Windows, IIS,
Microsoft Office 2007 Standard Key, PHP and more
Jan 10th
Posted by Kanwaljeet Singla in GENERAL | 2,
Buy Office Standard 2010,157 views
Today I started writing a program to notify me when IP assigned to my router by my broadband provider changes. I wanted this program to check IP address of the router every few minutes and send me email if it detects that IP is changed. For sending email,
Microsoft Office 2010 Key, I used System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient which requires a smtp host. Instead of running a smtp server on my machine,
Buy Windows 7 Ultimate, I started looking for free smtp relay servers available on the internet. I was surprised to find out that there are plenty of them available. In fact most of the popular email service providers like windows live,
Windows 7 Home Basic X64, yahoo, gmail offer smtp relay services.
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