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Old 08-13-2011, 09:20 AM   #1
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Default jordan airs 走近北京空巢老人 “出门一把锁,进门一

  从某种意义上说,关心这个群体今天的命运,就是关心我们的明天。这个群体就是空巢老人群体 。

  根据全国老龄办的统计数据,目前,我国的老龄人口已达1.6亿,mbt shoes on sale,并且以每年800万的速度增长,城乡空巢比率分别为49.7%和38.3%。

  这些空巢老人生活状态如何?存在哪些困难?又该如何解决?本报记者近日对北京的空巢老人进行了走访调查 。


  每一位空巢老人都有一段辛酸的故事,那些故事往往是无法言说的痛。“出门一把锁,进门一盏灯”的寂寥生 活,是多数“空巢老人”的真实生活写照。

  家住北京市朝阳区的侯月婷今年60岁,36岁时与丈夫离异。唯一的儿子在离婚的时候判给了男方,此后她 一直独居。


  侯月婷的身体不好,air jordan women,有高血压、冠心病。一天凌晨一点半左右,侯月婷的邻居柴静突然接到她的电话。“小柴,我快不行了,心里特 别难受,喘不上气……”柴静放下电话,和丈夫迅速赶往侯月婷家并拨打了120 急救电话。随后,柴静又通知了她的儿子……

  事后,侯月婷回忆,她当时真得觉得自己不行了,儿子住得离自己太远,脑子里只想到了平时关系处得不错的 邻居柴静。看到柴静之后,侯月婷脑中只有一个念头,就是赶紧将连儿子都不知道的保险柜密码告诉 她。

  侯月婷说,现在自己岁数还不算太大,平时雇个小时工,日常生活还可以自理。要等到真正老得不能动的时候 ,只能去找个养老院,要不然死了可能都没人知道。

  72岁的白琳患有高血压、肺栓塞。她的丈夫在20年前去世,两个女儿都嫁到了德国,儿子在香港工作,只 有自己独居在北京。白琳曾经通过家政公司找过几个保姆,但因为种种原因那些保姆都没干多长时间。吃饭的时候 就是自己煮些简单的饭菜或是叫外卖。白琳说,她现在虽然已经开始着手找养老院了,“但还是不想离开家,毕竟 这是个‘家’。”养老院的生活不尽如人意

  无人照料的空巢老人只能求助于养老院,可是目前我国养老产业并不发达。记者在调查时发现,这些老人的养 老院生活并不尽如人意。

  才刚是位退休工人,今年已经85岁高龄,患有高血压、脑栓塞等病,目前生活不能自理。才刚有3个子女, 岁数都在60岁上下,而且都有重病,根本无法照顾他。现在,才刚雇了一位保姆。才刚也曾考虑过去养老院,但 是由于自己身患各种疾病,在饮食方面有许多禁忌,咨询过许多养老院,均表示无法满足他的饮食要求。也有个别 高档养老院表示可以接收他,但费用很高,才刚每个月退休金才1900元,还要看病用药,根本支付不起“巨额 ”养老费,而子女也都退休,生活并不富裕,他不想拖累儿女。

  家住朝阳区金海国际小区的郭萍今年75岁,她在养老院包了一个房间,一个月3000多元。郭萍当时每个 月的退休费有4000元,经济上还能够承受。养老院的老同志多,吃完饭后还可以一起打麻将,她原本认为养老 院的日子挺好的。

  但是后来的一次发病,让郭萍体会到了养老院的不足。发病时她晕过去了,等到苏醒时,已经躺在了120急 救车上。因为养老院在郊区,要送到最近的门头沟医院。曾是医生的郭萍要求一定要去301医院,jordan airs。医生说不行,如果去必须要求她家属签字。就这样,病好后郭萍就搬出了养老院,自己单独住在城 里一小区里。

  郭萍说,她不愿住养老院,还有一个原因就是吃饭问题。为了适应岁数大的老人,餐厅把菜炖得非常烂,身为 医生的她知道这样做出的菜就没什么营养了。

  “还有就是现在好多养老院都在很远的郊区,交通不方便,儿女来看老人一次说实在挺辛苦的。”提起养老院 ,郭萍话明显多了起来。而近日,北京规模最大的养老院四季青养老院提高了价格,这对于想求助于养老院的空巢 老人们来说无疑不是一个好消息。


  中国人民大学社会与人口学院教授邬沧萍认为空巢老人的形成原因很复杂,随着现代化进程的加快,传统社会 渐行渐远,四世同堂的景象已经很难看到,我国提倡计划生育,每个家庭基本上都是一个子女,给家庭赡养老人带 来问题,“二小养四老”的局面让目前的年轻人压力增大,难以有精力照顾老人。

  中国是“未富先老”的国家,在养老、医疗、长期照料服务等社会保障制度还不完善,以及城乡二元结构尚未 根本改变的情况下,如何解决世界上规模最庞大的老年群体的各种困难和问题,是任何发达国家没有遇到的,也是 发展中国家前所未有的严峻课题。


  阎青春认为,必须注意从经济保障和服务保障两个方面入手积极应对。既要尽快建立健全社会养老保险、基本 医疗保险、农村新型合作医疗、城乡最低生活保障等一系列基本的养老社会保障制度,也要积极探索建立对城乡高 龄老人、无保障老人的养老津贴发放制度,真正解决老年人目前最迫切需要解决的“养”和“医”的基本需求问题 。

  邬沧萍指出,应对人口老龄化只有政府才具有这种权力来协调处理。政府主导是社会养老服务的关键,政府应 鼓励、引导大量的民间组织及企业参与居家养老服务工作。同时,市场化养老服务不可或缺。-实习生徐彤 记者车辉
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Old 08-13-2011, 09:21 AM   #2
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Yuetang Xia village in Xiangtan City Department of City front of the building, holding more than 500 villagers signed the report, want to suspend the parent can revoke the township party committee office Zhou Weihong village director's decision. Photo

■ reporter reporter Liu Xiaobo Liu

unwilling to sign, Xia Zhou Weihong, director of urban and rural town village township party committee has recently been suspended more than 900 voters in the village more than 500 people signed a letter
in the eyes of most villagers, Zhou Weihong was a conscientious Township party official documents issued directly to its suspension, in the end due wrong? Villagers How should promote? This sparked a local and on-line hot.
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12 22, Xiangtan City Yuetang Xia Xia rural village, 38-year-old Zhou Weihong hovering Ministry building in the village outside. First half of 2008, he was overwhelmingly elected members of the village director, has been done two and a half years. To 20 days ago, he was party to a piece of paper Xia urban and rural
Xia Town Village is a suburban village, per capita cultivated land is only 0.09 acres. Starting from August this year, a real estate development project - . For this standard, ordinary villagers that the low support village committee has been reluctant in the
11 30 evening, is scheduled to sign the final day demolition period, Zhou Weihong Yang and female party secretary of natural and other five members of the village committee was summoned to support township government, asked in the signed. Agreement is drafted in advance, until at 3:00 on December 1, the agreement not yet signed. December 2, Xia Zhou Weihong rural village party committee suspended the director position, while eliminating the village party branch secretary of the Yang nature. A few days later, the village has changed Murakami mandatory financial seal.
500 voters have jointly written to ask for reinstatement failed

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been suspended for Zhou Weihong, the villagers found it difficult to accept. 50-year-old Zhou Anliang said,cheap ralph lauren, Many villagers believe that this is the township party committee does not respect public opinion, interfere with the villagers self-government and grass-roots political power.
this, Xia Village, more than 900 voters in the city, more than 500 people signed a letter, sign up to 7 pages. They are also posted on the Internet, I hope the township party committee to correct the wrong practices, to restore the natural functions and Yang Zhou Weihong. Unsuccessful, the morning of December 21, some villagers angrily, with a big lock to the village office building of the glass doors tightly locked.
Township Committee declared: After much deliberation and careful consideration, consultation with the parent organizations and the civil affairs departments, the city also held Xia village party branch and village committee representatives will be meeting,ralph lauren clothing, announced the deal with the decision procedure should be no problem.
villagers in the eyes of a good village official, why was the township party free dismiss it? Previously, Xia urban and rural areas,ralph lauren shirts, said party-line response, the reason why Yang and Tuesday were removed and suspended, one can not force them to work organization, execution is not strong, demolition work on specific projects in the levy, not with the higher Party committees and governments to maintain high degree of consensus; second term groups are not united, people satisfaction rate is not high.
sector response

Xiangtan Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau: suspension file is invalid

12 22 afternoon, with urban and rural Xia party documents, the reporter went to Xiangtan Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau. Bureau Chief of grassroots political power, said Zhang Jianping, after watching
Jianping said, according to Village head directly elected by the villagers,ralph lauren womens dresses, not by the government-appointed positions. No organization or individual shall not designate, appoint or replace members of the village committee.
Jianping explained, such as village director can not do work you really want to recall, it must press the appropriate procedures. Zhang Jianping suggested Zhou Weihong, or other dissenting villagers can Yuetang Congress first, reflecting the District Civil Affairs Bureau.
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Old 08-13-2011, 09:21 AM   #3
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人们一般认为,女性年龄对怀孕和生下宝宝的几率影响较大,男方年龄影响不大。但法国研究人员6日说,夫妻之 中男方年龄超过40岁,女方也会出现怀 孕几率降低、流产几率增加的情况。

巴黎艾劳辅助生殖中心研究人员跟踪研究了超过1.2万对夫妇,从2.1万例子宫内授精手术中提取了精子样本 。

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梅内佐说,online mbt,男方超过40岁,女方流产的几率约为35%。男方不到30岁,女方流产的几率约为10%到1 5%。


研究人员认为,男性年龄增大导致精子的脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)衰退,可能是女性不孕或流产的原 因。

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Old 08-13-2011, 09:21 AM   #4
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