In the publicans and harlots as well as in the philosophers? We say that it
is." And there again the Neoplatonist finds it over hard to assent to a
doctrineequally contrary to outward appearanceand galling to Pharisaic
pride; and enters into a hundred honest self- puzzles and self-
contradictionswhich seem to justify him at last in sayingNo. It is in
the philosopherwho is ready by natureas Plotinus has itand as it were
furnished with wingsand not needing to sever himself from matter like
the restbut disposed already to ascend to that which is above. And in a
degree tooit is in the "lover who
according to Plotinus
has a certain
innate recollection of beauty
and hovers round it
and desires it
he sees it. Him you may raise to the apprehension of the one incorporeal
by teaching him to separate beauty from the various objects in
which it appears scattered and divided. And it is even in the third class
the lowest of whom there is hope
the musical man
capable of
being passively affected by beauty
without having any active appetite for
it; the sentimentalist
in short
as we should call him nowadays.
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