原因:只禁止12岁以下儿童使用手机,治标不治本;“一刀切”的方式过于 绝对,没有考虑到部分家庭确实需要通过手机与孩子进行联系的需求;可能会引起孩子的逆反心理, 形成反效果。
4.对此,针对儿童使用手机的问题应该以疏导为主。对不良信息,应从源头上予以打击,营造良好的使用环 境;采用科学合理的方式引导和教育儿童正确地使用手机;从技术角度上,开发出主要功能为联络,更适合儿童使 用的手机。
2、单位新上了一套办公软件,但使用过程中出现了一些问题,影响了效率,你作为该软件上马的负责人,准 备如何处理?
1.作为该软件的负责人,使用过程中出现了一些问题,影响了效率,对于此问题我作为该软件上马的负责人 负有不可推卸的责任,我必须主动、及时地予以解决,避免对单位的工作产生不利影响。
2.对使用过程中出现的情况进行详细的调查,了解发生的原因。如果是单位人员对使用方法不了解导致的问 题,要组织对工作人员在相关知识方面的培训;如果是设备方面的问题,则安排专业人员对设备进行修整;如果是 软件运行方面的问题,则安排技术人员予以解决。
3.如果经过多方努力和一段时间的使用实践,该软件的使用仍然有问题并影响工作效率,证明该软件本身并 不适合在单位使用,对此要经过谨慎的验证,予以更换,并向单位同事进行解释。
4.经过此事件后,总结关于引进新软件时需要加强的几方面工作,包括人员培训、设备调试及后期跟踪服务 等,以便日后能更好地开展工作
2、单位计划召开一个全国性的会议,你负责做预算,预算没有被财务部门批准,领导让你去沟通,想办法让 经费方案通过,你应该如何沟通?
单位计划召开一个全国性的会议,那么预算的通过对于会议的筹备、开展都至关重要,所有我一定会努力做好 预算,争取财务部门的批准。但是如果我负责做的预算没有被财务部门批准,遇到这种情况,我也不能因为是自己 做的方案,就认为是财务部门的有意刁难,更不应该倚仗有领导的指示就肆意妄为,相反我应该保持一个平静的心 态,客观地去处理这件事情。
首先,我会冷静分析自己做的预算方案没有通过的原因,是因为不符合财务部门的制度流程,还是自己做的预 算方案在某些方面不够明晰,还是因为自己的工作方式方法有问题?
如果审视之后,发现确实是因为不符合财务部门的制度流程,我会和财务部门积极沟通,向他们询问、了解财 务部门具体的制度流程,并再次按照财务部门的制度流程进行报批;如果是因为某些方面的预算展现得不够明晰, 那么我会向财务部门的相关人员请教,如何使其具体化、明确化,以方便财务部门的审批;如果是因为我工作的方 式方法不对,造成了别人对我的误解,那么我会转变自己的工作方式,改变别人对我的看法,并在适当的时机、采 取适当的方式,再次进行沟通,争取工作的圆满完成。
如果再三审视之后,确实没有找到相关的问题,我会和财务部门相关人员进行沟通,了解财务部门方面没有通 过的原因,认真听取他们的意见和建议,并把财务部门的意见和建议汇报给领导。我相信如果财务部门的意见合情 合理,领导一定会指示我按照财务部门的意见进行修改,方案也一定会通过。
08-19-2011, 04:28 AM
bearing (bearing) in the fixed mechanical parts. When other parts on the shaft are causing relative movement of the center of the shaft used to maintain and control the movement of parts to known bearings.
About the role of the size classification of rolling bearings can bear the load direction of its classification of angular contact bearings, spherical bearings deep groove ball bearing linear motion bearings ball bearings roller bearings Thrust ball bearings Cylindrical roller tapered roller bearings needle roller bearings spherical roller bearings thrust bearings roller bearings cylindrical roller thrust bearing thrust bearing thrust roller spherical roller bearings bearings mounted bearing mill bearing bearings bearing structure of imports and the performance characteristics of thrust angular contact ball bearing deep groove ball bearings Tapered Roller Bearings Thrust Note the use of the invention the merits of packaging bearing the word is clear stamp is clear whether there are miscellaneous sound muddy surface traces of oil if there is uniform chamfer keep bearing installation bearing pre-installation notes heating installation method Note bearing removal bearing maintenance 1, 2 cleaning, inspection and fault recognition method to determine bearing identification by voice recognition through the work of the temperature of the identification by the state of lubricant bearings sealed packaging packaging packaging loss of lubrication to reduce friction and extend the fatigue life of friction the friction heat exhaust, cooling the other three major domestic manufacturers of industrial bearings manufacturer outstanding foreign companies excellent representation of the basic code and industry standard Dynamic load rating life rating life of bearing life bearing basic dynamic load ratings of damage cause of damage prevention issues bearing life About Bearings (7) China is the world's first invention bearing one of the countries in the Chinese classics, the axle bearing on the structure has long been documented. And data from the archaeological perspective, China's most ancient structure with a prototype of the modern rolling bearings, appeared in 221 ~ 207 BC (Qin Dynasty) in Yongji County, Shanxi Province, Xue this cliff village. After the founding of New China, particularly since the seventies of this century, a strong push in the reform and opening up, the bearing industry has entered a new period of rapid development of high quality. In the seventeenth century, the British design and manufacture of ball bearings C. Vallotton, and installed in the postal car, and the United Kingdom P. Worth trial made ball bearings of the patent. HR Hertz eighteenth century Germany made ball bearing contact stress on the paper. Build on the achievements in Hertz, shape up shoes, R. 施特里贝克 Germany, Sweden, Glenn A. Pam, who were a large number of experiments bearing on the development of design theory and contributed to the fatigue life calculation. Subsequently, the Russian NP Petrov apply Newton's law calculation of viscous friction bearings. Leo O. Renault UK discovery of a mathematical analysis of Reynolds equation is derived, from laying the hydrodynamic lubrication theory. Fifty years in the founding of the Chinese bearing industry has made remarkable achievements. Role
study in terms of its role should be to support the literal interpretation of the bearing axis is used, but only as part of its role, supporting its essence is the ability to bear radial load. Also be understood as it is for a fixed axis. Is fixed so that it can only achieve rotation axis, and control the axial and radial movement. Without bearing the consequences of the motor is not work at all. Because the axis of movement in any direction possible, while the electrical work required only for the rotation axis. Theoretically, the role of transmission can not be achieved, not only that, the bearings will also affect the transmission, in order to reduce the impact of high-speed shaft bearing lubrication must achieve good, and some lubricating bearing itself has called the pre-lubricated bearings, and Most of the bearings must be oil, the load at high speed, due to the friction will not only increase energy consumption, even more frightening is very easy to damage the bearings. The sliding friction into rolling friction is one-sided argument, as a kind of something called the sliding bearing. Rolling into size categories: (1) miniature bearings ---- nominal diameter size range of 26mm below the bearing; (2) small bearings ---- nominal diameter size range of 28-55mm bearings; (3 ) ---- small and medium sized bearing nominal diameter size range of 60-115mm bearings; (4) ---- large bearing nominal diameter size range of bearings for the 120-190mm (5) large bearing ---- nominal diameter size range of 200-430mm bearings; (6) ---- large bearing nominal diameter size range of 440-2000mm bearings. (7) significant bearing ---- nominal diameter size range of 2000mm above the bearings. The classification can bear the load direction can be divided into: ① radial bearings, also known as radial bearings, radial load. ② thrust bearing, also known as the thrust bearing, axial load. ③ radial thrust bearing, also known as radial thrust bearing to support radial load and axial load. Bearing friction by the different nature of the work can be divided into sliding friction bearings (the bearings) and the rolling friction bearings (the bearings) two broad categories. Angular contact ball bearings and rings contact angle is greater than the nominal 0 °, but less than 90 ° of the bearing. Can support radial load and axial load. Able to work at a high speed. The greater the contact angle, the higher the axial load capacity. High precision and high-speed bearings usually take the contact angle of 15 degrees. Axial force, the contact angle will increase. Single row angular contact ball bearings can withstand axial load in one direction, the radial load, will cause additional axial force. Shaft or housing, and can only limit the axial displacement in one direction. If pairs of double-installed, so a pair of bearing outer ring relative, that the wide end facing wide face, narrow side facing the narrow end. This can avoid additional axial force, but also in both directions so that the shaft or housing to limit axial clearance range. Spherical bearings are spherical and wide inner ring with locking pieces bearing to the heart. Used mainly for the simple case. Two roller bearing linear motion rolling direction in a relatively linear motion bearings. Ball bearings rolling body is a ball bearing. Deep groove ball bearings are a cross-section of each ring is about one-third of the circumference of the ball-type roller continuous groove ball bearings to the heart, for precision instruments, low noise motors, automobiles, motorcycles and general machinery , are the most widely used in machinery industry of a class of bearings. Simple structure, easy maintenance. Mainly used to bear radial load, but also can withstand a certain degree of axial load, when the radial bearing clearance increased with the performance of angular contact ball bearings can bear large axial load. This kind of bearing friction, high limiting speed, size range and diverse. Solid durability, versatility and low noise operation, can operate at high speed and easy to install. Sealed single row deep groove ball bearings and another design, you can not re-lubrication and no maintenance. Single row ball with gaps and double-row ball bearings, suitable for heavy working conditions. Thrust ball bearings Thrust ball rolling is rolling. Roller bearing is rolling bearing roller. Cylindrical roller bearings rolling body is cylindrical roller bearings to the heart, is a separation of bearings, installation and removal is very convenient. Divided into single row cylindrical roller bearings, double row and four columns. Installed in accordance with the rolling bearing different number of columns, cylindrical roller bearings can be divided into single row, double row and multi-row cylindrical roller bearings. One application is more cage row cylindrical roller bearings. In addition, single or double row full complement cylindrical roller and other structures of the cylindrical roller bearings. Single row cylindrical roller bearings under the ring ribs divided into N-type, NU type, NJ-type, NF-and NUP type. Cylindrical roller bearings under radial load capacity, according to the structure of ring wall can withstand a certain one-way or two-way axial load. NNU NN-and double row cylindrical roller bearings, compact structure, rigidity, load capacity, after the deformation under load, mostly for machine tool spindle bearing. FC, FCD, FCDP-type four-row cylindrical roller bearings can withstand greater radial load, and more for rolling mills and other heavy machinery. Cylindrical roller bearings are used in motors, machine tools, oil, mill machinery and all kinds of industrial material handling machinery. Tapered roller bearings rolling body is tapered roller bearings to the heart. Needle roller bearing is rolling bearing to the heart. Spherical roller bearings rolling body is convex or concave spherical roller bearings tone heart to heart. A convex spherical roller bearings, the outer ring raceway of a spherical shape; a concave roller bearings have a spherical shape of its inner ring raceway. Thrust roller bearings rolling body is thrust roller bearings. Thrust cylindrical roller bearings rolling body is thrust cylindrical roller bearings.
spherical roller bearings
thrust tapered roller bearings: rolling body is a tapered roller thrust bearing. Thrust needle roller bearings rolling body is thrust bearing. Spherical roller thrust bearings rolling body is convex or concave spherical roller thrust bearing aligning. A convex spherical roller bearing spherical roller ring-shaped, skechers outlet, with concave spherical roller bearing raceway ring axis spherical shape. Bearings Radial bearings with a seat combined with a component, in line with the axis parallel to the support bearing on the surface of the base plate mounting screws. Joint bearing surface of the spherical sliding contact, mainly used in swinging movement, tilting movement and rotation of the spherical plain bearings. Bearings of a bearing while the bearing structure of the two or more combination of rolling bearings. Such as needle roller and thrust cylindrical roller bearings, needle roller and thrust ball bearings, needle roller and angular contact ball bearings and so on.
plane bearing
Other Bearings: In addition to the above other than the structure of the bearing. Bearings: Plain bearings, regardless of inner and outer rings are not rolling, generally from wear-resistant materials. Commonly used in low-speed, heavy load and filling oil and difficult to maintain mechanical moving parts. Rolling mill bearing mill bearing is generally used to bear radial load, and the same size deep groove ball bearing, has a large radial load capacity, speed close to the deep groove ball bearings, but with the axis of such bearings Shell Hole higher, and allow the inner ring and outer ring axis inclination of the axis is very small (2 ° -4 °), two-axis tilt, such as beyond the limits of roller and ring raceway contact situation will be worse, serious of the load bearing capacity, reduce bearing life. Therefore, these bearings such as axial load needs to be installed in the role of host components, only the simultaneous use of other types of bearings to carry axial load of the premise, before use.
thrust roller bearings
General said bearings are rolling bearings (ball and roller bearing). Rolling is the operation of the shaft and the sliding friction between the axle seat to rolling friction, thus reducing the friction loss of a precision mechanical components. Generally bearing outer ring, inner ring, rolling body and cage components. Rolling easy maintenance, reliable, good starting performance, carrying capacity in the medium high speed. Compared with the sliding bearing, radial bearing large size, the less vibration, high speed, low life sounds great. Rolling bearings in to the heart (mainly radial force) are generally the inner ring, outer ring, rolling and rolling body cage 4 parts. In the journal on the inner sleeve along with the axis of rotation, the outer ring installed in the bearing hole. In the inner and outer peripheral were made within weeks on a rolling road. When the relative rotation of inner and outer rings, rolling the scroll, including the outer ring raceway, they are separated by a cage, to avoid rubbing against each other. Tight ring and thrust bearing live ring divided in two parts. Tight tight circle with the sleeve, live in the bearing seat bearing ring. Rings and rolling bodies are usually high strength, good wear resistance bearing steel, the surface hardness after quenching should reach HRC60 ~ 65. Cage is made more pressing with the soft steel, copper alloys can also be used bakelite cloth or plastic and other manufacturing. Bearing performance characteristics of the structure and thrust angular contact ball bearings Axial angular contact ball bearing contact angle of 60 ° is generally used in the thrust angular contact ball bearings are generally two-way thrust angular contact ball bearings, mainly used for precision machine tool spindles, usually with double row cylindrical roller bearings used in conjunction with, can withstand two-way axial load, with high accuracy and good rigidity, low temperature, high speed and easy assembly and disassembly. Deep groove ball bearings deep groove ball bearings in the structure of each ring with a cross-section of both the ball around the equatorial circumference is one-third of the continuous groove type raceway. Deep groove ball bearings are mainly used to bear radial load, but also can withstand a certain axial load. When the bearing radial clearance increases, with the nature of angular contact ball bearings, can withstand both directions alternating axial load. With the same size compared to other types of bearings, such bearings friction, high limiting speed, high precision, when a user selection of the preferred bearing type. Deep groove ball bearing structure is simple and easy to use, is the largest production volume, most widely used of a class of imported bearings. Thrust tapered roller bearings
thrust tapered roller bearings as the rolling body is tapered roller, rolling in the structure of the bus and washers are Raceway bus lines intersect at a point bearing axis , which can form the surface of pure rolling rolling, speed limit higher than the thrust cylindrical roller bearings. Features: Thrust tapered roller bearings can withstand axial load in one direction. Thrust tapered roller bearing type codes for the 90000 type. 4 bearings in the double row tapered roller bearing structure, performance characteristics
double row tapered roller bearings range, the maximum amount of 35,000 type, there is a double and two within the outer ring raceway circle, one between the two separated inner circle, changing the thickness of the spacer adjustable clearance. Such bearing radial load at the same time can withstand two-way axial load may be axial clearance in the bearing shaft and housing within the limits of the axial displacement. Tapered roller bearing structural characteristics. Tapered roller bearing type code is 30000, tapered roller bearings for the separation of bearings. Tapered roller bearings are mainly used to bear radial load mainly consisting of radial and axial load. Compared with the angular contact ball bearings, bearing capacity, low speed limit. Tapered roller bearings can withstand axial load in one direction, to limit the shaft or housing axial displacement in one direction. The early invention of the form of linear motion bearings, skid plate is a row in a row of wood placed. This technique may be traced back to when the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza, though no clear evidence. Modern linear motion bearings are used in a working principle, but sometimes the ball instead of rollers. The first sliding and rolling bearings are made of wood. Ceramics, sapphire, or glass are also used, steel, copper, other metals, plastics (such as nylon, bakelite, teflon, and UHMWPE) have been widely used. From the heavy axle and spindle to precision watch parts, many occasions need to rotate the bearings. The simplest rotary bearing is the sleeve bearing, it is just a folder in the bush between the wheel and axle. This design was subsequently replaced rolling bearing is a cylindrical roller with a lot of the original bushing replacement, each rolling body is like a single wheel. First put into practical bearing cage with a clockmaker John Harry is worse than 1760 total time for the production of H3 invented. Nano Lake in Italy found a Roman vessel, found examples of early ball bearings. The wooden ball bearings are used to support the rotating desktop. The ship was built in BC 40 years. Leonardo da Vinci in around 1500 is said to have been of a description of ball bearings. The various factors bearing immature, there are a very important point is that collisions will occur between the ball, causing additional friction. But you can put the ball into a small cage to prevent this phenomenon. The 17th century, Galileo on the But in the following for a long time, install the bearings on the machine has not been realized. The first patent is on the ball channel Philip Vaughan Carmarthen acquired in 1794. In 1883, Friedrich Fischer proposed the use of suitable production machines grinding the same size and roundness of the ball and accurate claims. This laid the creation of an independent bearing industry base. In 1962, FAG has been modified and the trademark still in use today, and in 1979 became an integral part of the company. In 1895, Henry Timken designed the first tapered roller bearings, three years later obtained a patent and set up Timken Company. In 1907, SKF bearing factory Sven Lindqvist designed the first temperature and the modern self-aligning ball bearings. Note the use of mechanical parts, compared with the general, high precision roller bearing, so use accordingly should be careful. 1) Keep the bearing and its surroundings clean 2) when used carefully if the reckless use of a strong shock to the bearings will make in bearing injuries, indentation, fracture and other injuries. 3) Use the right tools 4) Note that to avoid rust bearings used in wet places, but also not to sweat stained, should wear gloves. 5) Users should be familiar with the bearing 6) used to develop job specifications bearing a, bearing the custody of b, and the surrounding bearing cleaning c, install the parts of the size and processing quality of the test d, installation e, f post-installation inspection , Demolition g, maintenance (regular inspection) h, shape ups skechers, additional bearing lubricant bearing the merits of how to identify strengths and weaknesses to identify the quality of equipment bearing quality, we usually from the following aspects: packaging under normal circumstances is clear , regular manufacturers have their own special brand of external packaging designers to design, production conditions and arrangements for clearance of the factory production of production, therefore, in terms of product packaging lines to the color should be very clear and unambiguous. Every word is clear stamp bearing products will be printed on the products bearing its brand body of words, labels and so on. Although the font is very small, but the formal product manufacturers have adopted the symbol printing technology, but without the heat pressure treatment is carried out before the word, so the fonts may be small, but a deep concave, very clear. And usually, the font of counterfeit products not only vague, because the rough printing technology, fonts, floating on the surface, some of them can be easily wiped off by hand or hand signs seriously. Whether there is complex set of bearing the body holding the left hand ring, right hand rotation to toggle coat, listening to whether the process of bearing operation miscellaneous ring. As most of the conditions behind the production of counterfeit products is entirely hand-workshop-type operations, bearing the body in the production process will inevitably be distracted by dust, sand, impurities in a class, so in time there will be rotating bearing ring or run complex phenomenon that is not smooth . This is to determine whether a product comes from strict production standards, and regular use of machine operation the key to brand manufacturers. Are there traces of oil the surface of the muddy muddy surface traces of oil if it necessary for us to buy imported bearings should be special attention. Because of the current anti-rust technology and advanced manufacturing countries there is a gap, so the rust on the bearing body can easily deal with traces of oil left behind a thick, sticky feeling when you touch the thick, viscous, and foreign bearings imported almost do not see any traces of rust preventive oil. According to insiders, in particular, careful people can import a particular bearing on the taste of smell, which is anti-rust oil flavor. The so-called bearing chamfer chamfer is uniform, that is, horizontal surface and vertical side of the junction, counterfeit products bearing the restrictions in production technology, in which the rougher edges of the site was unsatisfactory treatment, which we can easily identification. Were kept at the factory bearings coated with an appropriate amount of anti-rust oil and use rust-proof paper packaging, as long as the packaging is not damaged, the bearing quality will be guaranteed. But the long-term storage, to be below 65% humidity, the temperature is around 20 ℃ condition, stored in a shelf 30cm above the ground is appropriate. In addition, the storage place should avoid direct sunlight or touch the wall with the cold. Bearing Installation Precautions 1) The preparation of the bearing after bearing anti-rust treatment and be packaged, so do not open the package before installing Pro. In addition, anti-rust oil coating on the bearings with good lubrication performance, and for general purpose bearing grease bearings or filling can be used directly without cleaning. But for the instrument bearing or bearings for high-speed rotation, the application of clean oil clean oil will wash away the rust, then bearing easily rust, can not long be placed. 2) washing the test shaft and bearing housing and the housing, make sure to leave no scars or machining burr. Enclosure is absolutely prohibited abrasive (SiC, Al2O3, etc.) sand, chips and so on. Second, check the shaft and the shell size, shape and processing quality is consistent with the drawings. Bearings before installation in the shaft and housing inspection with the surface coating of various mechanical oil. Replace bearings bearings is a result of bearing types and vary with conditions. Because most multi-axis rotation, so the inner and outer ring can be used separately with the interference fit and clearance, while the outer ring rotates, the outer ring with the interference fit. (1) pressure to install the mounting pressure into the general use of press, but also can make use of bolts and nuts, when forced into the use of hand-loaded hammer. (2) sets of installation of hot bearings in oil heated to expand it and then install the shaft bearing thermal sets of methods can avoid being affected by unnecessary force, in a short time to complete the installation. Heating Note 1) general heating should not exceed 100 ℃. 2) does not allow contact with tank bottom bearing. Another hot set of installation can also use the induction heating device to heat expansion of the bearing and then installed in the shaft. Bearing periodic inspection or replacement of parts removal, you need to remove bearings. Shaft and bearing housing are usually almost always continue to use, the bearings tend to continue to use. Therefore, the structural design should take into account the removal of bearings, not to damage bearing, shaft, bearing housing and other parts, while also preparing the appropriate removal tools. Static with the ring removal, only to increase tension in the ring, and may not pull through the rolling ring. Maintenance of bearings is the bearing to maintain its full and proper performance of the long-term, regular maintenance must be a really good job (regular inspection). Through appropriate periodic inspection, so that early detection of failure, to prevent accidents in the first place, to increase productivity and economy is very important. 1, cleaning the bearings removed for inspection, first with photography and other methods to do the appearance record. In addition, to confirm the remaining amount of lubricant and lubricant samples, and then cleaning bearings. a, bearing wash to clean coarse and fine points for washing, and placed in the bottom of the container used in the metal grid. b, rough wash, brush used in oil grease or sticky materials such as clear. At this point if the rotating bearings in oil, pay attention to damage due to foreign bodies such as rolling surface. c, sperm washing, slowly rotating bearings in oil should be carefully carried out. Cleaning agents commonly used for the neutral non-water diesel or kerosene, is sometimes necessary to use warm lye. Regardless of what kind of cleaning agent used, must be kept clean filters regularly. Cleaned immediately after the anti-rust coating on the bearing oil or rust and grease. 2, check with the judge to determine whether the re-use the bearings removed, we should focus on checking the accuracy of its size, rotation accuracy, internal clearance, and with the surface, raceway, cage and ring. On the inspection results may be proficient with a bearing or bearings are used to judge. Criteria to determine the mechanical properties and importance under the inspection cycles, and vary. If the following injury, shape up skechers, the bearings may not re-use, must be replaced. 1) bearing parts of the faults and defects. 2) rolling raceway surface of the strip material. Bearing fault identification method is not by removing the check, you can identify or predict whether the failure of bearings in operation, to improve productivity and economy is very important. Identification of the main methods are as follows: identification by voice recognition using sound need to have a wealth of experience. Must be adequately trained to be able to identify voice and non-bearing bearing sound. Therefore, we should try to carry out this work by hand. Listening, or listening with a stick attached to the shell can be clearly heard the voice bearing. Temperature through the work of identification of the methods are of relatively recognition method is limited not by changes in the functioning of state occasions. To this end, the temperature must be continuously recorded. Failure, not only temperature, but also irregular changes. Recognition by the state of lubricant sampling and analysis of lubricants, whether through its pollution level, or metal powders mixed with foreign matter to judge. This method can not be observed near the bearings or large bearings are particularly effective. Bearing bearing packaging packaging packaging and packaging since the beginning. Bearing in the manufacture of finished and after passing inspection, the cleaning and anti-rust treatment, then put the package in order to achieve the water, moisture, dust, shock, maintaining the quality and precision bearings, and ease of use and sales. Bearing on three types of packaging by rust: ① short rust on the packaging: rust of 3 to 6 months for high-volume shipments to the same subscribers in the short term will be put into use in the bearings. By mutual agreement, to facilitate the use of the principle, the use of simple packaging. ② general corrosion of the packaging: anti-rust period of one year for general purpose bearings. ③ long rust on the packaging: anti-rust period of two years for special and precision bearings. Packaging materials bearing a polyethylene plastic tube (box), kraft paper, polyethylene and wrinkles plain paper, cartons, polyethylene or polyethylene plastic film, nylon fastening tape or plastic woven fastening tape, waterproof plastic with high strength , sacks, and so on. These materials are required to ensure the corrosion resistance of the material passing the test. ① miniature bearings inside the packing: 10 ~ 15 sets of bearings into a plastic tube, 5 to 10 per plastic tube put into a box (or bag, paper bag). ②, small bearings: bearing sets of polyethylene film, kraft paper or polyethylene for external use of paper for paper bag; several sets of bearings into a plastic tube (box); a single set of bearings with polyethylene film bag, collapse or Seal the bag and then into a box. ③ Large Bearing: polyethylene film or polyethylene single set of packaging paper, and then into a box; with polyethylene film bag, a single set packaging folding pocket, and then into a box; single package into a special plastic boxes; a single set of three bind up our wounds Packing: inner with polyethylene film or a composite tape, the middle fastening band, infiltration of plastic tape with a waterproof outer layer. ④ large bearings: a single set of three bind up our wounds packaging (ibid.); one by four bind up our wounds Packaging: packaged in the above three bind up our wounds, the outermost layer of linen with the then bind up our wounds. Diameter ≥ 150mm of the separable tapered roller bearings, in the packaging, the external component should be preceded by polyethylene film liner, or inner and outer components packaged separately. Diameter ≥ 150mm of interchangeable cylindrical roller bearings, complete packaging easy to knock because of injury, general internal and external components can be packaged separately. ① Double corrugated packaging boxes, each box of the total weight (gross weight) does not exceed 25kg, external tank strap tied; ② nail plate box (wooden box), skechers shoes online, each containing a total weight not exceeding 30kg, blue steel box tied topical; ③ Gaisu corrugated boxes, each containing a total weight not exceeding 25kg, packaged with a box tied with a plastic love. Will be packaged with the products bearing the load box, the box should be in plastic bags or plastic film liner; box if the gap required corrugated blocks, paper and other dry material to fill. Bearing parts (a) of the bearing parts General 1. Composed of rolling bearing parts of the various components, but does not include all of the attachments. 2. Bearing ring with one or more roller bearings to the heart of the circular parts. 3. Bearing washers with one or more thrust roller bearing ring parts. 4. Flat ring is basically a detachable flat washer, with its inner or outer part of the heart as a cylindrical roller bearings to the outer or inner ring of a wall. 5. Oblique collar (detachable) with a detachable 6. In the ring with two or more columns in the roller of a roller bearing detachable circle, used to isolate the two rollers and guide rollers. 7. Stop ring has a constant cross-section of single rings, installed in the ring ditch, a roller bearing or the shaft in the axial position inside the enclosure. 8. Locking ring has a constant cross-section of single rings, mounted on the ring ditch as a roller or ring to keep the bearing cage. 9. Every circle is a circular parts, for two washers between the bearing rings or bearings or bearing rings or between the two half bearing washer between the two halves so that they are provided between the axial distance. 10. Ring formed by one or more parts of the ring cover, fixed to the bearing washer and a ring or rings or gaskets with another contact or the formation of the labyrinth of narrow gap, to prevent oil leakage and foreign matter. 11. Dust cover is a circular cover, usually made of sheet metal stamping, fixed in a ring or a washer bearing on, and extends towards the other rings or washers, hidden inside the bearing space, but not with another ring or gasket contact. 12. Retainer ring attached to the inner ring or shaft of a part, using centrifugal force to enhance the bearing capacity to prevent foreign matter. 13. Rolling in the groove between the rolling ball or roller. 14. Retainer part or parcel number of rolling, and with the movement of bearing parts together, to isolate rolling, and rolling guide and usually keep their bearings. (B) of the bearing structure of part 1. Roller bearings under the load part of the surface, for rolling the rolling track. 2. Straight roller rolling in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the bus for the line roller. 3. Convexity roller rolling in the direction perpendicular to the plane convex curve was continuous basic cylindrical or conical roller to prevent the roller and raceway contact of stress concentration. 4. Spherical ball raceway raceway portion of the surface. 5. Channel ball bearing raceway groove shape, usually an arc-shaped cross section, slightly larger than the radius of its radius. 6. (Groove) groove shoulder (roll) side of road. 7. Rib prominence in the raceway surface and rolling direction parallel to the narrow shroud. To support and guide the rolling elements and keep it in the bearing. 8. Guide the cage surface of the cylindrical bearing rings and gasket surface to the radial guide cage. 9. Ring (gasket) face perpendicular to the ring (washer) axis line of the ring (gasket) surface. 10. Bearing bore or shaft bearing inner ring bore 11. Cylindrical bore bearing or bearing part of the inner hole, the bus was basically straight line or with the bearing axis parallel to the axis of bearing parts. 12. Conical bore bearing or bearing part of the inner hole, the bus was basically a straight line and with the bearing or bearing part axis line intersects the axis line. 13. Bearing outer surface of the bearing outer ring or the outer surface of seat. 14. Ring (gasket) chamfered bearing bore or the outer surface of one end connected with the ring ring (gasket) surface. 15. The more process slots in the bearing ring or bearing wall or flange gaskets to facilitate grinding the root of the open trench or slot. 16. Seal (contact) surface and the ring sliding contact surface. 17. Seals (dust cover) slot to maintain the bearing seal (dust cover) of the slot. 18. Snap ring groove to maintain the snap ring groove. 19. Lubrication groove in the bearing part on the slot used for the transmission lubricant. 20. Lubrication hole in the bearing parts, and used to transport the lubricant holes on rolling. (C) of the bearing ring 1. Inner ring raceway surface of the bearing outer rings. 2. Outer ring raceway surface, including bearing rings. 3. Conical inner tapered roller bearing inner ring. 4. Cone outer tapered roller bearing outer ring. 5. Double roller tapered inner raceway of the double-tapered roller bearing inner ring. 6. Double roller cone outer ring raceway of a double-tapered roller bearing outer ring. 7. Wide inner ring at one end or both ends of the widening of the bearing inner ring, in order to improve the axis of the hole in his boot or install additional fasteners or sealing position. 8. Locking shoulder all or part of an inner ring is removed the groove-type ball bearing inner ring. 9. Locking one shoulder all or part of the outer ring is removed the groove-type ball bearing outer ring. 10. Drawn by a sheet metal stamping, one end of the sealing (sealing Drawn) or open at both ends of the ferrule, generally point to the outer ring of needle roller bearings. 11. Flange flange bearing outer ring outer ring. 12. Self-aligning spherical outer surface of the outer ring outer ring to accommodate the axis line and the axis line bearing the permanent angular displacement between the generated. 13. Self-aligning seat outside the outer ring and the seat for aligning the ferrule between the holes, there is a sphere with the outer ring to match the outer surface of the spherical inner surface. 14. Spherical bearing outer surface of the ball out of the loop portion of the surface. 15. Conical tapered outer wall in front of the outer ring raceway on the wall in front to guide the roller large end and to withstand the thrust roller. 16. In the ring with a double roller bearing rings, for example, double-tapered roller in the middle of the whole inner wall. (D) bearing washer 1. Shaft loop installed in the shaft bearing washers. 2. Seat installed here within the bearing washers. 3. In both sides of the raceway ring bearing washers, Thrust bearing for double row rolling elements between the two. 4. Self-aligning ball seat with seat back to accommodate the axis line and a permanent seat axis angular displacement between the lines. 5. Aligning seat washers for aligning seat ring and the shell to withstand the thrust washers between the surface, skechers shape ups, the surface is concave spherical surface and aligning the ball on the back seat match.
08-19-2011, 04:29 AM
bearing (bearing) in the fixed mechanical parts. When other parts on the shaft are causing relative movement of the center of the shaft used to maintain and control the movement of parts to known bearings.
About the role of the size classification of rolling bearings can bear the load direction of its classification of angular contact bearings, spherical bearings deep groove ball bearing linear motion bearings ball bearings roller bearings Thrust ball bearings Cylindrical roller tapered roller bearings needle roller bearings spherical roller bearings thrust bearings roller bearings cylindrical roller thrust bearing thrust bearing thrust roller spherical roller bearings bearings mounted bearing mill bearing bearings bearing structure of imports and the performance characteristics of thrust angular contact ball bearing deep groove ball bearings Tapered Roller Bearings Thrust Note the use of the invention the merits of packaging bearing the word is clear stamp is clear whether there are miscellaneous sound muddy surface traces of oil if there is uniform chamfer keep bearing installation bearing pre-installation notes heating installation method Note bearing removal bearing maintenance 1, 2 cleaning, inspection and fault recognition method to determine bearing identification by voice recognition through the work of the temperature of the identification by the state of lubricant bearings sealed packaging packaging packaging loss of lubrication to reduce friction and extend the fatigue life of friction the friction heat exhaust, cooling the other three major domestic manufacturers of industrial bearings manufacturer outstanding foreign companies excellent representation of the basic code and industry standard Dynamic load rating life rating life of bearing life bearing basic dynamic load ratings of damage cause of damage prevention issues bearing life About Bearings (7) China is the world's first invention bearing one of the countries in the Chinese classics, the axle bearing on the structure has long been documented. And data from the archaeological perspective, China's most ancient structure with a prototype of the modern rolling bearings, appeared in 221 ~ 207 BC (Qin Dynasty) in Yongji County, Shanxi Province, Xue this cliff village. After the founding of New China, particularly since the seventies of this century, a strong push in the reform and opening up, the bearing industry has entered a new period of rapid development of high quality. In the seventeenth century, the British design and manufacture of ball bearings C. Vallotton, and installed in the postal car, and the United Kingdom P. Worth trial made ball bearings of the patent. HR Hertz eighteenth century Germany made ball bearing contact stress on the paper. Build on the achievements in Hertz, shape up shoes, R. 施特里贝克 Germany, Sweden, Glenn A. Pam, who were a large number of experiments bearing on the development of design theory and contributed to the fatigue life calculation. Subsequently, the Russian NP Petrov apply Newton's law calculation of viscous friction bearings. Leo O. Renault UK discovery of a mathematical analysis of Reynolds equation is derived, from laying the hydrodynamic lubrication theory. Fifty years in the founding of the Chinese bearing industry has made remarkable achievements. Role
study in terms of its role should be to support the literal interpretation of the bearing axis is used, but only as part of its role, supporting its essence is the ability to bear radial load. Also be understood as it is for a fixed axis. Is fixed so that it can only achieve rotation axis, and control the axial and radial movement. Without bearing the consequences of the motor is not work at all. Because the axis of movement in any direction possible, while the electrical work required only for the rotation axis. Theoretically, the role of transmission can not be achieved, not only that, the bearings will also affect the transmission, in order to reduce the impact of high-speed shaft bearing lubrication must achieve good, and some lubricating bearing itself has called the pre-lubricated bearings, and Most of the bearings must be oil, the load at high speed, due to the friction will not only increase energy consumption, even more frightening is very easy to damage the bearings. The sliding friction into rolling friction is one-sided argument, as a kind of something called the sliding bearing. Rolling into size categories: (1) miniature bearings ---- nominal diameter size range of 26mm below the bearing; (2) small bearings ---- nominal diameter size range of 28-55mm bearings; (3 ) ---- small and medium sized bearing nominal diameter size range of 60-115mm bearings; (4) ---- large bearing nominal diameter size range of bearings for the 120-190mm (5) large bearing ---- nominal diameter size range of 200-430mm bearings; (6) ---- large bearing nominal diameter size range of 440-2000mm bearings. (7) significant bearing ---- nominal diameter size range of 2000mm above the bearings. The classification can bear the load direction can be divided into: ① radial bearings, also known as radial bearings, radial load. ② thrust bearing, also known as the thrust bearing, axial load. ③ radial thrust bearing, also known as radial thrust bearing to support radial load and axial load. Bearing friction by the different nature of the work can be divided into sliding friction bearings (the bearings) and the rolling friction bearings (the bearings) two broad categories. Angular contact ball bearings and rings contact angle is greater than the nominal 0 °, but less than 90 ° of the bearing. Can support radial load and axial load. Able to work at a high speed. The greater the contact angle, the higher the axial load capacity. High precision and high-speed bearings usually take the contact angle of 15 degrees. Axial force, the contact angle will increase. Single row angular contact ball bearings can withstand axial load in one direction, the radial load, will cause additional axial force. Shaft or housing, and can only limit the axial displacement in one direction. If pairs of double-installed, so a pair of bearing outer ring relative, that the wide end facing wide face, narrow side facing the narrow end. This can avoid additional axial force, but also in both directions so that the shaft or housing to limit axial clearance range. Spherical bearings are spherical and wide inner ring with locking pieces bearing to the heart. Used mainly for the simple case. Two roller bearing linear motion rolling direction in a relatively linear motion bearings. Ball bearings rolling body is a ball bearing. Deep groove ball bearings are a cross-section of each ring is about one-third of the circumference of the ball-type roller continuous groove ball bearings to the heart, for precision instruments, low noise motors, automobiles, motorcycles and general machinery , are the most widely used in machinery industry of a class of bearings. Simple structure, easy maintenance. Mainly used to bear radial load, but also can withstand a certain degree of axial load, when the radial bearing clearance increased with the performance of angular contact ball bearings can bear large axial load. This kind of bearing friction, high limiting speed, size range and diverse. Solid durability, versatility and low noise operation, can operate at high speed and easy to install. Sealed single row deep groove ball bearings and another design, you can not re-lubrication and no maintenance. Single row ball with gaps and double-row ball bearings, suitable for heavy working conditions. Thrust ball bearings Thrust ball rolling is rolling. Roller bearing is rolling bearing roller. Cylindrical roller bearings rolling body is cylindrical roller bearings to the heart, is a separation of bearings, installation and removal is very convenient. Divided into single row cylindrical roller bearings, double row and four columns. Installed in accordance with the rolling bearing different number of columns, cylindrical roller bearings can be divided into single row, double row and multi-row cylindrical roller bearings. One application is more cage row cylindrical roller bearings. In addition, single or double row full complement cylindrical roller and other structures of the cylindrical roller bearings. Single row cylindrical roller bearings under the ring ribs divided into N-type, NU type, NJ-type, NF-and NUP type. Cylindrical roller bearings under radial load capacity, according to the structure of ring wall can withstand a certain one-way or two-way axial load. NNU NN-and double row cylindrical roller bearings, compact structure, rigidity, load capacity, after the deformation under load, mostly for machine tool spindle bearing. FC, FCD, FCDP-type four-row cylindrical roller bearings can withstand greater radial load, and more for rolling mills and other heavy machinery. Cylindrical roller bearings are used in motors, machine tools, oil, mill machinery and all kinds of industrial material handling machinery. Tapered roller bearings rolling body is tapered roller bearings to the heart. Needle roller bearing is rolling bearing to the heart. Spherical roller bearings rolling body is convex or concave spherical roller bearings tone heart to heart. A convex spherical roller bearings, the outer ring raceway of a spherical shape; a concave roller bearings have a spherical shape of its inner ring raceway. Thrust roller bearings rolling body is thrust roller bearings. Thrust cylindrical roller bearings rolling body is thrust cylindrical roller bearings.
spherical roller bearings
thrust tapered roller bearings: rolling body is a tapered roller thrust bearing. Thrust needle roller bearings rolling body is thrust bearing. Spherical roller thrust bearings rolling body is convex or concave spherical roller thrust bearing aligning. A convex spherical roller bearing spherical roller ring-shaped, skechers outlet, with concave spherical roller bearing raceway ring axis spherical shape. Bearings Radial bearings with a seat combined with a component, in line with the axis parallel to the support bearing on the surface of the base plate mounting screws. Joint bearing surface of the spherical sliding contact, mainly used in swinging movement, tilting movement and rotation of the spherical plain bearings. Bearings of a bearing while the bearing structure of the two or more combination of rolling bearings. Such as needle roller and thrust cylindrical roller bearings, needle roller and thrust ball bearings, needle roller and angular contact ball bearings and so on.
plane bearing
Other Bearings: In addition to the above other than the structure of the bearing. Bearings: Plain bearings, regardless of inner and outer rings are not rolling, generally from wear-resistant materials. Commonly used in low-speed, heavy load and filling oil and difficult to maintain mechanical moving parts. Rolling mill bearing mill bearing is generally used to bear radial load, and the same size deep groove ball bearing, has a large radial load capacity, speed close to the deep groove ball bearings, but with the axis of such bearings Shell Hole higher, and allow the inner ring and outer ring axis inclination of the axis is very small (2 ° -4 °), two-axis tilt, such as beyond the limits of roller and ring raceway contact situation will be worse, serious of the load bearing capacity, reduce bearing life. Therefore, these bearings such as axial load needs to be installed in the role of host components, only the simultaneous use of other types of bearings to carry axial load of the premise, before use.
thrust roller bearings
General said bearings are rolling bearings (ball and roller bearing). Rolling is the operation of the shaft and the sliding friction between the axle seat to rolling friction, thus reducing the friction loss of a precision mechanical components. Generally bearing outer ring, inner ring, rolling body and cage components. Rolling easy maintenance, reliable, good starting performance, carrying capacity in the medium high speed. Compared with the sliding bearing, radial bearing large size, the less vibration, high speed, low life sounds great. Rolling bearings in to the heart (mainly radial force) are generally the inner ring, outer ring, rolling and rolling body cage 4 parts. In the journal on the inner sleeve along with the axis of rotation, the outer ring installed in the bearing hole. In the inner and outer peripheral were made within weeks on a rolling road. When the relative rotation of inner and outer rings, rolling the scroll, including the outer ring raceway, they are separated by a cage, to avoid rubbing against each other. Tight ring and thrust bearing live ring divided in two parts. Tight tight circle with the sleeve, live in the bearing seat bearing ring. Rings and rolling bodies are usually high strength, good wear resistance bearing steel, the surface hardness after quenching should reach HRC60 ~ 65. Cage is made more pressing with the soft steel, copper alloys can also be used bakelite cloth or plastic and other manufacturing. Bearing performance characteristics of the structure and thrust angular contact ball bearings Axial angular contact ball bearing contact angle of 60 ° is generally used in the thrust angular contact ball bearings are generally two-way thrust angular contact ball bearings, mainly used for precision machine tool spindles, usually with double row cylindrical roller bearings used in conjunction with, can withstand two-way axial load, with high accuracy and good rigidity, low temperature, high speed and easy assembly and disassembly. Deep groove ball bearings deep groove ball bearings in the structure of each ring with a cross-section of both the ball around the equatorial circumference is one-third of the continuous groove type raceway. Deep groove ball bearings are mainly used to bear radial load, but also can withstand a certain axial load. When the bearing radial clearance increases, with the nature of angular contact ball bearings, can withstand both directions alternating axial load. With the same size compared to other types of bearings, such bearings friction, high limiting speed, high precision, when a user selection of the preferred bearing type. Deep groove ball bearing structure is simple and easy to use, is the largest production volume, most widely used of a class of imported bearings. Thrust tapered roller bearings
thrust tapered roller bearings as the rolling body is tapered roller, rolling in the structure of the bus and washers are Raceway bus lines intersect at a point bearing axis , which can form the surface of pure rolling rolling, speed limit higher than the thrust cylindrical roller bearings. Features: Thrust tapered roller bearings can withstand axial load in one direction. Thrust tapered roller bearing type codes for the 90000 type. 4 bearings in the double row tapered roller bearing structure, performance characteristics
double row tapered roller bearings range, the maximum amount of 35,000 type, there is a double and two within the outer ring raceway circle, one between the two separated inner circle, changing the thickness of the spacer adjustable clearance. Such bearing radial load at the same time can withstand two-way axial load may be axial clearance in the bearing shaft and housing within the limits of the axial displacement. Tapered roller bearing structural characteristics. Tapered roller bearing type code is 30000, tapered roller bearings for the separation of bearings. Tapered roller bearings are mainly used to bear radial load mainly consisting of radial and axial load. Compared with the angular contact ball bearings, bearing capacity, low speed limit. Tapered roller bearings can withstand axial load in one direction, to limit the shaft or housing axial displacement in one direction. The early invention of the form of linear motion bearings, skid plate is a row in a row of wood placed. This technique may be traced back to when the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza, though no clear evidence. Modern linear motion bearings are used in a working principle, but sometimes the ball instead of rollers. The first sliding and rolling bearings are made of wood. Ceramics, sapphire, or glass are also used, steel, copper, other metals, plastics (such as nylon, bakelite, teflon, and UHMWPE) have been widely used. From the heavy axle and spindle to precision watch parts, many occasions need to rotate the bearings. The simplest rotary bearing is the sleeve bearing, it is just a folder in the bush between the wheel and axle. This design was subsequently replaced rolling bearing is a cylindrical roller with a lot of the original bushing replacement, each rolling body is like a single wheel. First put into practical bearing cage with a clockmaker John Harry is worse than 1760 total time for the production of H3 invented. Nano Lake in Italy found a Roman vessel, found examples of early ball bearings. The wooden ball bearings are used to support the rotating desktop. The ship was built in BC 40 years. Leonardo da Vinci in around 1500 is said to have been of a description of ball bearings. The various factors bearing immature, there are a very important point is that collisions will occur between the ball, causing additional friction. But you can put the ball into a small cage to prevent this phenomenon. The 17th century, Galileo on the But in the following for a long time, install the bearings on the machine has not been realized. The first patent is on the ball channel Philip Vaughan Carmarthen acquired in 1794. In 1883, Friedrich Fischer proposed the use of suitable production machines grinding the same size and roundness of the ball and accurate claims. This laid the creation of an independent bearing industry base. In 1962, FAG has been modified and the trademark still in use today, and in 1979 became an integral part of the company. In 1895, Henry Timken designed the first tapered roller bearings, three years later obtained a patent and set up Timken Company. In 1907, SKF bearing factory Sven Lindqvist designed the first temperature and the modern self-aligning ball bearings. Note the use of mechanical parts, compared with the general, high precision roller bearing, so use accordingly should be careful. 1) Keep the bearing and its surroundings clean 2) when used carefully if the reckless use of a strong shock to the bearings will make in bearing injuries, indentation, fracture and other injuries. 3) Use the right tools 4) Note that to avoid rust bearings used in wet places, but also not to sweat stained, should wear gloves. 5) Users should be familiar with the bearing 6) used to develop job specifications bearing a, bearing the custody of b, and the surrounding bearing cleaning c, install the parts of the size and processing quality of the test d, installation e, f post-installation inspection , Demolition g, maintenance (regular inspection) h, shape ups skechers, additional bearing lubricant bearing the merits of how to identify strengths and weaknesses to identify the quality of equipment bearing quality, we usually from the following aspects: packaging under normal circumstances is clear , regular manufacturers have their own special brand of external packaging designers to design, production conditions and arrangements for clearance of the factory production of production, therefore, in terms of product packaging lines to the color should be very clear and unambiguous. Every word is clear stamp bearing products will be printed on the products bearing its brand body of words, labels and so on. Although the font is very small, but the formal product manufacturers have adopted the symbol printing technology, but without the heat pressure treatment is carried out before the word, so the fonts may be small, but a deep concave, very clear. And usually, the font of counterfeit products not only vague, because the rough printing technology, fonts, floating on the surface, some of them can be easily wiped off by hand or hand signs seriously. Whether there is complex set of bearing the body holding the left hand ring, right hand rotation to toggle coat, listening to whether the process of bearing operation miscellaneous ring. As most of the conditions behind the production of counterfeit products is entirely hand-workshop-type operations, bearing the body in the production process will inevitably be distracted by dust, sand, impurities in a class, so in time there will be rotating bearing ring or run complex phenomenon that is not smooth . This is to determine whether a product comes from strict production standards, and regular use of machine operation the key to brand manufacturers. Are there traces of oil the surface of the muddy muddy surface traces of oil if it necessary for us to buy imported bearings should be special attention. Because of the current anti-rust technology and advanced manufacturing countries there is a gap, so the rust on the bearing body can easily deal with traces of oil left behind a thick, sticky feeling when you touch the thick, viscous, and foreign bearings imported almost do not see any traces of rust preventive oil. According to insiders, in particular, careful people can import a particular bearing on the taste of smell, which is anti-rust oil flavor. The so-called bearing chamfer chamfer is uniform, that is, horizontal surface and vertical side of the junction, counterfeit products bearing the restrictions in production technology, in which the rougher edges of the site was unsatisfactory treatment, which we can easily identification. Were kept at the factory bearings coated with an appropriate amount of anti-rust oil and use rust-proof paper packaging, as long as the packaging is not damaged, the bearing quality will be guaranteed. But the long-term storage, to be below 65% humidity, the temperature is around 20 ℃ condition, stored in a shelf 30cm above the ground is appropriate. In addition, the storage place should avoid direct sunlight or touch the wall with the cold. Bearing Installation Precautions 1) The preparation of the bearing after bearing anti-rust treatment and be packaged, so do not open the package before installing Pro. In addition, anti-rust oil coating on the bearings with good lubrication performance, and for general purpose bearing grease bearings or filling can be used directly without cleaning. But for the instrument bearing or bearings for high-speed rotation, the application of clean oil clean oil will wash away the rust, then bearing easily rust, can not long be placed. 2) washing the test shaft and bearing housing and the housing, make sure to leave no scars or machining burr. Enclosure is absolutely prohibited abrasive (SiC, Al2O3, etc.) sand, chips and so on. Second, check the shaft and the shell size, shape and processing quality is consistent with the drawings. Bearings before installation in the shaft and housing inspection with the surface coating of various mechanical oil. Replace bearings bearings is a result of bearing types and vary with conditions. Because most multi-axis rotation, so the inner and outer ring can be used separately with the interference fit and clearance, while the outer ring rotates, the outer ring with the interference fit. (1) pressure to install the mounting pressure into the general use of press, but also can make use of bolts and nuts, when forced into the use of hand-loaded hammer. (2) sets of installation of hot bearings in oil heated to expand it and then install the shaft bearing thermal sets of methods can avoid being affected by unnecessary force, in a short time to complete the installation. Heating Note 1) general heating should not exceed 100 ℃. 2) does not allow contact with tank bottom bearing. Another hot set of installation can also use the induction heating device to heat expansion of the bearing and then installed in the shaft. Bearing periodic inspection or replacement of parts removal, you need to remove bearings. Shaft and bearing housing are usually almost always continue to use, the bearings tend to continue to use. Therefore, the structural design should take into account the removal of bearings, not to damage bearing, shaft, bearing housing and other parts, while also preparing the appropriate removal tools. Static with the ring removal, only to increase tension in the ring, and may not pull through the rolling ring. Maintenance of bearings is the bearing to maintain its full and proper performance of the long-term, regular maintenance must be a really good job (regular inspection). Through appropriate periodic inspection, so that early detection of failure, to prevent accidents in the first place, to increase productivity and economy is very important. 1, cleaning the bearings removed for inspection, first with photography and other methods to do the appearance record. In addition, to confirm the remaining amount of lubricant and lubricant samples, and then cleaning bearings. a, bearing wash to clean coarse and fine points for washing, and placed in the bottom of the container used in the metal grid. b, rough wash, brush used in oil grease or sticky materials such as clear. At this point if the rotating bearings in oil, pay attention to damage due to foreign bodies such as rolling surface. c, sperm washing, slowly rotating bearings in oil should be carefully carried out. Cleaning agents commonly used for the neutral non-water diesel or kerosene, is sometimes necessary to use warm lye. Regardless of what kind of cleaning agent used, must be kept clean filters regularly. Cleaned immediately after the anti-rust coating on the bearing oil or rust and grease. 2, check with the judge to determine whether the re-use the bearings removed, we should focus on checking the accuracy of its size, rotation accuracy, internal clearance, and with the surface, raceway, cage and ring. On the inspection results may be proficient with a bearing or bearings are used to judge. Criteria to determine the mechanical properties and importance under the inspection cycles, and vary. If the following injury, shape up skechers, the bearings may not re-use, must be replaced. 1) bearing parts of the faults and defects. 2) rolling raceway surface of the strip material. Bearing fault identification method is not by removing the check, you can identify or predict whether the failure of bearings in operation, to improve productivity and economy is very important. Identification of the main methods are as follows: identification by voice recognition using sound need to have a wealth of experience. Must be adequately trained to be able to identify voice and non-bearing bearing sound. Therefore, we should try to carry out this work by hand. Listening, or listening with a stick attached to the shell can be clearly heard the voice bearing. Temperature through the work of identification of the methods are of relatively recognition method is limited not by changes in the functioning of state occasions. To this end, the temperature must be continuously recorded. Failure, not only temperature, but also irregular changes. Recognition by the state of lubricant sampling and analysis of lubricants, whether through its pollution level, or metal powders mixed with foreign matter to judge. This method can not be observed near the bearings or large bearings are particularly effective. Bearing bearing packaging packaging packaging and packaging since the beginning. Bearing in the manufacture of finished and after passing inspection, the cleaning and anti-rust treatment, then put the package in order to achieve the water, moisture, dust, shock, maintaining the quality and precision bearings, and ease of use and sales. Bearing on three types of packaging by rust: ① short rust on the packaging: rust of 3 to 6 months for high-volume shipments to the same subscribers in the short term will be put into use in the bearings. By mutual agreement, to facilitate the use of the principle, the use of simple packaging. ② general corrosion of the packaging: anti-rust period of one year for general purpose bearings. ③ long rust on the packaging: anti-rust period of two years for special and precision bearings. Packaging materials bearing a polyethylene plastic tube (box), kraft paper, polyethylene and wrinkles plain paper, cartons, polyethylene or polyethylene plastic film, nylon fastening tape or plastic woven fastening tape, waterproof plastic with high strength , sacks, and so on. These materials are required to ensure the corrosion resistance of the material passing the test. ① miniature bearings inside the packing: 10 ~ 15 sets of bearings into a plastic tube, 5 to 10 per plastic tube put into a box (or bag, paper bag). ②, small bearings: bearing sets of polyethylene film, kraft paper or polyethylene for external use of paper for paper bag; several sets of bearings into a plastic tube (box); a single set of bearings with polyethylene film bag, collapse or Seal the bag and then into a box. ③ Large Bearing: polyethylene film or polyethylene single set of packaging paper, and then into a box; with polyethylene film bag, a single set packaging folding pocket, and then into a box; single package into a special plastic boxes; a single set of three bind up our wounds Packing: inner with polyethylene film or a composite tape, the middle fastening band, infiltration of plastic tape with a waterproof outer layer. ④ large bearings: a single set of three bind up our wounds packaging (ibid.); one by four bind up our wounds Packaging: packaged in the above three bind up our wounds, the outermost layer of linen with the then bind up our wounds. Diameter ≥ 150mm of the separable tapered roller bearings, in the packaging, the external component should be preceded by polyethylene film liner, or inner and outer components packaged separately. Diameter ≥ 150mm of interchangeable cylindrical roller bearings, complete packaging easy to knock because of injury, general internal and external components can be packaged separately. ① Double corrugated packaging boxes, each box of the total weight (gross weight) does not exceed 25kg, external tank strap tied; ② nail plate box (wooden box), skechers shoes online, each containing a total weight not exceeding 30kg, blue steel box tied topical; ③ Gaisu corrugated boxes, each containing a total weight not exceeding 25kg, packaged with a box tied with a plastic love. Will be packaged with the products bearing the load box, the box should be in plastic bags or plastic film liner; box if the gap required corrugated blocks, paper and other dry material to fill. Bearing parts (a) of the bearing parts General 1. Composed of rolling bearing parts of the various components, but does not include all of the attachments. 2. Bearing ring with one or more roller bearings to the heart of the circular parts. 3. Bearing washers with one or more thrust roller bearing ring parts. 4. Flat ring is basically a detachable flat washer, with its inner or outer part of the heart as a cylindrical roller bearings to the outer or inner ring of a wall. 5. Oblique collar (detachable) with a detachable 6. In the ring with two or more columns in the roller of a roller bearing detachable circle, used to isolate the two rollers and guide rollers. 7. Stop ring has a constant cross-section of single rings, installed in the ring ditch, a roller bearing or the shaft in the axial position inside the enclosure. 8. Locking ring has a constant cross-section of single rings, mounted on the ring ditch as a roller or ring to keep the bearing cage. 9. Every circle is a circular parts, for two washers between the bearing rings or bearings or bearing rings or between the two half bearing washer between the two halves so that they are provided between the axial distance. 10. Ring formed by one or more parts of the ring cover, fixed to the bearing washer and a ring or rings or gaskets with another contact or the formation of the labyrinth of narrow gap, to prevent oil leakage and foreign matter. 11. Dust cover is a circular cover, usually made of sheet metal stamping, fixed in a ring or a washer bearing on, and extends towards the other rings or washers, hidden inside the bearing space, but not with another ring or gasket contact. 12. Retainer ring attached to the inner ring or shaft of a part, using centrifugal force to enhance the bearing capacity to prevent foreign matter. 13. Rolling in the groove between the rolling ball or roller. 14. Retainer part or parcel number of rolling, and with the movement of bearing parts together, to isolate rolling, and rolling guide and usually keep their bearings. (B) of the bearing structure of part 1. Roller bearings under the load part of the surface, for rolling the rolling track. 2. Straight roller rolling in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the bus for the line roller. 3. Convexity roller rolling in the direction perpendicular to the plane convex curve was continuous basic cylindrical or conical roller to prevent the roller and raceway contact of stress concentration. 4. Spherical ball raceway raceway portion of the surface. 5. Channel ball bearing raceway groove shape, usually an arc-shaped cross section, slightly larger than the radius of its radius. 6. (Groove) groove shoulder (roll) side of road. 7. Rib prominence in the raceway surface and rolling direction parallel to the narrow shroud. To support and guide the rolling elements and keep it in the bearing. 8. Guide the cage surface of the cylindrical bearing rings and gasket surface to the radial guide cage. 9. Ring (gasket) face perpendicular to the ring (washer) axis line of the ring (gasket) surface. 10. Bearing bore or shaft bearing inner ring bore 11. Cylindrical bore bearing or bearing part of the inner hole, the bus was basically straight line or with the bearing axis parallel to the axis of bearing parts. 12. Conical bore bearing or bearing part of the inner hole, the bus was basically a straight line and with the bearing or bearing part axis line intersects the axis line. 13. Bearing outer surface of the bearing outer ring or the outer surface of seat. 14. Ring (gasket) chamfered bearing bore or the outer surface of one end connected with the ring ring (gasket) surface. 15. The more process slots in the bearing ring or bearing wall or flange gaskets to facilitate grinding the root of the open trench or slot. 16. Seal (contact) surface and the ring sliding contact surface. 17. Seals (dust cover) slot to maintain the bearing seal (dust cover) of the slot. 18. Snap ring groove to maintain the snap ring groove. 19. Lubrication groove in the bearing part on the slot used for the transmission lubricant. 20. Lubrication hole in the bearing parts, and used to transport the lubricant holes on rolling. (C) of the bearing ring 1. Inner ring raceway surface of the bearing outer rings. 2. Outer ring raceway surface, including bearing rings. 3. Conical inner tapered roller bearing inner ring. 4. Cone outer tapered roller bearing outer ring. 5. Double roller tapered inner raceway of the double-tapered roller bearing inner ring. 6. Double roller cone outer ring raceway of a double-tapered roller bearing outer ring. 7. Wide inner ring at one end or both ends of the widening of the bearing inner ring, in order to improve the axis of the hole in his boot or install additional fasteners or sealing position. 8. Locking shoulder all or part of an inner ring is removed the groove-type ball bearing inner ring. 9. Locking one shoulder all or part of the outer ring is removed the groove-type ball bearing outer ring. 10. Drawn by a sheet metal stamping, one end of the sealing (sealing Drawn) or open at both ends of the ferrule, generally point to the outer ring of needle roller bearings. 11. Flange flange bearing outer ring outer ring. 12. Self-aligning spherical outer surface of the outer ring outer ring to accommodate the axis line and the axis line bearing the permanent angular displacement between the generated. 13. Self-aligning seat outside the outer ring and the seat for aligning the ferrule between the holes, there is a sphere with the outer ring to match the outer surface of the spherical inner surface. 14. Spherical bearing outer surface of the ball out of the loop portion of the surface. 15. Conical tapered outer wall in front of the outer ring raceway on the wall in front to guide the roller large end and to withstand the thrust roller. 16. In the ring with a double roller bearing rings, for example, double-tapered roller in the middle of the whole inner wall. (D) bearing washer 1. Shaft loop installed in the shaft bearing washers. 2. Seat installed here within the bearing washers. 3. In both sides of the raceway ring bearing washers, Thrust bearing for double row rolling elements between the two. 4. Self-aligning ball seat with seat back to accommodate the axis line and a permanent seat axis angular displacement between the lines. 5. Aligning seat washers for aligning seat ring and the shell to withstand the thrust washers between the surface, skechers shape ups, the surface is concave spherical surface and aligning the ball on the back seat match.
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