ny shots prepare action, now once pauses, affirmation will be the two completely dead live clips.
Damn it,
复件 (78) 新建 文本文档!
Night changfeng roar out in a voice in his left foot step step forward,
复件 (127) 新建 文本文档 (2), and then mercilessly twist feet on the floor,
复件 (126) 1254 (2), through the strength, the big guns of night changfeng Campbell of the inertial cancel rush before,
mbts sale, and then pick up the right across the floor, virtual pedal,
复件 (103) 新建 文本文档 (2), the whole people fly jumped diagonal stripe.
On the night before changfeng et roared out 1, also subsequently blunt jump right back, and their fullest force thrust forward, his heart, is now fully leaves the eyes of the 15.
Should say, is the hand that red number 15 of the basketball.
Leaps in the air, night changfeng inclined jump is the roaring of the ear, his eye et was his ferocious expression, but it can affect eve changfeng heart halcyon.
As a pitcher, will ignore everything,
复件 (127) 011, your eyes, in fact connect basket also do not nee