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Old 05-16-2011, 07:09 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1,325
haxhklm2p2 is on a distinguished road
Default 90后学生6年背送残疾同学获青年五四奖章


  “一路走来,尽管很辛苦,但我觉得并不孤单。”毕明哲坦言,“在照顾王理的过程中,不断有人伸出温暖的 手。我不是一个人在战斗。”
  在接受采访时,毕明哲说自己其实“很普通”,和其他大男孩一样憧憬着人生的花季。他只是怀着一种朴素的 信念,坚持地做着自己认为正确的事情,在面临人生的一次次抉择的时候,选择坚守曾经许下的诺言。从他的身上 ,我们分明感受到了一种道德的力量,手机监听器破解器,也看到了"90后"青年的担当和精神风貌。
  为方便王理的生活学习,学院专门调拨了一间位于一楼的宿舍;为便于王理轮椅的出入,学院又改进了宿舍进 出的大门和卫生间的设施。学院还将王理的母亲接到学校,专门照顾王理的生活起居。毕明哲则每天课余时间过来 帮忙。后来,王理母亲因身体原因回家,毕明哲索性搬过来,住到了一块。

  毕明哲考上了新疆艺术学院播音主持专业。可他背了整整6年的王理却因为发挥失常,经过征集志愿填报,才 收到郴州一所专科院校寄来的录取通知书。

  6年时间过去,毕明哲的脚上堆积了厚厚的死皮,都是磨出血泡后留下来的疤痕。他的双腿也结实得有些不成 比例。
  王理一直认为毕明哲在开玩笑,高考成绩出来后,他才发现“兄弟是认真的”。为此,他说自己当时“很生气 ”:尽管也希望能继续与毕明哲在一起,但更不愿因自己而耽误毕明哲的前途。



  为背残疾的王理上学,毕明哲又作出了人生的一个重大抉择:放弃读本科,继续陪在王理身边。“不想去新疆 是假的,不想和他分开是真的。”毕明哲说。

  对于其他同学,毕明哲也是有求必应。在一次班会上,他还响亮地“宣告”:“有困难,找老毕 ”,监听器哪里买


  毕明哲每天5时30分起床,花半个小时到王理家,然后两人一起赶着上6时30分开始的早自习。晚上9点 半晚自习结束,等毕明哲送完王理回到家,往往已经11点了。
  有时候,他也会忍不住冲母亲抱怨:“每天这样,心里也会烦。”可母亲回复他:“既然是你自己的选择,就 要坚持下去。”


  曾经有个壮实的体育特长生,仅试着背王理上到4楼教室,已是感觉“累得好比跑了趟3000 米”。

  令毕明哲欣慰的是,王理也坚定对生活的信心,认真学习。现在,他还主动担负了学院“心理咨询室”的工作 ,用自己的经历来帮助其他同学。前不久,他被评为全省优秀共青团员。
  同班同学王吴歌还记得,今年4月一天上课时,她发现毕明哲的座位空着。她当时准备发动同学对“逃课”的 “老毕”进行“谴责”。

  毕明哲算了算,自己80%的时间都和王理在一起。他曾经开玩笑地对王理说:“如果你是女孩子,我就把你 娶了算了”。
  当时正值中午放学。刚进入临湘市实验中学读初一的他,因无法行走,只能羡慕地看着其他同学高兴地回家, 自己则无奈地留在教室等待家人。
  看到教室里还有人,毕明哲先是诧异,继而问起缘由。当了解情况后,12岁的他用小手拍拍自己的肩膀:“ 来,我背你回家。”不由分说地将王理背了起来。
  每天,他要接送四五趟,来回大约3公里的路程。起初,毕明哲还用自行车接送,后来由于丢了4辆自行车, 就干脆选择了步行。
  在了解到毕明哲的事迹后,保险职业学院党委书记、院长朱甘宁主动联系了毕明哲和王理以及他们的家长。在 省教育主管部门的大力支持下,两人终于圆了大学梦。毕明哲就读的是国际商务(会计)专业,王理选择的则是金 融保险系客服专业。



  王理的家,离学校有1.5公里。快到的时候,遇到王理的父亲。毕明哲很认真地说:“叔叔,我是王理的班 长,今后就由我负责背他上学。”

  经过紧急处理,王理的病情缓和下来,但需留观。看到毕明哲疲惫的样子,王理的班长于欣池让他回去休息, 自己负责照看。可毕明哲不放心,坚持留在医务室,通宵未眠。第二天一早,他又将王理送回寝室,帮他用热毛巾 擦洗身子后,才赶去上课。

  后来,她才知道,前一天晚上,一名同学因突发急性肠胃炎,是毕明哲将他送到校医务室,守护一晚。第二天 一早,又帮助送到市区医院治疗。为此,才耽搁了上课。
  由于天天趴在毕明哲的背上,王理衣兜里的东西经常往下掉。他从此尽量穿衣兜有拉链的衣服,免得麻烦毕明 哲帮忙捡东西。


  王理班上的同学们,在开学的第一天就制订了一张“排班表”,全班38名同学分作17个组,每天轮流负责 王理上课、自习、食宿的接送。

  7年前,刚刚升入初中的毕明哲,认识了班上一个特殊的同学――患有先天性肌无力、无法行走的王理。放学 后,毕明哲背着将他送回了家。从此,少年稚嫩的肩膀,支撑起残疾同学的求学之路,也成就了一段90后青年的 坚守与担当。
  有人问毕明哲:“六年你是怎么坚持的?”毕明哲答道:“以前是出于一种责任,时间一久,我把他当成兄弟 ,就习惯成自然了。”






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Old 05-16-2011, 07:37 PM   #2
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Infiltration Surface of your Operating Strategy is the section of the code belonging to the Operating System which are often executed with no authenticating. When you install the latest software,how to convert wmv to avi data files, the installing procedure variations various things while in the operating technique,how to convert wmv to avi data files, such when copying innovative files, contributing new protocols to firewall, modifying registry synonyms etc. It's a software which assists you analyze your changes designed to the Infiltration Surface regarding Windows. It basically means that you can scan your system prior to installing some sort of software plus after fitting one. In which case you can study the changes designed to the technique configuration by way of comparing the 2 scan outcomes. The changes might be visually viewed by investigating the report which the Attack Area Analyzer will generate. It goes on House windows 7 plus Windows Vista family os's. That claimed,easy methods to transform wmv files to avi, it will likely run about the Windows Host 2008 compilation of Operating Devices. In this particular article, we'll talk concerning Attack Area Analyzer together with respect that will Windows six only. You should utilize the this particular software that will analyze how the latest software installing would change Windows. Not merely this,easy methods transform wmv files avi, but it's also possible to find released the changes designed to the technique by modifying the configurations while in the application. One example is, when anyone change your current preferences in a credit card applicatoin,easy methods to transform wmv files to avi, say Adobe Illustrator, the inclinations are changed while in the Windows registry. Attack Area Analyzer has the capacity to detect like changes after which it can statement you.
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In a great condition, it turns into important that you're made responsive to what part an individual term considerations. So when you're browsing throughout the threats,how you can transform wmv files to avi format, Attack Area Analyzer affords you an organized listing of threats so that you don't have to be concerned about 'where' will it be wrong. Exactly how severe some sort of threat can be - Generally, a stability problem can be a issue. But just as in other aspects regarding life,the right way to convert wmv to avi format, there are some threats which can be taken caution of prior to others. Attack Area Analyzer says to you how acute a risk is with a scale regarding 5. So when you've got got a couple threats together with one as being a severity index chart of 2 along with the other regarding 4, you'd probably better visualize fixing usually the one with your index regarding 4 prior to that regarding 2. That is one incredibly great addition towards the software because not merely someone can easily overlook a dilemma logically however even in error, one may well miss some sort of threat. Attack Area Analyzer ensures you are sure of what should be done plus what not really. While there are tons of other items great concerning Attack Area Analyzer, it's simply not realistic to number or mention everything in one article. You can easily realize the energy of this particular software only by utilizing it.
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