善待别人,容别人之短,有一颗宽容的心;珍重友谊,珍惜家庭,爱护亲人,宁可人负我,不愿我负人,这是 我们结婚这么多年来,对你的评价,也许很浮浅,也许不全面,但我却明白,你是我命中的爱人。
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写文字的时候,老公总会给我倒一杯红糖水端过来,他说:“这样冷的天,喝点热的水,会不容易感冒的”就 这样喝着他给我的红糖水,写着和他一起的故事。
再过14天,和老公结婚就已经18年了,孩子们说要庆贺一下,我说:“等到20年的时候,我们再庆贺一 次吧”其实对于这些,我不在乎,也不是特别的在意,但每年我都会在心里暗自祝福一下自己,希望自己在新的一 年里,家庭幸福,平安!
与老公的认识,是一个亲戚介绍的。很简单的一次谈话,但我心里却感受到了他的真诚和爱心。后来在亲戚的 吹嘘中,和他又见了一次面。有人说“一见钟情,”但我从来没有这样的感觉,也许那时年龄太小,
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稀里糊涂,匆匆忙忙地结婚后,从他的做事中,我感觉他是一个负责的好男人;从他的做人中,我感受到了一 份善良的心。就这样我恋上了他。
爱上老公,是因为偶然在他大学的毕业留言中,看着那么多的同学对他的肯定,对他的赞赏,对他的表扬,对 他的爱戴,让我忽然感觉自己找到了一份特别温暖甜蜜的爱情。
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著名作家张爱玲说:“因为慈悲,所以懂得。”我却想对你说:“因为懂得,所以爱。”是呀,在爱情里,开 始我们是陌生的,结婚前,我们也是不太熟悉的,但结婚后的一点一滴,都告诉我,你是一个善良的,有爱心的男 人,正因为你的这些,让我明白了爱是美好的,爱是真诚的,爱是幸福的。
曾经听过这样的一个故事。杂一场暴风雨后,成千上万的鱼被冲到了一个海滩,一个小男孩每捡到一个小鱼便 会送到海里去,他不厌其烦的捡着,一位路过的老爷爷问他:“你一天也捡不了几条,这样辛苦,又有谁会在乎呢 ?”小男孩一边捡鱼一边说:“这条小鱼会在乎呀。”老爷爷顿时语塞了,
abercrombie & fitch,只要你懂我在乎我,疼我爱我就可以了,因为你已经是我生命中不可缺少的一部分了。
最宝贵的是什么?法国作家雨果说:“善良,善良是历史中最稀有最珍贵的珍珠,善良的人几乎优秀于伟大的 人”。是呀,老公用他自己的善良和爱心对待着身边的每一个人。
路边乞讨的,他总会给于帮助;门前讨饭的,他总给于帮助;雪灾,地震,还是那些失学的孩子,他都会给于 同情和帮助。他总对孩子说:“人之初,性本善,一定要用真,善,美去对待身边的人和事”,也正因为如此,我 们的孩子才这样的有爱心。
“己所不欲,勿施于人”是老公做人的座右铭。人活在世上,凡事站在别人的立场上想想,将心比心,多一份 理解,多一分友爱,多一份真诚,这样你的生活永远充满阳光的。
今天早晨起床后,老公叫醒了儿子,让他去辅导班补习数学,儿子起床后就问老公:“爸爸,我妈妈那个懒虫 呢?”我在房间里大喊“你妈妈去上班了,她已经走了。”儿子笑嘻嘻的说:“你是谁呀!妈妈,你不是走了吗? 为什么还说话?”我笑着对老公大喊:“你快点教育一下你的宝贝儿子吧,你知道吗?子不孝,父之过。”老公大 声的对儿子说:“以后说话注意点,要不然你妈妈打你屁股,我可不管的。”听着他们的谈话,我在房间里偷笑。 是呀,儿子一直是我的朋友,所以我怎么会打他的屁股呢?
昨天吃完腊八粥,就快过年了,孩子们也要考试了,他们快乐的讲着自己寒假的安排和计划,在心里祝愿他们 ,过一个开心快乐的假期吧。
it should be satisfied
in Zhanyi County
外汇局:外储坚持自主经营为主 辅以委托经营
About two weeks after China's Ministry of National Defense confirmed its program to refurbish an ex-Soviet aircraft carrier, the still unfinished vessel commenced its maiden sea trial on Wednesday morning from Dalian of northeast Liaoning Province where the carrier was docked.
While some neighboring countries have expressed concern over the growth of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy, such as Japan's most recent defense white paper, Peter Singer, a senior fellow in foreign policy at the Washington-based Brookings Institution, told Xinhua that he didn't believe the Chinese carrier was a source that could worsen the current situation in the Asia-Pacific region.
"One should not be surprised that China, whose military and economic power has grown immensely over the last decades, would want to join the 'carrier club' along with states like the US, UK, Brazil, India, France," Singer said in an email.
It's an understandable ambition from a strategic and national prestige standpoint for China to develop aircraft carrier, he said.
Currently, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, Spain, Italy, India, Brazil and Thailand, operate a total of 21 active-service aircraft carriers.
Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force currently has two 18,000-metric ton Hyuga-class helicopter carriers, although the warships are classified by Japan as "helicopter destroyers."
Once the still-unnamed carrier is delivered to the PLA Navy, China will be the last among the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council to possess an aircraft carrier.
The Asia-Pacific is also an area where aircraft carriers frequently cruise. The nuclear-powered supercarrier USS George Washington has been forward deployed at Japan's Yokosuka, and other U.S. carriers visit the area from time to time for military exercises, deterrence, as well as port calls and humanitarian aids.
"I don't think the carrier itself is a source of tension with the US," Singer said. "I think the greater sources of regional tension remain the behavior and unresolved maritime claims."
According to Singer, such sources include the conduct of the navies in the South China Sea and sea disputes between China and some of its neighboring states.
China signed an agreement with members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 2002 at Cambodian capital Phnom Penh, which seeks regional stability by resolving disputes in the South China Sea in a peaceful way.
The agreement, Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, asked all concerned countries to maintain self-restraint and not to conduct activities that would complicate or escalate disputes such as inhabiting the uninhabited islands and reefs.
"Tensions between Japan, the Philippines or Vietnam were there before the carrier," Singer said, noting that China's neighboring countries may look at the carrier with some apprehension, but none should blame the carrier for tensions in the South China Sea.
Chinese military scholars told Xinhua that China's carrier program was for the sake of its own maritime interests.
"China's future aircraft carrier would only add stable factors to the Asia-Pacific region and the world peace," said Cao Weidong, a researcher of the PLA Navy's Academic Research Institute.
"Compared with the U.S. and other carrier-savvy navies, China is just a beginner in operating an aircraft carrier," Cao said.
To fuel its fast growing economy, China is increasingly reliant on natural resources imported through maritime transport routes from overseas.
The PLA Navy has deployed its task forces in rotation since the end of 2008 to the Gulf of Aden and waters off the coast of Somalia to escort Chinese and foreign merchant vessels transiting.
"We have learned from the escort missions and other operations, such as evacuating citizens from Libya, that an aircraft carrier is something that the navy needs," Cao said, adding that the weapon platform will also be a necessary tool for the country to safeguard territorial waters and maritime transport routes.