a DOS command) DOS command Daquan MD - build subdirectory
1. Function: create a new subdirectory
2. Type: Internal command
3. Format: MD [drive:] [path name]
4. Instructions:
(1) \directory name, if the default is built in the current directory.
cases: (1) in the C drive's root directory create a subdirectory named FOX; (2) FOX subdirectory and then create the USER subdirectory.
C:,> MD FOX (C drive in the current drive to create a subdirectory FOX)
C:,> MD FOX, USER (on FOX subdirectory create another USER subdirectory)
(2) DOS command Daquan CD - to change the current directory
1. Function: Displays the current directory
2. Type: Internal command
3. Format: CD [drive:] [path name] [directory name]
4. Instructions:
(1) If the path and subdirectory names are omitted to display the current directory;
(2), such as using \.. \
cases: (1) into the USER subdirectory; (2) back to the subdirectory from the USER subdirectory; (3) to return to the root directory.
C:,> CD FOX, USER (FOX subdirectories into the USER subdirectory)
C:, FOX, USER> CD.. (Return on a root directory)
C:, FOX> CD, (to return to the root directory)
(c) DOS command Daquan RD - Remove subdirectory command
1. Features: deleted from the specified disk directory.
2. Type: Internal command
3. Format: RD [drive:] [path name] [directory name]
4. Instructions:
(1) subdirectory must be empty before removal, that is need to enter the subdirectory, use the DEL (delete file command) to delete the empty file under a subdirectory, and then returned to the parent directory, use the RD command to remove the the directory itself;
(2) can not remove the root directory and the current directory.
cases: Requires the C drive FOX USER subdirectory under the directory to delete, the operation is as follows:
the first step: first delete the file USER subdirectory empty;
C,> DEL C:, FOX , USER, *. *
Second step, delete the USER subdirectory.
(d) DOS command Daquan DIR - Display disk directory command
1. Function: Display the contents of the disk directory.
2. Type: Internal command
3. Format: DIR [drive letter] [path] [/ P] [/ W]
instructions: / P's use; When To view the catalog too, can not be completed in a screen display screen will always be up volumes, not easy to see, plus / P parameter, the screen will be divided into a surface display 23 lines of file information, and then pause, and tips; Press
any key to continue
/ W used: plus / W display only the file name, as file size and created date and time are all omitted . With parameters, each line can display the five file names.
PATH - the path set command
1. Features: equipment executable search path, only files efficiently.
2. Type: Internal command
3. Format: PATH [letter 1] catalog [path name 1] ([; letter 2:], ...)
4. Instructions:
(1) when running an executable file, DOS will first search in the current directory the file, if found, run the; if can not find the file, then set the order according to the path PATH, one by one in order to search for the file directory;
(2) PATH command in the path, if two or more different paths with a semicolon \There are three use:
PATH [letter 1:] [path 1] [letter 2:] [Path 2] ... (to set the search path for executable files) PATH: (abolition of all paths)
PATH: (shows the current path established)
(6) DOS command Daquan TREE - Display disk directory structure, command
1. Function: display all the directories specified drive path and the directory of all file names.
2. Type: External command
3. Format: TREE [drive letter:] [/ F] [\Instructions:
(1) using the / F parameter displays all catalog and directory, all files, omitted, only the show catalog, do not show the file directory;
(2) use> PRN parameters, put the directory listed in the directory and file name of the printed output.
(7) DOS command Daquan DELTREE - delete the entire directory command
1. Function: the entire directory and its subdirectories and files subordinate to delete.
2. Type: External command
3. Format: DELTREE [drive:]
4. Usage: This command can step will be directory and all files, subdirectories, even lower subdirectories be deleted, and regardless of file attributes as hidden, system or read-only, as long as the file is deleted directories Next, DELTREE alike, according to deletion or wrong. Be careful when using! ! !
5, the disk operating class command
(1) formAT - disk format command
1. Function: format disk, divide track and sector; also check whether the entire disk with defective tracks, add the word mark on the bad sectors; create the directory area and the file allocation table, so prepare to receive DOS disk preparation .
2. Type: External command
3. Format: formAT [/ S] [/ 4] [/ Q]
4. Instructions:
(1) command after the drive letter is not the default,
belstaff sale, if the hard disk format, will be as the following tips: WARNING: ALL DATA ON NON
Proceed with format (Y / N)?
(Warning: all data on the C drive, will be lost, do you want to continue to format?)
(2) if the format of the floppy disk will be the following tips: Insert mew diskette for drive A;
and press ENTER when ready ...
(in A insert a new disk drive, ready to press the Enter key).
(3) use [/ S] parameters, will DOS system files IO.SYS
, MSDOS.SYS and COMMAND.COM copied to the disk, so that the disk can serve as a DOS startup disk. If selected / S parameters, formatted disk only to read and write information level with a roller, not as a boot disk;
(4) use [/ 4] parameters, 1.2MB high-density floppy format 360KB of low-density disks;
(5) use [/ Q] parameters, a quick format, this parameter will not redistribute the pious and the magnetic disk sectors, only the disk root directory, file allocation table and boot sector into a blank clear, therefore, faster format.
(6) optional parameter that unconditional format, which destroy all data on the original disk. Without / U, was safe format, then save the file before a mirror the original FAT table and root directory, if necessary, to restore the original data can be UNFORRMAT.
(b) DOS format command to restore order Daquan UNformAT
1. Function: misuse of the been formatted disk to recover lost data.
2. Type: External command
3. Format: UNformAT [/ L] [/ P] [/ TEST]
4. Usage: used to be \The root of the file or subdirectory is deleted and the disk systems sector (including the FAT, root directory, BOOT sector and partition table) is damaged, you can also use the UNformAT to the rescue.
(1) use / L parameter list to find the subdirectory name, file name, date and so great filial piety, but do not really do formAT work.
(2) optional / P parameter will be displayed on the screen of the report (includes / L parameters of the information generated) and also sent to the printer. Run-time screen will display: \Use this parameter screen will display: \
(5) use / PSRTN; repair partition table.
if the letter after / P, / L, / TEST one, is equivalent to using the / U parameter, UNformAT be \
Note: UNformAT formAT for just the disk, can be fully restored, but formAT other data if they do write, then UNformAT can not complete save data. UNformAT not a panacea, the use of UNformAT will rebuild FAT and root directory, it also has higher risk, improper operation may increase the loss, misuse deleted if only a few file or subdirectory, just use UNDELETE on enough.
(c) DOS command Daquan CHKDSK - Check the current status of the disk command
1. Function: Display disk status, memory status, and specify the file under the specified path is not continuous number.
2. Type: External command
3. Format: CHKDSK [drive:] [path] [filename] [/ F] [/ V]
4. Instructions:
(1) use [file] parameter, it shows that the file uses disk case;
(2) Select [/ F] parameters, to correct the disk found on the specified logic error; [target disk] [path] [destination file name]
4. Instructions:
(1) COPY the file copy of the document the way the data has been copied before the target disk must be formatted;
(2) replication process, the target disk on the same file name will be the source of old documents File replaced;
(3) copy the file, you must first determine the objectives as there is enough space, otherwise it will appear; insufficient error message that is not enough disk space;
(4) allows the use of file name wildcard give \
(6) copy of the target file name with the same source file name, called \were not the same, known as \: COPY; [Source Disk] [path] ... [goal set] [path] ;
(9) using COPY command, also available from the keyboard on the input data set file format is as follows: COPY CON [drive:] [path] ;
(10) Note: COPY command using the format, source file name and target file name must be free Georgia!
(b) XCOPY - catalog copy command
1. Function: Copy the specified directory and the directory with the directory structure of all documents.
2. Type: External command
3. Format: XCOPY [source disk:] [target drive:] [destination path name] [/ S] [/ V] [/ E]
4. Instructions:
(1) XCOPY is COPY extension specified directory can not even copy files and directory structure together, but can not copy hidden files and system files;
(2) use the source letter, source destination path names, source file name specify at least one;
(3) selection / S when the source directory and its subdirectories for all files COPY. Unless specified / E parameter, or / S will not copy empty directories, if not specified / S parameters, then XCOPY source directory itself, just copy the file, rather than involving a subdirectory under it;
(4) selection / V parameters, on the copy of the sector are a more experience, but the speed will be reduced.
(3) TYPE - Display file content command
1. Function: Display the contents of the file ASCII code.
2. Type: Internal command.
3. Format: TYPE [drive:] [path]
4. Instructions:
(1) shows the ASCII text file consisting of code, right. EXE.COM and other documents for the extension, which displays the contents can not be read, no real sense 2;
(2) once the order can only display a document, you can not use wildcards;
(3) If the file has an extension, you must write on the extension;
(4) When the file is longer, no less than a screen display, you can press the following format; TYPE [drive:] [path] | MORE, MORE for the split screen command, use these parameters will be suspended when the full screen, press any key will continue to show.
(5) If you need to print out the contents of the file,
belstaff online, available the following format:
TYPE [drive:] [path] ,> PRN
At this point, the printer should be is online.
(4) REN - file rename command
1. Features: change the file name
2. Type: Internal command
3. Format: REN [drive:] [path]
4. Instructions:
(1) can not add new file name before the drive letter and path, because the command can only replace the same file on the disk file name;
(2) allows the use of wildcards to change a group of file name or extension.
(5) FC - file comparison command
1. Function: To compare the similarities and differences between files, and lists different office.
2. Type: External command
3. Format: FC [drive:] [path name] [drive:] [pathname] [filename] [/ A] [/ C] [/ N]
4. Instructions:
(1) use / A parameter, for the ASCII code comparison mode;
(2) optional / B parameters for binary comparison model;
(3) optional / C parameters, the case character as the same character.
(4) selection / N parameter, ASCII code in comparison mode,
belstaff jackets outlet, display the line number of similarities and differences.
(6) ATTRIB - modify file attributes command
1. Function: Modify the properties of the specified file. (File attributes see 2.5.4 (b) of the file attributes 1)
2. Type: External command.
3. Format: ATTRIB [filename] [r] [- R] [A] [- A] [H] [- H] [- S]
4. Instructions:
(1) use R parameter, specify the file set to read-only attribute, so that the file can only be read, not write or delete data; choose - R parameter, remove the read-only attribute;
(2) A parameter used, the file is set to file attributes; selection - A parameter, remove the file attributes; (3) use H parameters, co-ordination for the hidden file attribute; choose - H parameters, to hidden attributes;
(4) use S parameters, set the file system attributes; choose - S parameter, remove the system attribute; (5) optional / S parameters of the current directory and all subdirectories for settings.
7) DEL - delete the file command
1. Function: delete the specified file.
2. Type: Internal command
3. Format: DEL [drive:] [path] [/ P]
4. Instructions:
(1) use / P parameter, the system asks if you really want to delete before delete the file, without using this parameter, then automatically deleted;
(2) the order can not delete hidden attribute or read-only file;
(3) in the file name can use wildcards;
(4) To delete all the files on the disk (DEL *? * or DEL?), you will be prompted: (Arey ou sure?) (Are you sure?) If the answer is Y, then delete, answer N, then cancel the deletion.
(8) UNDELETE - Recover deleted command
1. Function: restore accidentally deleted the command
2. Type: External command.
3. Format: UNDELETE [drive:] [path name] [/ DOS] / LIST] [/ ALL]
4. Instructions: Use UNDELETE can use the \
(1) use / DOS parameters recorded under the directory residues to restore files. Because the file is deleted, the directory file name recorded in the first cut will be replaced by character E5, DOS file that is based on the beginning of the E5 and its follow-up of characters to find the desire to restore the files, so,
belstaff coat, UNDELETE will ask the user to enter a character, append to the file name. However, this character not the same as the original, only the rules consistent with DOS file name can be.
(2) use / LIST only \
(3) use / ALL automatically recovered files will be completely recovered, but not 11 to ask the user, use this parameter, if UNDELTE use of directory records to be residual file recovery will automatically choose a character to append the file name, and it is not the same as an existing file name, the preferred order of selection of characters :#%-- 0000123456789A ~ Z.
UNDELETE file also has to establish the functions of protective measures, beyond the scope of this course, please use these functions the reader access to the DOS manual.
seven other command
(1) CLS - clear screen command
1 features: clear All the screen shows the cursor top left corner of the screen.
2 Type: Internal command
3 formats: CLS
(2) VER view the system version number command
1 function: display the current system version number
2 Type: Internal command
3 formats: VER
(c) DATA date set command
1 functions: set or display system date.
2 Type: Internal command
3 format: DATE [mm - dd - yy]
; 4 instructions:
(1) omitted [mm - dd - yy] display system date and prompted a new date, you can not modify directly press the Enter key, [ ,mm - dd - yy] as a \BAT) is executed, the system does not prompt the system date. Otherwise, the prompt enter the new date and time.
(d) DOS command Daquan TIME system clock set command
1 functions: set or display system time.
2 Type: Internal command
3 formats: TIME [hh: mm: ss: xx]
; 4 instructions:
(1) omitted [hh: mm: ss: xx], shows the system time and prompts for the new time, you can not modify directly press the Enter key,
belstaff outlet, [hh: mm: ss: xx] as \AUTOEXEC.BAT) is executed, the system does not prompt the system date. Otherwise, the prompt enter the new date and time.
(5) MEM view the current memory status command
1 Function: Displays the current memory usage
; two types: external command
3 Format: MEM [/ C] [/ F] [/ M] [/ P]
4 use Description:
(1) use / C parameter lists the CMB into conventional memory and the length of each file also shows the memory usage of space and the largest available space; <br \(3) selection / M parameter shows the module using the memory to address the size and nature of the module;
(4) selection / P parameter specifies the output more than one screen, the pause for the user to view .
(6) MSD display system information command
1 function: display system hardware and operating system conditions.
2 types: external command
3 format: MSD [/ S]
4 instructions:
(1) use / I parameter, does not detect the hardware;
(2) optional / B parameter, in black and white start MSD;
(3) use / S parameter, the report shows the system simple.