Battlefield 1943 players were yesterday treated to an increasingly laggy game as the hours rolled on due to the sheer number of players who hammered the servers.,
pourpre ghd
After it being almost impossible to connect to the game at all, DICE has since sorted the problem by doubling up on the number of servers.
DICE employee GordonVanDyke posted this comment on the EA Forums yesterday afternoon,
"Good News,
ghd France, the game is incredibly successful beyond even my expectations. We have reached server capacity, but the bad news about this now some people can't join unless someone leaves. But don't worry,
ghd Straighteners, we are adding more servers ASAP to Xbox and in preparation PS3 that should start going up ASAP with priority on Xbox 360."
Ah, yes. The PS3 version goes live today. Here's hoping that DICE are prepared when the time comes.
Keep an eye on the Battlefield 1943 thread on the EA Forums for more.
By Richard Walker