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Old 05-06-2011, 05:27 AM   #1
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 2,399
uestradeqk28 is on a distinguished road
Default 闹东风


五九六九,沿河看柳,气节只管已是沿河看柳的日子,尽管气象仍旧还是那么地冷气袭人,但在人们的心里却是滚 烫烫的一团火!快瞧瞧吧,"咚锵、咚锵、咚不隆咚锵......"正月里,离元宵节还早着呢,城市那欢快、 激动的锣鼓声又响起来了,ghd iv salon!随同着那动人心魄的锣鼓声,如风摆杨柳的秧歌扭起来了,长长的龙灯舞起来了,小小旱船跑起来了,高高的高 跷踩起来了.......我的心,犹如饮下了一杯香醇的美酒,早已经醉醉的啦!看着面前这激动听心的局面, 我的思路一下子又飞回到那长远的童年时期.
那个时候,十字街头不什么让人格外开心的事件,偶然演一场片子,或是过年演一次节目,便是我们这些农村的孩 子最隆重的节日了!有一年的正月里,听说村里要搞一次文艺表演运动,天还没黑,锣鼓声就敲响了.踩着那让人 心痒的不行的鼓点声,我早早就赶了从前,村前的大场院上早就黑压压地挤不动了.当时间顾着看热闹,至于看了 些什么,已经说不出个丫儿幺了.印象最深的,莫过于那让人分外开心的"淋花花"了.只见才十八岁的谷子哥腰 里扎一条红红的绸子布,更显得俊秀、洒脱.他稳稳地站在场地中心,双手紧紧地扶住一根粗粗的槐木杆子,杆子 顶端垂下一根粗粗的绳索,绳子上栓着一个足足有十几斤重的花子.锣鼓声先是低低地响起,谷子哥便缓缓地滚动 杆子,大花子也随着甩动起来.跟着鼓点声声急,锣声更是镗镗地越敲越急,谷子哥更是转的更急,刺眼醒目的火 花便飞溅出来,飞转成了一个残暴、绚丽的花团.人们前呼后拥,跟着喧闹起来.我感到周身热血沸腾,也跟着人 们拍着手大声喊叫:"谷子哥,加油!谷子哥,加油!"我清楚看见了,站在我身边的麦子姐,她那张难看的脸蛋 ,nike air max 1997,被壮丽的火花映射的更加红晕了,更加动人了!我明显看到了,麦子姐的一双眼睛就象被一跟无形的红线栓住似 的,总是围着谷子哥转呀转.我就想,麦子姐呀,你肯定是看上谷子哥了吧?那俺就等着吃你们的喜糖吧!麦子姐 呀,你还在想什么呢?你在想我们的日子,何时才干象眼前这好美好美的火花一样绚丽多姿,是不是?确定错不了 的!不是说,好兆头,就有好劲头,好劲头,就有好奔头嘛!
在后来的日子里,不管年成的好仍是孬,只有到了正月里,元宵节必定是要闹的!只不外情势产生了很大变更.究 竟"淋花花"过于简陋,单一.每年的元宵佳节,大家多以挂灯笼、舞龙灯、品美酒的方法,来闹元宵,以灯文明 跟酒文化来寄寓生涯的美妙,国度旺盛发达.后来,我看到了这样的诗句:"火树银花触目红,揭天宣传闹春风" ,一查才晓得,这是南宋女诗人朱淑真在她的诗作《元夜》里所写的元宵,最精妙之处,就在"闹东风"的这一个 "闹"字上,真是觉得无比无比的美好!
看看到了嫁人的年纪,听说麦子姐那住在城里的二姨,a&f men,给她找了个瘸子对象,好有个城市户口,好进城里受罪.除了麦子姐一个人不同意外,全家人都赞成这门亲事. 麦子姐火刺刺地说:"谁批准谁去,反正我不去!"还把那瘸子的八百块彩礼钱扔出了门外,她打定主张要跟谷子 哥砸坷拉种地.新婚之夜,麦子姐对谷子哥说:"狗到哪里都吃屎,老虎到哪里都吃肉,眼下都自己做主种地了, 俺就不信这日子好不起来!"后来的实际证实,麦子姐的抉择是对的!我打心眼里信服我们的麦子姐 了!
在这里,不能不说说麦子姐和谷子哥的相亲的经由,还挺有趣哩!麦子姐据说谷子哥在全村第一个建起了养猪大棚 ,早就想前去见识见识.毕竟还只是在心里想人家,一个人去总分歧适,就邀上了专门给人家保媒的三姑一起前去 .两人刚走进养猪大棚,就闻声从里边传出一阵婉转的音乐声,麦子姐就拍着花掌说:"看来谷子哥这人还挺浪漫 、还挺有趣哩!"谷子哥听见从里边走出来,一看是本人早就想坏了的麦子姐,就说:"我这是给猪们放音乐听呢 !"本来,谷子哥从报纸上看到,常常给猪听听音乐,猪会老诚实实睡觉,肯上膘哩!麦子姐还看到,谷子哥养的 猪,一头头宁静、安闲地在干净的水泥地上,或眯着眼睡觉,或散步,饮水还用上了吸嘴儿,清洁、卫生.... ..看到这些,一种幸福、美妙的感到涌上麦子姐的心头,回来的路上,麦子姐静静扯一把三姑的衣角,压低声音 说:"三姑呀,这门亲事,俺乐意!"果然,当谷子哥养的第一批大肥猪装上肉联厂的大卡车上的时候,麦子姐就 象一朵粉红的桃花一样,飘进了谷子哥的家门......
这不,谷子哥和麦子姐除了种好十多亩承包地的同时,prps jeans men,还真的迷上了养猪哎,从刚开端的几头、十几头,滚雪球个别,发展到后来的几十头、几百头.特殊是碰上去年 百年不遇的好行市,据守旧的估算,一头猪,就能挣上一千多块,几十头、多少百头,又是个什么数字?可发大啦 !那还是在春节前,我在尾月集上卖对联的时候,谷子哥开着一辆黑亮的"上海民众"轿车,找到我,喜眉亮眼地 用手拍拍轿车说:"我说大兄弟,你哥我养猪都坐上了这家伙,是不是给我来一副养猪大发财的对联!"好哩!嗨 海,方才碰上了老同窗万福这个"羊司令",要我给他来一副养羊大发财的对联,当初又来了个"猪司令",你说 妙不妙?妙呵,切实是妙呵!
这些年,富饶起来的农夫,自发组织起了一些自娱自乐的锣鼓队、秧歌队,把心里的喜悦敲出来,把丰产的欢喜跳 出来、扭出来!就在春节前,村里的主事人找到谷子哥,说又要过年啦,是不是牵个头弄一个娱乐班子,大伙乐和 乐和.实在,谷子哥早就有这个盘算.是呵,大伙忙了一年,衣食无忧,应当乐一乐呀!新闻一传出,很快就拉起 了两支人气很旺的人马,一支由谷子哥当领头的锣鼓队,一支由麦子姐当领头的秧歌队.消息就象长了翅膀似的, 飞遍了远远近近的村落,大家一起来请出去热闹热烈哩!忙不过来,双方还要定好了日子,耐烦等候呢!快来瞧瞧 吧,欢乐的锣鼓响起来了,醉人的秧歌扭起来了 !谷子哥打起鼓来敲起锣,还是那么有劲儿,摇头摆尾,手起手落,几乎比"淋花花"那年还劲头十足,好像又回 到了当年.麦子姐呢,都四十几岁的人了,丰韵依然不减当年,扭起秧歌来,瞧那迷人的身段,那柔软的腰枝,那 鼓鼓的胸脯,那轻巧的步子,那满眼含春、顾盼生辉的眼神......啧啧,咱们的麦子姐简直就是一只好美好 美的凤凰哩!
想敲你就尽情地敲吧,想扭你就尽情地扭吧,想唱你就纵情地唱吧!敲出个欢欢快乐的善意情!扭出个红红火火的 好日月!唱出个万事如意的新春里的祝愿!
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Old 05-06-2011, 05:28 AM   #2
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142662 2010 年 12 月 10 日 12:42 Reading (loading. .. ) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

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1, usually within hours of ingestion gastric lavage in the most effective
4 ~ 6 hours
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dimercapto succinic sodium
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keep the airway clear, artificial respiration
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8, due to respiratory and cardiac arrest on the drowning, its emergency measures are
artificial respiration and closed chest cardiac massage
9, severe asthma, what measures should be taken
oxygen, improve ventilation, bronchial spasm, infection control, correct water and electrolyte imbalance, glucocorticoid
10, severe asthma is severe asthma attack for at least time?
24 hours
11, severe asthma, the daily dose of intravenous aminophylline should not exceed
12, severe asthma, the general saving measures?
intravenous aminophylline, intravenous corticosteroids, oxygen inhalation, intravenous fluids and
13, bronchial asthma disabled
14,new balance 574, bronchial asthma is characterized by
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active anti-infective, supplemented by postural drainage
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20 , of pulmonary tuberculosis hemoptysis take
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21, treatment of acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, the most important infection control measures are

22, sudden onset of inspiratory dyspnea,new balance mens, the most common clinical foreign body in trachea or obstruction

23, what kind of disease, the most prone to respiratory failure and obstructive pulmonary emphysema

24, hypertensive heart failure patients with the earliest symptoms of exertional dyspnea

25, diagnosis acute pulmonary edema, the most significant features of the performance is accompanied by severe breathing problems
pink foam sputum
26, diagnosis of right ventricular dysfunction, the most reliable signs are
jugular vein engorgement, hepatic jugular vein return sign positive
27, difficulty in breathing is most common in
left ventricular dysfunction
28, which conditions produce acute pulmonary edema, to use morphine in acute myocardial infarction
persistent pain
29, cardiac asthma and bronchial asthma, the main difference is that with enlargement of the heart
30, the earliest signs of heart failure is
diastolic gallop
31, left heart failure The most serious manifestation is pulmonary edema

32, right heart failure is
main clinical manifestations of venous circulation and edema
33, acute pulmonary edema, the most characteristic performance is slightly
a lot of pink foam sputum
34, have clinical manifestations of left heart failure, mainly
pulmonary congestion, pulmonary edema
35, dyspnea first appeared in
left heart failure
36, Room Most occurred on tachycardia without structural heart disease in what

37, stimulation of the vagus nerve using the method to correct the arrhythmia is paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia

38, pre-excitation syndrome most often accompanied by tachycardia
39, the most important features of pre-excitation syndrome is
QRS wave group started the Department of blunt
40, diagnosis of ventricular tachycardia ECG is the most powerful evidence there
wins ventricular or ventricular fusion by the waves

41, manifested as bradycardia - tachycardia syndrome patients, the best choice to install on-demand
artificial cardiac pacemaker
42, ventricular tachycardia with severe hemodynamic disorder When the preferred measures to terminate seizures
43, III degree atrioventricular block associated with paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia, ventricular pacing preferred

44, left bundle branch block lag, treatment placement of a pacemaker should be used

45, the following, the most likely to cause which of A - Adams syndrome
III degree atrioventricular block
46, AF which can lead to complications after
circulation artery embolization
47, mitral stenosis due to massive hemoptysis in early bronchial variceal

48, rheumatic atrial fibrillation after mitral valve stenosis common complication is arterial embolization

49, what kind of heart disease, not to use vasodilators
tamponade symptoms
50, mitral stenosis and atrial fibrillation, ventricular rate 120 beats / points, the preferred treatment is
cedilanid ventricular rate control
51, angina and syncope in aortic stenosis is common in

52, mitral stenosis in sinus rhythm occurred as fatigue acute pulmonary edema, the most appropriate treatment is
53, mitral stenosis caused by pulmonary edema due mainly
left ventricular failure
54, rheumatic heart disease and major cause of death Heart failure is

55, mitral stenosis symptoms first appeared
exertional dyspnea
56, digitalis toxicity when used with arrhythmia
57, digitalis poisoning due to premature ventricular contractions, treatment should be preferred
58, digitalis poisoning is common ECG ventricular premature beat bigeminy

59, heart failure induced premature ventricular contractions, without drug treatment should be preferred
60, acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock is mainly due to a sharp decrease cardiac output

61, acute myocardial infarction (24 hours) is the main causes of death
62, acute myocardial infarction morphine for pain relief is appropriate to

63, nitroglycerin relieve angina
direct expansion was mainly due to coronary artery
64, acute myocardial infarction ECG show flutter
65, more than half of sudden cardiac death observed in patients with coronary heart disease which diseases

66, a sudden increase in blood pressure, severe headache, convulsions, coma patients, diagnosis may be what?
hypertensive cerebral disease
67, hypertension is the most common cause of death
cerebrovascular accident
68 , what is the performance of the most rapidly progressive hypertension
prompted the rapid vision loss, retinal or optic nerve hemorrhage and exudation edema
69, treatment of hypertensive crisis, which should be considered a drug of choice
70, pericardial tamponade with right ventricular failure, which of the most significant in identifying the odd
71, acute pericardial effusion
most prominent symptom is shortness of breath
72, which is seen more death
cardiomyopathy hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
73, which disease caused by the shock of their significantly decreased peripheral vascular resistance of gram-negative bacilli sepsis

74, male, 20 years old. suddenly collapsed after intramuscular injection of penicillin, blood pressure, undetectable, the most important rescue measures
immediate intravenous injection of adrenaline
75, the basic reason is that shock
lack of effective circulating blood volume, organ perfusion bad
76, cardiogenic shock caused by the most common cause of acute
myocardial infarction
77, which shock alone vasoconstrictor effect
anaphylactic shock
78, prompt gastric perforation is based on the most significant signs of pneumoperitoneum

79, peptic The most common complication was ulcer bleeding

80, upper gastrointestinal bleeding is the most common cause of peptic ulcer

81, hemorrhagic necrotizing pancreatitis is characterized by
navel and waist skin was black and blue
82, with acute abdominal pain with shock, the most common cause of acute necrotizing pancreatitis

83, hepatic coma, irritability, and convulsions, which of the following selection of drugs most appropriate
84, of the nephrotic syndrome is the most effective treatment of glucocorticoid

85, the most common complication of nephrotic syndrome is
86, correct acidosis in uremic patients after the occurrence of seizures, the most rapid and effective treatment is intravenous calcium gluconate

87, the performance of uremic patients is in critical condition
88, uremia is the most common cause of death heart failure

89, treatment of uremic heart failure is the most effective way
Add the paste top: 0 drop : 0 Reply Flag Yan Yan Yan Yan 1481049 1

4 GRADE A small piece of paper
Posted at 2010-09-25 01:01:38 2
90, chronic myelogenous leukemia acute left upper quadrant pain, first consider the diagnosis of splenic infarction

91, died of diabetes in China is mainly due to cerebral vascular accident
, coronary heart disease
92, spinal shock occurs when symptoms
or quadriplegia paralysis of both lower extremities, and hypotonia, areflexia, urinary retention
93, hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage site the best hair is
basal ganglia
94, cerebral hemorrhage is the most common site of lateral internal capsule

95, the most common diseases cerebral hemorrhage due to hypertension

96, high blood pressure, brain hemorrhage the most common predisposing factor for the
emotional or excessive force
97, acute cerebral vascular disease with the formation of brain herniation, the most urgent measure is
intravenous infusion of mannitol
98, high intracranial pressure put the patient to do lumbar puncture cerebrospinal fluid and then suddenly stop breathing. This is because the induced
tonsillar herniation
99, uncus herniation of temporal lobe ipsilateral mydriasis appears common causes of nerve compression

100, herniation foramen magnum herniation The organization is
cerebellar tonsils
101, herniation foramen magnum herniation with temporal lobe uncus
main point is the early identification of respiratory arrest
102, fatal brain herniation due to brain stem compression
treatment of brain edema early use of adrenal cortex hormones

104, cerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage without significant differences between point positioning
105, treatment of acute cerebral hemorrhage is
mannitol reduce intracranial pressure, lower blood pressure to maintain water and electrolyte balance, antibiotic treatment to prevent infection
106, the most common cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage
congenital cerebral aneurysm
107, arachnoid hemorrhage occurs most frequently under
meningeal irritation
108 , subarachnoid hemorrhage is the most reliable diagnosis is based on uniform BCSF

109, the treatment of subarachnoid hemorrhage selection
110, the most common cause of cerebral thrombosis is cerebral atherosclerosis

111, cerebral infarction without acute vasodilator idea is that the brain can cause
steal phenomenon
112, should be used in the treatment of cerebral thrombosis
113, in acute cerebrovascular disease, the onset is most acute cerebral embolism

114, causing epilepsy The common causes of birth trauma intracranial tumors
encephalitis cysticercosis
115, status epilepticus is a comprehensive
tonic - Chen twin frequent seizures, intermittent awareness of the still unclear
116, comprehensive tonic - clonic seizure, the first note to
117, the treatment of acute dichlorvos poisoning cholinesterase agents are
dual complex P
118, organophosphorus pesticides poisoning caused by paralysis of respiratory muscles should be used
119, acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning pulmonary edema, the primary rescue measures are
intravenous atropine
120, acute organic phosphorus pesticide poisoning cause of death , the most important
respiratory failure
121, acute carbon monoxide poisoning, the primary method of treatment
oxygen therapy
122, severe active bleeding distal lower extremity, the tourniquet position in which the bar The most appropriate?
thigh in 1 / 3
123, limbs, open injury, vascular injury combined use of a tourniquet, the continuous block the flow of time must not exceed:
60 分钟

124, bleeding in trauma care, the commonly used methods to stop bleeding:
refers to the pressure to stop bleeding, compression bandage, tourniquet to stop bleeding, stop bleeding limb padded
125, traumatic
asphyxia is characterized by facial, conjunctival, upper chest congestion
126, chest trauma, chest wall softening, the main pathophysiological disorder as:
carbon dioxide retention, hypoxia
127, open pneumothorax first aid, first:
quickly closed chest wound
128, serious multiple fractures of multiple ribs and chest wall
emergency treatment is bandaged
129, tension pneumothorax, first aid measures:
Coarse needle decompression exhaust
130, hemothorax simple and reliable diagnostic method is:
131, chest stab wound, shock, jugular vein engorgement, first consider
pericardial tamponade
132, abdominal paracentesis abdominal injury in the line , do not pour out the blood, should be diagnosed as
Visceral rupture
133, abdominal trauma with hemorrhagic shock, the main principles is
shock while in the active treatment laparotomy to stop bleeding
134, X-ray findings of gastric perforation was
subdiaphragmatic free gas
135, the clinical symptoms of acute appendicitis is usually the order of
first, upper abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting, then right lower abdominal pain
136, is the nature of simple appendicitis abdominal pain or dull pain

137, acute gangrenous appendicitis, the appendix wall when, after full-thickness necrosis, abdominal pain, persistent pain is the nature of

138, acute appendicitis, when the pain has not yet shifted to the right lower abdomen before the diagnosis is of great significance
been fixed in the right lower quadrant tenderness
139, In addition to abdominal pain, high small bowel obstruction, the main symptoms are vomiting

140, bile duct stones and acute cholangitis acute typical triad is
-right under the xiphoid paroxysmal sudden cramps,new balance shoes, fear cold, fever, jaundice
141, acute pancreatitis,(1) ~ The Two Sides of Perversion - Qzone log, blood amylase increased after the onset of the laws of the
increased 3 to 12 hours, 24 to 48 hours of peak
142, which of the following renal trauma most common renal laceration hematuria

143, the triad of increased intracranial pressure is
headache,Love's Witness 爱情的见证, vomiting, papilledema
144, Acute foramen magnum and tentorial hernia hernia most The main difference is
severe headache
145, rapid and reliable diagnostic indicator of cardiac arrest is
artery pulse disappeared
146, cardiac arrest time is the reconstruction of artificial
circulatory arrest to the time cycle
147, the recovery processing time to waste, the main purpose is to
for the rapid recovery of cerebral blood circulation
148, once the diagnosis of cardiac arrest, must strive to rebuild in a few minutes breathing and circulation
4 to 6 minutes
149, closed chest defibrillation, the electrode should be placed in the position of the second intercostal space in the
the right anterior chest wall, apex, or apex after chest wall
150, heart rate recovery, most prone to pathological changes secondary to hypoxic brain damage

1, whole body bone and joint tuberculosis is the highest incidence in the (spinal tuberculosis).
2, diagnosis of infective endocarditis is the most important (blood culture).
3, rescue of ventricular fibrillation caused by a cardiac arrest, the most effective way is to (non-synchronous electric cardioversion).
4, found that the most significant early rectal method Ca (colonoscopy).
5, the most common uterine fibroid degeneration (hyaline degeneration).
6, the performance of nephrotic syndrome is the most basic (urinary protein greater than 3.5g/24h).
7, most reliable way to diagnose the tumor is (pathology).
8, Faro quadruple the performance of the main symptoms is the first and (purple).
9, on the primary chronic adrenal cortex hypofunction diagnostic blood test result is the most significant (cortisol down).
10, recovery treatment, recovery measures to ensure that all work is most important is (cerebral resuscitation).
1, causing periodontal abscess is the most common pathogens (alpha hemolytic streptococcus).
2, the body parts of the highest CO2 partial pressure is (tissue fluid).
3, translocation of 21 - the most common trisomy is 〔karyotype 46, XY, -14, + t (14q21q)〕.
4, digitalis toxicity is the most common ECG (ventricular contraction).
5, identification of edema and hemorrhage necrotizing pancreatitis is the most valuable (Cullen sign).
6, the prevention of postoperative atelectasis is the most important measure (turn over more and more deep breathing, encourage coughing.)
7, the most common complications of ovarian cancer (torsion) .
8, acute leukemia, anemia is the most important reason (erythroid leukemia cell proliferation by interference.)
9, acute myocardial infarction treatment is the most important (myocardial perfusion).
10, colon cancer is the earliest clinical symptoms (bowel habit and stool changes).

1, led to the most important factor is the perforated appendix (appendix lumen obstruction).
2, first put forward the
3, the most common female genital TB is (tubal tuberculosis).
4, hemianopia most common type of visual field defects (pituitary adenoma, suprasellar development).
5, gastric ulcer is the most common location (antral lesser curvature).
6, most of the diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma cells are (RS cells).
7, right heart failure diagnosis in patients with the most signs are (left sternal border and heard 3 to 4 intercostal diastolic gallop.)
8, typhoid fever is the most serious complications (intestinal perforation).
9, the most abundant plasma proteins is (albumin).
10, after the mediastinal tumor is the most common (nerve tumors).
1, deep vein thrombosis is most common in (deep vein).
2, normal distribution of numerical variables data, describe the selection of the best indicators of trends in the discrete (SD).
3, the status of the investigation of chronic diseases, the most appropriate indicator is calculated (prevalence rate).
4, after colorectal cancer diagnosis and monitoring of the most significant tumor marker is (CEA).
5, the right side of the general form of colon cancer is the most common (mass type).
6, gastric ulcers is the best surgical procedure (subtotal gastrectomy with gastroduodenal anastomosis).
7, burn the most common cause of death is ( shock).
8, acute infective endocarditis is the most common pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus).
9, in the infection process of the 5 lowest proportion of the performance but the most easily identifiable is the (dominant infection).
10, understand the cyclical changes in endometrial diagnosis is based on the most reliable (diagnostic curettage).

1, difficult to identify the kidney and renal cyst is the most reliable methods of identification (renal artery angiography).
2, the most important muscle in the deamination way (purine nucleotide cycle.)
3, Medical Ethics in the oldest and most vital areas of medical ethics (medical privacy).
4, the most helpful diagnostic pathology is Crohn's disease (non-caseating granulomas).
5, the most common disease induced DIC because (Gram-negative bacterial infection.)
6, serum CA125 in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer detection value is the most specific sense (serous adenocarcinoma).
7, elderly patients with heart failure symptoms have increased the incentive is the most common (respiratory infection).
8, within 24 hours of myocardial infarction with acute left heart failure, the most appropriate use of (digitalis).
9, pituitary hypothyroidism the most common reason is (a variety of pituitary tumors).
10, the control of central diabetes insipidus and polyuria in patients with the most appropriate drug is 〔desmopressin (Mi condensate)〕.

1, causes congenital hypothyroidism is the main reason (thyroid aplasia or hypoplasia).
2, diffuse capillary proliferative glomerulonephritis is the most important lesions (capillary endothelial cells and mesangial cell proliferation.)
3 , chronic myeloid leukemia and leukemoid reaction is the difference between the major (Ph chromosome positive).
4, magnesium sulfate poisoning first appeared in the (knee reflex) (assistant repeated this question in 2008 reproduction).
5, the most common type of uterine fibroids (intramural fibroids) (assistant repeated this question in 2008 reproduction).
6, the implementation of scientific and rational clinical use of blood, the main purpose is (to protect blood resources).
7, causing brain atrophy is the most common cause (cerebral atherosclerosis).
8, the following organizations most likely to complete regeneration of the (epithelial tissue) (assistant repeated this question in 2007 reproduction).
9, early atherosclerotic lesions, first to enter the arterial intima cells (macrophages).
10, AIDS patients with opportunistic pulmonary infections are the most common pathogens (Pneumocystis carinii).
1, community-acquired pneumonia is the most common pathogens (Streptococcus pneumoniae).
2, diagnosed with high functioning thyroid nodule, the most significant check is (radionuclide scanning).
3, tuberculous nodules in the diagnosis of most cell components (Langerhans cells and epithelial cells).
4,new balance running shoes, the maximum UV absorption of nucleic acids is the peak (260nm).
5, during storage of whole blood is the main active ingredient (RBC) .
6, diagnose iron deficiency anemia is based on the most positive (bone marrow particles may be iron staining disappeared).
7, upper abdominal pain in patients with peptic ulcer is the best (proton pump inhibitor).
8, epidemic encephalitis B disease is the most minor part (spinal cord).
9, left-right shunt congenital heart disease is the most common complication (pneumonia).
10, the cell membrane in the resting situation, which of the following ion permeability of the maximum (K +).
1, causing the secretion of antidiuretic hormone is the most sensitive factors (increased osmotic pressure in plasma crystals).
2, in the cardiac cycle, ventricular pressure rise the fastest phase (isometric contraction).
3 , bile is the most abundant organic compounds (bile acids).
4, surgical patients are most vulnerable to water and sodium metabolism is (isotonic water shortage).
5, the most vulnerable to influenza virus components of variation ( in the neuraminidase top: 0 drop: 0 Reply Flag Yan Yan Yan Yan 1481049 2

4 GRADE A small piece of paper
Posted at 2010-09-25 01:01:38 3
and hemagglutinin). (The title is very important,new balance sneakers, a combination of current events)
6, acute myocardial infarction, serum enzyme specificity is (CPK-MB).
7, dysentery intestinal lesions most significant part of it is in the (sigmoid colon and rectum).
8, early diagnosis of acute hematogenous osteomyelitis is most valuable (local hierarchical puncture.)
9, the value of tumor types metastatic to the pelvis, the most common is the (gastric).
10, desensitization therapy is the best adaptation levy (phobia).
1, tibia 1 / 3 of the most common complication was fracture (delayed union).
2, lumbar disc herniation is the most common site (L5).
3, chronic bronchitis, emphysema into the process , the first occurrence of pathological changes (not completely block the bronchioles).
4, elimination of bronchial inflammation of asthma is the most effective drugs (glucocorticoids).
5, war of increased intracranial pressure, signs of a hernia
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