t loss, and been drawn fromless evils to greater,
Cheap Gucci, to their utter ruin. In the bloom of youth no ornamentis so lovely as that of virtue, nor any enjoyments equal to those which wepartake of in fully resigning ourselves to the divine will. These enjoymentsadd sweetness to all other comforts, and give true satisfaction in company andconversation, where people are mutually acquainted with it; and as your mindsare thus seasoned with the truth, you will find strength to abide steadfast tothe testimony of it, and be prepared for services in the church.
And now, dear friends and brethren, as you are improving a wilderness, andmay be numbered amongst the first planters in one part of a province, I beseechyou, in the love of Jesus Christ, wisely to consider the force of yourexamples, and think how much your successors may be thereby affected. It is ahelp in a country, yea, and a great favour and blessing, when customs firstsettled are agreeable to sound wisdom; but when they are otherwise the effectof them is grievous; and children feel themselves encompassed with difficultiesprepared for them by their predecessors.
As moderate care and exercise,
Gucci Handbags, under the direction of true wisdom, are usefulboth to mind and body, so by these means in general the real wants of life areeasily supplied, our gracious Father having so proportioned one to the otherthat keeping in the medium we may pass on quietly. Where slaves are purchasedto do our labour, numerous difficulties attend it. To rational creaturesbondage is uneasy, and frequently occasions sourness and discontent in them;which affects the family and such as claim the mastery over them. Thus peopleand their children are many times encompassed with vexations, which arise fromtheir applying to wrong methods to get a living.
I have been informed that there is a large number of Friends in your partswho have no slaves; and in tender and most affectionate love I beseech you tokeep clear from purchasing any. Look, my dear friends, to divine Providence,and follow in