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external account (F4, G2)<br />1 The BALANCE OF PAYMENTS accounts of a nation.<br /> 2 A bank account of a person who is not a resident of the country.
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giro (G3)<br />A system for transferring bank deposits long used in most European countries and offered as a service by the UK Post Office from 1968 and by UK CLEARING BANKS shortly afterwards. Instead of a transfer being effected by a cheque, the holder of a giro account instructs the bank concerned to make a change in its ledgers to pay another giro account-holder a particular amount of money.
<strong>CommonLine (CL)</strong> The FFEL Program industry' s standards by which loan and borrower information is electronically gathered, stored, and transmitted via a flat file. CommonLine file specifications are agreed to by the industry' s Electronic Standards Committee (ESC) and may be retrieved from the NCHELP website at
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