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bunny bond (G1)<br />A fixed interest security entitling the holder to an interest payment in cash or to more units of the asset.
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Interstate Commerce Commission (L5) US federal commission set up in 1887 by the Interstate Commerce Act to regulate rail traffic across state boundaries. This was one of the earliest US attempts to control monopoly and achieve fair prices, together with an adequate standard of service across the nation. This Washington-based commission today also regulates trucks, buses, oil pipelines and inland water transportation.
domain (C6)<br />The set of values a variable can take.<br /><em>See also:</em> continuous variable; discrete variable
Jones Act 1920 (L5, R4)<br />US federal CABOTAGE statute, The Maritime Marine Act', which required sea transportation of cargo and passengers between US ports to be in ships US built, US owned and US crewed. Although there is some political support for this form of protectionism, the Act is increasingly obsolete as so many goods are shipped under foreign flags.<br /><em>See also:</em> Navigation Acts
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