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Old 04-03-2011, 03:00 AM   #1
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  一对感情尚可的年轻情侣,因小矛盾闹分手,25岁的男友竟用尖刀猛刺17岁女友的颈部、胸部、腹部三十 多刀,致女友当场死亡。

  案发后,男孩被控故意杀人罪,GHD IV Hot Pink Styler。根据指控事实,他没有任何法定从轻或减轻情节,极有可能被判死刑。然而,主审法官庭前阅卷时却发现,凶手 的作案动机和过程有不合常理之处――“一般来说,捅这么多刀,不是激情犯罪就是有很深的矛盾想要泄愤。凶手 与死者感情一向不错,当天也没有发生大的冲突,为什么下手这么狠?”法官敏感地意识到,凶手的精神状态可能 有问题!

  随即展开的调查和司法鉴定结论显示:法官的猜测是正确的。凶手患有抑郁症,病情已影响到控制能力,作案 时,他仅具限制责任能力。最终,法院作出了无期徒刑的判决,避免了错判错杀。

  本报记者 陈珊珊


  张小林是安徽凤阳县人。2006年,时年23岁的张小林在上海做厨师,认识了甘肃女孩林芬,两人相爱了 。2007年,林芬经人介绍到南京江宁一家足疗店做服务员,张小林继续留在上海,开始异地恋。

  2008年元旦期间,两人吵了一架。元月7日,张小林来南京找林芬,两人见面后很快和好如初。然而几天 后,张小林接到一个女孩的电话,林芬很生气。为了报复,她也给一个男孩打了电话。张小林果然吃醋,两人大吵 一架。林芬愤而提出分手,张小林极力挽回。

  元月11日早上8点,张小林买了一把30多厘米长的尖刀,又买了一盒“安乃近”。他准备再跟林芬谈一次 ,还是挽回不了就自杀。

  当天上午11点左右,林芬的同事兼室友小姜回出租屋拿手机。门一开,眼前的场景令她大吃一惊――林芬躺 在地上,脖子下面一大摊血;张小林躺在床上,身下也是一摊血,床边还有一把尖刀,上面全是血。小姜赶紧打手 机报警。此时,林芬已经死亡,警方将张小林送到医院,经抢救他活了过来。

  这个上午到底发生了什么?张小林醒来后揭开了谜团:“我跟她说话,她不理我,我很生气,就把刀拿出来吓 唬她。我走到她身后拍她肩膀,她回头看到刀伸手抢,我捅了她一刀,她手乱抓,我就继续捅,后来她就倒下了… …”张小林十分害怕,决定赴死。他服下“安乃近”,然后用刀对着肚子捅了两下,ghd purple



  张小林在接受警方讯问时对杀人行为供认不讳,GHD Deluxe Midnight Collection


  依照法律,犯故意杀人罪的,应当在“死刑、无期徒刑或者十年以上有期徒刑”的法定刑幅度内判处刑罚。从 起诉指控的事实来看,张小林因为恋爱纠葛挥刀猛刺未成年女友三十多刀,罪行堪称极其严重,又没有法定从轻或 减轻处罚的情节,判处死刑似乎是毫无悬念的事。



  南京中院刑一庭受理此案后,承办法官洪途认真翻阅了全部案卷资料。洪途是刑一庭资深法官,刑事审判经验 十分丰富,看完案卷,他总觉得有点不对劲。

  “凶手与死者感情一向不错,当天也没有发生大的冲突,为什么忽然动手?为什么下手这么狠?”洪途将案发 经过梳理了一遍又一遍,总感觉有说不通的地方。“凶手的作案动机和作案经过都有点儿不合常理,是不是精神状 态有问题啊?”洪途忍不住猜测。



  法官洪途虽然发现这起案件不一般,他对自己的猜测并无必然把握。但他知道,死刑案中任何一个细微疑点都 不能忽视,于是,他立马向合议庭成员汇报了自己的想法。合议庭研究后决定先开庭审理,在庭审中仔细观察张小 林的精神状况。这一审,谜底渐渐揭开――



  庭审中,合议庭成员特别留意了张小林的精神状况。张小林当庭表现比较平静,没有异常反应,认罪态度很好 ,并多次流露出一心求死的想法。

  张小林的父母没来,几个叔叔参加了庭审。庭后,合议庭成员与他们进行沟通,了解张家的情况。据他们介绍 ,张小林家境非常贫困,自小母亲就离家出走了;父亲身体不好,智力不是很健全,精神也不太正常――合议庭成 员立马意识到,这是个重要信息!众所周知,精神疾病可能会遗传,要是家属没撒谎,洪途法官的怀疑就更有根据 了。




  承办法官洪途陪同专家到上海走访了张小林曾经工作过的饭店,多位厨师同事反映,张小林平时就有点异于常 人,比如炒菜时常常莫名其妙地走神,有时候锅都烧起来了,他都没反应。另外还了解到,张小林曾因抑郁症到上 海某医院就诊。



  2008年7月11日,南京脑科医院出具司法精神疾病鉴定书。鉴定结论为:张小林患有抑郁症,作案时具 有限制责任能力。

  承办法官洪途要求专家进一步解释张小林的病情。专家介绍,精神疾病分为抑郁、精神分裂、偏执三类,抑郁 症是情感性精神疾病,属于重型精神病。抑郁症分为五个等级,由轻到重分别表现为:适应障碍、抑郁心境、轻度 抑郁、抑郁发作、伴精神病症状。张小林的病情已达到第四级,即抑郁发作,他属于“控制障碍”,遇刺激时控制 不了自己的行为,也想不到行为的后果,但辨认能力未受太大影响,所以才认定他“具有限制责任能 力”。



  合议庭最终决定以故意杀人罪判处张小林无期徒刑,剥夺政治权利终身,并判决张小林赔偿死者父母经济损失 共计人民币34万余元。



  死刑案件事关人命,容不得一丁点的马虎,一旦把关失误,错判错杀,将造成永远没法弥补的后果。我们在审 理过程中,只要认为被告人具备申请精神鉴定的条件,一定会本着对当事人负责,对法律负责的态度,对被告人进 行司法精神病鉴定。

  赦免、减轻精神病人的罪责在全世界范围都是一种共识。我国《刑法》第18条规定:“精神病人在不能辨认 或者不能控制自己行为的时候造成危害结果,经法定程序鉴定确认的,不负刑事责任。间歇性的精神病人在精神正 常的时候犯罪,应当负刑事责任。尚未完全丧失辨认或者控制自己行为能力的精神病人犯罪的,应当负刑事责任, 但是可以从轻或者减轻处罚。”本案中,被告人张小林经鉴定患有抑郁症,作案时欠缺控制能力,但仍有辨认能力 ,属于“具有限制责任能力”,依法可以从轻处罚。法院正是依据这一点,以及他所犯的杀人罪行,最终做出了无 期徒刑的判决。

  当然,不排除有些犯罪嫌疑人明明正常,却谎称患精神病,想要达到逃避刑事责任的目的。我们会根据实际情 况决定是否对其进行鉴定。如果把关不严,让本该受到严惩的凶手逃脱其应受的惩罚,不仅对被害人不公平,对法 律也是一种亵渎。

  南京中院对刑事案件定案把关极严,死刑案件有五级把关制度,即“承办人、合议庭、审判庭、院长、审判委 员会”层层把关,为的就是杜绝一切失误。另外,我们在大要案审理中,既注重审查案件的事实与证据,也注意积 极应对社会各界的反应,比如2010年审理南京西善桥儿子杀父亲的案件中,深入案发地社区,以座谈方式听取 群众意见,充分考量各种因素,依法妥善处理案件。

  南京市中级人民法院刑一庭            洪途
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Old 04-03-2011, 03:01 AM   #2
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142848 2008 年 05 月 27 日 23:59 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (8) Category: Personal Diary
About unreasonable
Husband: You're not unreasonable.
wife: I've never talked to you science, home is not unreasonable place. Say you are a male, also 8 months than I do,After his girlfriend on the Classic after the dial, you have to let me.

husband about money: After I earned, in proportion to you, I also earned a little more than to stay too long, so I tend to be positive.
wife: good.
Husband: I'll give you what percentage?
wife: one hundred and twenty percent.

wife on the idea: Let's go play.
Husband: Well, you say where to go.
wife: I have a mind to say to you also!
Husband: I'm out of ideas you never agree.
wife: I do not agree with what is called the idea of ah, and what is perfunctory! You have to stop there idea, until I satisfied.
husband :.......

on his wife: I have been in our family center in your home but also to me as the center.
husband: I have been in our family center.
wife: you can be my center of that center than important.
Husband: Why?
Wife: Because I am a daughter, you're just a kid.

wife on the mood: I work on the bad mood, will reduce the quality of our marriage.
Husband: I will work mood is not good.
Wife: No, you have heart, tolerance better than me. Because you are taller than I am big, big heart than me!

wife on the clothes: the clothes look good?
husband: good-looking.
wife: you turn me, want me to hurry to buy over to go home,
. . .
wife: that clothes look good?
husband: does not look good.
wife: you will not want to buy me!
husband: ..................

take things on his wife: the bag you carry it with me.
Husband: I took four bags, and you get nothing, the nerve it?
wife: I was holding it for you! You have 100 kilos of it, I get something more than what you get heavier.
husband: TT

on his wife: I eat the plum in half, very good to eat, you eat the rest.
Husband: I do not like plum.
Wife: No,Compass satellite navigation system - Qzone log, you love to eat! You are not eaten anything against me!
Husband: This fish is very good to eat, come.
wife: You have to dirty chopsticks touched, who eat!
husband: What do you eat I eat half, I do not hold anything against you, how do you hold anything against me?
wife: you are right. I hold anything against you that I am better than you clean. I'm clean, how can you than you hold anything against me? !
husband: ..........................

on water
wife: her husband, I want to drink!
Husband: I'll keep on doing. Hey, this cup is not in your hand Well, did not see?
wife: Yes, I just want you to me.
husband: .......................

wife on the phone: Why do not you give me call? !
Husband: falsely accuse! Today is not that a good thing you give me a call. Finally, I waited a day, or I'll call you.
wife: I said, can I changed my mind. Zhang said: Women have the right to change his mind.
husband: Do you change your mind did not tell me it!
wife: I said, my heart said, Who told you and my heart is not interlinked.
husband: .......................

on washing her husband: for a while you do the dishes ?
wife: good.
husband: how not move ah?
wife: I have a headache.
Husband: lazy dead, do not let you wash your headache.
wife: Really! The thought of washing I get a headache.

wife on a walk: walk to a piece of the road we have it.
Husband: too far to get there, now that we can not go back.
Wife: Well, you carry me back.
husband: ..................

on chores, her husband: We divide the job into home.
wife: good. First, the dirty work was a man do it. Such as grazing / toilet brush / wipe the table. . .
husband: this right.
wife: men outside, women inside. And outsiders dealing with your kid, buy food / pay the water bill / check the newspaper and milk.
husband: this. . . OK!
Wife: You studied engineering in school, and I was learning the arts, and live with your kid things, like washing machines / fridge / cooker / iron. . .
Husband: OK, OK, then what are you doing?
Wife: Do not worry, ah, so much smoke in the kitchen, can destroy the skin, and cook you have to do it.
Husband: You tell me you do it.
wife: I have a lot to dry Yeah. I can be with you, monitoring you, praise you, comfort you. . . . . .
husband: ..............................

wife about love
: Husband: : ...........

wife on the opposite ######: I have a boyfriend, you can not interfere with me.
Husband: OK, I have a girlfriend.
Wife: No!
Husband: Why Yes I know I not.
wife: I am a boyfriend, you can not do the others can do, I will not pick your old problems, and is conducive to a happy family. Your girlfriend, I am acting by a small, jealous, and your noisy called, is not conducive to family stability.
husband: I have acting by little.
wife: a man, and woman as acting by a small, loss of nerve to say you!
husband: .....................

on the affair his wife: now old and play affair on TV, you that you have an affair it?
Husband: no.
Wife: Why?
husband: Do you have a regret I had enough, never again to be the second! !

on the bed (a)
husband: You are so mean and how it accounts for the earth child!
Wife: Of course, I have to stand up, have to stretch it!
husband: ..............

on the bed (b)
Wife: We cover the double was it.
Husband: Do not! That the next morning to all wrapped on you. I did cover none. Or build your own bar, and my heart at ease.
Wife: Well, you are yourself cover, until tomorrow morning I still have to be wrapped to go!
husband: ...............

on her husband to get up: get up, get up, do not you get up early today to meet Well said .
Wife: Do not waste me, I go to sleep.
Husband: Get up now, it will be late.
Wife: You do not touch me! I would also like to sleep on it! !
. . .
wife: Yeah! Are late! How can you not call me? !
husband: ........

on his wife: her husband, let's go there to eat ah, what to eat?
Husband: What do you want?
Wife: What have I decided to, ah, then I would also like you to do? Casual, eat what you eat
husband: that we went to eat XXX XXX it
wife: furious, and eat this, ah, you get a little creative
angry every time so I want to angry about the truth

Wife: You see the girl more beautiful.
Husband: What nice ah.
Wife: What do you mean! Why do not you and I are keeping!
Husband: pretty nice.
. . .
Husband: hey, you do not go ah, how to ignore me?

wife about the child: we want a child.
Husband: OK.
Wife: Do you like our children?
Husband: Yes.
Wife: No! You have a person like me!
Husband: Well, well, I like you a man.
Wife: That my child how can you not like Ah!
husband: we still do not have to children.

divorce his wife: If we divorced, the house belongs to me, my money I have to take.
Husband: What about my money?
Wife: Your money is my money,灌篮高手球鞋合集 - Qzone日志, what is your money!
wife: Also, your monthly income after divorce have to give me 80%. Ah, if you marry again, then I became 60%.
husband: my wife, I will not divorce you!

husband about the female equality: equality between men say, we also have equality at home is not equal?
Wife: OK ah. Woman men bully you bullied several thousand years. So we have to bully the bully you for thousands of years, it is true equality. But wait, then a few thousand years, our family had to equality.
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