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07-27-2011, 07:35 AM
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 4,150
but it may affect how people relate to you.
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07-27-2011, 07:38 AM
General of the Army
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,659
一月 ­, womens new balance 576
1月1日 雪莲花 希望 ­
1月2日 水仙花 爱之颂 ­
1月3日 藏红花 无悔的青春 ­
1月4日 白花风信子 沉静的爱 ­
1月5日 雪轮草 忍耐 ­
1月6日 白花紫罗兰 纯洁的爱 ­
1月7日 白花郁金香 失恋 ­
1月8日 紫花紫罗兰 爱情 ­
1月9日 黄花紫罗兰 朴实的幸福 ­
1月10日 大叶黄杨 坚忍 ­
1月11日 柏 坚贞的友情 ­
1月12日 白菜花 优美 ­
1月13日 水仙花 神秘 ­
1月14日 仙客来 腼腆 ­
1月15日 玫瑰之刺 严格 ­
1月16日 风信子 竞争 ­
1月17日 酸枣 亲爱 ­
1月18日 锦葵 臆测 ­
1月19日 松树 长寿 ­
1月20日 金凤花 赤子心 ­
1月21日 常春藤 友情 ­
1月22日 苔藓 母爱 ­
1月23日 香蒲 顺从 ­
1月24日 番红花 分寸 ­
1月25日 虎茸草 纯真 ­
1月26日 含羞草 敏感 ­
1月27日 红瑞木 勤勉 ­
1月28日 白杨 勇气 ­
1月29日 金盏花 迟来的幸福 ­
1月30日 黄花藏红花 青春的喜悦 ­
1月31日 银芽柳 闪光 ­
二月 ­
2月1日 樱草 年轻的苦恼 ­
2月2日 木瓜 平凡 ­
2月3日 豆蔻 奉献 ­
2月4日 红花樱草 惊艳 ­
2月5日 高山羊齿 可爱 ­
2月6日 旱金莲 家事勤勉 ­
2月7日 勿忘我 不要忘记我 ­
2月8日 虎耳草 真实的爱情 ­
2月9日 香桃木 爱的私语 ­
2月10日 丁香花 光荣 ­
2月11日 胭脂花 同情 ­
2月12日 金脉爵床 楚楚可怜 ­
2月13日 加那利草 卓绝 ­
2月14日 甘菊 百折不挠 ­
2月15日 杉叶 为你而活 ­
2月16日 月桂树 名誉 ­
2月17日 野草 自然 ­
2月18日 金凤花 赤子心 ­
2月19日 橡树 和蔼 ­
2月20日 情人草 志向 ­
2月21日 凤铃草 爱国心 ­
2月22日 木槿 优雅 ­
2月23日 杏花 少女的娇羞 ­
2月24日 长春花 快乐的回忆 ­
2月25日 玫瑰 爱 ­
2月26日 福禄考 回忆 ­
2月27日 雏菊 单纯 ­
2月28日 稻花 同心协力 ­
2月29日 玉簪花 关怀 ­
三月 ­
3月1日 西洋水仙 自尊 ­
3月2日 金凤花 完美的人格 ­
3月3日 紫云英 我的幸福 ­
3月4日 草莓 爱情 ­
3月5日 矢车菊 幸福感 ­
3月6日 雏菊 明朗 ­
3月7日 豆蔻 热情 ­
3月8日 栗子花 真心 ­
3月9日 落叶松 大胆 ­
3月10日 榆树 高贵 ­
3月11日 苦菜花 朴素 ­
3月12日 柳树 悲哀的爱 ­
3月13日 萱草 忘忧 ­
3月14日 杏花 希望 ­
3月15日 人参 牺牲 ­
3月16日 薄荷 美德 ­
3月17日 豆角 一定到来的幸福 ­
3月18日 芦荀 不变 ­
3月19日 栀子花 欢乐 ­
3月20日 紫红郁金香 永远的爱情 ­
3月21日 樱兰 人生的出发点 ­
3月22日 锦葵 恩惠 ­
3月23日 唐菖蒲 热恋 ­
3月24日 罂栗花 希望 ­
3月25日 紫藤 美丽 ­
3月26日 白花樱草 初恋 ­
3月27日 荷包花 援助 ­
3月28日 紫珠 高尚 ­
3月29日 金雀花 清楚 ­
3月30日 黑种草 梦幻爱情 ­
3月31日 吊钟花 尝试 ­
四月 ­
4月1日 杏花 真挚的爱 ­
4月2日 秋牡丹 期待 ­
4月3日 喇叭水仙 尊敬 ­
4月4日 红牡丹 爱 ­
4月5日 无花果 丰富 ­
4月6日 寿星草 永久的幸福 ­
4月7日 羊齿 愉快 ­
4月8日 金雀枝 博爱 ­
4月9日 樱花 精神美 ­
4月10日 长春花 快乐的回忆 ­
4月11日 花愀 欢迎 ­
4月12日 桃花 爱的奴隶 ­
4月13日 波斯菊 少女之心 ­
4月14日 白花牵牛花 喜悦 ­
4月15日 兰花 优美 ­
4月16日 斑纹郁金香 美丽的双眸 ­
4月17日 鸢尾 美好的婚姻 ­
4月18日 紫云英 感化 ­
4月19日 飞燕草 清明 ­
4月20日 梨花 温柔的爱情 ­
4月21日 杨柳 年轻的胸怀 ­
4月22日 翠菊 真诚的爱 ­
4月23日 桔梗 温柔 ­
4月24日 天竺葵 决心 ­
4月25日 贝母 威严 ­
4月26日 芥 浓烈的爱情 ­
4月27日 睡莲 清纯的心、 ­
4月28日 红花樱草 不屑一顾 ­
4月29日 山茶 魅力 ­
4月30日 金盏花 寂寞的美 ­
五月 ­
5月1日 西洋报春 青年时代 ­
5月2日 金凤花 孩子气 ­
5月3日 蒲公英 矮揉造作 ­
5月4日 草莓 尊重 ­
5月5日 铃兰 纤细 ­
5月6日 紫罗兰 永恒的美 ­
5月7日 草莓 爱与尊敬 ­
5月8日 睡莲 清纯的心 ­
5月9日 重瓣樱花 娴静 ­
5月10日 鸢尾 优雅的心 ­
5月11日 苹果 诱惑 ­
5月12日 紫丁香 爱的萌芽 ­
5月13日 山楂花 唯一的恋情 ­
5月14日 耧斗菜 胜利之誓 ­
5月15日 勿忘我 真真的爱 ­
5月16日 山柳菊 宣言 ­
5月17日 黄花郁金香 爱的表示 ­
5月18日 樱草 初恋 ­
5月19日 千鹤芝草 美的拥有者 ­
5月20日 酢浆草 灿烂的心 ­
5月21日 飞燕草 自由 ­
5月22日 倒挂金钟 热烈的心 ­
5月23日 嫩草 初恋的回忆 ­
5月24日 天芥菜 爱到永远 ­
5月25日 三色堇 纯爱 ­
5月26日 橄榄 平和 ­
5月27日 雏菊 天真无邪 ­
5月28日 薄荷 美德 ­
5月29日 苜蓿 快活 ­
5月30日 紫丁香 爱的萌芽 ­
5月31日 蔓?草 忍耐 ­
六月 ­
6月1日 红玫瑰 只有你知道我的心 ­
6月2日 红色耧斗菜 纯真 ­
6月3日 亚麻花 感谢 ­
6月4日 红蔷薇 容光焕发 ­
6月5日 万寿菊 可怜的爱情 ­
6月6日 黄花鸢尾 信使的幸福 ­
6月7日 朝雾草 爱慕之心 ­
6月8日 茉莉花 可爱 ­
6月9日 香豌豆 温柔的回忆 ­
6月10日 美国瞿麦 侠义 ­
6月11日 贝母 威严 ­
6月12日 木犀草 魅力 ­
6月13日 指顶花 心中的思念 ­
6月14日 琉璃花 回想 ­
6月15日 康乃馨 热情 ­
6月16日 夜来香 危险的快乐 ­
6月17日 车轮草 感化 ­
6月18日 百里香 勇气 ­
6月19日 野蔷薇 爱 ­
6月20日 婆婆纳 达成 ­
6月21日 月见草 自由的心 ­
6月22日 荚?花 死而无悔的爱 ­
6月23日 蜀葵花 热恋 ­
6月24日 美女樱 家族的快乐 ­
6月25日 牵牛花 虚幻的爱情 ­
6月26日 白花丁香 美丽的约定 ­
6月27日 西番莲 神圣的爱 ­
6月28日 天竺葵 有你就有幸福 ­
6月29日 红花天竺葵 有你就有幸福 ­
6月30日 忍东草 爱的羁绊
七月 ­
7月1日 松叶菊 怠情 ­
7月2日 金鱼草 欲望 ­
7月3日 罂粟花 忘却 ­
7月4日 紫木兰 自然爱 ­
7月5日 熏衣草 芳香 ­
7月6日 向日葵 爱慕 ­
7月7日 醋栗花 猜想 ­
7月8日 牛角花 重逢之日 ­
7月9日 藤本天竺葵 真实有爱情 ­
7月10日 风铃草 感谢 ­
7月11日 日光兰 我是你的 ­
7月12日 丸叶 不会受骗 ­
7月13日 野花 实际主义者 ­
7月14日 福禄考 温和 ­
7月15日 澳洲野蔷薇 可爱 ­
7月16日 紫罗兰 永远的美丽 ­
7月17日 白玫瑰 尊敬 ­
7月18日 西洋蔷薇 可怜 ­
7月19日 附子花 美的光辉 ­
7月20日 茄子花 真实 ­
7月21日 黄玫瑰 美 ­
7月22日 石竹花 思慕 ­
7月23日 蔷薇 温暖的心 ­
7月24日 延龄草 幽雅的心 ­
7月25日 接骨木 热心 ­
7月26日 苦艾草 平和 ­
7月27日 天竺葵 真实的爱情 ­
7月28日 石竹花 一直爱我 ­
7月29日 仙人掌 燃烧的心 ­
7月30日 菩提树 夫妻之爱 ­
7月31日 南瓜 广大 ­
八月 ­
8月1日 红罂粟花 安慰 ­
8月2日 天东菊 幸福 ­
8月3日 金盏花 女人的美姿 ­
8月4日 玉米花 财宝 ­
8月5日 石楠花 孤独 ­
8月6日 喇叭花 名誉 ­
8月7日 石榴花 成熟有美 ­
8月8日 杜鹃花 爱的喜悦 ­
8月9 日 木犀花 人缘 ­
8月10日 青苔 母爱 ­
8月11日 红花天竺葵 安慰 ­
8月12日 夫竹桃 危险 ­
8月13日 麒麟草 警戒 ­
8月14日 龙胆 敬爱 ­
8月15日 向日葵 光辉 ­
8月16日 垂盆花 奢华 ­
8月17日 木兰 田园幸福 ­
8月18日 蜀葵 热恋 ­
8月19日 水仙花 诚实 ­
8月20日 小苍兰 纯洁 ­
8月21日 龙牙草 感谢 ­
8月22日 绣线菊 努力 ­
8月23日 西洋菩提树 夫妻之爱 ­
8月24日 金盏菊 离别的苦楚 ­
8月25日 红掌 苦恋之心­
8月26日 小金梅 追求光明 ­
8月27日 肾蕨 梦想 ­
8月28日 蓟 秘密爱情 ­
8月29日 烟草花 有你在身旁不寂寞 ­
8月30日 龙胆 淡泊 ­
8月31日 苜蓿 约束 ­
九月 ­
9月1日 鸢尾 爱我 ­
9月2日 常春藤 转变 ­
9月3日 小菊 藏爱于心 ­
9月4日 萝萄草 充满希望 ­
9月5日 榆树 信赖 ­
9月6日 旱金莲 爱国心 ­
9月7日 桔之花 新娘的喜悦 ­
9月8日 芥花 漠不关心 ­
9月9日 蒲公英 追忆 ­
9月10日 白花翠菊 信赖之心 ­
9月11日 芦荟 合作 ­
9月12日 铁线莲 心之美 ­
9月13日 柳 纯朴、坦率 ­
9月14日 苹果 诱惑 ­
9月15日 大理花 华丽 ­
9月16日 龙胆 淡淡的忧郁 ­
9月17日 石楠花 孤独 ­
9月18日 蓟花 严格 ­
9月19日 茅 自重 ­
9月20日 迷迭香 想我 ­
9月21日 番红花 无悔的青春 ­
9月22日 稻草 兴奋 ­
9月23日 杉 高尚 ­
9月24日 桔 新年的喜悦 ­
9月25日 黑麦 爱好音乐 ­
9月26日 柿 自然美 ­
9月27日 橡树 永恒的爱 ­
9月28日 雁来红 情爱 ­
9月29日 苹果花 名声 ­
9月30日 衫 爱 ­
十月 ­
10月1日 菊 爱 ­
10月2日 杏树 女孩的羞怯 ­
10月3日 枫树 自制 ­
10月4日 啤酒花 天真无邪 ­
10月5日 棕榈 胜利 ­
10月6日 榛树 和好 ­
10月7日 枞树 高尚 ­
10月8日 欧芹 胜利 ­
10月9日 茴香 赞赏 ­
10月10日 西瓜 饱食 ­
10月11日 千屈菜 爱的悲伤 ­
10月12日 覆盆子 反抗心 ­
10月13日 绣线菊 井然有序的爱 ­
10月14日 菊花 真实 ­
10月15日 紫苏 美好的希望 ­
10月16日 蔷薇 天真无邪 ­
10月17日 葡萄 依赖 ­
10月18日 蔓越桔 心痛的安慰 ­
10月19日 红花凤仙 请不要碰我 ­
10月20日 麻 命运 ­
10月21日 蓟 独立 ­
10月22日 蓼 倚赖 ­
10月23日 山茶 敬爱 ­
10月24日 梅 高洁之心 ­
10月25日 枫 客气、拘谨 ­
10月26日 酸枣 爱情 ­
10月27日 野玫瑰 诗 ­
10月28日 木槿 纤细的美 ­
10月29日 海棠 随着他人的引导 ­
10月30日 山梗菜 恶意 ­
10月31日 马蹄莲 热血 ­
十一月 ­
11月1日 山楂 唯一恋曲 ­
11月2日 羽扇豆 母爱 ­
11月3日 葫芦 拒绝 ­
11月4日 羊齿 真诚的安慰 ­
11月5日 松叶菊 功勋 ­
11月6日 兰 踌躇 ­
11月7日 万寿菊 离别的伤怀 ­
11月8日 剪秋箩 机智 ­
11月9日 橄榄 真实 ­
11月10日 芙蓉花 纤细之美 ­
11月11日 白山茶 含蓄的爱 ­
11月12日 柠檬 衷心思慕 ­
11月13日 马鞭草 忍耐 ­
11月14日 松 长生不老 ­
11月15日 豌豆花 谦逊 ­
11月16日 蔷薇 追忆 ­
11月17日 麦冬 公平 ­
11月18日 天香百合 庄严 ­
11月19日 毛地黄 秘密 ­
11月20日 牛舌草 真实 ­
11月21日 风轮草 诚实 ­
11月22日 茑萝 难以取悦 ­
11月23日 羊齿 诚实 ­
11月24日 荚迷 誓死不渝的爱 ­
11月25日 漆树 贤明 ­
11月26日 蓍草 指导 ­
11月27日 红瑞木 信仰 ­
11月28日 翠菊 开拓 ­
11月29日 雏菊 追忆 ­
11月30日 枯草 等待新春 ­
十二月 ­
12月1日 艾菊 和平 ­
12月2日 苔 目爱 ­
12月3日 熏衣草 期待 ­
12月4日 酸模 情爱 ­
12月5日 香豌豆 幸福之恋 ­
12月6日 蕨类 信赖 ­
12月7日 芦苇 深情 ­
12月8日 菊花 高洁 ­
12月9日 山茶 高洁的理性 ­
12月10日 松叶菊 爱国心 ­
12月11日 棉花 优秀 ­
12月12日 紫红色菊花 爱 ­
12月13日 松 勇敢 ­
12月14日 虎耳草 迫切的爱 ­
12月15日 丁香花 不灭 ­
12月16日 黄杨 庄严 ­
12月17日 球兰 同感 ­
12月18日 鼠尾草 家庭道德 ­
12月19日 铃兰 美 ­
12月20日 凤梨 完美无缺 ­
12月21日 薄荷 美德 ­
12月22日 百日草 幸福 ­
12月23日 悬铃木 天才 ­
12月24日 石斛兰 忍耐力强 ­
12月25日 冬青 先见之明 ­
12月26日 一品红 追忆 ­
12月27日 梅花 澄澈之心 ­
12月28日 石榴花 圆熟之美 ­
12月29日 酸浆 自然美 ­
12月30日 腊梅 慈爱­
07-27-2011, 07:38 AM
General of the Army
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,488
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Reprinted from 454358240 at 11:53 on November 16, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Gold whirlpool
a center: to all health centers. Two basic points: failing to cool a little and see the world a little confused. Three forget: Forget age, forget the past and forget the scores. Four have: a person who truly loves you, with close friends, with upward career, have a warm home.
heart is a pocket, pretend to be something called the mind a little time, when the name is a little more than eye, when the name is more calculating, often called the effort.
covers the three essentials of life of Chinese Characters: \on to the next. Truly be said: life is too complex, the words that Dominion.
people a simple pleasure, but few people happy! A complex on the pain, suffering people may be crowded but it reflects a real problem: more people come to live out the simple is not easy, to live out the complex to very simple.
who understand know how to give, people who know how to sacrifice the truth, happy people know how to transcend. Do not love themselves, most need to understand, to give up and blessing. Too much self-assertion is begging each other's charity. Love and be loved, have been a very happy thing. Do not let this become a pain.
balance, which is a beautiful state. Ecological balance, and will be good weather; nutritional balance, and physical health can be safeguarded; and the balance of work and rest, energetic people; psychological balance, comfortable people need a happy balance of mind ... ... and learn to balance, can stand up again.
two lovely woman, a mother-type, very thoughtful, will take care of people, the men take care of very thoughtful. And with such a woman will feel a strong loved. The other is the younger sister type, a very timid, very shy, very dependent on men, and such a woman, together, will stimulate your man's personality show. Yet another woman who did not know and care about caring, and never bow to the man lying down, the most men do nothing.
Sometimes, we need a crisis and to stimulate our potential to awaken our inner life, the long-hidden passions, to realize the greatest value in life. Mediocre people, most not because of their lack of capacity, but because of complacent, lazy, did not trigger their potential life in the dull machinery buried himself. Do not always envy other people's head ring, in fact, you also have the capability to put it on a beautiful Corolla.
There are many things in life, you need to endure. Have much in life, you need to endure. Life has a lot of gas, need to endure. Life has a lot of pain, need for tolerance. Life has a lot of desire and need for tolerance. There are many circumstances in life need to endure. The performance of forbearance is sometimes timid, sometimes strong and coat completely. Know how to endure, will know what to bear.
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tempered life thanks: Thank hurt you, because he honed your mind! Thanks for your trip, because he strengthens your legs! Thanks to deceive you, because he has enhanced your wisdom! Thanks for your contempt, because he awakening your self-esteem! Thank those who abandoned you, because he taught you to be independent!
have impassioned: offensive is hypocritical, exciting is love, is a touching friendship sadly unsympathetic, it is a warm family, chilling is relentless, ------ exciting is having an affair
and the guiding principle of family fun: the daily thoughtful, failing humor. Family relationship is your most significant investment in this life, try to fifteen minutes every day, and the spouse, children and even pets, to share memories, experiences, ideas, dreams and creativity.
many things, always in the future will know how experienced. As emotional, painful, and will know how to protect themselves; silly too, and will know when to adhere to and to give up, and lost in, we slowly get to understand themselves. In fact, life does not need these many unnecessary attachments, nothing really can not let go. Afford to take fit, learn to give up, life would be easier.
hug a lot: hug between lovers, is a happy sweet; marital embrace, is lenient to understand; friends embrace, is the intimate trust; hug after the fight on behalf of compromise and forgiveness; meet after hug, on behalf of thoughts and emotion; hug before parting, on behalf of dismay and expectations. Embrace, is a silent language, the time to embrace each other is needed, it is time to be needed is a most valuable time.
fourth most in life: The greatest enemy is himself, the greatest failure is arrogance, ignorance is the biggest deception, the greatest tragedy is the jealousy, the greatest error is abandon myself, the most admired is the sophisticated, the largest Bankruptcy is the despair, the greatest wealth is health, the biggest debt is debt situation, the greatest gift is forgiveness, the biggest is the lack of insight, is pleased to donate the largest and most poor temperament is the inferiority complex, the biggest sin is self-deception
only know how to live people, in order to experience the wind and frost bloom, that means a long seductive fragrance; only know how to love, to experience the beauty of life, that joy and happiness of agitation; only through unremitting efforts only people who deeply know the hard-won happiness. I wish you a Happy New Year million toast Gaokeng days, happy days of years long
fact, a person's happiness or not and how much money there is no certain relationship, when a child does not know the role of money, give him one hundred thousand yuan will not be happy! And give him a bottle of milk is not it! And when he grows up that money to snacks, to give him ten dollars is very happy. How much happiness is to look at each of the values differ, the same make ten dollars, the desire of people will be very small, happy, and the desire of people will be disappointed big, very happy.
only keep a person the feeling of happiness, more love will make your life and love life. Only happy, happy mood, is the source of creativity and life force; only continue to create their own happiness, live happily with their own people, to stay away from pain and trouble, to have a happy life.
necessary means to achieve great things: the courage determination, to overcome the habit of indecision; challenge weakness and completely change their defects; breaking through difficulties, the success from failure in the group of capital; seize the opportunity, good selection, good at creating; play strengths to do things they do best; attitude adjustment, should not allow emotional harm themselves; immediate action, just saying no, in vain; sociable, clever use of human resources; re-planning, points to a higher starting point. Ability to achieve great things must-9: put right attitude, the courage to face reality; so you have a strong self-control; the emotion into the rationality of the box; alone can stimulate the power of thought; pressure is the best incentive; to change strain, have a way out; self-confidence is a strong pillar of life; to focus on their strengths into; to concentrate on doing one thing. 9 into the mentality of the necessary events: positive, diligent, humble, honest and trustworthy, dare to challenge, good cooperation, contentment, balance, optimistic, generous guest, and always confident.
low-key life, is a character, a gesture, a grace, a kind of self-cultivation, a mind, a kind of wisdom, a strategy is the best attitude in life. To succeed must be tolerant to others, thus pleasing the people, the appreciation of admire. Low-key life, not only to protect themselves and integrate into the population, live in harmony with others, you can force people to build the dark, quietly sneak, without significant mountain dew for success.
life will have to miss some people: Living life, more or less going through some emotional ups and downs. With the emotional life line and goes farther, then raise back, past the impression of memory, emotions, joys and sorrows, surging in life than those who set foot in the soul of grass and to be loved , is still preserved the precious time lost feeling to finish, but we will eventually miss some people who can accompany you for life
life is like a song, undulating pitch, melody cadence; life like a book, filled with ups and downs, a record of emotions; Life is like a Juqi, full of danger, Sabian opportunities ; Life is like a road, a bumpy mountain heavy water complex, but also the easy way out; life is like a river, sometimes nine ileum, and sometimes blew out.
perception of life: Zaikuzailei must learn to smile! Now, many people fare well, flies are not happy. In fact, who live in this world, there are a lot of trouble. Pain or pleasure, depending on your heart. Overcome the strong person is not suffering! Is the weak yield to the pain! Further heavy burden, but also pick a smile! Crying is also a challenge, then the life ring true, with a smile stays later, is the victory!
confused person live, easy to happiness; live a sober person, easily upset. This is because people look too real sober, one seriously, life will be trouble everywhere; and stupid people, thought less, although the live simple and rough, but so great to find a taste of life.
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smile, to sing songs of life. Do not complain about life brought so much suffering, do not complain there are too many twists and turns in life. If the ocean's rolling waves lose, you lose powerful, desert sandstorm in the dance if lost, will lose the spectacular, life is obtained if only two points to the front line of smooth, life would have been impossible charm.
you smile, and the world smile: smile more every day, several times, not only to familiar people, also to strangers. This way, you must harvest it often friendly smile. When human beings look very nice smile, do not believe you look in the mirror. When you smile at others, people smile at you; when you genuinely smile, you will find that the whole world smile.
life, happiness is always carried by the weight: each of us put into the \homes hard to \So when you feel life's heavy, you should feel fortunate and satisfied, happy. Must be behind because of heavy fruitful life and career of the harvest.
your life, in addition to their own who can not be responsible for you: believe you can make a decision. Develop their own habits of thought, not free to go along with others, the views of others only for your reference. Boldly bear the consequences of failure. If you earnestly do, as long as you do better than yesterday, cheering on their own for their own fuel applause. Otherwise, you will never experience the joy of less than successful.
life, like a cup of tea, like a cup of bitter tea, taste the bitter taste, but it is back to being sweet smile. Similar efforts to silence the suffering endured, after the tribulations is very bright smile. Life, do not leave any regrets in a true smile to the face of all the world. In fact, we will find that not everything in the world is cruel, as long as there smiling heart, the Earth and everything will be fine.
normal, happy too: Life is short, everything but it should take to heart, mind at any time to maintain balance, believe in yourself and keep normal, panic, smiling, ������һ��, one will lead a happy life .
need to express love: Human life is a mutual interest, care process, everyone has emotional needs, but do not let love know you care with a guess, but to make them feel your mind from time to time This is what you use your mouth and tell each other the love, the need to use actions to express the degree of love. Love is opening your heart and let it flow freely, let the other see, hear, feel it.
\Perfectly healthy is a blessing, peace is also a blessing, not sacrifice health to exchange for money, when contrition late. Mental health is more important than the health of the body, health lies in the daily maintenance. Daily Reminder: disease-free without disaster is such a big happiness, life epiphany: psychosomatic and support.
everyone has been hurt over the pain. See for himself, are all really feel heartbroken that broke our hearts to the taste, and once thought that the pain is accompanied by numerous after day and night. However, years later look back on those wounds, he discovered that in the passage of time, those injured had been hurt the past, has unwittingly short time not in the deep, original thought would struggle a lifetime of pain, have changed When moving back into a smile and insights.
people are the meat-long encounter Brief Encounter, it is difficult there is not inviting. But if you really love each other, we must understand each other, the highest state of love not only their own, but also care about and value other people's feelings. Resident heart of the Loved or a flash to forget unloved, in fact, no right or wrong, as long as good faith, that is beautiful.
man as man, created equal, the Buddha of the Buddha, because the people kneeling. People who should not have looked up, not the worship of whom, nothing exciting to get along, no war, no grudges, Fang is the best. People can not arrogant, but never without her side. Indeed, high officials, or civilians, their clothes back, bare of its body, only the white black, fat, thin, no distinction between high and low social status.
how many people say, I will wait for you, so you change your mind that day; I will wait for you, so you want to be with me that day; I will wait for you, so you leave that person came to me that day; I will wait for you, so you ... ... but people know with the world of love, not really stand the wait for several!
have skills, is the best way to survive in life ... ... There are many ways to create wealth, but not every way are suitable for them, nor can each make their own way to create a lot of wealth. But what is certain is that, with skill, is the best way to survive, by virtue of their craft, they will be able to success themselves.
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being accompanied by: busy is a blessing, so we do not have time to feel pain; run around is a pleasure, let the real feelings of life; fatigue is a pleasure, let us no time to empty; Failure is an experience, so that We really understand the life. So happy to fly into your windows and doors, so good luck fall on your side, belstaff outlet, so happy always on your side, so smug flowing in your heart and let the years filled with sincere and memorable lines.
confused life is a real high intelligence, is a pretty face, big or destruction, if the Ne, the realm of great debate. As the highest wisdom should have seen through the inner and outer, honor and disgrace, earnings and imaginary boundaries, to reach the same nickname for me, I co-exist with the realm of things, so that is not in the most delicate, eternally are not considered in the , stupid can be called clever.
your hand, old age together. When you cry, someone to accompany you down, listen to what you say as you heal messy hair and haggard Yen Yung, still tell you tomorrow, bright and sunny; when you smile bright, the whole world is bright with you, but He stood quietly, smiling at you and the sunlight, bright ... ...
happiness is to find a warm person over a lifetime: the value of love you, cherish have been at your side to protect you, keep you when the baby man. The man is really valuable. When he at your side, you do not know that you really love him, sometimes you feel the lack of passion, but when you no longer nagging at his side, no one control you, no one cares about your pain, the sudden found, lost, that fact has been his favorite person.
one can look in the end a person, not because he is too simple, not profound, but because he was too simple, too pure. This simple and clean, people admire; some people Yunshanwuzhao, it seems very complicated and deep, in fact, such a depth, not the depth of the soul, but the subtlety too; this complexity is evil human nature staggered, rather than the graceful intelligence stack.
simple to make love, it is best suited to their object is selected. A truly worthy of love, but also know how to return love, love will naturally become simple. This heart between the two usually do not need to guess, do not worry about the whereabouts of; not afraid of inadvertently angered, do not doubt that the motivation to do anything. Between the two men, a little worried, but not dwell; between the two men, a little miss, but not sad.
with a goal on the road: The objective is a beacon, lighting up part of your life; goal is a road sign in the direction you get lost; goal is a torch that can burn everyone's potential. Difficult to smooth the road of life, but also of course full of thorns, full of ups and downs, as long as a clear goal, you will see the dawn of hope. Even if another big storm front also persistent pursuit, no regrets.
lose, does not mean you are worse than others; lose, does not mean you will never succeed. Even if the life of a thousand reasons to cry, you have to come up with a million reasons laugh. \pride and courage.
only live once, do not live too tired: It should be comfortable to live, live happy, live cool. Work too fast, too much stress, too feisty heart, life is too erratic, time is not long, mental and physical strength would collapse. Comfortable to live, live happy, live smart, we must learn to be content, learn to go with the flow. Happy to know how to share the double happiness, happy life should fill the anticipation surprise and gratitude.
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treasure is happiness: Do not change because of someone else's vision of his loved ones, belstaff jackets outlet, they must live in the eye of others lost their own! Feelings can not be greedy, not a dream. Therefore, we should come to waiting for their own intentions, not earth-shattering love. No one is perfect love, a relationship is not flawless; love and love, can only be so true. You are not the best, but I love you!
said, who lives in a healthy way to go, can add up to seventy laps around the earth in this wide world, a person with another person likely to encounter one ten-millionth as friends about the possibility of one hundred million, and the possibility of a life companion is only one billion. If we put a lot of seemingly ordinary things are as hard to come by, and we will be treasured.
happy to retain the name, called the passage of regret: is the sweet taste of happiness, and occasionally sour; Unfortunately, the feeling is hard, and occasionally show tonight. Treat the people around you, we can be together is happiness. If you fall in love, do not give up easily. Cowardice, may make you a lifetime regret. Did not experience the love of life is not complete without experiencing the pain of love is not profound. Love makes life rich and painful to make love sublimation ... ...
you can not change the environment, but you can change yourself; you can not change the facts, but you can change attitudes; you can not change the past, but you can change now; you can not control other people, but you can control their own; You can not predict tomorrow, but you can hold today; you can not do everything well, but you can be conscientious in everything; you can not extend the length of life, but you can determine the width of life.
God said, the so-called happiness, is a grateful heart, a healthy body, a desirable job, a love you baby, a bunch of trusted friends.
Life is not available, but have learned: You do not have a successful marriage is to learn how to be more close to the well-being. You do not get the victory, is to learn how to avoid failure. You do not get the final result you want is to learn things will not be satisfactory.
life, like a cup of tea, like a cup of bitter tea, taste the bitter taste, but it is back to being sweet smile. Similar efforts to silence the suffering endured, after the tribulations is very bright smile. Life, do not leave any regrets in a true smile to the face in the world everything. In fact, we find that the world is not so cruel, as long as the heart smile, the world's all still good.
smile is the best language between friends, a smile is the best cards in life, a smile is an important accomplishment. The essence of a smile friendly, encouraging, is warm. People who really know how to smile, always easy to get more opportunities than others, always more likely to succeed.
who understand know how to give, people who know how to sacrifice the truth, happy people know how to transcend. Do not love themselves, most need to understand, to give up and blessing. Too much self-assertion is begging each other's charity. Love and be loved, have been a very happy thing. Do not let this become a pain.
care is a sad happiness, when you're worried about a person, you will think he is not too worried about you. Care because I like it because the care and sorrow, ����ȥ���� each other's concerns. Care is a brilliant, a deep, a pure, a simple.
never regret it. We do not choose to go back away. But to clear the challenges facing has caused. Hard to adjust, and believe they will succeed. Whether you're deep in desperation, or the risk of severe illness, you can do nothing of the past, but in the moment, your future is not so remote, if you work hard, believe in yourself, life is often a way out.
If you love a person, he would be willing to change. I am a man in front of you the line element, set the behavior you do not like the expense, then he is not love you. So if you're not concerned about him or he is not concerned about you, then you will love him or he does not love you, and do not think that their own have been very careless or believe he is a careless person. Met his true love, can also become a coward brave, the same way, will become a ghost carefully careless.
--- We might as well learn to precipitate
life experience precipitation, precipitation mood, settling their own! Make life in the movement to quiet their minds in the impetuous to be quiet a moment. The things that worry every day as the dust down, slowly, quietly let them settle down, with a broad mind to accommodate them, perhaps we will become more pure soul, our mind will become more open-minded, our life will be more happy.
the most precious in life and not get lost, but now have. Do not know how to cherish the sight of all, is the most unfortunate. Because the Association has lost its become lost and regret, not if it has learned to cherish.
love and career, is a human life is closely related to two important aspects. Love to give people a better life, gives a promising and bright career. If we compare life to fighting waves of sailing, then the cause is the only ship, love is a ship's sail, the two will work together to push you the other side of the cause of victory.
wife's parents that their parents, Care, Love me, love house, �������Լ���֮��, as long as the heart really feel this is my own parents, psychologically intimate attachment to the elderly, the elderly will feel this true. Moreover, old people are like children, belstaff leather, like children, as long as the coax to coax elderly happy enough. We did have an old one day.
happiness of life is actually a feeling, a mood. You're elated, relaxed and happy, lonely or depressed, are tired, there are attitude to dominate. We must learn to always make the mind a break, so that inner peace and balance in order to feel relaxed and happy life and a happy life.
Human life is a mutual interest, care process, everyone has emotional needs, of which the language of communication and expression of emotion is the key. Do not let love just know you care with a guess, but to make them always feel in your heart, this is what you want to tell each other your love, need to use actions to express the degree of love. Love is opening your heart and let it flow freely, let the other see, hear, feel,
Life is like a Tetris game, there are those who keep irregular unexpected events fall, you have to in a very short period of time to determine where they should be placed. (The worst of times, not like a good place where, when trouble was to follow the)
life is a constant drift of the process, you and I have traveled everywhere, met everyone, and perhaps will become a relay station, a passer, has always been like recall, like to look back, like do not forget. But now found deep in the heart of the those things already in their time into oblivion, do not let your heart too tired, do not recollected too many people and things have been not his own.
to thank people who hurt you, because he honed your mind! Thanks for your trip, because he strengthens your legs! Thanks to deceive you, because he has enhanced your wisdom! Thanks for your contempt, because he awakening your self-esteem! Thank those who abandoned you, because he taught you to be independent!
Laughter is the thing the world to the United States, it away and abandon sorrow, to compose the future, showing confidence. Often with a smile on the face of life, you will find them beautiful. A smile, you're the world to the United States person.
Life is like a train, love stop-go, friends to the fate of stay, it was half way stop over some cars, how many people in your life pass you by train, only close friends and love you people to stay to the end!
No matter what happens, we must say to yourself, \
heart, love, see the world's eyes will be pure, feeling the world was very warm; heart, hate, see the world's eyes will have impurities, and the world will become ugly. Attitude changed, and changed the world followed suit. Life is good or bad; fortune or misfortune in life; environment of good and bad, everything depends on your attitude. With a good attitude to face life, your life is beautiful.
\The \
07-27-2011, 07:39 AM
好男人是一道方程式,1000个女人就会有1000个解。但大局部的女人的取值无外乎下面多少个:相貌、 财富、才干、风骚、口才。
X是相貌。但好男人应当在帅与不帅之间。相貌对男人来说,既不能像F4那样,搞得像花一样,女Fans 整天跟在屁股后尖叫, best hair straighteners,也不能长得见不得人。帅,诚然自己看着是赏心悦目,兴高采烈,带上街也是爱慕的目光满天飞,但女人都是警 惕眼的,在虚荣心得到满意之后,就会深信不疑地总感到这么难看的男人要来抢的必定良多,在本人变成“黄脸婆 ”之后,更会在心里终日地瞎想,这日子就不要过了, Best CHI Straighteners。
Y是财产,好男人须在富与不富之间。记得有一条短信是这样讲的:“征婚:家穷人丑一米四九,小学文明乡 村户口,破屋三间玉米一篓,冷锅热炕老婆不,一年四季药不离口,本日短信广征女友,革命途径并肩联袂。你愿 否?”这样的男人,你可乐意跟他共携手?俗话说得好:“贫贱夫妻百事哀”,美妙的爱情经不起贫困的践踏,弄 不好,爱情也要“呜呼哀哉”的。那么就嫁个富翁吧?也不行。你明明是由于恋情嫁给他的,到了别人嘴里,就确 定成了“这个女人一定是看中了人家的钱,千方百计地引诱人家,去做少奶奶的”。不论怎么着,先要受得起这个 窝囊气。又有一句话,就“一入侯门深似海”,个别来讲,一个很有钱的人,往往家族权势很宏大,嫁给了他,就 即是嫁给了一个庞大的家族,三姨娘、七姑奶的,烦都能把你烦逝世,而且“男人有钱就变坏”,看不住,管不了 ,防不胜防,也不好办。
Z是才干,好男人须在才与不才之间。古人云:“郎才女貌”,男人当然得有才,不然天下的傻瓜就没有那么 多打王老五骗子的了。假如这个女人的脑袋没有什么问题的话,基础上是不会自动去找一个脑袋有问题的男人做老 公的。女人都会不自发地被有才干的男人所吸引。那么,真的才高八斗、技能绝伦的就好么?让你嫁给诸葛亮,你 乐意吗?先等一下,思考之后再答复。诸葛亮有才华,有计策,你有吗?有一天,他忽然兴趣上来,想跟你聊聊有 关“空城计”的问题,你能搭得上几句话?假使再有哪一天,他要背着你做什么事,随意说一两句话,玩一点小计 谋,你又能分辨真伪吗?而且这样的男人,在事实世界往往恃才傲物目空所有,总以为自己是下里巴人,认为“举 世皆浊我独清”,在单位容易遭人排斥成为众叛亲离,万一碰上个鼠肚鸡肠的上司,就别谈什么发展跟前途了;在 家里更是唯我独尊不把你放在眼里,那你惨了,就当奴才和跟从吧。
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β是口才,男人不能太会说,也不能不会说。记得周星驰演的《九品芝麻官》里的包龙星吗?就是那个站在大 海眼前,把海里的鱼啊虾啊什么的,都骂出水面的那个,他的口水怕是能够跟水雷媲美了。那样的男人你要嫁吗? 在家里,你才说一句话, Cheap CHI Flat Iron,他已经口水满天飞了,那你还能插得上嘴吗?跟有语言霸权的男人在一起,连舆论自在都无奈保障。那嫁给一个 嘴拙的人?更不要!跟他说一句话,他半天憋不出一个屁来,你还不焦急啊!这样,一辈子恐怕连架都没得吵。所 以说,要找一个跟你相称的人,做他生涯上的对手,宜进宜退,你进我退,岂不快哉!
X、Y、Z、α、β,无论是哪个,它都是开区间,它们之间有很多许多的点,千万个男人之间也就有了很多很多 的好男人。想想看,哪一个点,才是合适你的好男人。
07-27-2011, 07:40 AM
General of the Army
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Reprinted from 454358240 at 11:53 on November 16, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Gold whirlpool
a center: to all health centers. Two basic points: failing to cool a little and see the world a little confused. Three forget: Forget age, forget the past and forget the scores. Four have: a person who truly loves you, with close friends, with upward career, have a warm home.
heart is a pocket, pretend to be something called the mind a little time, when the name is a little more than eye, when the name is more calculating, often called the effort.
covers the three essentials of life of Chinese Characters: \on to the next. Truly be said: life is too complex, the words that Dominion.
people a simple pleasure, but few people happy! A complex on the pain, suffering people may be crowded but it reflects a real problem: more people come to live out the simple is not easy, to live out the complex to very simple.
who understand know how to give, people who know how to sacrifice the truth, happy people know how to transcend. Do not love themselves, most need to understand, to give up and blessing. Too much self-assertion is begging each other's charity. Love and be loved, have been a very happy thing. Do not let this become a pain.
balance, which is a beautiful state. Ecological balance, and will be good weather; nutritional balance, and physical health can be safeguarded; and the balance of work and rest, energetic people; psychological balance, comfortable people need a happy balance of mind ... ... and learn to balance, can stand up again.
two lovely woman, a mother-type, very thoughtful, will take care of people, the men take care of very thoughtful. And with such a woman will feel a strong loved. The other is the younger sister type, a very timid, very shy, very dependent on men, and such a woman, together, will stimulate your man's personality show. Yet another woman who did not know and care about caring, and never bow to the man lying down, the most men do nothing.
Sometimes, we need a crisis and to stimulate our potential to awaken our inner life, the long-hidden passions, to realize the greatest value in life. Mediocre people, most not because of their lack of capacity, but because of complacent, lazy, did not trigger their potential life in the dull machinery buried himself. Do not always envy other people's head ring, in fact, you also have the capability to put it on a beautiful Corolla.
There are many things in life, you need to endure. Have much in life, you need to endure. Life has a lot of gas, need to endure. Life has a lot of pain, need for tolerance. Life has a lot of desire and need for tolerance. There are many circumstances in life need to endure. The performance of forbearance is sometimes timid, sometimes strong and coat completely. Know how to endure, will know what to bear.
leave gaps to mind: Life should always leave yourself mind the gap, so that my heart has an ease, belstaff online, regardless of surging, regardless of the vicissitudes of life things change and change, with one of their own to meet the quiet of the sky, the hearts will certainly sunny!
from the shadow of inferiority complex: self-esteem is the self-esteem, self-love, self-motivation, self-confidence, the opposite of self-improvement, self-esteem is the stumbling block of people out of adversity, self-esteem are the obstacles for themselves. The strong are not born, but also a weak moment, belstaff uk, the strong have become the strong, because the good triumph over the weak and strong. Great man is great is that they always maintained a positive and optimistic attitude. Remember: people-line, I line
tempered life thanks: Thank hurt you, because he honed your mind! Thanks for your trip, because he strengthens your legs! Thanks to deceive you, because he has enhanced your wisdom! Thanks for your contempt, because he awakening your self-esteem! Thank those who abandoned you, because he taught you to be independent!
have impassioned: offensive is hypocritical, exciting is love, is a touching friendship sadly unsympathetic, it is a warm family, chilling is relentless, ------ exciting is having an affair
and the guiding principle of family fun: the daily thoughtful, failing humor. Family relationship is your most significant investment in this life, try to fifteen minutes every day, and the spouse, children and even pets, to share memories, experiences, ideas, dreams and creativity.
many things, always in the future will know how experienced. As emotional, painful, and will know how to protect themselves; silly too, and will know when to adhere to and to give up, and lost in, we slowly get to understand themselves. In fact, life does not need these many unnecessary attachments, nothing really can not let go. Afford to take fit, learn to give up, life would be easier.
hug a lot: hug between lovers, is a happy sweet; marital embrace, is lenient to understand; friends embrace, is the intimate trust; hug after the fight on behalf of compromise and forgiveness; meet after hug, on behalf of thoughts and emotion; hug before parting, on behalf of dismay and expectations. Embrace, is a silent language, the time to embrace each other is needed, it is time to be needed is a most valuable time.
fourth most in life: The greatest enemy is himself, the greatest failure is arrogance, ignorance is the biggest deception, the greatest tragedy is the jealousy, the greatest error is abandon myself, the most admired is the sophisticated, the largest Bankruptcy is the despair, the greatest wealth is health, the biggest debt is debt situation, the greatest gift is forgiveness, the biggest is the lack of insight, is pleased to donate the largest and most poor temperament is the inferiority complex, the biggest sin is self-deception
only know how to live people, in order to experience the wind and frost bloom, that means a long seductive fragrance; only know how to love, to experience the beauty of life, that joy and happiness of agitation; only through unremitting efforts only people who deeply know the hard-won happiness. I wish you a Happy New Year million toast Gaokeng days, happy days of years long
fact, a person's happiness or not and how much money there is no certain relationship, when a child does not know the role of money, give him one hundred thousand yuan will not be happy! And give him a bottle of milk is not it! And when he grows up that money to snacks, to give him ten dollars is very happy. How much happiness is to look at each of the values differ, the same make ten dollars, the desire of people will be very small, happy, and the desire of people will be disappointed big, very happy.
only keep a person the feeling of happiness, more love will make your life and love life. Only happy, happy mood, is the source of creativity and life force; only continue to create their own happiness, live happily with their own people, to stay away from pain and trouble, to have a happy life.
necessary means to achieve great things: the courage determination, to overcome the habit of indecision; challenge weakness and completely change their defects; breaking through difficulties, the success from failure in the group of capital; seize the opportunity, good selection, good at creating; play strengths to do things they do best; attitude adjustment, should not allow emotional harm themselves; immediate action, just saying no, in vain; sociable, clever use of human resources; re-planning, points to a higher starting point. Ability to achieve great things must-9: put right attitude, the courage to face reality; so you have a strong self-control; the emotion into the rationality of the box; alone can stimulate the power of thought; pressure is the best incentive; to change strain, have a way out; self-confidence is a strong pillar of life; to focus on their strengths into; to concentrate on doing one thing. 9 into the mentality of the necessary events: positive, diligent, humble, honest and trustworthy, dare to challenge, good cooperation, contentment, balance, optimistic, generous guest, and always confident.
low-key life, is a character, a gesture, a grace, a kind of self-cultivation, a mind, a kind of wisdom, a strategy is the best attitude in life. To succeed must be tolerant to others, thus pleasing the people, the appreciation of admire. Low-key life, not only to protect themselves and integrate into the population, live in harmony with others, you can force people to build the dark, quietly sneak, without significant mountain dew for success.
life will have to miss some people: Living life, more or less going through some emotional ups and downs. With the emotional life line and goes farther, then raise back, past the impression of memory, emotions, joys and sorrows, surging in life than those who set foot in the soul of grass and to be loved , is still preserved the precious time lost feeling to finish, but we will eventually miss some people who can accompany you for life
life is like a song, undulating pitch, melody cadence; life like a book, filled with ups and downs, a record of emotions; Life is like a Juqi, full of danger, Sabian opportunities ; Life is like a road, a bumpy mountain heavy water complex, but also the easy way out; life is like a river, sometimes nine ileum, and sometimes blew out.
perception of life: Zaikuzailei must learn to smile! Now, many people fare well, flies are not happy. In fact, who live in this world, there are a lot of trouble. Pain or pleasure, depending on your heart. Overcome the strong person is not suffering! Is the weak yield to the pain! Further heavy burden, but also pick a smile! Crying is also a challenge, then the life ring true, with a smile stays later, is the victory!
confused person live, easy to happiness; live a sober person, easily upset. This is because people look too real sober, one seriously, life will be trouble everywhere; and stupid people, thought less, although the live simple and rough, but so great to find a taste of life.
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smile, to sing songs of life. Do not complain about life brought so much suffering, do not complain there are too many twists and turns in life. If the ocean's rolling waves lose, you lose powerful, desert sandstorm in the dance if lost, will lose the spectacular, life is obtained if only two points to the front line of smooth, life would have been impossible charm.
you smile, and the world smile: smile more every day, several times, not only to familiar people, also to strangers. This way, you must harvest it often friendly smile. When human beings look very nice smile, do not believe you look in the mirror. When you smile at others, people smile at you; when you genuinely smile, you will find that the whole world smile.
life, happiness is always carried by the weight: each of us put into the \homes hard to \So when you feel life's heavy, you should feel fortunate and satisfied, happy. Must be behind because of heavy fruitful life and career of the harvest.
your life, in addition to their own who can not be responsible for you: believe you can make a decision. Develop their own habits of thought, not free to go along with others, the views of others only for your reference. Boldly bear the consequences of failure. If you earnestly do, as long as you do better than yesterday, cheering on their own for their own fuel applause. Otherwise, you will never experience the joy of less than successful.
life, like a cup of tea, like a cup of bitter tea, taste the bitter taste, but it is back to being sweet smile. Similar efforts to silence the suffering endured, after the tribulations is very bright smile. Life, do not leave any regrets in a true smile to the face of all the world. In fact, we will find that not everything in the world is cruel, as long as there smiling heart, the Earth and everything will be fine.
normal, happy too: Life is short, everything but it should take to heart, mind at any time to maintain balance, believe in yourself and keep normal, panic, smiling, ������һ��, one will lead a happy life .
need to express love: Human life is a mutual interest, care process, everyone has emotional needs, but do not let love know you care with a guess, but to make them feel your mind from time to time This is what you use your mouth and tell each other the love, the need to use actions to express the degree of love. Love is opening your heart and let it flow freely, let the other see, hear, feel it.
\Perfectly healthy is a blessing, peace is also a blessing, not sacrifice health to exchange for money, when contrition late. Mental health is more important than the health of the body, health lies in the daily maintenance. Daily Reminder: disease-free without disaster is such a big happiness, life epiphany: psychosomatic and support.
everyone has been hurt over the pain. See for himself, are all really feel heartbroken that broke our hearts to the taste, and once thought that the pain is accompanied by numerous after day and night. However, years later look back on those wounds, he discovered that in the passage of time, those injured had been hurt the past, has unwittingly short time not in the deep, original thought would struggle a lifetime of pain, have changed When moving back into a smile and insights.
people are the meat-long encounter Brief Encounter, it is difficult there is not inviting. But if you really love each other, we must understand each other, the highest state of love not only their own, but also care about and value other people's feelings. Resident heart of the Loved or a flash to forget unloved, in fact, no right or wrong, as long as good faith, that is beautiful.
man as man, created equal, the Buddha of the Buddha, because the people kneeling. People who should not have looked up, not the worship of whom, nothing exciting to get along, no war, no grudges, Fang is the best. People can not arrogant, but never without her side. Indeed, high officials, or civilians, their clothes back, bare of its body, only the white black, fat, thin, no distinction between high and low social status.
how many people say, I will wait for you, so you change your mind that day; I will wait for you, so you want to be with me that day; I will wait for you, so you leave that person came to me that day; I will wait for you, so you ... ... but people know with the world of love, not really stand the wait for several!
have skills, is the best way to survive in life ... ... There are many ways to create wealth, but not every way are suitable for them, nor can each make their own way to create a lot of wealth. But what is certain is that, with skill, is the best way to survive, by virtue of their craft, they will be able to success themselves.
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being accompanied by: busy is a blessing, so we do not have time to feel pain; run around is a pleasure, let the real feelings of life; fatigue is a pleasure, let us no time to empty; Failure is an experience, so that We really understand the life. So happy to fly into your windows and doors, so good luck fall on your side, belstaff outlet, so happy always on your side, so smug flowing in your heart and let the years filled with sincere and memorable lines.
confused life is a real high intelligence, is a pretty face, big or destruction, if the Ne, the realm of great debate. As the highest wisdom should have seen through the inner and outer, honor and disgrace, earnings and imaginary boundaries, to reach the same nickname for me, I co-exist with the realm of things, so that is not in the most delicate, eternally are not considered in the , stupid can be called clever.
your hand, old age together. When you cry, someone to accompany you down, listen to what you say as you heal messy hair and haggard Yen Yung, still tell you tomorrow, bright and sunny; when you smile bright, the whole world is bright with you, but He stood quietly, smiling at you and the sunlight, bright ... ...
happiness is to find a warm person over a lifetime: the value of love you, cherish have been at your side to protect you, keep you when the baby man. The man is really valuable. When he at your side, you do not know that you really love him, sometimes you feel the lack of passion, but when you no longer nagging at his side, no one control you, no one cares about your pain, the sudden found, lost, that fact has been his favorite person.
one can look in the end a person, not because he is too simple, not profound, but because he was too simple, too pure. This simple and clean, people admire; some people Yunshanwuzhao, it seems very complicated and deep, in fact, such a depth, not the depth of the soul, but the subtlety too; this complexity is evil human nature staggered, rather than the graceful intelligence stack.
simple to make love, it is best suited to their object is selected. A truly worthy of love, but also know how to return love, love will naturally become simple. This heart between the two usually do not need to guess, do not worry about the whereabouts of; not afraid of inadvertently angered, do not doubt that the motivation to do anything. Between the two men, a little worried, but not dwell; between the two men, a little miss, but not sad.
with a goal on the road: The objective is a beacon, lighting up part of your life; goal is a road sign in the direction you get lost; goal is a torch that can burn everyone's potential. Difficult to smooth the road of life, but also of course full of thorns, full of ups and downs, as long as a clear goal, you will see the dawn of hope. Even if another big storm front also persistent pursuit, no regrets.
lose, does not mean you are worse than others; lose, does not mean you will never succeed. Even if the life of a thousand reasons to cry, you have to come up with a million reasons laugh. \pride and courage.
only live once, do not live too tired: It should be comfortable to live, live happy, live cool. Work too fast, too much stress, too feisty heart, life is too erratic, time is not long, mental and physical strength would collapse. Comfortable to live, live happy, live smart, we must learn to be content, learn to go with the flow. Happy to know how to share the double happiness, happy life should fill the anticipation surprise and gratitude.
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treasure is happiness: Do not change because of someone else's vision of his loved ones, belstaff jackets outlet, they must live in the eye of others lost their own! Feelings can not be greedy, not a dream. Therefore, we should come to waiting for their own intentions, not earth-shattering love. No one is perfect love, a relationship is not flawless; love and love, can only be so true. You are not the best, but I love you!
said, who lives in a healthy way to go, can add up to seventy laps around the earth in this wide world, a person with another person likely to encounter one ten-millionth as friends about the possibility of one hundred million, and the possibility of a life companion is only one billion. If we put a lot of seemingly ordinary things are as hard to come by, and we will be treasured.
happy to retain the name, called the passage of regret: is the sweet taste of happiness, and occasionally sour; Unfortunately, the feeling is hard, and occasionally show tonight. Treat the people around you, we can be together is happiness. If you fall in love, do not give up easily. Cowardice, may make you a lifetime regret. Did not experience the love of life is not complete without experiencing the pain of love is not profound. Love makes life rich and painful to make love sublimation ... ...
you can not change the environment, but you can change yourself; you can not change the facts, but you can change attitudes; you can not change the past, but you can change now; you can not control other people, but you can control their own; You can not predict tomorrow, but you can hold today; you can not do everything well, but you can be conscientious in everything; you can not extend the length of life, but you can determine the width of life.
God said, the so-called happiness, is a grateful heart, a healthy body, a desirable job, a love you baby, a bunch of trusted friends.
Life is not available, but have learned: You do not have a successful marriage is to learn how to be more close to the well-being. You do not get the victory, is to learn how to avoid failure. You do not get the final result you want is to learn things will not be satisfactory.
life, like a cup of tea, like a cup of bitter tea, taste the bitter taste, but it is back to being sweet smile. Similar efforts to silence the suffering endured, after the tribulations is very bright smile. Life, do not leave any regrets in a true smile to the face in the world everything. In fact, we find that the world is not so cruel, as long as the heart smile, the world's all still good.
smile is the best language between friends, a smile is the best cards in life, a smile is an important accomplishment. The essence of a smile friendly, encouraging, is warm. People who really know how to smile, always easy to get more opportunities than others, always more likely to succeed.
who understand know how to give, people who know how to sacrifice the truth, happy people know how to transcend. Do not love themselves, most need to understand, to give up and blessing. Too much self-assertion is begging each other's charity. Love and be loved, have been a very happy thing. Do not let this become a pain.
care is a sad happiness, when you're worried about a person, you will think he is not too worried about you. Care because I like it because the care and sorrow, ����ȥ���� each other's concerns. Care is a brilliant, a deep, a pure, a simple.
never regret it. We do not choose to go back away. But to clear the challenges facing has caused. Hard to adjust, and believe they will succeed. Whether you're deep in desperation, or the risk of severe illness, you can do nothing of the past, but in the moment, your future is not so remote, if you work hard, believe in yourself, life is often a way out.
If you love a person, he would be willing to change. I am a man in front of you the line element, set the behavior you do not like the expense, then he is not love you. So if you're not concerned about him or he is not concerned about you, then you will love him or he does not love you, and do not think that their own have been very careless or believe he is a careless person. Met his true love, can also become a coward brave, the same way, will become a ghost carefully careless.
--- We might as well learn to precipitate
life experience precipitation, precipitation mood, settling their own! Make life in the movement to quiet their minds in the impetuous to be quiet a moment. The things that worry every day as the dust down, slowly, quietly let them settle down, with a broad mind to accommodate them, perhaps we will become more pure soul, our mind will become more open-minded, our life will be more happy.
the most precious in life and not get lost, but now have. Do not know how to cherish the sight of all, is the most unfortunate. Because the Association has lost its become lost and regret, not if it has learned to cherish.
love and career, is a human life is closely related to two important aspects. Love to give people a better life, gives a promising and bright career. If we compare life to fighting waves of sailing, then the cause is the only ship, love is a ship's sail, the two will work together to push you the other side of the cause of victory.
wife's parents that their parents, Care, Love me, love house, �������Լ���֮��, as long as the heart really feel this is my own parents, psychologically intimate attachment to the elderly, the elderly will feel this true. Moreover, old people are like children, belstaff leather, like children, as long as the coax to coax elderly happy enough. We did have an old one day.
happiness of life is actually a feeling, a mood. You're elated, relaxed and happy, lonely or depressed, are tired, there are attitude to dominate. We must learn to always make the mind a break, so that inner peace and balance in order to feel relaxed and happy life and a happy life.
Human life is a mutual interest, care process, everyone has emotional needs, of which the language of communication and expression of emotion is the key. Do not let love just know you care with a guess, but to make them always feel in your heart, this is what you want to tell each other your love, need to use actions to express the degree of love. Love is opening your heart and let it flow freely, let the other see, hear, feel,
Life is like a Tetris game, there are those who keep irregular unexpected events fall, you have to in a very short period of time to determine where they should be placed. (The worst of times, not like a good place where, when trouble was to follow the)
life is a constant drift of the process, you and I have traveled everywhere, met everyone, and perhaps will become a relay station, a passer, has always been like recall, like to look back, like do not forget. But now found deep in the heart of the those things already in their time into oblivion, do not let your heart too tired, do not recollected too many people and things have been not his own.
to thank people who hurt you, because he honed your mind! Thanks for your trip, because he strengthens your legs! Thanks to deceive you, because he has enhanced your wisdom! Thanks for your contempt, because he awakening your self-esteem! Thank those who abandoned you, because he taught you to be independent!
Laughter is the thing the world to the United States, it away and abandon sorrow, to compose the future, showing confidence. Often with a smile on the face of life, you will find them beautiful. A smile, you're the world to the United States person.
Life is like a train, love stop-go, friends to the fate of stay, it was half way stop over some cars, how many people in your life pass you by train, only close friends and love you people to stay to the end!
No matter what happens, we must say to yourself, \
heart, love, see the world's eyes will be pure, feeling the world was very warm; heart, hate, see the world's eyes will have impurities, and the world will become ugly. Attitude changed, and changed the world followed suit. Life is good or bad; fortune or misfortune in life; environment of good and bad, everything depends on your attitude. With a good attitude to face life, your life is beautiful.
\The \
07-27-2011, 07:40 AM
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Y是财产,好男人须在富与不富之间。记得有一条短信是这样讲的:“征婚:家穷人丑一米四九,小学文明乡 村户口,破屋三间玉米一篓,冷锅热炕老婆不,一年四季药不离口,本日短信广征女友,革命途径并肩联袂。你愿 否?”这样的男人,你可乐意跟他共携手?俗话说得好:“贫贱夫妻百事哀”,美妙的爱情经不起贫困的践踏,弄 不好,爱情也要“呜呼哀哉”的。那么就嫁个富翁吧?也不行。你明明是由于恋情嫁给他的,到了别人嘴里,就确 定成了“这个女人一定是看中了人家的钱,千方百计地引诱人家,去做少奶奶的”。不论怎么着,先要受得起这个 窝囊气。又有一句话,就“一入侯门深似海”,个别来讲,一个很有钱的人,往往家族权势很宏大,嫁给了他,就 即是嫁给了一个庞大的家族,三姨娘、七姑奶的,烦都能把你烦逝世,而且“男人有钱就变坏”,看不住,管不了 ,防不胜防,也不好办。
Z是才干,好男人须在才与不才之间。古人云:“郎才女貌”,男人当然得有才,不然天下的傻瓜就没有那么 多打王老五骗子的了。假如这个女人的脑袋没有什么问题的话,基础上是不会自动去找一个脑袋有问题的男人做老 公的。女人都会不自发地被有才干的男人所吸引。那么,真的才高八斗、技能绝伦的就好么?让你嫁给诸葛亮,你 乐意吗?先等一下,思考之后再答复。诸葛亮有才华,有计策,你有吗?有一天,他忽然兴趣上来,想跟你聊聊有 关“空城计”的问题,你能搭得上几句话?假使再有哪一天,他要背着你做什么事,随意说一两句话,玩一点小计 谋,你又能分辨真伪吗?而且这样的男人,在事实世界往往恃才傲物目空所有,总以为自己是下里巴人,认为“举 世皆浊我独清”,在单位容易遭人排斥成为众叛亲离,万一碰上个鼠肚鸡肠的上司,就别谈什么发展跟前途了;在 家里更是唯我独尊不把你放在眼里,那你惨了,就当奴才和跟从吧。
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β是口才,男人不能太会说,也不能不会说。记得周星驰演的《九品芝麻官》里的包龙星吗?就是那个站在大 海眼前,把海里的鱼啊虾啊什么的,都骂出水面的那个,他的口水怕是能够跟水雷媲美了。那样的男人你要嫁吗? 在家里,你才说一句话, Cheap CHI Flat Iron,他已经口水满天飞了,那你还能插得上嘴吗?跟有语言霸权的男人在一起,连舆论自在都无奈保障。那嫁给一个 嘴拙的人?更不要!跟他说一句话,他半天憋不出一个屁来,你还不焦急啊!这样,一辈子恐怕连架都没得吵。所 以说,要找一个跟你相称的人,做他生涯上的对手,宜进宜退,你进我退,岂不快哉!
X、Y、Z、α、β,无论是哪个,它都是开区间,它们之间有很多许多的点,千万个男人之间也就有了很多很多 的好男人。想想看,哪一个点,才是合适你的好男人。
07-27-2011, 07:41 AM
General of the Army
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,488
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Reprinted from 454358240 at 11:53 on November 16, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Gold whirlpool
a center: to all health centers. Two basic points: failing to cool a little and see the world a little confused. Three forget: Forget age, forget the past and forget the scores. Four have: a person who truly loves you, with close friends, with upward career, have a warm home.
heart is a pocket, pretend to be something called the mind a little time, when the name is a little more than eye, when the name is more calculating, often called the effort.
covers the three essentials of life of Chinese Characters: \on to the next. Truly be said: life is too complex, the words that Dominion.
people a simple pleasure, but few people happy! A complex on the pain, suffering people may be crowded but it reflects a real problem: more people come to live out the simple is not easy, to live out the complex to very simple.
who understand know how to give, people who know how to sacrifice the truth, happy people know how to transcend. Do not love themselves, most need to understand, to give up and blessing. Too much self-assertion is begging each other's charity. Love and be loved, have been a very happy thing. Do not let this become a pain.
balance, which is a beautiful state. Ecological balance, and will be good weather; nutritional balance, and physical health can be safeguarded; and the balance of work and rest, energetic people; psychological balance, comfortable people need a happy balance of mind ... ... and learn to balance, can stand up again.
two lovely woman, a mother-type, very thoughtful, will take care of people, the men take care of very thoughtful. And with such a woman will feel a strong loved. The other is the younger sister type, a very timid, very shy, very dependent on men, and such a woman, together, will stimulate your man's personality show. Yet another woman who did not know and care about caring, and never bow to the man lying down, the most men do nothing.
Sometimes, we need a crisis and to stimulate our potential to awaken our inner life, the long-hidden passions, to realize the greatest value in life. Mediocre people, most not because of their lack of capacity, but because of complacent, lazy, did not trigger their potential life in the dull machinery buried himself. Do not always envy other people's head ring, in fact, you also have the capability to put it on a beautiful Corolla.
There are many things in life, you need to endure. Have much in life, you need to endure. Life has a lot of gas, need to endure. Life has a lot of pain, need for tolerance. Life has a lot of desire and need for tolerance. There are many circumstances in life need to endure. The performance of forbearance is sometimes timid, sometimes strong and coat completely. Know how to endure, will know what to bear.
leave gaps to mind: Life should always leave yourself mind the gap, so that my heart has an ease, belstaff online, regardless of surging, regardless of the vicissitudes of life things change and change, with one of their own to meet the quiet of the sky, the hearts will certainly sunny!
from the shadow of inferiority complex: self-esteem is the self-esteem, self-love, self-motivation, self-confidence, the opposite of self-improvement, self-esteem is the stumbling block of people out of adversity, self-esteem are the obstacles for themselves. The strong are not born, but also a weak moment, belstaff uk, the strong have become the strong, because the good triumph over the weak and strong. Great man is great is that they always maintained a positive and optimistic attitude. Remember: people-line, I line
tempered life thanks: Thank hurt you, because he honed your mind! Thanks for your trip, because he strengthens your legs! Thanks to deceive you, because he has enhanced your wisdom! Thanks for your contempt, because he awakening your self-esteem! Thank those who abandoned you, because he taught you to be independent!
have impassioned: offensive is hypocritical, exciting is love, is a touching friendship sadly unsympathetic, it is a warm family, chilling is relentless, ------ exciting is having an affair
and the guiding principle of family fun: the daily thoughtful, failing humor. Family relationship is your most significant investment in this life, try to fifteen minutes every day, and the spouse, children and even pets, to share memories, experiences, ideas, dreams and creativity.
many things, always in the future will know how experienced. As emotional, painful, and will know how to protect themselves; silly too, and will know when to adhere to and to give up, and lost in, we slowly get to understand themselves. In fact, life does not need these many unnecessary attachments, nothing really can not let go. Afford to take fit, learn to give up, life would be easier.
hug a lot: hug between lovers, is a happy sweet; marital embrace, is lenient to understand; friends embrace, is the intimate trust; hug after the fight on behalf of compromise and forgiveness; meet after hug, on behalf of thoughts and emotion; hug before parting, on behalf of dismay and expectations. Embrace, is a silent language, the time to embrace each other is needed, it is time to be needed is a most valuable time.
fourth most in life: The greatest enemy is himself, the greatest failure is arrogance, ignorance is the biggest deception, the greatest tragedy is the jealousy, the greatest error is abandon myself, the most admired is the sophisticated, the largest Bankruptcy is the despair, the greatest wealth is health, the biggest debt is debt situation, the greatest gift is forgiveness, the biggest is the lack of insight, is pleased to donate the largest and most poor temperament is the inferiority complex, the biggest sin is self-deception
only know how to live people, in order to experience the wind and frost bloom, that means a long seductive fragrance; only know how to love, to experience the beauty of life, that joy and happiness of agitation; only through unremitting efforts only people who deeply know the hard-won happiness. I wish you a Happy New Year million toast Gaokeng days, happy days of years long
fact, a person's happiness or not and how much money there is no certain relationship, when a child does not know the role of money, give him one hundred thousand yuan will not be happy! And give him a bottle of milk is not it! And when he grows up that money to snacks, to give him ten dollars is very happy. How much happiness is to look at each of the values differ, the same make ten dollars, the desire of people will be very small, happy, and the desire of people will be disappointed big, very happy.
only keep a person the feeling of happiness, more love will make your life and love life. Only happy, happy mood, is the source of creativity and life force; only continue to create their own happiness, live happily with their own people, to stay away from pain and trouble, to have a happy life.
necessary means to achieve great things: the courage determination, to overcome the habit of indecision; challenge weakness and completely change their defects; breaking through difficulties, the success from failure in the group of capital; seize the opportunity, good selection, good at creating; play strengths to do things they do best; attitude adjustment, should not allow emotional harm themselves; immediate action, just saying no, in vain; sociable, clever use of human resources; re-planning, points to a higher starting point. Ability to achieve great things must-9: put right attitude, the courage to face reality; so you have a strong self-control; the emotion into the rationality of the box; alone can stimulate the power of thought; pressure is the best incentive; to change strain, have a way out; self-confidence is a strong pillar of life; to focus on their strengths into; to concentrate on doing one thing. 9 into the mentality of the necessary events: positive, diligent, humble, honest and trustworthy, dare to challenge, good cooperation, contentment, balance, optimistic, generous guest, and always confident.
low-key life, is a character, a gesture, a grace, a kind of self-cultivation, a mind, a kind of wisdom, a strategy is the best attitude in life. To succeed must be tolerant to others, thus pleasing the people, the appreciation of admire. Low-key life, not only to protect themselves and integrate into the population, live in harmony with others, you can force people to build the dark, quietly sneak, without significant mountain dew for success.
life will have to miss some people: Living life, more or less going through some emotional ups and downs. With the emotional life line and goes farther, then raise back, past the impression of memory, emotions, joys and sorrows, surging in life than those who set foot in the soul of grass and to be loved , is still preserved the precious time lost feeling to finish, but we will eventually miss some people who can accompany you for life
life is like a song, undulating pitch, melody cadence; life like a book, filled with ups and downs, a record of emotions; Life is like a Juqi, full of danger, Sabian opportunities ; Life is like a road, a bumpy mountain heavy water complex, but also the easy way out; life is like a river, sometimes nine ileum, and sometimes blew out.
perception of life: Zaikuzailei must learn to smile! Now, many people fare well, flies are not happy. In fact, who live in this world, there are a lot of trouble. Pain or pleasure, depending on your heart. Overcome the strong person is not suffering! Is the weak yield to the pain! Further heavy burden, but also pick a smile! Crying is also a challenge, then the life ring true, with a smile stays later, is the victory!
confused person live, easy to happiness; live a sober person, easily upset. This is because people look too real sober, one seriously, life will be trouble everywhere; and stupid people, thought less, although the live simple and rough, but so great to find a taste of life.
holds daily ---- advice love me for a minute: Indeed, for women and men in love, the passion of flying after the collision, the marriage was such a simple country girl. People often \unfamiliar way round for Bali Starling Huan? / p>
smile, to sing songs of life. Do not complain about life brought so much suffering, do not complain there are too many twists and turns in life. If the ocean's rolling waves lose, you lose powerful, desert sandstorm in the dance if lost, will lose the spectacular, life is obtained if only two points to the front line of smooth, life would have been impossible charm.
you smile, and the world smile: smile more every day, several times, not only to familiar people, also to strangers. This way, you must harvest it often friendly smile. When human beings look very nice smile, do not believe you look in the mirror. When you smile at others, people smile at you; when you genuinely smile, you will find that the whole world smile.
life, happiness is always carried by the weight: each of us put into the \homes hard to \So when you feel life's heavy, you should feel fortunate and satisfied, happy. Must be behind because of heavy fruitful life and career of the harvest.
your life, in addition to their own who can not be responsible for you: believe you can make a decision. Develop their own habits of thought, not free to go along with others, the views of others only for your reference. Boldly bear the consequences of failure. If you earnestly do, as long as you do better than yesterday, cheering on their own for their own fuel applause. Otherwise, you will never experience the joy of less than successful.
life, like a cup of tea, like a cup of bitter tea, taste the bitter taste, but it is back to being sweet smile. Similar efforts to silence the suffering endured, after the tribulations is very bright smile. Life, do not leave any regrets in a true smile to the face of all the world. In fact, we will find that not everything in the world is cruel, as long as there smiling heart, the Earth and everything will be fine.
normal, happy too: Life is short, everything but it should take to heart, mind at any time to maintain balance, believe in yourself and keep normal, panic, smiling, ������һ��, one will lead a happy life .
need to express love: Human life is a mutual interest, care process, everyone has emotional needs, but do not let love know you care with a guess, but to make them feel your mind from time to time This is what you use your mouth and tell each other the love, the need to use actions to express the degree of love. Love is opening your heart and let it flow freely, let the other see, hear, feel it.
\Perfectly healthy is a blessing, peace is also a blessing, not sacrifice health to exchange for money, when contrition late. Mental health is more important than the health of the body, health lies in the daily maintenance. Daily Reminder: disease-free without disaster is such a big happiness, life epiphany: psychosomatic and support.
everyone has been hurt over the pain. See for himself, are all really feel heartbroken that broke our hearts to the taste, and once thought that the pain is accompanied by numerous after day and night. However, years later look back on those wounds, he discovered that in the passage of time, those injured had been hurt the past, has unwittingly short time not in the deep, original thought would struggle a lifetime of pain, have changed When moving back into a smile and insights.
people are the meat-long encounter Brief Encounter, it is difficult there is not inviting. But if you really love each other, we must understand each other, the highest state of love not only their own, but also care about and value other people's feelings. Resident heart of the Loved or a flash to forget unloved, in fact, no right or wrong, as long as good faith, that is beautiful.
man as man, created equal, the Buddha of the Buddha, because the people kneeling. People who should not have looked up, not the worship of whom, nothing exciting to get along, no war, no grudges, Fang is the best. People can not arrogant, but never without her side. Indeed, high officials, or civilians, their clothes back, bare of its body, only the white black, fat, thin, no distinction between high and low social status.
how many people say, I will wait for you, so you change your mind that day; I will wait for you, so you want to be with me that day; I will wait for you, so you leave that person came to me that day; I will wait for you, so you ... ... but people know with the world of love, not really stand the wait for several!
have skills, is the best way to survive in life ... ... There are many ways to create wealth, but not every way are suitable for them, nor can each make their own way to create a lot of wealth. But what is certain is that, with skill, is the best way to survive, by virtue of their craft, they will be able to success themselves.
cut off their escape route, in order to better win the way ... ... in many cases, we need a cut off their escape route courage. Because the escape route behind him, we will trust to luck and comfortable, the pace will slow down before the line; behind no return if we can focus all of our energy, courage, for their own way to win.
being accompanied by: busy is a blessing, so we do not have time to feel pain; run around is a pleasure, let the real feelings of life; fatigue is a pleasure, let us no time to empty; Failure is an experience, so that We really understand the life. So happy to fly into your windows and doors, so good luck fall on your side, belstaff outlet, so happy always on your side, so smug flowing in your heart and let the years filled with sincere and memorable lines.
confused life is a real high intelligence, is a pretty face, big or destruction, if the Ne, the realm of great debate. As the highest wisdom should have seen through the inner and outer, honor and disgrace, earnings and imaginary boundaries, to reach the same nickname for me, I co-exist with the realm of things, so that is not in the most delicate, eternally are not considered in the , stupid can be called clever.
your hand, old age together. When you cry, someone to accompany you down, listen to what you say as you heal messy hair and haggard Yen Yung, still tell you tomorrow, bright and sunny; when you smile bright, the whole world is bright with you, but He stood quietly, smiling at you and the sunlight, bright ... ...
happiness is to find a warm person over a lifetime: the value of love you, cherish have been at your side to protect you, keep you when the baby man. The man is really valuable. When he at your side, you do not know that you really love him, sometimes you feel the lack of passion, but when you no longer nagging at his side, no one control you, no one cares about your pain, the sudden found, lost, that fact has been his favorite person.
one can look in the end a person, not because he is too simple, not profound, but because he was too simple, too pure. This simple and clean, people admire; some people Yunshanwuzhao, it seems very complicated and deep, in fact, such a depth, not the depth of the soul, but the subtlety too; this complexity is evil human nature staggered, rather than the graceful intelligence stack.
simple to make love, it is best suited to their object is selected. A truly worthy of love, but also know how to return love, love will naturally become simple. This heart between the two usually do not need to guess, do not worry about the whereabouts of; not afraid of inadvertently angered, do not doubt that the motivation to do anything. Between the two men, a little worried, but not dwell; between the two men, a little miss, but not sad.
with a goal on the road: The objective is a beacon, lighting up part of your life; goal is a road sign in the direction you get lost; goal is a torch that can burn everyone's potential. Difficult to smooth the road of life, but also of course full of thorns, full of ups and downs, as long as a clear goal, you will see the dawn of hope. Even if another big storm front also persistent pursuit, no regrets.
lose, does not mean you are worse than others; lose, does not mean you will never succeed. Even if the life of a thousand reasons to cry, you have to come up with a million reasons laugh. \pride and courage.
only live once, do not live too tired: It should be comfortable to live, live happy, live cool. Work too fast, too much stress, too feisty heart, life is too erratic, time is not long, mental and physical strength would collapse. Comfortable to live, live happy, live smart, we must learn to be content, learn to go with the flow. Happy to know how to share the double happiness, happy life should fill the anticipation surprise and gratitude.
revel in life learn to live comfortably: \In fact, revel not give up the pursuit, but rather open-minded attitude to face life; revel a kind of wisdom that can get people in the frenetic environment, belstaff jacket, still have a peaceful mind, a cool head; revel is a cultivation, is stricken dead the vicissitudes of life, is read to make human experience.
treasure is happiness: Do not change because of someone else's vision of his loved ones, belstaff jackets outlet, they must live in the eye of others lost their own! Feelings can not be greedy, not a dream. Therefore, we should come to waiting for their own intentions, not earth-shattering love. No one is perfect love, a relationship is not flawless; love and love, can only be so true. You are not the best, but I love you!
said, who lives in a healthy way to go, can add up to seventy laps around the earth in this wide world, a person with another person likely to encounter one ten-millionth as friends about the possibility of one hundred million, and the possibility of a life companion is only one billion. If we put a lot of seemingly ordinary things are as hard to come by, and we will be treasured.
happy to retain the name, called the passage of regret: is the sweet taste of happiness, and occasionally sour; Unfortunately, the feeling is hard, and occasionally show tonight. Treat the people around you, we can be together is happiness. If you fall in love, do not give up easily. Cowardice, may make you a lifetime regret. Did not experience the love of life is not complete without experiencing the pain of love is not profound. Love makes life rich and painful to make love sublimation ... ...
you can not change the environment, but you can change yourself; you can not change the facts, but you can change attitudes; you can not change the past, but you can change now; you can not control other people, but you can control their own; You can not predict tomorrow, but you can hold today; you can not do everything well, but you can be conscientious in everything; you can not extend the length of life, but you can determine the width of life.
God said, the so-called happiness, is a grateful heart, a healthy body, a desirable job, a love you baby, a bunch of trusted friends.
Life is not available, but have learned: You do not have a successful marriage is to learn how to be more close to the well-being. You do not get the victory, is to learn how to avoid failure. You do not get the final result you want is to learn things will not be satisfactory.
life, like a cup of tea, like a cup of bitter tea, taste the bitter taste, but it is back to being sweet smile. Similar efforts to silence the suffering endured, after the tribulations is very bright smile. Life, do not leave any regrets in a true smile to the face in the world everything. In fact, we find that the world is not so cruel, as long as the heart smile, the world's all still good.
smile is the best language between friends, a smile is the best cards in life, a smile is an important accomplishment. The essence of a smile friendly, encouraging, is warm. People who really know how to smile, always easy to get more opportunities than others, always more likely to succeed.
who understand know how to give, people who know how to sacrifice the truth, happy people know how to transcend. Do not love themselves, most need to understand, to give up and blessing. Too much self-assertion is begging each other's charity. Love and be loved, have been a very happy thing. Do not let this become a pain.
care is a sad happiness, when you're worried about a person, you will think he is not too worried about you. Care because I like it because the care and sorrow, ����ȥ���� each other's concerns. Care is a brilliant, a deep, a pure, a simple.
never regret it. We do not choose to go back away. But to clear the challenges facing has caused. Hard to adjust, and believe they will succeed. Whether you're deep in desperation, or the risk of severe illness, you can do nothing of the past, but in the moment, your future is not so remote, if you work hard, believe in yourself, life is often a way out.
If you love a person, he would be willing to change. I am a man in front of you the line element, set the behavior you do not like the expense, then he is not love you. So if you're not concerned about him or he is not concerned about you, then you will love him or he does not love you, and do not think that their own have been very careless or believe he is a careless person. Met his true love, can also become a coward brave, the same way, will become a ghost carefully careless.
--- We might as well learn to precipitate
life experience precipitation, precipitation mood, settling their own! Make life in the movement to quiet their minds in the impetuous to be quiet a moment. The things that worry every day as the dust down, slowly, quietly let them settle down, with a broad mind to accommodate them, perhaps we will become more pure soul, our mind will become more open-minded, our life will be more happy.
the most precious in life and not get lost, but now have. Do not know how to cherish the sight of all, is the most unfortunate. Because the Association has lost its become lost and regret, not if it has learned to cherish.
love and career, is a human life is closely related to two important aspects. Love to give people a better life, gives a promising and bright career. If we compare life to fighting waves of sailing, then the cause is the only ship, love is a ship's sail, the two will work together to push you the other side of the cause of victory.
wife's parents that their parents, Care, Love me, love house, �������Լ���֮��, as long as the heart really feel this is my own parents, psychologically intimate attachment to the elderly, the elderly will feel this true. Moreover, old people are like children, belstaff leather, like children, as long as the coax to coax elderly happy enough. We did have an old one day.
happiness of life is actually a feeling, a mood. You're elated, relaxed and happy, lonely or depressed, are tired, there are attitude to dominate. We must learn to always make the mind a break, so that inner peace and balance in order to feel relaxed and happy life and a happy life.
Human life is a mutual interest, care process, everyone has emotional needs, of which the language of communication and expression of emotion is the key. Do not let love just know you care with a guess, but to make them always feel in your heart, this is what you want to tell each other your love, need to use actions to express the degree of love. Love is opening your heart and let it flow freely, let the other see, hear, feel,
Life is like a Tetris game, there are those who keep irregular unexpected events fall, you have to in a very short period of time to determine where they should be placed. (The worst of times, not like a good place where, when trouble was to follow the)
life is a constant drift of the process, you and I have traveled everywhere, met everyone, and perhaps will become a relay station, a passer, has always been like recall, like to look back, like do not forget. But now found deep in the heart of the those things already in their time into oblivion, do not let your heart too tired, do not recollected too many people and things have been not his own.
to thank people who hurt you, because he honed your mind! Thanks for your trip, because he strengthens your legs! Thanks to deceive you, because he has enhanced your wisdom! Thanks for your contempt, because he awakening your self-esteem! Thank those who abandoned you, because he taught you to be independent!
Laughter is the thing the world to the United States, it away and abandon sorrow, to compose the future, showing confidence. Often with a smile on the face of life, you will find them beautiful. A smile, you're the world to the United States person.
Life is like a train, love stop-go, friends to the fate of stay, it was half way stop over some cars, how many people in your life pass you by train, only close friends and love you people to stay to the end!
No matter what happens, we must say to yourself, \
heart, love, see the world's eyes will be pure, feeling the world was very warm; heart, hate, see the world's eyes will have impurities, and the world will become ugly. Attitude changed, and changed the world followed suit. Life is good or bad; fortune or misfortune in life; environment of good and bad, everything depends on your attitude. With a good attitude to face life, your life is beautiful.
\The \
07-27-2011, 07:42 AM
General of the Army
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,488
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Reprinted from 454358240 at 11:53 on November 16, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Gold whirlpool
a center: to all health centers. Two basic points: failing to cool a little and see the world a little confused. Three forget: Forget age, forget the past and forget the scores. Four have: a person who truly loves you, with close friends, with upward career, have a warm home.
heart is a pocket, pretend to be something called the mind a little time, when the name is a little more than eye, when the name is more calculating, often called the effort.
covers the three essentials of life of Chinese Characters: \on to the next. Truly be said: life is too complex, the words that Dominion.
people a simple pleasure, but few people happy! A complex on the pain, suffering people may be crowded but it reflects a real problem: more people come to live out the simple is not easy, to live out the complex to very simple.
who understand know how to give, people who know how to sacrifice the truth, happy people know how to transcend. Do not love themselves, most need to understand, to give up and blessing. Too much self-assertion is begging each other's charity. Love and be loved, have been a very happy thing. Do not let this become a pain.
balance, which is a beautiful state. Ecological balance, and will be good weather; nutritional balance, and physical health can be safeguarded; and the balance of work and rest, energetic people; psychological balance, comfortable people need a happy balance of mind ... ... and learn to balance, can stand up again.
two lovely woman, a mother-type, very thoughtful, will take care of people, the men take care of very thoughtful. And with such a woman will feel a strong loved. The other is the younger sister type, a very timid, very shy, very dependent on men, and such a woman, together, will stimulate your man's personality show. Yet another woman who did not know and care about caring, and never bow to the man lying down, the most men do nothing.
Sometimes, we need a crisis and to stimulate our potential to awaken our inner life, the long-hidden passions, to realize the greatest value in life. Mediocre people, most not because of their lack of capacity, but because of complacent, lazy, did not trigger their potential life in the dull machinery buried himself. Do not always envy other people's head ring, in fact, you also have the capability to put it on a beautiful Corolla.
There are many things in life, you need to endure. Have much in life, you need to endure. Life has a lot of gas, need to endure. Life has a lot of pain, need for tolerance. Life has a lot of desire and need for tolerance. There are many circumstances in life need to endure. The performance of forbearance is sometimes timid, sometimes strong and coat completely. Know how to endure, will know what to bear.
leave gaps to mind: Life should always leave yourself mind the gap, so that my heart has an ease, belstaff online, regardless of surging, regardless of the vicissitudes of life things change and change, with one of their own to meet the quiet of the sky, the hearts will certainly sunny!
from the shadow of inferiority complex: self-esteem is the self-esteem, self-love, self-motivation, self-confidence, the opposite of self-improvement, self-esteem is the stumbling block of people out of adversity, self-esteem are the obstacles for themselves. The strong are not born, but also a weak moment, belstaff uk, the strong have become the strong, because the good triumph over the weak and strong. Great man is great is that they always maintained a positive and optimistic attitude. Remember: people-line, I line
tempered life thanks: Thank hurt you, because he honed your mind! Thanks for your trip, because he strengthens your legs! Thanks to deceive you, because he has enhanced your wisdom! Thanks for your contempt, because he awakening your self-esteem! Thank those who abandoned you, because he taught you to be independent!
have impassioned: offensive is hypocritical, exciting is love, is a touching friendship sadly unsympathetic, it is a warm family, chilling is relentless, ------ exciting is having an affair
and the guiding principle of family fun: the daily thoughtful, failing humor. Family relationship is your most significant investment in this life, try to fifteen minutes every day, and the spouse, children and even pets, to share memories, experiences, ideas, dreams and creativity.
many things, always in the future will know how experienced. As emotional, painful, and will know how to protect themselves; silly too, and will know when to adhere to and to give up, and lost in, we slowly get to understand themselves. In fact, life does not need these many unnecessary attachments, nothing really can not let go. Afford to take fit, learn to give up, life would be easier.
hug a lot: hug between lovers, is a happy sweet; marital embrace, is lenient to understand; friends embrace, is the intimate trust; hug after the fight on behalf of compromise and forgiveness; meet after hug, on behalf of thoughts and emotion; hug before parting, on behalf of dismay and expectations. Embrace, is a silent language, the time to embrace each other is needed, it is time to be needed is a most valuable time.
fourth most in life: The greatest enemy is himself, the greatest failure is arrogance, ignorance is the biggest deception, the greatest tragedy is the jealousy, the greatest error is abandon myself, the most admired is the sophisticated, the largest Bankruptcy is the despair, the greatest wealth is health, the biggest debt is debt situation, the greatest gift is forgiveness, the biggest is the lack of insight, is pleased to donate the largest and most poor temperament is the inferiority complex, the biggest sin is self-deception
only know how to live people, in order to experience the wind and frost bloom, that means a long seductive fragrance; only know how to love, to experience the beauty of life, that joy and happiness of agitation; only through unremitting efforts only people who deeply know the hard-won happiness. I wish you a Happy New Year million toast Gaokeng days, happy days of years long
fact, a person's happiness or not and how much money there is no certain relationship, when a child does not know the role of money, give him one hundred thousand yuan will not be happy! And give him a bottle of milk is not it! And when he grows up that money to snacks, to give him ten dollars is very happy. How much happiness is to look at each of the values differ, the same make ten dollars, the desire of people will be very small, happy, and the desire of people will be disappointed big, very happy.
only keep a person the feeling of happiness, more love will make your life and love life. Only happy, happy mood, is the source of creativity and life force; only continue to create their own happiness, live happily with their own people, to stay away from pain and trouble, to have a happy life.
necessary means to achieve great things: the courage determination, to overcome the habit of indecision; challenge weakness and completely change their defects; breaking through difficulties, the success from failure in the group of capital; seize the opportunity, good selection, good at creating; play strengths to do things they do best; attitude adjustment, should not allow emotional harm themselves; immediate action, just saying no, in vain; sociable, clever use of human resources; re-planning, points to a higher starting point. Ability to achieve great things must-9: put right attitude, the courage to face reality; so you have a strong self-control; the emotion into the rationality of the box; alone can stimulate the power of thought; pressure is the best incentive; to change strain, have a way out; self-confidence is a strong pillar of life; to focus on their strengths into; to concentrate on doing one thing. 9 into the mentality of the necessary events: positive, diligent, humble, honest and trustworthy, dare to challenge, good cooperation, contentment, balance, optimistic, generous guest, and always confident.
low-key life, is a character, a gesture, a grace, a kind of self-cultivation, a mind, a kind of wisdom, a strategy is the best attitude in life. To succeed must be tolerant to others, thus pleasing the people, the appreciation of admire. Low-key life, not only to protect themselves and integrate into the population, live in harmony with others, you can force people to build the dark, quietly sneak, without significant mountain dew for success.
life will have to miss some people: Living life, more or less going through some emotional ups and downs. With the emotional life line and goes farther, then raise back, past the impression of memory, emotions, joys and sorrows, surging in life than those who set foot in the soul of grass and to be loved , is still preserved the precious time lost feeling to finish, but we will eventually miss some people who can accompany you for life
life is like a song, undulating pitch, melody cadence; life like a book, filled with ups and downs, a record of emotions; Life is like a Juqi, full of danger, Sabian opportunities ; Life is like a road, a bumpy mountain heavy water complex, but also the easy way out; life is like a river, sometimes nine ileum, and sometimes blew out.
perception of life: Zaikuzailei must learn to smile! Now, many people fare well, flies are not happy. In fact, who live in this world, there are a lot of trouble. Pain or pleasure, depending on your heart. Overcome the strong person is not suffering! Is the weak yield to the pain! Further heavy burden, but also pick a smile! Crying is also a challenge, then the life ring true, with a smile stays later, is the victory!
confused person live, easy to happiness; live a sober person, easily upset. This is because people look too real sober, one seriously, life will be trouble everywhere; and stupid people, thought less, although the live simple and rough, but so great to find a taste of life.
holds daily ---- advice love me for a minute: Indeed, for women and men in love, the passion of flying after the collision, the marriage was such a simple country girl. People often \unfamiliar way round for Bali Starling Huan? / p>
smile, to sing songs of life. Do not complain about life brought so much suffering, do not complain there are too many twists and turns in life. If the ocean's rolling waves lose, you lose powerful, desert sandstorm in the dance if lost, will lose the spectacular, life is obtained if only two points to the front line of smooth, life would have been impossible charm.
you smile, and the world smile: smile more every day, several times, not only to familiar people, also to strangers. This way, you must harvest it often friendly smile. When human beings look very nice smile, do not believe you look in the mirror. When you smile at others, people smile at you; when you genuinely smile, you will find that the whole world smile.
life, happiness is always carried by the weight: each of us put into the \homes hard to \So when you feel life's heavy, you should feel fortunate and satisfied, happy. Must be behind because of heavy fruitful life and career of the harvest.
your life, in addition to their own who can not be responsible for you: believe you can make a decision. Develop their own habits of thought, not free to go along with others, the views of others only for your reference. Boldly bear the consequences of failure. If you earnestly do, as long as you do better than yesterday, cheering on their own for their own fuel applause. Otherwise, you will never experience the joy of less than successful.
life, like a cup of tea, like a cup of bitter tea, taste the bitter taste, but it is back to being sweet smile. Similar efforts to silence the suffering endured, after the tribulations is very bright smile. Life, do not leave any regrets in a true smile to the face of all the world. In fact, we will find that not everything in the world is cruel, as long as there smiling heart, the Earth and everything will be fine.
normal, happy too: Life is short, everything but it should take to heart, mind at any time to maintain balance, believe in yourself and keep normal, panic, smiling, ������һ��, one will lead a happy life .
need to express love: Human life is a mutual interest, care process, everyone has emotional needs, but do not let love know you care with a guess, but to make them feel your mind from time to time This is what you use your mouth and tell each other the love, the need to use actions to express the degree of love. Love is opening your heart and let it flow freely, let the other see, hear, feel it.
\Perfectly healthy is a blessing, peace is also a blessing, not sacrifice health to exchange for money, when contrition late. Mental health is more important than the health of the body, health lies in the daily maintenance. Daily Reminder: disease-free without disaster is such a big happiness, life epiphany: psychosomatic and support.
everyone has been hurt over the pain. See for himself, are all really feel heartbroken that broke our hearts to the taste, and once thought that the pain is accompanied by numerous after day and night. However, years later look back on those wounds, he discovered that in the passage of time, those injured had been hurt the past, has unwittingly short time not in the deep, original thought would struggle a lifetime of pain, have changed When moving back into a smile and insights.
people are the meat-long encounter Brief Encounter, it is difficult there is not inviting. But if you really love each other, we must understand each other, the highest state of love not only their own, but also care about and value other people's feelings. Resident heart of the Loved or a flash to forget unloved, in fact, no right or wrong, as long as good faith, that is beautiful.
man as man, created equal, the Buddha of the Buddha, because the people kneeling. People who should not have looked up, not the worship of whom, nothing exciting to get along, no war, no grudges, Fang is the best. People can not arrogant, but never without her side. Indeed, high officials, or civilians, their clothes back, bare of its body, only the white black, fat, thin, no distinction between high and low social status.
how many people say, I will wait for you, so you change your mind that day; I will wait for you, so you want to be with me that day; I will wait for you, so you leave that person came to me that day; I will wait for you, so you ... ... but people know with the world of love, not really stand the wait for several!
have skills, is the best way to survive in life ... ... There are many ways to create wealth, but not every way are suitable for them, nor can each make their own way to create a lot of wealth. But what is certain is that, with skill, is the best way to survive, by virtue of their craft, they will be able to success themselves.
cut off their escape route, in order to better win the way ... ... in many cases, we need a cut off their escape route courage. Because the escape route behind him, we will trust to luck and comfortable, the pace will slow down before the line; behind no return if we can focus all of our energy, courage, for their own way to win.
being accompanied by: busy is a blessing, so we do not have time to feel pain; run around is a pleasure, let the real feelings of life; fatigue is a pleasure, let us no time to empty; Failure is an experience, so that We really understand the life. So happy to fly into your windows and doors, so good luck fall on your side, belstaff outlet, so happy always on your side, so smug flowing in your heart and let the years filled with sincere and memorable lines.
confused life is a real high intelligence, is a pretty face, big or destruction, if the Ne, the realm of great debate. As the highest wisdom should have seen through the inner and outer, honor and disgrace, earnings and imaginary boundaries, to reach the same nickname for me, I co-exist with the realm of things, so that is not in the most delicate, eternally are not considered in the , stupid can be called clever.
your hand, old age together. When you cry, someone to accompany you down, listen to what you say as you heal messy hair and haggard Yen Yung, still tell you tomorrow, bright and sunny; when you smile bright, the whole world is bright with you, but He stood quietly, smiling at you and the sunlight, bright ... ...
happiness is to find a warm person over a lifetime: the value of love you, cherish have been at your side to protect you, keep you when the baby man. The man is really valuable. When he at your side, you do not know that you really love him, sometimes you feel the lack of passion, but when you no longer nagging at his side, no one control you, no one cares about your pain, the sudden found, lost, that fact has been his favorite person.
one can look in the end a person, not because he is too simple, not profound, but because he was too simple, too pure. This simple and clean, people admire; some people Yunshanwuzhao, it seems very complicated and deep, in fact, such a depth, not the depth of the soul, but the subtlety too; this complexity is evil human nature staggered, rather than the graceful intelligence stack.
simple to make love, it is best suited to their object is selected. A truly worthy of love, but also know how to return love, love will naturally become simple. This heart between the two usually do not need to guess, do not worry about the whereabouts of; not afraid of inadvertently angered, do not doubt that the motivation to do anything. Between the two men, a little worried, but not dwell; between the two men, a little miss, but not sad.
with a goal on the road: The objective is a beacon, lighting up part of your life; goal is a road sign in the direction you get lost; goal is a torch that can burn everyone's potential. Difficult to smooth the road of life, but also of course full of thorns, full of ups and downs, as long as a clear goal, you will see the dawn of hope. Even if another big storm front also persistent pursuit, no regrets.
lose, does not mean you are worse than others; lose, does not mean you will never succeed. Even if the life of a thousand reasons to cry, you have to come up with a million reasons laugh. \pride and courage.
only live once, do not live too tired: It should be comfortable to live, live happy, live cool. Work too fast, too much stress, too feisty heart, life is too erratic, time is not long, mental and physical strength would collapse. Comfortable to live, live happy, live smart, we must learn to be content, learn to go with the flow. Happy to know how to share the double happiness, happy life should fill the anticipation surprise and gratitude.
revel in life learn to live comfortably: \In fact, revel not give up the pursuit, but rather open-minded attitude to face life; revel a kind of wisdom that can get people in the frenetic environment, belstaff jacket, still have a peaceful mind, a cool head; revel is a cultivation, is stricken dead the vicissitudes of life, is read to make human experience.
treasure is happiness: Do not change because of someone else's vision of his loved ones, belstaff jackets outlet, they must live in the eye of others lost their own! Feelings can not be greedy, not a dream. Therefore, we should come to waiting for their own intentions, not earth-shattering love. No one is perfect love, a relationship is not flawless; love and love, can only be so true. You are not the best, but I love you!
said, who lives in a healthy way to go, can add up to seventy laps around the earth in this wide world, a person with another person likely to encounter one ten-millionth as friends about the possibility of one hundred million, and the possibility of a life companion is only one billion. If we put a lot of seemingly ordinary things are as hard to come by, and we will be treasured.
happy to retain the name, called the passage of regret: is the sweet taste of happiness, and occasionally sour; Unfortunately, the feeling is hard, and occasionally show tonight. Treat the people around you, we can be together is happiness. If you fall in love, do not give up easily. Cowardice, may make you a lifetime regret. Did not experience the love of life is not complete without experiencing the pain of love is not profound. Love makes life rich and painful to make love sublimation ... ...
you can not change the environment, but you can change yourself; you can not change the facts, but you can change attitudes; you can not change the past, but you can change now; you can not control other people, but you can control their own; You can not predict tomorrow, but you can hold today; you can not do everything well, but you can be conscientious in everything; you can not extend the length of life, but you can determine the width of life.
God said, the so-called happiness, is a grateful heart, a healthy body, a desirable job, a love you baby, a bunch of trusted friends.
Life is not available, but have learned: You do not have a successful marriage is to learn how to be more close to the well-being. You do not get the victory, is to learn how to avoid failure. You do not get the final result you want is to learn things will not be satisfactory.
life, like a cup of tea, like a cup of bitter tea, taste the bitter taste, but it is back to being sweet smile. Similar efforts to silence the suffering endured, after the tribulations is very bright smile. Life, do not leave any regrets in a true smile to the face in the world everything. In fact, we find that the world is not so cruel, as long as the heart smile, the world's all still good.
smile is the best language between friends, a smile is the best cards in life, a smile is an important accomplishment. The essence of a smile friendly, encouraging, is warm. People who really know how to smile, always easy to get more opportunities than others, always more likely to succeed.
who understand know how to give, people who know how to sacrifice the truth, happy people know how to transcend. Do not love themselves, most need to understand, to give up and blessing. Too much self-assertion is begging each other's charity. Love and be loved, have been a very happy thing. Do not let this become a pain.
care is a sad happiness, when you're worried about a person, you will think he is not too worried about you. Care because I like it because the care and sorrow, ����ȥ���� each other's concerns. Care is a brilliant, a deep, a pure, a simple.
never regret it. We do not choose to go back away. But to clear the challenges facing has caused. Hard to adjust, and believe they will succeed. Whether you're deep in desperation, or the risk of severe illness, you can do nothing of the past, but in the moment, your future is not so remote, if you work hard, believe in yourself, life is often a way out.
If you love a person, he would be willing to change. I am a man in front of you the line element, set the behavior you do not like the expense, then he is not love you. So if you're not concerned about him or he is not concerned about you, then you will love him or he does not love you, and do not think that their own have been very careless or believe he is a careless person. Met his true love, can also become a coward brave, the same way, will become a ghost carefully careless.
--- We might as well learn to precipitate
life experience precipitation, precipitation mood, settling their own! Make life in the movement to quiet their minds in the impetuous to be quiet a moment. The things that worry every day as the dust down, slowly, quietly let them settle down, with a broad mind to accommodate them, perhaps we will become more pure soul, our mind will become more open-minded, our life will be more happy.
the most precious in life and not get lost, but now have. Do not know how to cherish the sight of all, is the most unfortunate. Because the Association has lost its become lost and regret, not if it has learned to cherish.
love and career, is a human life is closely related to two important aspects. Love to give people a better life, gives a promising and bright career. If we compare life to fighting waves of sailing, then the cause is the only ship, love is a ship's sail, the two will work together to push you the other side of the cause of victory.
wife's parents that their parents, Care, Love me, love house, �������Լ���֮��, as long as the heart really feel this is my own parents, psychologically intimate attachment to the elderly, the elderly will feel this true. Moreover, old people are like children, belstaff leather, like children, as long as the coax to coax elderly happy enough. We did have an old one day.
happiness of life is actually a feeling, a mood. You're elated, relaxed and happy, lonely or depressed, are tired, there are attitude to dominate. We must learn to always make the mind a break, so that inner peace and balance in order to feel relaxed and happy life and a happy life.
Human life is a mutual interest, care process, everyone has emotional needs, of which the language of communication and expression of emotion is the key. Do not let love just know you care with a guess, but to make them always feel in your heart, this is what you want to tell each other your love, need to use actions to express the degree of love. Love is opening your heart and let it flow freely, let the other see, hear, feel,
Life is like a Tetris game, there are those who keep irregular unexpected events fall, you have to in a very short period of time to determine where they should be placed. (The worst of times, not like a good place where, when trouble was to follow the)
life is a constant drift of the process, you and I have traveled everywhere, met everyone, and perhaps will become a relay station, a passer, has always been like recall, like to look back, like do not forget. But now found deep in the heart of the those things already in their time into oblivion, do not let your heart too tired, do not recollected too many people and things have been not his own.
to thank people who hurt you, because he honed your mind! Thanks for your trip, because he strengthens your legs! Thanks to deceive you, because he has enhanced your wisdom! Thanks for your contempt, because he awakening your self-esteem! Thank those who abandoned you, because he taught you to be independent!
Laughter is the thing the world to the United States, it away and abandon sorrow, to compose the future, showing confidence. Often with a smile on the face of life, you will find them beautiful. A smile, you're the world to the United States person.
Life is like a train, love stop-go, friends to the fate of stay, it was half way stop over some cars, how many people in your life pass you by train, only close friends and love you people to stay to the end!
No matter what happens, we must say to yourself, \
heart, love, see the world's eyes will be pure, feeling the world was very warm; heart, hate, see the world's eyes will have impurities, and the world will become ugly. Attitude changed, and changed the world followed suit. Life is good or bad; fortune or misfortune in life; environment of good and bad, everything depends on your attitude. With a good attitude to face life, your life is beautiful.
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