4. Country of Origin Labels. The country of origin for Fendi handbags is Italy. If the handbag has a label that says "Made in Taiwan", it is not the real thing.
Buying designer handbags online
2. Counterfeiters avoid paying taxes since their businesses are generally operated on a cash basis. Citizens like you and I still have to pay.
1. Although replicas may look like the real thing, the workmanship and quality can't be compared to the original.
You may try to save a few bucks by buying a designer handbag replica
Ed hardy T Shirt, but there are several reasons why it makes sense to buy the real thing:
Read the product description carefully. Some online merchants will lure you into their sites by describing their products as original, authentic or genuine. After reading descriptions, you may find such phrases as "inspired by" a particular designer. This product isn't authentic and the phrase is used to protect the merchant from trademark infringement.
Ahhhh, relief. More relief. But then your thighs begin to shake, not helped by the fact that your left arm is stretched to its fullest extent trying to keep the door shut. You'd love to sit down but you didn't have time to wipe the seat or lay toilet paper down, so you hold 'The Position' as a quake that would register an eight on the Richter scale travels through your aching thighs. To take your mind off the pain, you reach for what you now discover is an empty toilet paper dispenser. In your mind, you can hear your mother's voice saying: "Darling, if you'd cleaned the seat first, you would have KNOWN there was no toilet paper!"
1. Authentic handbags are purchased from authorized registered dealers. Authentic designer handbags are not sold by street vendors, at home parties, at flea markets, in New York's Chinatown, in Los Angeles' Santee Alley, or at mall kiosks.
3. The price. A new Prada handbag will not sell for $50.
Buy designer goods from authorized registered dealers only. That's the only way to be sure that you are purchasing an authentic designer product.
If you're shopping online and find a designer handbag at a price that's hard to pass up
Burberry Hats Scarf, there's a way to tell if you're getting an authentic product:
2. If you're considering a Coach handbag, the company's website provides a list of authorized dealers. Both Coach and Kate Spade give detailed information on spotting replicas of their products.
3. The sale of counterfeit designer goods has been linked to terrorist and gang activity as well as organized crime. Drugs are often smuggled inside counterfeit handbags.
Spotting a ########
There was a time when it was easy to spot a ########: misspelled logos, cheap leather and shoddy hardware. Now, ########s are starting to look rather good and it's hard to tell the difference. Here's how to tell what's real and what's not:
Your thigh muscles are seconds away from snapping like old knicker elastic. You remember the tiny tissue that you blew your nose on yesterday--the one that's in your handbag
LV Western-style clothes, which you cannot unzip because you only have one free hand. So you take your hand off the door and scrabble about in your bag until you find a ball of paper that would barely cover a gnat's arse. You smooth it out and fluff it up, but it is still only slightly larger than your thumbnail. At this point someone pushes open the door because you've taken your hand away to open your bag. The door hits your handbag, which thumps you in the chest and you and your bag topple backward against the toilet cistern--which is disconcertingly wet.
Want to know for sure it's real?