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Old 08-15-2011, 02:01 AM   #1
Sergeant Major
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 236
hoown7174 is on a distinguished road
Default 春天 我们一起来抗过敏


支气管哮喘(简称哮喘)是常见的慢性呼吸道疾病之一,近年来其患病率在全球范围内有逐年增加的趋势。春季是 哮喘的高发季节,一个重要的原因就是春天的花粉引起的过敏。

北京朝阳医院呼吸与危重症医学科副主任医师张鸿谈到,哮喘是一种气道的慢性炎症,这种慢性炎症导致气道高反 应性,通常出现广泛多变的可逆性气流受限。由于有以上特点,所以常常出现喘息、气急、胸闷或咳嗽等症状,而 且这些症状会反复发作,但多数患者可自行缓解或经治疗缓解。另外它的发作还有一个特点,那就是常常在夜间和 (或)清晨发作、加重。所以如果有上述表现我们应该想到是否患有哮喘病,并需要及时就医。

引起哮喘发病的危险因素。目前公认与个体过敏体质和外界环境影响有关,与多基因遗传有关,同时受遗传因素和 环境因素的双重影响。环境因素主要包括某些激发因素,许多研究表明,哮喘患者亲属患病率高于群 体患病率,加湿器价格,但目前哮喘的相关基因尚未完全明确。环境因素主要包括某些激发因素,如尘螨、花粉、真菌、动物毛屑、二氧 化硫、氨气等各种特异和非特异性的吸入物;感染,如细菌、病毒、原虫、寄生虫等;食物,如鱼、虾、蟹、蛋类 、牛奶等;药物,如心得安、阿司匹林等;气候变化、运动、妊娠等也可能是哮喘的激发因素。

呼吸道花粉过敏症状的患者春秋两季都容易发病,春天会比秋季多一些。易感人群主要是有过敏体质的人。而呼吸 道花粉过敏的症状也很多,比如类似感冒的症状、咳嗽,有一些过敏者还有喘憋的症状,严重时还有可能危及生命 。曾经接诊过一名哮喘患者,在春季出门时没有戴口罩,结果因为路边的柳絮引发过敏症状,当时就在路边不能动 了,赶紧给家人打电话求助后被送往医院才获救。花粉引起的哮喘有鲜明的季节性和地域性,具体到每个病人可能 对某种花粉过敏,他的哮喘会在特定的季节和地点发作。与哮喘有关的花粉分为三大类,大本植物花粉:如枫杨、 榆树、柏树、松 树、柳树、桑树、槐树等,常引起春季过敏性哮喘。和木植物花粉:如狗尾草、黑麦等,常引起夏末秋初过敏性哮 喘。秀草类花粉:如豚草、篱草常引起秋季过敏性哮喘。

哮喘的治疗强调长期规范。哮喘的治疗目前尚没有特效的方法,但长期的规范化治疗可使哮喘症状得到控制,减少 发作,甚至不发作,并能与正常人一样生活。哮喘的治疗首先要避免接触引起哮喘的激发因素。在春季、秋季等哮 喘的高发季节避免去花粉浓度高的场所,出门时戴口罩,它能起到一定的隔离作用。而在家时,患者应注意自己的 居住环境,避免接触引起过敏的物品。建议有花粉过敏的患者一定要随身携带自己的常用药,发病时可以先服用一 些药,为自己赢得获救的时间。如果出现较为轻微的过敏症状,只要远离过敏物,即使不吃药,有时自己就能痊愈 。要是过敏症状反反复复出现,并较严重时,最好还是前往医院就医。

其次,药物治疗用于控制气道炎症和症状。治疗哮喘的药物主要有糖皮质激素、白三烯受体拮抗剂和各种支气管扩 张剂,目前推荐应用吸入的方法给药。常常有患者担心糖皮质激素的副作用而抗拒这种治疗,而使病情恶化。其实 吸入激素与口服相比,副作用已经降到最小,是非常安全的。另外,由于哮喘症状有时可以完全缓解,所以有些患 者认为只在发作时用药就可以了。这也是对哮喘治疗认识的一个误区。哮喘的治疗强调长期维持,也就是长期的规 范化治疗,只有在这种治疗模式下,才能达到具有正常人的生活质量的目标,盟特新产品加盟。最后,哮喘患者还要学会自我管理、自我控制病情,了解哮喘发作的先兆,学会在家中自行监测病情的变化。峰 流速仪对于病情监测有重要作用,通过峰流速仪对峰流速的监测让患者和医生能够有客观指标评价控 制的情况。


变态反应性鼻炎,简称变应性鼻炎,也就是我们通常所说的过敏性鼻炎,春季这类患者就会增多。季节性变应性鼻 炎主要由树木、野草、农作物在花粉播散季节播散到空气中的植物花粉引起,故季节性变应性鼻炎又称花粉症。常 年性变应性鼻炎主要由屋尘螨、屋尘、真菌、动物皮屑、羽绒等引起。这些变应原作用机体时皆经呼吸道吸入,故 又称吸入性变应原。某些食物性变应原如牛乳、鱼虾、鸡蛋、水果等也可引起本病。

北京朝阳医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科魏永祥主任医师介绍说,季节性变应性鼻炎者常见眼睑肿胀、结膜充血、鼻黏膜水 肿,苍白;鼻腔有水样或黏液样分泌物,鼻甲肿大,有时可发现中鼻道小息肉。常年性者在间歇期鼻黏膜呈暗红色 。若伴有胸闷、肺部听诊可闻及喘鸣音。发作期的鼻腔分泌物涂片检查可见较多嗜酸性粒细胞等。做变应原皮肤试 验,如病人对某种变应原过敏,则在激发部位出现风团和红晕,视为阳性。

变态反应性鼻炎常表现为喷嚏:每天数次阵发性发作,每次多于3个,甚至连续10余个或数十个。多在晨起或夜 晚或接触过敏原后立即发作。





变态反应性鼻炎还可引起支气管哮喘、变应性鼻窦炎、过敏性咽喉炎、分泌性中耳炎耳闷、耳鸣、听力下降等并发 症。变应性鼻炎虽不是严重疾病,但影响睡眠、导致工作效率下降、影响学童记忆力,给社交、娱乐 带来麻烦,光波炉团购,显著影响生活质量。

变态反应性鼻炎的治疗方法主要是:避免接触过敏原;药物治疗,如抗组胺药、减充血剂、肥大细胞稳定剂等;特 异性免疫治疗是唯一的一种对因治疗方法。


和煦的春风,姹紫嫣红的鲜花,温煦着人们沉寂了一冬的肌肤。但有些人却无法尽情享受暖洋洋的春意。北京朝阳 医院皮肤科副主任医师佟春光接诊的的患者中有一位朱女士,每当春天来临时,皮肤就会发干、起红斑、丘疹、脱 皮、伴瘙痒,严重时喷嚏连连、眼鼻发痒或咳嗽不停,与平时判若两人,其实她就是患了过敏性皮炎。近来,皮肤 科接诊的患者中过敏的患者逐渐增多。

佟春光医师解释说,随着春天花粉、粉尘、微生物、寄生虫的增加,空气干燥,气候变化频繁,紫外线增强,这些 都会引起过敏多发。常见过敏原大致可以分为吸入性过敏原、食入性过敏原、接触性过敏原等。吸入过敏原如花粉 、尘螨、灰尘、霉菌、动物皮屑等。食入过敏原如牛奶、鸡蛋、花生、海鲜、芒果、果仁类、某些药物(青霉素、 磺胺类等)等。接触过敏原如金属、香料、化学添加剂、染料、甲醛、油漆等,还有物理性因素如紫外线、冷热空 气、风等的刺激,都会成为人体过敏的罪魁祸首

春天皮肤过敏最常出现的就是过敏性皮炎、接触性皮炎等。这类患者尤以女性居多,常见的反应如颜面、颈部等暴 露部位出现红斑、水肿、丘疹、细薄脱屑,或者表面轻度增厚,常伴有瘙痒或刺痛。 还有一种较常见的过敏性皮肤病是荨麻疹,俗称“风疙瘩”,表现为皮肤和粘膜上的一种水肿性的红色或淡红色风 团,时起时消,反复发作,伴有明显瘙痒,严重者可累及呼吸或消化系统等。

佟春光医师提醒,当出现皮肤过敏后,建议到正规医院就诊,在医生指导下,配合日常护肤的调整,达到让肌肤尽 快“脱敏”的效果。

首先,明确过敏原因,尽量避免再次接触过敏原。如对花粉、树木、野草过敏者:在花粉季节注意关窗,尽量避免 室外活动或外出旅游,注意戴口罩以避免接触花粉。对尘螨过敏者:用防尘螨的专用卧具,尽量避免使用毯子、羊 毛围巾、填充玩具等。对于紫外线过敏的患者,出游时应当适当涂抹防晒霜,出游时用帽子或遮阳伞遮挡阳光。洗 浴时不要使用过热的水及碱性肥皂等刺激皮肤。贴身衣物以纯棉材料为主。另外饮食宜清淡,忌食海腥、油腻食物 ,少食刺激性食物如辣椒、葱、蒜等,以免诱发、加重皮肤病症状。

其次,对于皮肤过敏,临床多采用内服、外用药物联合治疗。口服药物以抗组胺类药物为主,如开瑞坦、仙特明等 ,这些药物服用方便,且副作用较少。也可应用维生素C及葡萄糖酸钙等。对于一些急性泛发、严重症状者如经一 般治疗效果不佳,可短期服用糖皮质激素等,但应在医生指导下应用。外用药物以温和、无刺激性药物为佳。如急 性期可采用溶液冷湿敷,待症状控制后改用糖皮质激素软膏等,但面部和生殖器部位应慎用。

另外,适当锻炼身体,保持愉快的情绪,充足的睡眠,有助于提高自身免 疫力,预防过敏反应的发生。
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Old 08-15-2011, 03:13 AM   #2
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Reprinted from 165334888 at 18:06 on April 4, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

- Picture 1:

apple a day,
doctor away
type of chronic diarrhea, stomach Deficiency required wrapped with aluminum foil, baked cooked food
containing up to fructose, organic acids, pectin, trace elements
1. pectin: is soluble fiber, to promote cholesterol metabolism, lower cholesterol levels, promote fat off;
2. trace elements: K dilation of blood vessels, enabling patients with hypertension; zinc deficiency would lead to glucose metabolism and decreased ######ual function.
3. can be organized stomach: fibers, help to discharge; also has the functions of diarrhea.
4. apple + a few slices of ginger Hot water: You can stop vomiting.
5. can reduce cold pear, strengthen lungs and stomach Run. Fall lungs
syrup: apple / pear Lily + number + 1 of two Dendrobium 9 grams almonds 15 grams +

Photo 2:

papaya fruit
sweet natured, slightly cold
proteolytic enzymes.
1. contains enzymes similar to human growth hormone, eat more to maintain their youth.
2. proteolytic enzymes help break down protein and starch, of great benefit to the digestive system.
3. to aid digestion of the summer heat than to quench their thirst, lungs cough, expectoration of colds, constipation, slow bronchitis helpful.
ripe persimmon papaya + decoction, to cure asthmatic cough ripe papaya, peeled instigate
+ steamed + honey, cough
governance Dryness Health Research dried papaya juice or powder to pay, you can de-worming .
papaya cooked fish or pork leg, and promote lactation.

Photo 3:

the nature of cold watermelon
Wei Han, pregnant women, the body a little virtual person hot not cold base.
excess heat, strong, fit person. See
accidentally eat a lot of halo nausea, can be rescued with a ginger.

Photo 4:

berry pear to share
properties were
heat with cold /
Physical Deficiency, cold cough are not eaten raw, must be steam, or put soup, or fried with herbs.
Swan pears, pear, pear slightly cool tribute; skin thick pear and pear imports more cold.
eat a lot of sore throat
almonds, pears (with cold) + Tremella (slightly cool) cook sugar, dry mouth treatment hoarseness. However, with the excess heat is more suitable for themselves, or virtual fire needs heat person.
almonds, pears (with cold) + 9 grams of Fritillaria boiled sugar, strong lungs gas.
almonds, pears (with cold) + lily boiled sugar, nourishing yin and soothe the nerves.

Photo 5:

should not eat mango

medicinal value of sweet, thirst-quenching fluid.
nature with poisoning caused by damp, a skin disease or cancer, avoid eating
(eczema / pus / gynecological diseases / edema / athlete's foot - wet from further eating mangoes will increase)
the possible treatment of immature allergic
Asthma taboo.
one of the few fruits rich in protein, eat more satiety.
1. beneficial eyes, moist skin.
2. detoxify Xiaozhi,timberland uk, Buck.
3. vomiting, nausea rule the waves. Pregnant women, nausea.

Photo 6:

Kiwi / Kiwi anti-cancer proper way

eating a cough may be worse.
1. Vitamin C 20-80 times higher than the apple, citrus 5-10 times higher than that antioxidants can prevent cancer-causing substances in the formation of nitrite in the body safe.
2. Tune in next gas. Nourishing the physical, heat diuretic, Qingwei moistening.
3. upset heat treatment, prevention and treatment of scurvy, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer.
4. for the treatment of gastrointestinal cancer and lung cancer do not marketer.

Photo 7:

of mangosteen to
of cold to cold /
physical Deficiency can still eat less,mens timberland boots, eat not. Do more with watermelon, soy milk, beer, cabbage, mustard greens, bitter melon, winter melon soup and other cold objects with lotus leaves to eat.
accidentally eat too much, cook brown sugar, ginger tea with a solution of.

Photo 8:

pineapple and stomach

fluid nature of heat.
trachea or bronchus-sensitive patients quit drinking.
need to allow some of the organic decomposition of brine, reducing its toxicity.
1. rich in fiber, can stimulate the intestinal tract. With convergence, will not be some diarrhea can help stop diarrhea.
2. spleen and stomach, solid strength. Pineapple abdominal break down proteins in the stomach to help digestion.
3. feeling throat after eating allergy symptoms is required to drink a glass of salt water dilution of allergenic ingredients.

Photo 9:

Deficiency tonic properties of heat and hysteresis with
cancer or patients, skin or liver yin deficiency with heat dieting
impotence physical Deficiency can help the fire to eat. Postpartum Deficiency
do supplements.
eat too much immediately eat some mangosteen resolve

Photo 10:

impotence hot stuff
Yin Huo-wang, who
excess heat (skin, dry mouth, insomnia) should not eat.
gout, diabetes should not eat.
physical calm or Deficiency can enjoy ourselves.
who eat too much, eating cold watermelon or a bowl of lotus leaf gourd water

Photo 11:

mild /
coconut meat can be yang fire, strong body, for physical weakness, limb weakness, easy fatigue were.
and Heat were not the body.
fat and protein content.
coconut rice with chicken, a tonic effect.
Radix + coconut water + lily + Dendrobium = heat Yin
coconut water + melon sub = Xiefei fire
of cool coconut water + white fungus or Ching Huang ear

Photo 12:

lemon fruit
women are advised not to lemon tea.
1. warm water + lemon juice + salt = expectorant effect, stronger than the orange and orange.
2. cold early: lemon + honey flush = relieve sore throat / dry throat does not reduce
3. may tocolysis [should mother and child], beauty, speckle, prevent pigmentation, improve anteversion , uterine ligament laxity or amenorrhea
4. clear lemon can lower blood pressure cholesterol, improve cardiovascular.

Photo 13:

nourishing people Yichi
inhuman heat, pyrophlegm should not eat.
gout joint swelling and pain caused by overeating.
itself with asthma who eat hot Hyperactivity induced cough
hot, skin, bloating should not eat.
dried nourishing the nerves, for lack of effort (heart rate for no reason, easily tired of those) have a great effect of insomnia.

Photo 14:


gastric body is a treasure of sweet and cold /
weak, Spleen Deficiency, Exogenous cold bogey. Peeled and ate the best anti-iron absorption.
1. vitamins and sugar contained in fruit and 1-2 times higher than normal.
elimination heat to bother to quench thirst fluid, lungs and phlegm, heat treatment of cough.
2. Shidi treating hiccups, nocturnal enuresis.
3. persimmon leaf tea contains a lot of dimension C, blood pressure, cardiovascular protection, the treatment of insomnia.
4. persimmon nature of the peace, lungs and qi.
5. persimmons on the icing: throat throat and stomatitis cure

Photo 15:

buck purge
sweet and cold /
for hot people.
Physical Deficiency, Spleen lag diarrhea, cold cough should not
(Wei Han / nephritis / pregnancy swollen feet should not be)
starch rich.
1. Qingre intestines, promote gastrointestinal motility.
2. potassium rich, lower blood pressure.
banana stew candy = cure cough

Photo 16:

Guava / Guava
dehumidification diarrhea
sweet nature /
should guard against constipation and liver heat, to eat or with the fiber core rich grapefruit and other fruits.
thirst, Chufan diarrhea, deworming, regulate urine.

Photo 17:

pure heart lungs
itself with cold, physical Deficiency not appropriate to drink.
Black sugarcane: a moderate tonic,timberland boots uk, throat and Heat were not;
Peel sugarcane: sweet and cool, Hyperactivity and gastrointestinal thermal solution.
Han Tan persons (white and thin) do not drink.
1. throat fluid, lifting mind Fanre, dry mouth
2. measles, chicken pox in children, when the water brewed into tea. Rhizoma Imperatae + cane +
Peel carrots boil water = heat

Photo 18:

melon (Melon)

cough cough provoked
Lanzhou Melon / Melon more cantaloupe America / crepe skin melon cold. Will be very hot or cold on the heat add cold.
easy to see, dizziness, menstrual and vaginal discharge quantity bogey
Physical Deficiency / asthma are advised not to.

Photo 19:

nourishing the physical
protein, sugar rich. Through blood vessels, lowering blood pressure. Victoria C content of fresh dates
10 times higher than the lemon.
dates: blood and the strongest, but also more dry
Nanzao: biased yin blood.
axillaris: nourishing.
fresh candied / gold candied: lungs / stomach
chronic hepatitis side: boiled red dates and soil Abri capillaris

Photo 20:

Health Ambassador

flesh calcium can cure ulcers, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, manganese, zinc, boron and many have minerals and trace elements.
1. the main clearing the throat, open Xiongge, phlegm stagnation
2. Five hemorrhoid swelling, pain, frequent Jiantang smoked, to take effect
3. accelerate wound healing, ulcers of the digestive tract effect.
4. heal bleeding hemorrhoids, and colon cancer have a supporting role.
5. containing antioxidants, anti-aging.
6. containing pectin and fiber, intestinal absorption of toxic substances, detoxification effect.
7. and Apple, two-way regulating the stomach, spleen to stop diarrhea diarrhea lag can eat; constipation eat laxative.
8. Pui dry milling help ulcer healing.

Photo 21:

appetizer tomatoes sweet and cool but the poisoning caused by damp
thirst, stomach and digestion /
but the nature of the wet and carriers of the virus, not suitable for gout, rheumatism, eczema and skin diseases, cancer patients.
rubella quit eating crabs, tomatoes
gastrointestinal Deficiency diarrhea, cold cough (sputum white throat itch) are best eaten cooked.
1. rich in vitamin C, cooking is not easy to damage, easily absorbed
2. hypertensive patients assisted diet

Photo 22:

temperate blood Gushen champion
fill /
Firelight, excessive hot flashes sore throat who eat less suitable.
1. the highest iron content of fruit can be blood. Su suffering from anemia, low hemoglobin, or to be aphrodisiac liqueur Lee belly after eating.
2. Cherry triggered virtual fire, drink the juice solution.
3. the whole body is a treasure, to approve the hair through the measles, the virus will not be trapped in the body.
4. solvable venom leaves, roots can be deworming.

Photo 23:

strong physique champion blood Gushen
with the more peaceful
lung deficiency cherry cough, disturbed fetal movement, especially for patients with nephritis grapes or grape juice supplement.
skin and flesh, and nuclear are very useful and contains Victoria E, B12, P, C is very beneficial to the heart.
heavy chemical pollution, the better it tastes sweet, the smaller the affected sub deeper application of salt, eat 5-10 minutes of flooding.

Photo 24:

blood beauty and warm /
eat would cause excessive body heat, bloating, chest tightness
1. rich in iron quality, increase the number of human hemoglobin.
2. containing more fat and protein
3. Walnuts beauty
4. peach promoting blood circulation, cough and asthma, but not excessive, and passing through the period.
5. Peach gum is a blind diabetic comes out of magic, can be strong and nourishing, regulating blood sugar levels.
6. Peach can Hot water wash, bathe, drink.
7. peach juice + Taomi Shui face wash to moisturize the skin.

Photo 25:

lungs cough
nature of the peace, lungs and cough.
1. rich in fiber (natural laxative), vitamin C (natural laxative), vitamin P, the promotion of intestinal peristalsis.
2. Pectin may contain cholesterol, increasing the elasticity of D P, D C can be laxative and against the free radicals cause aging.
3. juice contains substances similar to insulin, lowering blood glucose.
frequent colds, cough, airway sensitivity: The fresh grapefruit to stay just north of the skin to the core + apricot, Fritillaria, without dyeing the white fungus 30 g + honey stew one, strong lungs

Photo 26:

orange citrus
anti-cancer food
phlegm shun gas.
heat cough (sputum Nongzhuo dry mouth) is most Yichi orange citrus
cold cough (throat marks are) to be evasive.
1. D C rich, increase endurance, a real well-being of antioxidant protection.
2. shun gas phlegm, heat fluid, spleen appetite.
3. Chenpi: Victoria C and carotene more than flesh, containing essential oil to promote gastrointestinal motility, remove fat reduce blood cholesterol. Fujian Chenpi more peaceful, increased gastric secretion, and promote sputum sent, Xiaoyanlidan. a cold, nausea, nausea
: Citrus ginger porridge.
cough, sputum: orange peel boiled almonds (rock candy)

Photo 27:

body care
nature of the peace, lungs and thirst
1. fresh apricots are rich in protein, carotene, Victoria AC, Ca , phosphorus, iron, catechins, may help on the anti-cancer substances and free radical attacks.
2. almond paste help defecation, cough lungs.
3. ginkgo also contains a small amount of hydrocyanic acid, not a lot of raw. Dozen raw grains, there is heat effect.
4. Ginkgo has cholesterol-lowering, Gu Shen, cough effect.
Deficiency: The ginkgo simmer cooked dispensing
nocturia by: stew cooked dipped in honey
leucorrhea more Ginkgo: The Ginkgo boiled egg stew cooked sugar syrup
yuba with ginkgo eggs: not in the body Deficiency

what disease eat raw fruits

anemia --- grapes,cheap timberland boots, oranges, tomatoes, apples, strawberries, cherries -
- high cholesterol --- mangosteen, Walnut -
- high blood pressure --- grapes, oranges, tomatoes, apples, walnuts, bananas, watermelon, persimmons, pears, peaches -
- Arteriosclerosis --- oranges, tomatoes, apples, strawberries, walnuts, bananas -
- vascular fatty - - oranges, tomatoes,womens timberland boots, apples, strawberries, walnuts, bananas -
- Stroke --- apples, persimmons, pineapple, kiwi -
- heart disease --- apples, walnuts, pears, bananas, watermelon, pineapple, kiwi -
- diabetes --- tomatoes, pears, watermelon, peach, guava, loquat -
- bronchitis --- grapes, apples, strawberries, cherries, persimmons, pear, pineapple, loquat -
- Asthma --- grapes, peaches -
- ulcers --- pears, bananas -
- gastritis --- grapes, apples, pears - ;
- enteritis --- grapes, tomatoes, apples, bananas, pineapple, guava -
- diarrhea --- Apple -
- Indigestion --- Papaya - br> - hemorrhoids --- apples, bananas, persimmons, peaches -
- liver disease --- grapes, oranges, bananas, plums -
- cystitis --- watermelon, peach -
- urinary tract stones --- watermelon, kiwi, plums -
- urethritis --- Grape -
- kidney disease --- grapes, oranges, apples, strawberries, cantaloupe - ;
- endocrine disorders --- grapes, apples, papaya, cantaloupe -
back pain --- watermelon, pears, citrus -
- low back pain --- watermelon, pears, citrus - ;
- Arthritis --- grapes, loquat -
- gout --- pineapple, kiwi -
- Skin --- tomatoes, apples, strawberries, walnuts, papaya - ;
- mouth inflammation --- oranges, pears, guava -
dental diseases --- oranges, strawberries -
- cold --- strawberries, pineapple, loquat, lemon -
- pregnant women antiemetic --- pear -

- fruit characters
cold of fruit (real hot body): watermelon, pear, grapefruit, grapefruit, coconut, orange, hard persimmon, mangosteen, tomatoes, melons, bananas,timberland outlet, melon, cucumber -
Warm hot fruit (physical treatment): longan, litchi, mango, durian, pomegranates, apricots -
- Ping of fruits: guava, apples, grapes, oranges, papaya, strawberry, cherry, mulberry - ;
- lychees, bananas drivers eat -
- Tomatoes can be sunscreen -
- News Orange does not work more than tired -
- the more orange the more sweet Cancer -
- grapefruit let contraceptive failure -
- easy to get to eat fruit after a meal diabetes -
- abnormal eating strawberries and kidneys -
- Heart not eat watermelon -
- Do not eat fruit every day over two -
- tomatoes can cure underarm odor -
- Children who eat oranges and bananas may prevent leukemia - br> - should not be refrigerated after eating watermelon -

dozen fruits can cancer

Strawberry (leukemia), oranges, orange (immunity), apple, melon, kiwi, watermelon, lemon, grape, grapefruit, pineapple -
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