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Old 04-24-2011, 06:56 PM   #1
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Default 美国商业逆差起因的剖析

  内容提要美国贸易逆差一直是人们关注的问题。形成美国长期巨额贸易逆差的原因是多方面的。本文以为,美 国的经济政策、美国的经济特点、美国经济的全球化和国际环境等几个方面的因素独特导致和维持了美国巨额贸易 逆差。
  要害词 贸易逆差 美国经济
  美国商业逆差问题由来已久,而且,美国贸易逆差额一直扩展,不见收敛。为什么美国会呈现连续的巨额贸易 逆差?本文对美国贸易逆差的状态跟构成起因作如下的剖析。
  美国的贸易逆差问题已持续了30多年。美国在1971年首次出现贸易逆差之后,除1973年、1975 年出现小额顺差外,其余年份均为逆差,而且逆差额的总趋势是不断扩大。2004年全体贸易逆差为6177亿 美元,创下历史新高,比2003年增加24.4%,占美国 GDP的比重为5.3%。美国早就成为当今世界贸易逆差最大的国家。那么,美国巨额贸易逆差源之于何 处呢?
  1. 贸易地舆方向分析
  从表1中能够看到,论地区,美国贸易逆差最大的来源地是太平洋地区,其次是西欧,再次是北美。美国贸易 逆差增加率较高的地域是中南美洲和石油输出国。论国别,中国事美国贸易逆差最大的起源国,其次是日本,再次 是加拿大和墨西哥。美国贸易逆差增长率较高的国度是中国、加拿大和日本。
  表1 美国贸易逆差的地区与国别散布(亿美元)
  2. 商品构造分析
  美国贸易逆差来自于不断扩大的货物贸易逆差。2004年美国的货物贸易逆差到达6661.8亿美元,比 上年增加21.7%;服务贸易则是顺差,其顺差额484.6亿美元,比上年降低5%。在美国的货物贸易中, 浮现贸易逆差的最主要的货物有以下几种(见表2)。
  表2 美国贸易逆差的主要货物(亿美元)
  美国对贸易的统计有两个分歧理的处所。其一,美国权衡进口商品额与出口商品额的标准不一致。美国对出口 的统计依照FAS(船边交货)价来计算,而对进口则按照CIF(本钱加运保费)价来计算。FAS价不计算装 卸费、保险费和运费,而CIF价则计入这些用度,nike air max 95。因而,对统一笔商品交易来说,CIF价要比FAS高出很多。美国对出口采取低额计算标准,对进口采用高额 计算尺度,这当然会加大贸易逆差。可以说,美国夸张了其贸易逆差额。实际上,进出口盘算标准不一以致进出口 失去了可比性。其二,美国对进口采用CIF价来计算,不合乎商品贸易统计的基础请求。商品贸易统计要求反应 商品贸易收支。CIF价中包括的运费和保险费,并不是商品销售方的贸易收入。美国在出口统计中不必CIF价 而用FAS,阐明也是清楚其中原因的。因此,美国的贸易逆差额应作修改。按照运费和保险费在CIF价格中占 的比例把美国的进口额下调,美国的贸易逆差就可有较大幅度的下降。
   当然,改正美国贸易统计办法的偏差并不足以打消美国巨额贸易逆差。美国巨额贸易逆差之所以长期存在并 呈不断扩大趋势,既有美国本身的原因,也有国际大环境的影响。通过深刻的分析,美国贸易逆差的成因有以下几 个方面。
  1. 美国的经济政策与美国贸易逆差
  美国的贸易逆差与美国政府实行的经济政策有亲密的关联。对美国的经济政策与贸易逆差的关系可以从两个方 面来考核:国内的利率、财政政策和对外的出口管制经济政策。 (1)低利率政策和财政赤字政策导致贸易逆差的增加。美国为了保持经济的繁华和防止经济的衰退,不断地加大 刺激消费和投资的力度。为此,美国利用利率和财政两个方面的政策,左右开弓地为美国经济增长注入能源。一方 面,美国政府通过不断降低利率来刺激消费和投资。降低利率会减少储蓄,从而增加消费;降低利率也意味着减少 了投资成本,从而刺激投资的增加。从下表中可以发明,近年来,美国的年利率持续下调(见表3)。以财政部1 年期债券利率为例,2000年高达6.11%,long sleeve polo shirts,但到2003年,迅速降低为1.24%。
  表3 2000~2004年美国财政部债券年利率(%)
  另一方面,近几年美国政府不断加大财政赤字。据统计,2004年的美国财政赤字到4120亿美元,比2 003年的3740亿美元又增加了10.16%。由于利率的降低和财政赤字的扩大,美国国内的储蓄大大下降 ,国内投资则大幅度增加。在开放经济条件下,内外部经济要实现均衡。内部经济失衡必定要通过外部经济变化来 调节以达到平衡。这个原理可以用宏观经济衡等式来加以解释。由于,总需求=C+I+C+X;总供应=C+S +T+M。因而,公民收入均衡象征着:C+I+G+X=C+S+T+M。该等式经由收拾可得:(X-M)=(S-I)+(T-G)。其中,I和C加大,及S和 T减小后,这意味着等式右边的负值会加大。为了坚持等式两边平衡,等式左边也要出现相应的负值。而等式左边 的负值就是贸易逆差。因此,根据宏观经济衡等式的原理可知,美国的巨额贸易逆差是由于美国的低利率政策和财 政赤字政策的结果。
  (2)出口管制政策加大了贸易逆差。美国在高技术产品的生产与出口上占领较大比较上风,多年来美国在此 类产品的出口上一直占有较大顺差。根据美国航空航天工业协会的报道,1998年美国航空航天产品外贸顺差高 达370亿美元,居外贸盈余行业之首,对缓解美国贸易赤字起了重要作用。但是,“9・11”事件当前,美国 增强了高技术产品的出口管制,使得2003年高技术产品出现268.22亿美元的逆差,2004年这一数额 扩大到370.24亿美元,增加 38%。
  美国的出口管制政策约束了美国的出口才能。如果放松出口管制,美国的出口额就会有很大的提高,而贸易逆 差就会随之下降。从中美贸易来看,中国对美国的高技术产品有很大的需求,假如美国放松对中国的出口管制政策 ,那么中美贸易逆差问题就可得到大幅度的缓解,paul smith t shirts。 2.美国的经济特色与美国贸易逆差
  近几年来美国贸易逆差激增也与美国国内的一些经济特点有关。至少有以下几个特点导致美国贸易逆差持续增 加。
    (1)国内消费支出不断膨胀。美国经济的2/3靠消费者支出来支持,因而消费支出在美国经济活动中 占有非常重要的地位。2000年以后,美国消费在 GDP中盘踞的比重逐渐递增(同时也意味着储蓄在 GDP中比重的降低),4年的时光从68.6%增加到了 70.5%,增加了近两个百分点。对于任何一个国家,超越当期收入增长蒙受规模之内的消费,只能通过从国外 借人资源的方式实现,表现在国际收支上,就是贸易逆差的增加。
    2004年,随着美国经济的持续复苏,居民的消费信念进一步加强,个人消费支出大幅上涨。美国商务 部的数据显示,2004年美国汽车和汽车零配件的进口额达1878亿美元,服装、电视机、家具、首饰等消费 品的进口额达到2386亿美元,均创历史最高记载,仅美国的消费品进口一项就比2003年增加 了 443亿美元。
    (2)制造业不景气。美国最近一次的经济消退对制造业的打击较重大,使美国制造业的产出降落幅度较 大。最近多少年来,美国制造业逐渐复苏,制造业运动指数逐步回升。自2003年6月以来,制造业活动指数超 过了50,表明制作业处于升势。但美国制造业复苏的步调相称迟缓。
    制造业产品占全球货物贸易的3/4,占全部贸易的60%,因此进步美国制造业竞争力对减少美国贸易 逆差举足轻重。美国政府也开端意识到美国制造业存在的问题,美国商务部已发
  应对美国制造业面临的挑衅的整体战略,包括政府应该器重制造业的竞争、为经济增长和制造业投资发明条件 、降低美国制造业成本等内容。只不外要把战略变为事实,还有很长的一段路要走。
    (3)服务贸易竞争力下降。服务业在美国经济中据有重要的地位。上世纪90年代,dolce & gabbana shoes,美国服务业产值占美国GDP的比重一直超过70%。服务业不仅是美国国内的支柱产业,而且也是美国对外贸 易中最具备国际竞争力的产业。美国是国际服务贸易的大国,并且是贸易顺差的大国,1999年服务贸易顺差达 到了创记载的827.6亿美元。只管美国货物贸易已经形成了长达几十年的巨额逆差,但美国服务贸易却一直保 持大量顺差。
    自2000年以来,由于美国服务贸易的竞争力逐步下降,2000~2004年美国的服务贸易顺差逐 年减少,分离为770亿、645亿、612亿、510亿、485亿美元。美国的对外服务贸易在美国GDP的 比重也不断下降,2000-2004年服务贸易占美国GDP的比重分辨为0.8%、0.7%、0.5%、0.4%。
    (1)美国跨国公司的经营导致贸易逆差。美国跨国公司在全球化范畴内始终在不断膨胀。美国跨国公司 的全球化经营之势正如美财政部副部长劳伦斯.萨默斯所说:美国公司简直在每一个范畴都断定了世界的标准,引 导各个行业的潮流,如软件方面的微软公司、快餐方面的麦当劳公司等,从而在微观领域充任了全球化的龙头。美 国跨国公司进行全球化经营的特点是在其他发达国家中对汽车、橡胶、化工、计算机、精细机械和仪器等行业大量 投资,在发展中国家中对食物加工、纺织服装、钟表等轻工业,钢铁、有色金属冶炼与加工、水泥、塑料、石化等 资源耗费型及传染严峻型的夕阳工业进行大量投资。美国跨国公司的经营活动推进了国际产业结构调剂和产业转移 及国际分工的深化。
    美国跨国公司履行全球化策略的特点之一是交易内部化,其结果是跨国公司内部贸易敏捷发展。美国跨国 公司母子公司之间的产品转移占了美国总进出口额的1/3。由于在经济全球化和国际分工深入的背景下,美国相 当大一部门生产转移到了国外,如 IBM的计算机70%以上的零部件在日本和新加坡生产,美国轿车25%的部件由其海外子公司供给,半导体行 业80%以上的组装工作在国外实现,波音飞机 28%的零部件到国外加工生产。同时,跟着收入程度的提高和国内消费需求日益膨胀,美国已成为一个高消费的 国家,其花费对经济增长的奉献率已在 75%以上。因此,一方面,美国需要大量进口天然资源、原资料和其他制造业产品等生产消费品,如每年消费了 世界市场26%的原油,23%的原煤,25%的铁矿石和26%的精铝。另一方面,美国还须要大量进口纺织品 、鞋、玩具和箱包等生涯消费品。而美国进口的产品中有相称大一部分可以视为美国的企业在国外生产的。例如, 耐克公司在中国子公司生产的活动鞋90%以上返销美国市场。因此,这种全球化背景下的国际分工局势,美国出 现大批贸易逆差在劫难逃。
    (2)资本流入使贸易逆差得以维持。美国经济全球化不仅表现为在美国商品跨国界的自由流动性较强, 而且还表现为在美国资本跨国界的自在流动性也较强。在国际收支平衡表中,(X-M)+(IE-Ii)=0。其中,X和M分别表示出口和进口;IE和Ii分别表现资本流出和资本流入。由该等式可知,国际 贸易差额可通过国际资本流动的差额来对消。美国的贸易逆差就是通过美国的净资本流入来补充的。
    长期以来,美国是世界上净资本流入最大的国家。近年来,美国的净资本流入不断扩大。据美国商务部统 计,2003年美国的净资本流入为24307亿美元,比上年增加了1977亿美元。固然,美国在国际直接投 资方面是资本净流出国,但国际间接投资方面的净流入远远超过了直接投资的净流出。20世纪90年代以来,由 于美国新经济的发展以及美国股市与美元不断走强,美国经济涌现了长期高增长,美国的资本流入格式也逐渐发生 了重大变更,流入美国的证券投资资本超过了其他投资资本。其他投资名目包括其他国家的官方、机构持有的美元 资产或与贸易有关的信贷资产等。只有美元作为国际结算货币和贮备货泉的特别位置不发生根天性的变化,通过这 种方式流入美国的资本也就不会产生突发性的反转。这也是美国能长时代保持大规模贸易逆差的主要 原因。
    (1)世界经济增长不平衡。2004年美国经济增长加速,达到了4.4%的增长率,高于美国的主要 贸易伙伴国和地区的经济增长率。该年欧盟的经济增长率为2.4%,日本为3.5%。美国在经济增长率显著高 于其主要贸易搭档国的情况下,出口需求就不如进口需求,贸易逆差则随之加大。据美国商务部统计,2004年 美国对日贸易逆差为752亿美元,对加拿大的贸易逆差为658亿美元,对西欧贸易逆差为 1141亿美元,分别比上年增加13.9%、21%和 12.6%。虽然美国在不断加大了树立双边自由贸易区会谈的力度,但是就整个世界出口市场而言仍显疲软,美 国商品出口仍然艰苦重重。特殊是布什政府推行的贸易保护主义政策,加强了各国贸易保护主义的回流,成为美国 商品出口的一大阻碍。
    (2)国际石油价格上涨。美国是世界第一大石油消费国,石油消费量约为1950万桶/天,也是世界 第一大石油进口国,石油进口量约为1150万桶/天。美国进口石油消费量占全部石油消费量约60%。虽然美 国国内也领有丰盛的石油资源,但为了防范将来可能发生的能源危机,美国政府通过实施做作资源维护政策、环境 掩护政策、空气干净法案等,限度石油的开采,激励大量进口原油和石油制品。因此,长期以来,进口石油一直是 美国贸易逆差中最大的单项商品。受伊拉克战斗的影响,国际原油价格广泛上涨,美国进口原油价格由2003年 l-9月平均每桶 27.08美元上涨到2004年1-9.月平均每桶32.66美元。在原油价格上涨的情形下,美国对进口原油及石油制品需求岂但不缩减,反而是 增加。2004年1-9月美国进口原油28.57亿桶,比2002年1-9月增加了1.17亿桶,增幅4.27%。而原油进口额从742亿美元上升到933亿美元,增幅为25.7 %。因此,石油价格上涨导致了美国贸易逆差扩大。
    (3)本国企业踊跃应答。不少外国企业为了保持竞争力,坚固市场份额,积极消化汇率变动成本,稳住 对美出口产品价格。如果不计算燃料价格,美国进口价格的上升幅度是很小的,而且进口价格上升仅表当初原材料 上,资本货物价格仍在下降。在大部分产品进口价格不升反降,而国内需求茂盛的情况下,进口大幅增加,贸易逆 差必然会加大。
    另外,一些向美国出口的重要国家转变贸易方法也增添了美国的入口,加大了美国的贸易逆差。例如,日 本曾长期为美国贸易逆差最大来源国。但自 1999年后,该“头衔”让给了中国,tory burch。2004年美国与日本的贸易逆差上升了13.9%。然而日本的寰球贸易顺差却在增长。日本和一些亚洲的新 产业化国家是通过中国、墨西哥及其余拉丁美洲国家(低工资的装配线)不断地将其产品出口到美国去的。目前, 从中国的进口额是美国出口到中国的5.7倍。美国从中国进口的98%是制造业商品,其中增长最快的商品包含 信息通信技巧装备(95亿美元),电子产品(1.07亿美元)和航空产品(2500万美元)。这些产品很大 一局部是在中国的外资出产的。
    (4)汇率因素的影响。汇率对进出口存在重要的影响。在考核造成贸易逆差的原因时,汇率无疑应该成 为其首选因素。应当说,美元汇率与美国的贸易差额有必定的关联性。美元从1982-1985年阅历了一次大幅度升值,随后从1986-1989年经历了一次严峻的贬值。斟酌到J曲线效应的影响,美元实际有效汇率的变动正好与上世纪80年代美 国贸易逆差的变动相吻合。1982-1985年的美元升值导致了美国 1983~1987年的贸易逆差急剧扩大,而1986-1989年的美元贬值又导致了美国1987-1991年贸易逆差的缩小。
    但是,20世纪90年代以来美元汇率与美国贸易逆差的关联性在削弱。1993年和1994年美元没 有显明的升值,贸易逆差却忽然大范围增加。欧元兑美元的年均匀汇率从2003年的1。1321上升到200 4年的1.2438,美元对欧元贬值8.97%,但美国与西欧的贸易逆差2004年比2003年增长了12 .6%。其中原因可能是因为欧元升值导致欧盟出口商品价钱的上涨,而欧盟经济增长乏力以至进口商品数目并没 有大幅增长。可见,美元汇率并非影响贸易差额的惟一因素。另外,美元持续贬值不起到改善美国贸易收支均衡的 原因在于,依据马歇尔―勒纳前提,只有当进出口弹性之和的相对值大于1时,汇率贬值后贸易逆差才干得到改善 ,可能在多大水平上得到改良,是由出口商品和进口商品的需要弹性之和的大小决议的。由此,咱们就可懂得近年 来美元贬值政策为何后果不佳。
    从对美国贸易逆差原因的分析中可以看到造成美国的贸易逆差的原因是多方面的。在这些众多原因中,既 有内因,也有外因美国的经济政策和经济特点导致美国国内经济失衡;国际环境看似对美国贸易逆差火上浇油,实 际上是缓冲美国海内经济失衡的“蓄水池”。因为美国经济全球化的程度比较高,与世界上其他国家比拟,美国的 商品和因素流动性比拟强,因而,美国经济全球化是应用“蓄水池”缓冲美国国内经济失衡的方式和道路。换言之 ,美国贸易逆差是美国利用经济全球化调节美国经济失衡的成果。因而,美国贸易逆差并不妨碍美国经济的增长, 而且,美国巨额贸易逆差可以长期存在。
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Old 04-24-2011, 06:59 PM   #2
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 498
m7w9m6pw6 is on a distinguished road

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Reprinted from 81771953 at 10:57 on December 10, 2010 Read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
in Chinese history, the birth of numerous distinguished giant, they might make history, or because the left immortal thoughts and articles and go down in history. Inquire about their success footprint, we were surprised to find that their success without exception, standing behind a great woman - the mother.
1. Mengmu
Mengmu Yes Yes, a thoughtful, good at teaching children the virtuous woman. ZTE Confucianism Mencius to become \\to the history of the Chinese people including women and children stories, to become a model for the world to educate their children the mother the story.

Ming Mengke
Mencius, was born in Shandong Province, now mallard Zoucheng North Village (now part of Qufu City). \Game, but the child's imitation of nature, because people often see funerals through from nearby, so Mencius and other child \They imitate the funeral crowd, interested in playing a coffin, and buried the dead game. Mengmu that such an environment will affect the kids to school, to prevent children from forming normal thinking, will cause the child to an unhealthy way.
Mengmu decided to move, with Mencius Temple moved to the cemetery away from the village for families. Temple family village for what is now northwest Zoucheng, then, here is a bustling market town. Mencius exposure among these people coming and going downtown, gradually and with the town to do business on the kids playing the game, and his companions shouted learning traders called the buy, bargain, he should also neighbors butcher butcher sheep. Meng Mu think there is still not the ideal place to raise children, this continues, the child is vulnerable to the impact of small traders without serious study.
living in this town just six months on the Meng Mu, resolutely decided to move their home once again. They moved next to school house. This school is located in Temple worship those outside the south gate now Zoucheng Road East, is the grandson of Confucius Temple is located Zisi where lectures, later called it \Later Zisi apprentices in this lecture the students. Meng Mu think kids who lived near the school house, school house will certainly be affected by the atmosphere, grow up reading is also convenient. Mother and son moved here after the Mencius really talented in the insidiously College studying to be attracted by the sound, often to study poetry and literature along with the College in the exercise protocol. Meng Mu'm glad I finally found the ideal place to raise children, from here to settle down. Mencius was sent to school Meng Mu house, with the Zisi disciples learning, so that Mencius was put on academic path.
Mengmu off the same machine to teach the child the story of Meng Mu moved three stories to teach the child as the mother model. Although the nature of Mencius intelligent, but there are usually naughty children. To the Academy to study some time after the start of fresh momentum gone, the fun spots, sometimes absent from school, the mother lied to is to find lost things. Mencius once they went home early, Meng Mu is woven, that he was playing truant. Meng Mu Mencius called to him, and to weave all the cloth cut in half. Mencius asked why it is, Meng Mu replied: \Only perseverance, perseverance, to get profound knowledge, can become useful, not halfway. Truancy like broken machines, line breaks, not woven into the cloth, often cut class, must learn nothing.

Mencius Fanran
Dawu, from Diligent in study, do not live up to the expectations of the mother, and finally became a great thinker and educator. Meng Mu worked hard for the family life, although Mencius has grown up, but the education and supervision of Mencius never relaxed before. In Qi, Mencius repeatedly to explain his own political views King Xuan, Xuan Although the reward of Mencius, Lu million minutes, but would not actively promote his political ideas. He was very willing to accept his political views want to go to the Song, but also worried that the mother too old unattended.
Mengmu know his son's mind, his son said: \almost sub-line justice, I line my almost ritual. \implemented smoothly.
At this time, his life for his son make every effort to Mengmu, watched his son at the moment of success, the success of a mother full of joy, terminal one. In the burial site on the way home, passes through the place, whether public officials, the roadside memorial to all war and expressed the great respect and grief the mother.
20 miles north in Shandong Zoucheng Ma On Shan Lu, Gubosensen the Meng Mu Lin serene solemn, always attracted generations of people who admire the great mother.

2. Xu mother
Ying Xu Shu is a three state
(Henan Xuchang) people, character straight. Early and Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong with the friends, who voted Liu Biao, Liu Bei after the vote of any military advisor. When Xu Shu defect to Liu Bei, Liu Bei comes the occasion of misfortune alone, thousands of soldiers, however, the city only a new field, there will be only Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Guan Ping, Zhou Cang et al. Xu Shu Liu Bei's army, division, made after the exhibition talent and facilities within a few months with good ideas, kill Lu Kuang, chopped Lu Xiang, big break eight golden array, defeat Cao Ren to take Fancheng, Liu lifted the morale of the army, Cao Cao One of the arrogance of the cold. Cheng Yu Cao Cao Cao Cao's advisor, said: Xu Shu Cheng Yu talent than his 10 times higher. But what is regrettable is that, in Xu Shu Yuezhanyueyong, he had becomes highly. Policy makers in the three countries early this aspect intellectual disabilities field to serve the contest whole family to have lost a very important military strategist, lost many future generations can make use of forces to learn and to follow the law. The good news is, in the farewell Xu Shu Liu Bei when Zhuge Liang recommended to him, then passed down through the ages with the \

Xu Shu is the time to display their talent, why should we suddenly left Liu Bei? Cheng Yu Cao Cao's advisers because. Xu Shu is a famous filial son. When Cao Cao heard counselors Cheng Yu said Liu Bei Xu Shu ideas for the time, wanted to incorporate it into their own use. Cheng Yu Cao Cao Xu Shu's mother taught Pianzhi Xuchang, please write to call the mother Xu Xu Shu. Xu did not think the mother is Faithfulness clear, deep Xiaoda Yi of the elderly, Xu see through Cao Cao's treacherous mother, and resolutely refused. Cheng Yu on the further offer advice, Xu mother forged a letter, attract Xu Shu. Xu Shu is a dutiful son, received this ######## letter, had to bid farewell to vote Cao Liu Bei. Xu Shu Liu Bei parting, the two phases do not shed tears, the heart refers to Liu Bei and Xu Shu said: \Since then please do not. \different weeks was Lvwang, Zhang Han was also. \
Xu Shu was a forged letter easily fool the Xuchang, a move that clearly knows the mother of severe pain and committed suicide, resulting in a lifetime of regret Xu Shu, so he hated the devil come to get the job only happy to get A lifetime is not set up an account for the spectators. Old mother swallowed their anger for their own stupidity and the nether world, discouraged Xu Shu, could not help Yangtianchangtan: \
in that era, called the Han Cao phase, is the authentic career, but Xu was able to distinguish the evil pseudo-mother that the son defected to Cao Cao is the Pearl of the vote in the dark, which shows the mother of the monks of high justice.

3. mother
Since the gun
Yue Fei pick a small King of Liang, row after the tourney field, and Niu Gao, Gui, Tang Wai, Zhang Xiandi brother five, went back to his hometown in Henan Tangyin, homebound up.
this time, the North Jin Guoxing, the four soldiers southward invasion led by Prince Wushu gold. Northern Song court corrupt and incompetent, unable to resist, Kaifeng was the capital account Jinbing (now Kaifeng), the Emperor Qin Zong, overlord Huizong also carried to the North. Kinbyo burning and looting in the Central Plains, evil. Coupled with the prevalence of plague in Henan this year, but why had met with a severe drought, crop failure, the people born in fire and water among the miserable. Yue Fei and his mother, his wife at home Kushou poor, is very bleak. Gui, Tang Wai, Niugao a few people's parents have passed away, a few people unable to bear hunger and cold, too dirty to do things. Yue Fei off several times to persuade them to take ill-gotten gains, they are not willing to listen, it was not together to the mountains Luocao the. Yue Fei see such a scene, the hearts of grief.
day, Yue Fei was talking with his mother at home, someone came to knock on the door. Yue Fei, the man received a house, the conversation come to know What is the Dongting Lake Yang Zuo rebels Department would, as long Mu Yuefei Wenwuquancai What Yang, Zuo came to employ special difference to go help. Zuo gave us lots of gold and jewels the moment as the bride price. Yue Fei Stern said: \Zuo do nothing, and finally had to pack up to go from the dowry back to the mountains.

Zuo left, into these thin, said Yue Fei and his mother. Mother-in listening and meditating for a while, let the incense table placed under Yue Fei to the nave, correct incense, and then come together with his wife, incense candles, earth worshiping ancestors. Also known as Yue Fei knees, wife grinding the ink. Mother said: \infidelity matter, would not lose in the event of the Half a Yoshina?, therefore I am today Zhu Gao world our ancestors, to be tattooed on your back 'loyalty to serve the country' four words, you would like to be a loyal, faithful to serve the country, not rich, I'll smile in the nether world a! \Mother to take off the pen, first write back Yue Fei \\Barbed end, the ink will be painted with vinegar, so that never faded. Yue Fei up Kouxie the grace of mother child training.
At this time, the throne in Jinling Kang Song for Gao. Pass down the court decree, appointed by the staff called Yue Fei Beijing, shuaibing Route Expeditionary, figure re-ZTE, revenge. Yue Fei received the imperial edict, instantly ready to pack. Mother warned him babe, do not forget \Yue Fei take leave mother, and asked his wife, this horse to go to Beijing. After that, several times defeated Kinbyo Yue Fei led troops, trying to restore the Central Plains, only to the prime minister a traitor Qin Hui, a group of court, fornication Jin, framed Zhongliang. They lied to Beijing Yue Fei, framed his rebellion, under the prison. Trial, Yue Fei off his shirt, exposing his back \But the evil rampant, Yue Fei was eventually killed in the storm booths. However, the mother-training children to serve the country's national hero Yue Fei's story and reputation has spread through the ages.

4. hole mother
Yen history about the mother of Confucius to teach the child sign in the little story of a lot of people do not understand. In fact, the growth of holes in the mother in the Confucian role is very important.
Confucius family ancestors micro
Chung, is the last king of Shang King Zhou's brother. After the fall of the Shang Dynasty, big brother micro-son was crowned Song Zhou monarch, after the death of micro-son Kai, micro Chung to the throne, to the generation of Confucius, the father is already XV, the parent hole just a warrior in the State of Lu. Mother's family first Zuber Confucius bird, is the ancestor of the State of Lu, Dan's eldest son the Duke of Zhou, Zhou Dynasty kings, the grandson of Emperor Wen.
Confucius said
father had married the mother is already old when the sixties, while the women were satisfied with two-year-old Yan. Because of significant differences between the age at the time not etiquette, it is \Confucius about three years old when he left Zou Yi hole master to the palace in the capital live in Qufu, when his family was very poor.
grandfather of Confucius is the learned men who, at that time, the same knowledge that allows her gift of literacy can be reflected in its open-minded. Grandfather of direct instruction, so that the mother not only accumulated a huge hole in the vision and cultivation, officiating in the education and training is also very high. Her father's house all the books, are moving into their new home, choose one of three houses intercropping study, prepared at least five years old when Confucius taught him to study. She received the first five children, in their own tutor fameng book, each student received school-owned house, five millet and a load of firewood bucket, enough to feed the mother and son.
Mother Education
Kong children calligraphy, arithmetic and singing three lessons, but also teach children etiquette and ceremony. Less than six years old attendant learning of Confucius, and later, sign in and gathered a few students, small Confucius as his mother's little helper to make counseling modest. Mother hole and careful painstaking cultivation of education, less than ten small Confucius, the Department has learned fameng complete homework, because he loved Sato,chanel sunglasses 2011, willing to use his mind to the problem, memory superior, like to help others, as learning experience the best. This has been a tutor mother hole career, their learning experience to help others, to do private school after Confucius, Hing Education, played a direct impact.
in accordance with the rules at the time, would-year-old boy outside the Fu (with other teachers to the school.) Hole Mother closed her school, the small city of Confucius to the best school, learning poetry, books, history lessons, he incurs later known as the \content. School was called \Yan Jun Lu leads due to a family and clan relationships, Confucius is still the identity of an aristocracy, was aristocratic in the school of education.
affectionate mother has such a dependence, only the \things in illicit ######ual relations, where the tomb had not told the father, where the tomb of Confucius, the father to find out, wanted a funeral home in a five-way thoroughfare Father. By Chang Li, and not sleep when funeral home, funeral home today on the outside of Confucius deliberately intended to attract attention, and asked the strange people, the tomb of Confucius, the father can take the opportunity to find out where the. Later, the father asked the mother of the Tsou people of Man, before we know his father was buried in defense, and then enable parents buried.

5. European Female
Ouyang Xiu is a famous Song Dynasty scholar, a distinguished writer, historian, is one of the Tang and Song. He was born in the feudal official career family, his father was a petty official Ouyang view. In Ouyang Xiu 4 years old, my father passed away, so the burden of family life, the mother of all falls Xiu Zheng body. To make a living, the mother had to take just 4-year-old Ouyang Xiu from Luling to Suizhou to widows and orphans can get in the Suizhou Ouyang Xiu uncle's care.
Zheng Ouyang Xiu's mother was born into a poor family, only to read the book a few days, but it is a persevering, knowledgeable, and hardworking mother. She continued to talk about how the young man's story of Ouyang Xiu, regarded each finished the story to make a summary of the story, so a lot of truth in life Xiu understand. Her life teaching children the most is not simply repeating what others do not follow the crowd. Slightly larger after Ouyang Xiu, Zheng He tried to teach literacy to write, first taught him to read Zhou Pu Tang Dynasty poet, Gu Cheng and the then nine monks poetry. Although these poems Xiu scanty, but increased interest in reading.
seeing Xiu went to school age, and Cheng bent her son read, but the family was poor, can not afford a pen and paper. Once she saw the front side of the pond with silver grass, whim, and with these silver grass stalks wrote on the ground is not too good? She used silver grass stalk when the pen, sanded when the paper began to teach Xiu calligraphy. Ou his mother's teachings, on the ground strokes to practice writing, and repeatedly in practice, was wrong to write, until the date written on the writing neat and meticulous. This is the future generations for the elephants \

Ouyang Xiu
young mother's education, soon fell in love with poetry and literature. Write-read every day, accumulating more and more, it had to Guomuchengsong hours. 10 years old when his mother took him to a nearby library and more often people borrow at school, because he did not, she let him borrow books to copy down.
day, he used paper basket from Lee and found a six volumes of the \Opened it, an eye-opener, they neither eat nor sleep, day and night reading. Song dynasty, the community and more popular gorgeous impetuous, empty the contents of style, and Han Yu's writing style is completely different with it. Han Yu Xiu was impressed by the articles fresh and natural. He was pleased the mother said, as much as such a good article in the world ah.
Although Ouyang Xiu young age the thought of Han Yu literature may not all understand well, but get rid of his flashy style after the foundation. And it is in this ideological inspiration, a study of Han Yu, get rid of bad literary culture was the idea in his mind invariably strikes.
Xiu grow up to Tokyo to attend jinshi test, and even test three games, have been the first. When Ou 20 years old, already was famous literary figure. Ouyang Xiu's mother is pleased with superior intellect, but she want her son to not only outstanding literary achievements, and his work should be worthy of their own conscience. After growing up a government official Ouyang Xiu, the mother will often keep things official performance of his father tell him. She said to him: When your father do judges, often at night dealing with cases involving the civilian population for the case file, he very carefully, over and over again to see. Who can be given a lighter,dior sunglasses 2011, are a lighter sentence; and for those who can not be given a lighter, often sympathetic, more than sigh. She said: Your father, government officials, integrity, unselfish, and often money or property to aid to others, like a knot guests. His official salary while small, but often not to have left. He often said no put money into a liability. So he died, did not leave a room, without leaving a ridge land.
son told her, taking care not for the parents to be very rich, it is important to have a filial piety. Although it can not donate their property to the poor people, but must be feel benevolent. I can not afford to teach you, as long as you can remember your father's teachings, I can rest assured.
mother's teachings of these earnest, deeply imprinted on Ouyang Xiu mind. Ouyang Xiu official just to, but not forgotten honor mothers for their blazing hard. Huang Hu five years, Ouyang Xiu's mother died at the age of 73 in Nanjing, Ouyang Xiu home delivery of the mother buried the body. Mother kindly face, a rat race of the figure, and always appeared in front of his mother's earnest teachings inspired a lifetime achievement winner.

6. Tao master
Tao Kan is famous Eastern Jin Dynasty, a former military governor eight states, Zheng Xi major general, letters Changsha owned High. He has a very virtuous and clearly knows the mother. Tao Kan's ancestors, historical records are not available. His father, Dan Tao is Wu's side will be, the official Yang Wu generals. Yang Wu, Department of miscellaneous number, status is not high. Ancestors Tao Kan no prominent official career record can be traced back a young man and when one had to find Yang's \Conquest of Wu Jin, the South Central Plains called man-made \Tao Kan such as \
Tao Kan teenager his father died, his family was poor, with the mother Cham's had each other. Cham's was a very strong woman. Determined to make her son succeed. In this environment, very strict discipline on the Tao Kan and funded through their own son to make friends textiles. Later, Tao Kan Gongcao week visit in the county under the guidelines recommended to the county when the main book, started out as cheap labor status.
time, via the Poyang County Xiaolian Fan Kui Tao Kan family. Coincided with heavy snow. Tao Kan due to a poor family, but neglect the fear of not entertain friends, hearts very anxious. Look in the eyes of the mother, to comfort him, you just ask a guest to stay, and I will try to serve good. So she took the head, hair cut,dior sunglasses, into food and wine, but also roll up bed of chopped hay, Tao Kan \Fan Kui after that, said with emotion: \Fan Kui even followed the servant from the expectations are greater than that.
such as Fan Kui leave, Tao Kan and sent over a hundred years to recover. Fan Kui was moved and asked Tao Kan parting: \Fan Zhang Kui Kui was made to Lujiang prefect, \At this time coincides with the State Department in the county came to, he would like to take inspection of the Ming Lesuo bribe bribery, Tao Kan of Officials will be relieved of office to his men that he engaged in a face, said: \rope, not onslaught. if not with propriety, I can Royal to. \Also Wei Wang Kui Zhang Tao Kan return for helping his career. \CD Tao Kan said: \So to the line, all the salty serving its meaning. Si after the passing of Changsha Prefecture million Lujiang, see Tao Kan, Tao Kan special open-minded to his humility, makes prefect surprised, when parting he said, \Ordered his son to make friends, and after the leave.
With this relationship, Tao Kan Ji Bei Zhang Kui cited as Xiaolian. Rely on this identity, Tao Kan Luoyang and the upper celebrities can enter to get to know, to realize his ambition.
Soon, Tao Kan Yu Liang officials do, food official of the fish (pickled fish). He spoke the poor mother in to a little fish with pots, and got sent to his mother. Unexpectedly, not only from the mother, will return the sealed jar, with letters to blame, said: \with great education, and integrity for the Tao Kan was an official of the foundation.
Yuan Kang
about six years (296 years), Tao Kan to Luoyang. Luoyang at the time, after decades of restoration, reconstruction, and become very busy, noisy. However, the bustling capital of what Tao Kan was not a bright future. For many years, grade System, has led to the election official on the Western Jin Dynasty, \Children with their parent clans, to reside in Yao Jin Yu Yin ancestors did not bother climbing the corporate ladder for the future.
Tao Kan also know the identity of people like him, have no right to the door when the backing is simply impossible in Luoyang foothold in officialdom. Therefore, he went to ask to see \But Zhang was \Contempt for Zhang Tao Kan was not discouraged. Repeatedly asked to see, \Zhang and Tao Kan in the conversation, surprise, that he different from ordinary people, Tao Kan Zhang soon the recommendation made in the doctor. Selected types of qualified official doctor, but a poor base such as Tao Kan scholar is simply squeeze into those prominent official position.
Tao Kan stayed in Luoyang five to six years, but the future remains very uncertain. During this period, intensified civil strife in the Western Jin Dynasty. Yongkang first year (300 years), after Jia Zhao Wanglun waste. Emperor Hui years and spent the second emperor himself. Unrest within the development to the court by the court outside. Luoyang has become the kings of the armed forces both inside and outside the conflict, competing land. In this case, the resident Luoyang Jiang Dongshi family returns home seeking shelter. Tao Kan has been recognized at this time, this powerful family in Luoyang politics, he is unlikely to come out on top. Because of family have returned home by Jiangdong Shi affected by the atmosphere, he was prepared to the south.
Huang has been made when the Board of Civil
Ling Li, recommend any supplement Tao Kan Wugang magistrate. Wugang is a county in southern Jingzhou. This time, Tao Kan was forty years old. Tao Kan After the arrival of the relationship with the prefect Lvyue very nervous. He then official position to go home. County and later worked as a small CKS. If not, the turmoil south of Shanxi at the end to his trip to the opportunity to peer Rong body, I am afraid that his life can only be a magistrate of the class petty officer. Eight Princes southern unrest caused, provided opportunities for the Tao Kan Shizhancaigan. At this time, a tremendous impact on the life of Tao Kan's mother died, and year-round 75. Tao Kan decades of official career, always keeping in mind the teachings of his mother, a hundred bricks every morning to go outside to move the house at night and if the number of moving back. Q. Why do men do this, he replied: My ambition is to lead the troops swept through strong Krupp, restore the Central Plains, if not how can exercise a good body too!
7. She Taijun
She Taijun, name match flowers, Xijing Datong, is the town on Thursday after the military commissioners off the Sun from Ruan, Wing Tak Jiedushi off the town of the state government (household clothing) of the women. She Taijun off German father since childhood, (household clothing) guarding the state government, good at riding and shooting, with industry and the North Han Yang famous wife. Discount Taijun nature showed an instinctive rapport, bow Fan martial arts mature horses, know tactics, his assistant, Li Yang, industry repeatedly exploits, Guanju cloud observations to the state, known as Yang invincible. Later, when the levy Liao, Pamela command, Yang industry as a pioneer of the post to the pregnant unexpectedly Pan Renmei Siyuan, grudge against her, forcing the temporary absolutely alone insurance, Chen Jiayu vector do poor, Fan Jiang Wu Tun is gathered, Suizhi army were trapped, Yang industry captured third is do not eat and died.
Yang industry die for his country after the break and help the eldest son of Yang Yanzhao Taijun meritorious anti Liao, Chung-Yi Fu Shi Ren tired, JAC patrol to the south are,sunglasses hut, know that the military will be far, state security patrol rim are so, so that the state defense, Gao Yang, vice are deployed off the Department, such as Beijing to increase. Yang Yanzhao frontiers more than twenty years, also praised the Song Emperor Zhen Zong said: \Yang Yanzhao military died, aged 57 years, He Shuo Wang Yan Zhao Lingshu of many people burst into tears, sadness of straight Miracle. Yang Yanzhao from Diqing Nan Zheng, son of Yang Wenguang active, defense officials state grant Xing, Jing known state, for the vice are Dingzhou Road Explorer, move further military Yu Hou, died after the State presented the same observation to make.
Yang Yang family business from father to Sun Yang Xin Yang Wenguang, riding four generations of grandparents and grandchildren fought heroically fighting the enemy die for his country called, \Though there is a history of folding Taijun not made more records, but She Taijun deep pass that book on military strategy, Jiuzhan battle, loyal patriotism, the overall situation, clearly knows the heroine image is engraved in the minds of the people. Her command of the Yang family's fighting epic of heroic deeds, has reached the household, young and old well-known depth. Later,oakley sunglasses 2011, people to miss her, praising her, learning her, worship her,sunglasses 2011, hope she eternity, immortality, but also played a storytelling series, novels and opera repertoire, in which widespread opera repertoire.
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Old 04-24-2011, 09:18 PM   #3
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標籤: 2011世界地球日
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2011為地球而騎! AMD環花東國際自行車大賽16日登場
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