Just asking yourself if acer can make high quality laptops... I located an excellent seeking one on newegg.com and it really is extremely fairly priced (<900), but I've never used an acer before. I know newegg has a quite excellent reputation,
Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise, but I was hoping someone could help me out with acer.
Nate 48 posts
since Aug 2004 I just purchased an Acer 5400 from Micro Center. 949.00 less $150 rebate less $100 rebate if I signed up for their credit card. Not bad for a 100 GB hd,
Microsoft Office 2007 Standard, 1GB memeory,
Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate, 15" screen, XP Pro, etc. etc.
My son works in IT and has 1 and likes it. He says that the screen doesn't work if you are in the sun, so check out where you sit in realtion to the Light,
Windows 7 Discount!
My company's IT guru, whose title is "chief cynic" also likes it.
So I bought it.
Now I need time to set it up.
BTW. Avoid the 3 yr warranty jazz. They have, if you ask for it,
Microsoft Office Professional Plus, a Bronze 1 or 2 year plan for 99 or 129 that seems sufficient.
HOpe this helps.