g the heathen. They were many hundreds
old and youngsome sickand some lame; many had papooses at their
backs. The greatest number at this time with us were squawsand they
traveled with all they hadbag and baggageand yet they got over this
river aforesaid; and on Monday they set their wigwams on fireand away
they went. On that very day came the English army after them to this river
and saw the smoke of their wigwamsand yet this river put a stop to them.
God did not give them courage or activity to go over after us. We were not
ready for so great a mercy as victory and deliverance. If we had been God
would have found out a way for the English to have passed this riveras
well as for the Indians with their squaws and childrenand all their
luggage. "Oh that my people had hearkened to meand Israel had walked
in my waysI should soon have subdued their enemiesand turned my
hand against their adversaries" (Psalm 81.13-14).
Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson
The Sixth Remove
On Monday (as I said) they set their wigwams on fire and went away.
It was a cold morningand before us there was a great brook with ice on it;
some waded through itup to the knees and higherbut others went till
they came to a beaver damand I amongst themwhere
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