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<strong>Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR)</strong> The electronic output record provided to the school by the CPS that includes information provided by the student on the FAFSA. The ISIR contains the student' s EFC (Expected Family Contribution) and the results of federal database matches.
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<strong>Cost of Attendance (COA)</strong> An estimate of a student' s total education-related expenses for an enrollment period.
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availability thesis (F1)<br />The proposition that a high proportion of international trade is an exchange between goods which are only available in one or a few COUntries. ELASTICITY OF SUPPLY in one country and inelasticity of supply in another give rise to trade. Some new products are only available in some countries, partly because of the nature of their patent protection.<br /> <br /><em>Reference</em><br />Kravis, I.B. (1956) 'Availability and other influences on the commodity composition of international trade', Journal of Political Economy 64: 143-55.
mixed credit (F3, GO)<br />A mixture of a loan supplied by a financial institution at a commercial rate of interest and a soFT LOAN. With a more generous form of credit, the volume of international trade and Third World development would have grown faster.
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