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<strong>Student Aid Report (SAR)</strong> The paper output record provided to the student after completing the FAFSA. The SAR contains the student' s EFC and results of federal database matches. The electronic version of the record, which is sent to the school, is called the ISIR.
disinflation cost (E3, E5)<br />The loss of output resulting from a MONETARY POLICY seeking to reduce inflation by a reduction in aggregate demand, often through increasing interest rates.
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1938 he contributed to the emerging macroeconomics of KEYNES by participating in the CAMBRIDGE CIRCUS. His subsequent career was spent at the League of Nations (1940-7), as professor of commerce at the London School of Economics (1947-57) and at Cambridge as professor of political economy (1957-67). He was awarded the NOBEL PRIZE FOR ECONOMICS in 1977, with OHLIN, for his work on international trade. In wartime, with Richard STONE, he produced National Income and Expenditure (1944), a book which influenced much of post-war NATIONAL INCOME accounting. Subsequent books on international economics, especially Theory of International Policy (1951, 1955), clearly expounded the leading aspects of the subject, e.g. his examination of the relationship between a country's INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL BALANCES which has become a standard tool of macroeconomic analysis. Like the leading economists of the nineteenth century, he produced his Principles of Political Economy (four volumes, 196576). Numerous other works include those on CAPITAL THEORY, wealth distribution and INCOMES POLICY. In 1978 he chaired the Meade Commission on 'The Structure and Reform of Direct Taxation'.<br /><em>Reference</em><br />Howson, S. and Moggeridge, D. (eds) (1988-90) The Collected Papers of James Meade, Vols I-IV, London: Unwin Hyman.<br /> Johnson, H.G. (1978) 'James Meade's contribution to economics', Scandinavian Journal of Economics 80: 64-85.
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<strong>Subsidized loan</strong> A loan eligible for federal interest benefits. The federal government pays the interest that accrues on subsidized Federal Stafford Loans during the student' s in-school, grace, and authorized deferment periods.
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