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08-12-2011, 06:21 AM
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据香港至公报报道,香港统计处的考察显示,月入2万元以上的整体女士虽较男性少,不过以20至29岁的 “80后”春秋层的高薪族女性人数却较同龄男性高,证实女性有才能本人照料自己。
有人力资源顾问认为, knightsbridge ugg boots,香港近年服务业仰头,数据反映女士赚钱能力较男性强。而统计处还发明,“家庭主夫”较以前多。顾问预计, 未来全部局势将会转变,“男主外女主内”的传统家庭状态亦可能时移势易。
香港统计处昨日颁布最新讲演《香港的女性及男性──重要统计数字》, 韩朝六方会谈团长在印尼巴厘岛举行无核化会谈,显示去年男女比例为1000对881。而整体“吸金”力仍是男性稍逊一筹,在月入超过2万元的80多万就 业人口中,男性占当中50多万。不外,在20至29岁年纪层上,女性月入2万元或以上的人数较同龄男性为多 , karen millen wedding dresses,去年就有3.8万名女士,更较2009年高出1成, christian louboutin black;而这批“八十后”女士人数已持续3年超出同龄男性,成为月入超过2万元的高薪族。
周绮萍表现,除了经济情况改变,传统思惟亦有改变。“以前传统思想是‘男主外女主内&rs quo;,不过现时女性赚钱能力强,港人思维亦较西化,男士不介意在家照顾家庭。”她预计,未来以服务及金 融业的香港经济情况会连续,加上大学入学跟出生比率仍以女性为高,因而相信未来女权抬头的情况 会持续。
另外,香港统计处数据还显示,乐意在家中担起“家庭主夫”角色的男士有稍微增加。去年以操持家务者的经 济活出发份的男士有1.5万多人,较2009年的1.3万人为多。
08-12-2011, 07:21 AM
General of the Army
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,514
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Reprinted from 408077115 at 17:12 on November 13th, 2010 Read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary A woman is like pears, sweet outside of acid, pear pear people do not know the heart is sour, because eating the last throw put the heart, so men never understand a woman's heart. ------ Men like onions, you want to see the hearts of men need to peel layer by layer, but in the process of stripping you will continue to shed tears, peeling onions, you know the end is not the heart.
Second, sometimes not understand it, just do not understand; sometimes not do not know, just do not want to say; sometimes does see, but understand not know how to do, so he kept silence.
three, ten lives to keep in mind: 1 Appreciating do not have words, leave more discreet; 2 person in charge of harsh do not have to stay more magnanimous; 3 can be proud of do not, leaving some meaning; 4 not exposed edge to do, leaving some deep convergence; 5 active not invited to do, leave some humility; 6 Tegretol do not compete, leaving some tolerance; 7 graces do not have to rely to do, leaving more posterior; 8 momentum do not lean on, leaving some kind; 9 do not enjoy the rich, leaving some Fukuzawa; 10 do not have to do everything, leaving more than Germany.
four, so that women have in mind the feelings, so that men have in mind the feeling. Feelings of precipitation over time, the feeling disappears with time. Throughout their different species, so, who can understand who's in love, timberland boots sale, who can understand who's left.
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six, people smiling, the greater the degree of mouth for god, he was more longevity. Study found that attitude of cheerful optimism can affect people's life. Blankly at 72.9 years on average, about life, a laugh an average of life expectancy reached 79.9 years of age. Only those people happy from the bottom of my heart have the opportunity to extend life.
love, is a duty, I am not not touch better, but because you already have, I do not want to come across better. I am not tempted not to others, but because you already have, I feel no need to be tempted to others. I am not not fall in love with someone else, but I know better how to value you, we can be together is not easy, even if you are not the best, not even the most for me, but it is my treasure.
eight, you can not change the environment, but you can change yourself; you can not change the facts, but you can change attitudes; you can not change the past, but you can change now; you can not control other people, but you can control themselves; you can not predict tomorrow, but you can hold today; you can not do everything well, but you can be conscientious in everything; you can not extend the length of life, but you can decide the width of life.
nine, three things must be controlled: emotion, mood and behavior; There are three things to think about : life, death and eternity; There are three things must move away: evil, greed and betrayal; There are three things must be avoided: lazy, brutal and cynical; There are three things to save: holiness, peace and happiness; There are three things must be respected: perseverance, self-esteem and kindness.
ten, the pain will always be unwittingly heart gradually healing, although we have vowed never to forget the pain.
XI, 10 strokes to teach you to develop self-confidence: 1. cultivate patience; 2. Acquisition and master a skill; 3. believe that the accumulation of power; 4. to understand their limitations; 5. all things children are homework in advance; 6. attention to detail; 7. cultivate relaxed attitude; 8. to care for the people; 9. Do not seek perfection; 10. to be independent, take the necessary responsibility.
Twelve, a gentle woman becomes pungent, some men do not live up to expectations, she had to speak out. A pure, lofty become vulgar woman, certainly not high-grade men. Conversely, a mediocre woman, looks to become cute, eyes become Emmanuel, gestures made with grace, there must be a better man. So a man should know the beauty of a woman half your credit, and her ugly have half your fault.
thirteen, and then deep affection, gratitude, and then concentrated friends, distant horizon, friendship and loyalty, and finally slowly Shudan. ------ Not to say that our hearts have changed, nor that when the other party is no longer friends, but, far in the horizon, emotions can not be shared. ------ Original, we are far away leaving only the greeting, the greeting is still good, at least we did not think of each other forget.
fourth to love a person - to understand, but also open solution; to apologize, but also thanks; to admit, but also error correction; to be considerate, but also understanding; is to accept, not tolerate; is tolerant is not condoned; is to support, not dominate; is talk, not a complaint; is communicate with each other, not explain everything; is pray for each other, not many of the demands to the other party; can be romantic, but do not waste; can always holding hands, but it should not break up .
fifth, It is awfully easy to be hard-boiled about everything in the daytime, but at night it is another thing. in the daytime is extremely easy to not emotional, but at night it is another thing.
XVI in the world of love, not who I am sorry, only who do not know how to cherish. People always cherish, but have forgotten. Go most urgent, is the most beautiful scenery; hurt the most are always the most real emotions.
seventh, if more thought beforehand, and afterwards would be less regrettable; more effort if young, the elderly will be more pleased; if life is more confident, cause will be more successful; if more creative mind, life is more color; If you love someone more, you will have more friends; If you laughing in the more humor, friends will laugh more; if more devotion to the cause, You will be more great.
eighth, lost the fate of people, even in the same city is not very likely to encounter.
nineteenth, embrace the world with a quiet heart ------ maintain physical and mental stability, and can clearly see their own situation, womens timberland boots, to do, can not do; to do and should do are also very clear, this is wisdom. ------ Cheerful heart is not bitter, mind open-minded will be able to turn our suffering into music. How big is the heart, the world is as big.
twenty, there is a feeling between friends and lovers ---- When you are sad times of distress, you will think of him, hope he can be at your side, to allow the arms of a solid you rely on. Perhaps their lives would not have the This emotion can only take heart to feel, only intentions to store
the twenty-first, Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. Do not worry, the best total will waste their time in the most.
XXII, the world's most moving love words, not
xxiii, specificity is not life just like a person, is when you love someone wholeheartedly.
round, whether we have met or missed, there are always people and things we can never forget. ------ Each of our lives passing, whether it is one side of the border, or the text of the edge, there are always things in our impression fixed. A smile from a blessing far greater than the blurred between people. ------ Acquaintance is the edge of knowing each other is a lifetime blessing.
XXV, read the book, read it in the world; brew the tea, taste of it is life; pour the wine, but it is hard goods; Life is like a have to No single tickets back, there is no rehearsal. A good grasp of every performance is the best value. Cars will be living in the past thin aftertaste, not the sunset over the years, the wind is not the fault of the woods. Had loved so long to pay off, the laughter of heaven is not legend.
XXVI, if you like a person - please cherish each and his her, every time, and his her the opportunity to speak; please let himself more handsome beautiful, only know how to love themselves in order to win the love of others. Please listen to his her inner voice, do not expect too much. Do not be too demanding on both sides, give each other some space, so that he she feels you are his her happiness is not a burden!
exercise is the most precious thing is not your own material, but to accompany the people around you. Can not force someone to love themselves, only to allow themselves to be worthy of love, timberland outlet, the rest of the things they rely on fate.
twenty-eight, Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. Love is not staring at each other but looking together in the same direction.
twenty-nine doing so, people will thank you to fight eye: who is embarrassed to say the words of siege; for the depressed person that word of encouragement; the doubt to remind people to say the words; for the inferiority complex self-confidence, then people say; for the suffering people say a comforting word ...... because, more often, we need timely, not icing on the cake.
thirty, the journey of life, people have kept coming, some people continue to leave. When the new name into the name of the old, gradually blurred as the old name, but also the end of a story and another story begins. Meet the constant and staggered in, and finally understand: people can only stay with their own side walk near or far a way, not with his life; accompanied by the name of their own life and those or clear or fuzzy moved to bring the name.
xxxi, meaning the story: Once upon a time, bathing in the river lies and truth. Lies the first wash well, wear real clothes to leave, but refused to wear real clothes lie. Later, in people's eyes, only dressed in real clothes lie, it is difficult to accept the ########## truth.
thirty, one single for a long time, do not want to fall in love, friends will feel more and more important; one single for a long time, do not want to go shopping, will be more like listening to music at home; a one single for a long time to become mature, more loving parent than before; one single for a long time to buy a lot of shoes, will not leave a lot of traveling far away; one single for a long time to inadvertently crept tears, in front of do not care.
xxxiii, then tired, do not forget to smile; be anxious, but also pay attention to tone; no matter how busy, remember to bless; No matter how tired, but also love yourself; no matter how tough, do not forget to adhere ; further injury, do not give up faith; it hurt, and do not let myself; further down, do not forget self-encouragement; and then come down, there is no need to envy; then despair, timberland boots uk, do not forget the sun rises every day; again happy, do not get carried away; another success, do not forget to partner.
08-12-2011, 07:22 AM
General of the Army
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,514
. . - Qzone log
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Reprinted from 408077115 at 17:12 on November 13th, 2010 Read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary A woman is like pears, sweet outside of acid, pear pear people do not know the heart is sour, because eating the last throw put the heart, so men never understand a woman's heart. ------ Men like onions, you want to see the hearts of men need to peel layer by layer, but in the process of stripping you will continue to shed tears, peeling onions, you know the end is not the heart.
Second, sometimes not understand it, just do not understand; sometimes not do not know, just do not want to say; sometimes does see, but understand not know how to do, so he kept silence.
three, ten lives to keep in mind: 1 Appreciating do not have words, leave more discreet; 2 person in charge of harsh do not have to stay more magnanimous; 3 can be proud of do not, leaving some meaning; 4 not exposed edge to do, leaving some deep convergence; 5 active not invited to do, leave some humility; 6 Tegretol do not compete, leaving some tolerance; 7 graces do not have to rely to do, leaving more posterior; 8 momentum do not lean on, leaving some kind; 9 do not enjoy the rich, leaving some Fukuzawa; 10 do not have to do everything, leaving more than Germany.
four, so that women have in mind the feelings, so that men have in mind the feeling. Feelings of precipitation over time, the feeling disappears with time. Throughout their different species, so, who can understand who's in love, timberland boots sale, who can understand who's left.
five, and never regret ------ We do not choose to go back away, but the face has led to a clear challenge. Hard to adjust, and believe they will succeed. Whether you're deep in despair, or illness, cheap timberland boots, you can do nothing of the past, but in the moment, timberland uk, your future is not so remote, if you work hard, believe in yourself, life is often a way out.
six, people smiling, the greater the degree of mouth for god, he was more longevity. Study found that attitude of cheerful optimism can affect people's life. Blankly at 72.9 years on average, about life, a laugh an average of life expectancy reached 79.9 years of age. Only those people happy from the bottom of my heart have the opportunity to extend life.
love, is a duty, I am not not touch better, but because you already have, I do not want to come across better. I am not tempted not to others, but because you already have, I feel no need to be tempted to others. I am not not fall in love with someone else, but I know better how to value you, we can be together is not easy, even if you are not the best, not even the most for me, but it is my treasure.
eight, you can not change the environment, but you can change yourself; you can not change the facts, but you can change attitudes; you can not change the past, but you can change now; you can not control other people, but you can control themselves; you can not predict tomorrow, but you can hold today; you can not do everything well, but you can be conscientious in everything; you can not extend the length of life, but you can decide the width of life.
nine, three things must be controlled: emotion, mood and behavior; There are three things to think about : life, death and eternity; There are three things must move away: evil, greed and betrayal; There are three things must be avoided: lazy, brutal and cynical; There are three things to save: holiness, peace and happiness; There are three things must be respected: perseverance, self-esteem and kindness.
ten, the pain will always be unwittingly heart gradually healing, although we have vowed never to forget the pain.
XI, 10 strokes to teach you to develop self-confidence: 1. cultivate patience; 2. Acquisition and master a skill; 3. believe that the accumulation of power; 4. to understand their limitations; 5. all things children are homework in advance; 6. attention to detail; 7. cultivate relaxed attitude; 8. to care for the people; 9. Do not seek perfection; 10. to be independent, take the necessary responsibility.
Twelve, a gentle woman becomes pungent, some men do not live up to expectations, she had to speak out. A pure, lofty become vulgar woman, certainly not high-grade men. Conversely, a mediocre woman, looks to become cute, eyes become Emmanuel, gestures made with grace, there must be a better man. So a man should know the beauty of a woman half your credit, and her ugly have half your fault.
thirteen, and then deep affection, gratitude, and then concentrated friends, distant horizon, friendship and loyalty, and finally slowly Shudan. ------ Not to say that our hearts have changed, nor that when the other party is no longer friends, but, far in the horizon, emotions can not be shared. ------ Original, we are far away leaving only the greeting, the greeting is still good, at least we did not think of each other forget.
fourth to love a person - to understand, but also open solution; to apologize, but also thanks; to admit, but also error correction; to be considerate, but also understanding; is to accept, not tolerate; is tolerant is not condoned; is to support, not dominate; is talk, not a complaint; is communicate with each other, not explain everything; is pray for each other, not many of the demands to the other party; can be romantic, but do not waste; can always holding hands, but it should not break up .
fifth, It is awfully easy to be hard-boiled about everything in the daytime, but at night it is another thing. in the daytime is extremely easy to not emotional, but at night it is another thing.
XVI in the world of love, not who I am sorry, only who do not know how to cherish. People always cherish, but have forgotten. Go most urgent, is the most beautiful scenery; hurt the most are always the most real emotions.
seventh, if more thought beforehand, and afterwards would be less regrettable; more effort if young, the elderly will be more pleased; if life is more confident, cause will be more successful; if more creative mind, life is more color; If you love someone more, you will have more friends; If you laughing in the more humor, friends will laugh more; if more devotion to the cause, You will be more great.
eighth, lost the fate of people, even in the same city is not very likely to encounter.
nineteenth, embrace the world with a quiet heart ------ maintain physical and mental stability, and can clearly see their own situation, womens timberland boots, to do, can not do; to do and should do are also very clear, this is wisdom. ------ Cheerful heart is not bitter, mind open-minded will be able to turn our suffering into music. How big is the heart, the world is as big.
twenty, there is a feeling between friends and lovers ---- When you are sad times of distress, you will think of him, hope he can be at your side, to allow the arms of a solid you rely on. Perhaps their lives would not have the This emotion can only take heart to feel, only intentions to store
the twenty-first, Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. Do not worry, the best total will waste their time in the most.
XXII, the world's most moving love words, not
xxiii, specificity is not life just like a person, is when you love someone wholeheartedly.
round, whether we have met or missed, there are always people and things we can never forget. ------ Each of our lives passing, whether it is one side of the border, or the text of the edge, there are always things in our impression fixed. A smile from a blessing far greater than the blurred between people. ------ Acquaintance is the edge of knowing each other is a lifetime blessing.
XXV, read the book, read it in the world; brew the tea, taste of it is life; pour the wine, but it is hard goods; Life is like a have to No single tickets back, there is no rehearsal. A good grasp of every performance is the best value. Cars will be living in the past thin aftertaste, not the sunset over the years, the wind is not the fault of the woods. Had loved so long to pay off, the laughter of heaven is not legend.
XXVI, if you like a person - please cherish each and his her, every time, and his her the opportunity to speak; please let himself more handsome beautiful, only know how to love themselves in order to win the love of others. Please listen to his her inner voice, do not expect too much. Do not be too demanding on both sides, give each other some space, so that he she feels you are his her happiness is not a burden!
exercise is the most precious thing is not your own material, but to accompany the people around you. Can not force someone to love themselves, only to allow themselves to be worthy of love, timberland outlet, the rest of the things they rely on fate.
twenty-eight, Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. Love is not staring at each other but looking together in the same direction.
twenty-nine doing so, people will thank you to fight eye: who is embarrassed to say the words of siege; for the depressed person that word of encouragement; the doubt to remind people to say the words; for the inferiority complex self-confidence, then people say; for the suffering people say a comforting word ...... because, more often, we need timely, not icing on the cake.
thirty, the journey of life, people have kept coming, some people continue to leave. When the new name into the name of the old, gradually blurred as the old name, but also the end of a story and another story begins. Meet the constant and staggered in, and finally understand: people can only stay with their own side walk near or far a way, not with his life; accompanied by the name of their own life and those or clear or fuzzy moved to bring the name.
xxxi, meaning the story: Once upon a time, bathing in the river lies and truth. Lies the first wash well, wear real clothes to leave, but refused to wear real clothes lie. Later, in people's eyes, only dressed in real clothes lie, it is difficult to accept the ########## truth.
thirty, one single for a long time, do not want to fall in love, friends will feel more and more important; one single for a long time, do not want to go shopping, will be more like listening to music at home; a one single for a long time to become mature, more loving parent than before; one single for a long time to buy a lot of shoes, will not leave a lot of traveling far away; one single for a long time to inadvertently crept tears, in front of do not care.
xxxiii, then tired, do not forget to smile; be anxious, but also pay attention to tone; no matter how busy, remember to bless; No matter how tired, but also love yourself; no matter how tough, do not forget to adhere ; further injury, do not give up faith; it hurt, and do not let myself; further down, do not forget self-encouragement; and then come down, there is no need to envy; then despair, timberland boots uk, do not forget the sun rises every day; again happy, do not get carried away; another success, do not forget to partner.
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По мнению заявительницы, обязанность уплачивать страховые взносы в Фонд социального страхования Российской Федерации в указанном размере приводит к Пенсионный фонд (англ. Pension fund) — совокупность активов, внесённых для государственного либо негосударственного управления средствами пенсионной системы После Октябрьской революции 1917 г. банковская система страны подверглась
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