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Old 08-16-2011, 01:18 AM   #1
General of the Army
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1,698
a2bzyoc3 is on a distinguished road

【Article from the users,Monster Beats Headphones, regularization
friend who I see: We may not have the chance hand
Valentine: We only hand in a strange city
mistress: We hold hands when crossing the street
wife: I regret the wrong led Hand
friend: We are not talking about money
between Valentine: I may borrow
to his mistress: I often ask for money
to his wife: I had the opportunity to confiscate his money
friends: we have many common interests between the
Valentine: We occasionally talk about common interests
mistress: the transaction is our greatest common interest
wife: fight is our greatest common interest
friend: we took to the streets after the racing to pay
tea lovers: a cup of coffee after we took to the streets freely pay
mistress: he took to the streets would have to buy me a fashion
wife: he will only take to the streets I bought rice
confidant: he and I talk about ###### between
Valentine: We have the opportunity to just talk about ######
mistress: He and I talk about ######
wife: he must be tonight I talk about ######
confidant: he likes me a little
every lover: he liked me to do every little
mistress: he wanted me a little less trouble
wife: he wanted me away from him a little
friend: he sees what I have hurt
lover: I feel bad that he met
mistress: he shouted back pain
see me after his wife: he met me headache
friend: He is my lover
0% of men: he is my mistress
30% of men: he is my wife 50% of men
: He is my man 100%
confidant: he does not call me baby
lover: he did not call me baby
person mistress: He did not call me baby, long time
wife: he was always calling someone else in the dream baby
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: I am the wife of his wine
: I was his confidant water
: Holidays,Monster Headphones, I send him a blessing
Valentine: Holidays, I send him a tie
mistress: Holidays, I sent him a ***
wife: Holidays, I send him a supercilious
friend: We may not have the chance to eat together
lover: I sometimes invited him to dinner
mistress: he had often invited me to dinner
wife: I cook for him every day to his mother
friend: We explored the
on shoes Valentine: Last week I bought him a pair of shoes
mistress: He bought me a pair of shoes last week
wife: he often asked me to polish shoes
confidant: He feels
lover: : I am not publishing
lover: I was Overseas
mistress: I am pure piracy
wife: his aging mother is genuine
friend: I was his windmill
lover: I was his stolen car
mistress: I am a taxi
his wife: I was his bike
friend: We are usually on the phone
dating lovers: we meet in a hotel
General mistress: We rented a date usually in my room
wife: we meet in the memory
confidant General: I understand his thought
Lover: I love the mood
his mistress: I love his money
wife: I love him?
friend: he thought of when I worry
lover: he thought of when I'm bored
second wife: he thought I was drunk when
wife: he thought I was sick
confidant: his QQ on I
lover: his cell phone on my
mistress: his big bed with my wife
: his friend in the kitchen with my
: no consumption between us
lover: I was his mistress low consumption
: I was his wife,bose headphones, high consumption
: his aging mother to marry him is a waste of
friend: We have their own Children
Valentine: We are careful not to have children
mistress: He is afraid I have a wife,Beats Headphones, his children
: Want to keep I have given him a third child
confidant: his thoughts I gave the
lover: his emotions to the
my mistress: he gave me the ######ual
wife: he is my offspring to the
friend: Walking on the Street
lovers, we stand shoulder to shoulder: walking down the street hand in hand we
mistress: in bed with the wife we ​​mouth to mouth
: sleeping in the bed back to back
our friends: He said I kind of good people
lover: He said I passionate romance
mistress: gorgeously
my wife,monster pro headphones, he said: He said I unkempt
friend: theres something between me and him
lover: I He is among the countless
mistress: he sent a mighty force tonight
wife: I told a friend he was really a lot of hard
: We stand tempered
Valentine: He always said that I Enchanting
mistress: He really let me do everything possible to
wife: He has made me full of holes
friend: Tan sway him in front of me then a woman calls
Valentine: He received a woman in front of me secretive phone
mistress: he pick a woman in front of me Taidalielie Tel
his wife: he hesitated in front of me then a woman calls
confidant: he likes me Old Lee
lover him: He likes me to call him her husband
mistress: He likes me to call him boss
wife: whether he likes it or not I call him old devil
friend: He I said the extra money this month that he is 5000
lover: He bought me the slogan of 5000 because of extra
mistress: He should give me this month to pay 5000
wife: his salary this month We seem to pay the 5000
confidant: he and I usually lacks communication
lover: he may contact me and years
mistress: Me and the wife he may exchange a year
: I He may contact Century
friend: Valentine's Day morning, he sent me a text message
Valentine: Valentine's Day at noon he asked me to eat lunch
mistress: Valentine's Day evening, he hit me a gun
wife: Valentine's Day night,monster beats, he threw me a
friend: he never mind in front of me complaining
lover: I silently applauded his success
mistress: he likes me Jiaochuang
voice is the wife: I am interested in the one friend he scolded me Jiaochun
: He and I did not at
Valentine's day: he come to me on January 1
mistress: he told ** after day
wife: course of time not at
friend: missing my lover a month he was something missing
: missing my trance
his second wife a month: his face was missing my pimple a month
wife: lack me his house full of garbage a month
confidant: he likes to read my article
lover: He likes to see me in the eye
mistress: He likes to see me ##########
Wife: He likes to watch my back
friend: He can talk until dawn
my lover: He can make love until dawn
my mistress: he can fight to the dawn
my wife: He can and I stalemate until dawn
a2bzyoc3 is offline   Reply With Quote

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Old 08-16-2011, 02:54 AM   #2
Posts: n/a


2159916 2010年05月07日 11:01 阅读(loading...) 评论(0) 分类:天下杂侃

  同为营销人,也许你曾经与他在一个战壕中奋斗,也许你与他是同一个起点开始营销之路,也许刚做营销之时 你比他做得更好,可是时过境迁之后,或者在一年、三年、五年、七年、十年之后……你再看他,他已经是营销总 监、营销总经理……而你,虽然也进步了,但这只是对比以前的你,跟他相比,你却远没有他成功,无论是职业生 涯,还是职业素养,你比他都落后一大截。
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  他比你更求速度 有这样一首诗,其中写道“有的人说了也不做,有的人做了也不说”,你大概属于前一类人,是说了也不做的那种 ,而他,则是后一类人,是属于做了也不说的那种,他做事求速度,他比你更有执行力,他明白今天是速度制胜的 年代,唯有马上做、立即做,才能立竿见影,才能超越竞争对手。他有理想有目标,更有具体的执行计划和执行方 案。他做事时争分夺秒,你做事时拖拖拉拉;他做事时积极主动,你做事时推诿扯皮,nike air force ones,这就是你跟他在执行力上的巨大差距。
  他比你更有情商 在困难面前,他自豪的说:“让暴风雨来得更猛烈些吧!”,一幅铮铮铁骨热血男儿的英雄气概,他从不畏俱挫折 、坎坷,他有“五岭逶迤腾细浪乌蒙磅礴走泥丸”的革命豪情!无论多大的艰难险阻,他都无所畏惧,一往无前, 在他面前没有走不过的火焰山。当你在困难面前悲观丧气、畏手畏脚时,他却乐观自信、力克时艰。他有很强的心 里承受能力,也有很强的情绪控制力,他能忍受常人无法忍受之痛,他不会情绪失控,更不会自暴自弃。他从不埋 怨,他激情万丈,为了理想、为了工作,他奋发图强!
  他比你更善学习 当你拿着你的各种学历、职称证明,包括什么MBA、EMBA、经济师、营销师等,到处炫耀时,自我陶醉时, 他却在默默的学习,他知道今天的市场、今天的社会日新月异,变化层出不穷,教科书上讲的也许并不一定符合当 今的变化,唯有手不释卷,唯有孜孜以求,才不至于OUT了。他非常明白自己是谁,他对自己有清晰的定位,他 知道他会什么,他缺什么,他更明白自己缺什么补什么的道理。他还知道该向谁学,他不仅通过看书学习,而且还 向市场学习、向领导学习、向同事学习、向客户学习、向下属学习、向竞争对手学习,他相信“处处留心皆学问” “三人同行必有我师”。
  他比你更多思考 当你用身做事时,他却是用心做事。他凡事三思,做每一件事、执行每一个计划,他都是调查、再调查,分析再分 析,列出各种方案,斟酌利弊得失,选出最优方案,他也会做好备案,以应对可能的不利影响。对做过的事情他总 是用心总结,找出影响业绩的关键因素,找出规律性的东西,以其完善管理、提高效率、提升业绩。他有一颗敏感 的心和很强的悟性,他不会被事物的表象迷惑,他总能从事物的蛛丝马迹中看透其中的道理。他不会盲听、盲从、 蛮干,思考是他的习惯,思考使他更理性、更易成功。
  他比你更会变通 识时务者方为俊杰,他做事、做人更懂得变通,不认死理。“天下大势,浩浩汤汤,顺之者昌,light up shoes for men,逆之者亡。”,当你穷途末路“山重水复疑无路”时,他却曲径通幽“柳暗花明又一村”,他顺应时代的潮流, 不做无所谓的牺牲品,他也不会做那种“不撞南墙不回头”的傻瓜,他不会循规蹈矩,他会另辟蹊径,这绝对不是 说他放弃了他的追求和理想,恰恰相反,这是他为了实现理想而采取的灵活应变,也可以说在战略不变的情况下, 对战术进行了适当的调整,这就是他比你更会变通的高明之处。
  他比你更多付出 这是一个付出跟获得成正比的时代,不劳不得、多劳多得,当你用餐时,你可曾想起“谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦” ,当你看到他比你成功时,你可曾想到他的每一次成功,就是因为他比你付出了更多、更多的血汗!也许当你熟睡 之时,他却还在伏案工作;也许当你享受爱情的甜蜜之时,他却还在孤单的出差途中;也许当你在开心的度假之时 ,他却正在同客户激烈的谈判。他付出了更多的代价、更多的艰辛,他理应比你更成功啊!
  他比你更懂谦虚 当你还在为一丁点的成就沾沾自喜之时,他却走上了一个更高的台阶;当你为一丁点成绩就自吹自擂之时,他在巨 大的成就面前虚怀若谷;当你自命不凡目空一切之时,他确韬光养晦、平易近人。谦虚使人进步,天外有天、人外 有人,他时刻警惕自己要谦虚谨慎,少说大话、少说空话,低调做人,虚心做事。他有空杯的心态,无论是对的、 不对的东西,他都能听得进去,尽管他有自己的抉择,但这不影响他虚心去听。他职位高姿态低,他从不高高在上 ,他走进大家、接近大家,既不官僚,也不摆谱。
  他比你更显自信 他做事坚定果敢,从不拖泥带水;他说话干脆利落,从不吞吞吐吐,这是他的自信!他坚信他一定会把信送给加利 亚,他坚信他一定能实现他的理想!在大是大非面前,他会毫不含糊的做出正确的选择;在前景不明、别人举棋不 定时,他会迅速做出理智的选择。
  他比你更象领袖 他总能在最关键的时候力挽狂澜,他总在别人走投无路之时,为其指明方向;他总会在困难、危险面前,挺身而出 、一马当先;他总在别人斤斤计较之时,显出他的大度、宽容。他很注重人格、品德的培养,更讲究诚信,更注重 影响。他在专业领域,更是出类拔萃无可比拟,往往是专家类的人物。他总是带头模范执行企业的制度,他总是“ 严以律己,宽以待人”。他总能坚持公平正义。也许在他的内心深处没有崇拜,因为他的追求更高,他比你更具领 袖气质。
  他比你看得更远 他有胆识、有胸怀,他站得更高,看得更远,他不会看一时一事,cheap air forces,他更关注全局和长远,这种战略眼光使他在追求成功的道路上,更有魄力,走得更快,步子更稳,因此他的事业 发展更稳健、更成功!
  当你读到这里,你是否赫然开朗?原来他比你成功自有道理,只是你“不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中”而 已!好了,现在既然你明白了,就应该找准方向、找出差距,继续努力、迎头赶上,成为后来居上的 成功人士吧!
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