If you tire of serious retail therapy, look for the Sottoportego del Cappello (first left after the Torre when leaving San Marco) where there is a relief commemorating the Old Woman of the Mortar who dropped a pestle from a window (possibly by accident) and killed the standard bearer of an insurrection in 1310. Seeing their flag go down, the rebels fled back towards the Rialto. In reward for her intervention, Old Giustina asked only that the Venetian flag be hung from her window on feast days, and that her rent should never be raised.
People will remember this behaviour and might even block all future emails from you. Words such as ": time-sensitive, only 3 days left, powerful, offer about to expire, exclusive, limited, secret" are known to attract attention but should only be used in appropriate circumstances, ie when they relate to the contents of the email.Create an email marketing campaign subject line that doesn't look like hype. This has to be the hardest one of all as it is subjective. What looks like hype to one person will look like a reasonable proposition to another. A perfectly genuine statement will be suspected hype to an overly cynical person. The first thing to do is to avoid anything that you personally think looks like hype. Ask yourself if it would convince you if it turned up in your mailbox or if you would immediately hit the delete button - if you can't even convince yourself, you will be causing a similar reaction in other people.
To engage the recipient's interest in your email marketing campaign you can employ one of the following techniques: (a) state a powerful benefit - "xxxxxxx Satisfies Your Need for xxx" (b) pique curiosity - "xxxxxxxx Has Uncovered the Secrets of Success" (c) write your subject line with a news angle - "xxxxxxxx Launches xxxxxxxx For Those Who Want to xxxxxxxxxxx Fast!" (d) offer Immediate Gratification - "With xxxxxxxxxxx
######## Oakley Radar Make Your Feet Look Stylish With, you can start xxxxxxxxxx before the sun goes down tonight"The subject line of your email must be relevant to the body of the message. If you want to annoy people and ensure they never open another email from your marketing campaign, pick an important sounding subject line - eg "Urgent - Re Your Account" for an email that has nothing to do with any account held by the recipient. People do not like to be misled or tricked and will not forgive you if they think you are trying to fool them. Using an irrelevant title to get someone to open an email is tantamount to lying to them.
The main shopping thoroughfare of San Marco is made up of three narrow mercerie (literally meaning haberdashers) starting near the Rialto and running virtually all the way to Piazza San Marco.
The Merceria di San Salvador starts just south of the Campo San Bartolome. Following the signs "San Marco" will bring you first into Merceria San Zulian and then the Merceria dell'Orologio, which enters the Piazza San Marco from underneath the Torre dell'Orologio. The 17th-century English author John Evelyn described the Mercerie as the "most delicious streete in the World for the sweetnesse of it." The days when silks, tapestries, perfumes, caged birds and apothecary's cures were traded have given way to lace, leather shoes and handbags
Ray Ban Sunglasses Outlet, plus glass ware from Murano and mask shops selling carnival attire. There are also many small cafes and rosticcerias offering hot snacks and local food.
Mercerie has many stalls and shops which vie for consumers attention. World renowned Italian footwear is one of the best selling products found in Mercerie.