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<strong>Reissue</strong> A post-disbursement change transaction for changing the disbursement date from a past date to a future date. Within CommonLine, this transaction is located in the @1-10 record.
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<strong>Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG)</strong> A new federal grant available as of July 1, 2006. Eligibility for this grant is based on high school academic performance as well as financial need. More information is available at:
financial centre (G2)<br />A cluster of different financial institutions at one geographical location. The growth of population and business encouraged banking, insurance and other types of financing. The large amounts of capital required to conduct these institutions have inevitably led to mergers within the financial sector of the same or related types of institution, as well as the disproportionate growth of cities such as New York, London and Tokyo as financial centres.
indicator variable (E6)<br />An economic statistic which describes the current state of an economy and guides a policy-maker in his or her actions, particularly whether to deflate or reflate the economy.<br /><em>See also:</em> coincident indicators; economic indicators
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