Originally Posted by Memphis88Katon
authentic hot heels , that outfit sounds great for college trad. I wear my A.P.C.s quite a bit but I think there is a world of difference between dark dry selvage denim in a clean straight cut and light A&F boot cut jeans with holes in them. At Memphis, I would say I even stick out most of the time in my A.P.C.s or cords
nike shoes with heels , blucher mocs
nike woman high heels , and button-down tattersalls or OCBDs. I can't tell you how many times I have been asked why I was so dressed up. Throw khakis into the mix and you'd think I was wearing a tux to class by the way people react. The warmer months bring questions about why I am wearing button down long sleeve shirts and why my shorts (khaki in various colors) are so short (7 in. inseam). T-shirts and basketball or cargo shorts that come several inches below the knees seem to be the standard college attire around here. I often find myself wondering what it would be like to go to a school where the students actually gave a damn about how they look. I wholeheartedly agree with you. Though the only college I know of with an emphasis on appearance is Hampden Sydney and I'm not sure I could go spend another 4 years without ladies in my class (I went to single ###### prep school).