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<strong>DE</strong> U.S. Department of Education, which may also be referred to as ED, USDE, or simply the Department.
retrophobia (J2)<br />Fear of going back to work and coping with the changes, including recently installed technology, which have occurred during one's absence. This problem particularly affiicts women after a mid-career break. returns to scale (D2)<br />The change in output resulting from an increase in the quantities of factor inputs employed. Returns to scale can be shown by their effect on long-run average costs (LRAC). They can be increasing (output growing faster than inputs), constant (inputs and output increasing at the same rate) or decreasing (output growing at a slower rate than inputs). The returns which are most characteristic of a particular economy will determine whether it is growing, stationary or in decline. Central to CLAssiCAL ECONOMICS was the assertion that there are diminishing returns to land. Allyn YOUNG, SRAFFA and Joan ROBINSON in their postMarshallian study of the firm examined the implications of increasing returns.<br /><em>Reference</em><br />Young, A. (1928) 'Increasing returns and economic progress', Economic Journal 38: 527-42.
mezzanine finance (G2, M2)<br />An unsecured loan, often used to finance a MANAGEMENT BUYOUT, which ranks after secured loans but before equity in the event of a liquidation of a company. The interest charged on these loans is higher than for secured loans and linked equity is often given to the lender. This form of finance is used to supplement other sources to effect management buyouts.
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one-tailed test (C1)<br />A statistical significance test which is only concerned with the upper or the lower part of a distribution of a variable.<br /><em>See also:</em> two-tailed test
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