5) Schizogony:In this process
nikes high heels , a series of nuclear divisions results into numerous daughternuclei. This is followed by the formation of cytoplasmic buds each containingone nucleus. The buds are pinched off to grow into new organisms. The formationof merozoites and sporozoites in the life history of Plasmodium, formation ofgametes from gametocytes in the life cycle of Monocystis etc. takes place byschizogony.
2) Plasmotomy:It is a special type of binary fissioninvolved in the division of multinucleate Protozoa into two or more, smallermultinucleate daughter individuals. Plasmotomy takes place in mycetozoans andseveral coelozoic myxosporideans etc.
6) Endodyogeny:In this method two daughter individuals develop within a single parent. Theparent is destroyed or engulfed by the daughter individual in the process. Itoccurs in Toxoplasmea.
1) Binary fission:This involves the division of one individual into two approximately equal parts.The division is not a mere fragmentation but a complicated process of mitosis.In mitosis the nuclear division is always followed by the division of cytoplasmor cytokinesis. The fission may be either in a transverse plane as inParamecium, or in a longitudinal plane as in Euglena, or in an oblique plane asin Ceratium, or in any plane as in Amoeba. The two daughter organisms resultedfrom binary fission carry all the cytoplasmic organelles of the parent. Someorganelles like mitochondria divide at the time of division while others likeoral apparatus
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A######ual reproduction in Protozoaoccurs by Binary fission, Plasmotomy, Budding, Multiple fission, Schizogony andEndodyogeny.
3) Budding: Inits simplest form budding implies irregular fission resulting in a smalldaughter individual in the form of a bud. When the bud breaks off, it grows tofull size. When a parent body produces only one bud it is monotomic as seen inVorticella, while in multiple budding several buds are formed simultaneously asseen in Suctoria.
4) Multiplefission: During multiple fission or sporulation the nuclear division is notfollowed immediately by the division of the cytoplasm. First the nucleusundergoes a series of divisions either by repeated binary fissions as inPlasmodium or by simultaneous multiple divisions, as in Agregata. The body thusbecomes multinucleate. These daughter nuclei arrange themselves at theperiphery and each of these is surrounded by a fragment of the dividedcytoplasm. Thus one parent body simultaneously divides into as daughterindividuals as there are nuclei. The number of offspring greatly varies amongdifferent and the same species. Multiple fission is quite common inForaminifera
nike heels for women 2011 , Radiolaria, Sporozoa and certain Mastigophora.