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Organization for Economic Co- operation and Development (FO)<br />The group of rich industrialized countries founded in 1961 and consisting of the eighteen European countries of the ORGAN!ZATION FOR EUROPEAN ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION, the USA and Canada. Later to join were Japan (1964), Finland (1969), Australia (1971) and New Zealand (1973), with the result that it now produces about two-thirds of the world's output with only one-sixth of its population. This Paris-based organization provides a forum for the discussion of policies for promoting ECONOMIC GROWTH, FREE TRADE and FOREIGN AID to Jess developed countries and has an independent secretariat which produces tables of standardized economic data of member countries and economic forecasts (more accurate than many national forecasts because of the joint forecasting of linked economies). Its influential economic policy committee meets two or three times a year and is chaired by the chairman of the US President's Council of Economic Advisers.<br /><em>See also:</em> INTERLINK
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<strong>Rolling delinquency</strong> A delinquency that occurs whenever the delinquent status of a loan is increased or reduced but not completely eliminated as the result of a payment, deferment, forbearance, adjustment to the LDA or OSD, or reversal of a payment.
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<strong>Online MDHE: A resource for financial aid officers</strong> a guide for getting the most out of the MDHE' s Web tools and resources. This publication and all publications published by the MDHE can be requested on the Publications Order Form:
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