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Old 08-12-2011, 03:12 AM   #1
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Default 骗局


  我只是静静地看着眼前的一堆海与另一个女孩神情暧昧的照片,心已经麻木了。一个小时前,我问过海。我问 这是怎么回事。海总是很“诚实”。他诚实得让我无处循形。他说,他和那个女孩的事是真的。他喜欢上她了,他 们在一起已三年了,和她在一起,他才知道什么叫自由,她是如此的信任他,对他毫无保留。她没有我一样刚硬的 个性,但她的柔和很容易地就征服了他的心。在这三年里,他对我说的所谓“爱我的心永不变”全是假的。我能懂 他,能帮他,我是他的知己,我和他是那样的平行以致于他对我感到很无力。他迟迟没有告诉我事实,是看到我和 他在一起总是那样高兴而不愿意打击我不愿意伤害我。他说,我一直是一个坚强的女孩,没有他我可以独立地生活 ,但她不一样,她离不开他。他说他对不起我这么多年来痴心的等待,他很感激我对他的一往情深,只是他已没有 办法给我我想要的结果了。一颗已经变了的心是无法再回到原点的,就算勉强回到原点,也是只剩下 伤痕。

  哦,原来,在他的眼里我只是这样一个需要被同情的角色。而他也终于找到了适合他的人了。只是,在这一场 角逐中,我又是一个什么样的角色?

  “因为我坚强,所以就不需要自己喜欢的人去疼爱;因为我坚强,所以就必须承受伤害;因为我坚强,所以你 宁可让我最后心碎也不肯让她受一点伤害。为什么你在一开始追她的时候不告诉我。你口口声声说爱我。你这样对 我说了六年了。终于,我甜甜蜜蜜的等待着,三年了,等待的却是你给我的这样一个结果。自始至终,你都把我当 成了什么?在你的眼里,我只是一个很可怜的角色。海,你好残忍!”我终于不争气地哭了出来。



  “不可能!她和你不一样,传奇私服,你懂吗?你是乡间小路上的野花,有旺盛的生命力,她是温室里的鲜花,需要人细心的呵护。你可以承爱挫折, 她却不能受委屈。寒,不要这样。


  明明知道将是这样一个结果,我还是背叛了自己的心说了这样的话。明明知道一切都不可挽回,我却仍低下自 己的头为自己的爱情做最后一搏。只是海的话仍让我感到陌生。

  不敢相信他真的对我说这样的话,难道说真是爱情的力量伟大,足以使一个人不顾一切地去伤害曾经他说过的 要深爱一生的人吗?


  海躲着我的眼神,呐呐地说:“寒,你需要安静。”扭头走出了属于他和她的窝,重重地甩上门,把一切他不 想看不想听的都关在门里面,也留下只剩一颗沉沉的心的我。

  其实,女子都很重视感觉,就算是如朋友所说,清醒如我的女子。我伤心,我难过,但只要海在最后一刻是站 在我这一边,传奇私服,对我说我看到的一切不是真的,我就会毫不犹豫地原谅他。


  照片上女孩的一颦一笑就如一根毒针,一针一针刺痛着我的神经。我的眼睛里在冒火。如果说眼里冒出的火可 以烧死人的话,那么这个女孩已经被我烧死千百次了。

  海说的没错,她是一个文文弱弱、小鸟依人的女孩。她文文弱弱的样子很是惹人怜爱。如果不是她抢走了我的 爱人,我会喜欢上她的,就像喜欢一个小妹妹。但此刻我对她充满无比的恨,六合彩,我恨她夺走了我爱人的心。但是,我更佩服海,他在追一个女孩的时候能面不改色地对另外一个女孩说“我爱你 ”;他在拥一个女子入怀的时候还能心安理得地接受另一个女孩为他伤神……

  从海那里回来已经一个月了。他没有再同我联系。我躺在的床上,一遍又一遍地听着陶晶莹的《太委屈》:“ 当她横刀夺爱的时候,你忘了所有的誓言。当她扬起爱情胜利的旗帜,你要我选择继续爱你的方式。你曾经说过要 保护我,只给我温柔没挫折,但是现在你总是对我回避,不再为我有心事而着急。人说恋爱就像放风筝,如果太计 较就会有悔恨,只是人们都忘了告诉我,放纵的爱也会让天空挂满伤痕。太委屈,连分手也是让我最后知道消息… …”我泪流满面。

  我从不认为自己是一个提不起放不下的女子。但和海从相识,传奇私服,相知,相恋到分手,时光已走过六年。六年,从16岁到22岁,我用三年时间去拒绝他,用另外三年去等他, 而一个女子的青春又有几个六年呢?

  认识海时,传奇私服,我上高一,他上高三。就如所有故事里的王子一样,海的高大英俊,性格开朗而又透露一点点玩世不恭。他的身 边花红柳绿,围绕着一大批倾慕他的女粉丝。高傲而自尊的海坦然地享受着来自各位粉丝崇拜的目光,偶尔耍出一 两个花招,惹来粉丝的尖叫,每当这时海就得意洋洋地笑着。

  第一次见到海时很戏剧性。刚好下课时我和几个死党抱着书本下楼。楼梯拐角处海和一帮兄弟突然冲上来。我 的书被撞掉了。他们就如没有看到一般径直走了过去。从小没有受过委屈的我没办法接受这种不把我放在眼里的待 遇。我走上前去要他们道歉。海的兄弟吹着口哨尖叫着。海显然被我的举动弄得有点发棱。也许从来就没有一个女 孩在他的面前如此耀武扬威过。海的脸色红一阵,白一阵,很是难甚。他的哥们以戏谐的眼光看着他如何处理这个 局面。其时周围已有一帮同学围观。有好心的人提醒我面前那个人是学校的风云人物海。知道他是海时,我并没有 太多的触动,甚至有点反感他那花花公子般的做派。我没有打算放过他,狠狠奚落了他一顿后就走开了。我想也许 是我对海的不屑一顾让他对我另眼相看。他从此对我穷追不舍。海真的很优秀。虽然说高三面临着高考的压力,但 海好像根本就没有感到一丝紧迫。他总有比别人更多的玩的时间,学习成绩也从来没有被落下。海只要有一空就会 来找我。海要我做他女朋友。他说,他要让我看到真实的他,他并不是我说的那个样子。16岁是一个多梦且易发 生故事的年龄。但是第一次的相遇及海在学校的声名让我不敢对他太过走近。我不喜欢太花心的男孩。那样让我爱 得很累。海知道后,渐渐疏远了他的那些粉丝。被众多女孩心目中的王子追求是一件很有面子的事。每天走在校园 里,享受着众多女生羡慕的,妒嫉的,怨恨的目光,我的虚荣心得到了极大的满足。但是父母对我的要求是要好好 读书。我拒绝了海。我也不缺少男生朋友。海没有因为我的拒绝而放弃。他总能想出一些新鲜花样来哄我开心。跟 他接触了一个月,我也觉得海是一个很不错的男孩子。但是,我却没有办法向父母交待。于是我对海说,我们先做 朋友吧,我现在还小。海说他可以等我长大,但是现在也请我接受他对我的好。

  我和海经常在一起是有目共睹的事。高中学校是不允许学生谈恋爱的。海的班主任找过他。海对班主任说,如 果他不影响学习,保证自己能考上理想的大学,那么班主任是否会反对我们在一起?班主任开始不认同海的说话。 他坚信谈恋爱会分散海的精力。我的父母也被请到了学校。我否认跟海谈恋爱的事情。海说,他喜欢我,他想照顾 我。他说我那么聪明,他也那么优秀,怎么会因为两个人在一起耽误学习,只会因为在一起相互鼓励,而学得更好 。父母也不赞同海的说话。他们要我跟海保持距离。我告诉他们,我跟海什么关系都没有。我不会因为他而影响学 习。父母警告海要离我远一点,不要耽误了我。父母告诉海,如果他再纠緾我,他们将给我办理转学手续。海听后 没有吭气。但海有时间还是会偷偷地来找我。半年了,我们也并没有影响到学习。再后来,班主任和爸爸妈妈都心 照不宣地不再管我们了。更重要的是,不知道海是如何博得了父母的欢心。他们告诉海,现在好好学习,等考上好 的大学后我们在一起他们不反对。那时候,我是幸福的女孩。我的男朋友是女孩们心目中的白马王子。他给我无比 的体贴与呵护,而更让他们羡慕的是,我们的恋情被学校与家庭默认了,虽然我一直不承认海是我男 朋友。

  在一起玩耍学习的日子,我问过海,为什么他放着那么多温柔的女孩不去追,却偏偏喜欢我这个有点野的女孩 。我不认为我会是海喜欢的那一类女孩,这是直觉告诉我的。海说,他喜欢我的与众不同,他喜欢我的个性,喜欢 我的率真。他说和我在一起他很轻松,他可以不需要伪装自己,魔域私服。和我在一起时他才是一个完完全全,纯纯粹粹的他。

  女孩的心总是很容易地被满足。但朋友风传过来的说海是因为我当众羞辱他之后发誓要追到我,追到手后再狠 狠地甩掉,让我也尝尝被羞辱的滋味的话也让我对海的话颇具怀疑。我不敢确定他说他喜欢我就是源于我对他的忽 略,是他要证明他的魅力并对我进行报复的一种手段。也没有人最终给我一个肯定的答案,研究:面对面交流的快乐远超网络社交。我小心翼翼地提防着他,不让自己落入他的温柔陷井。我时时提醒自己,我跟他最大的极限是做朋友。但是我跟 海在一起的日子真的很开心。我们在一起谈学习,谈家庭,谈人生,谈理想,谈以后的计划……那一刻真的就很想 牵住他的手。

  海说他想去北京那一座文化名城。他要去感受中国文化的博大精深。他说,他要登上长城看天地的苍茫;他要 去故宫,感受皇家的气魄;他要到天安门广场,去体会空旷的博大;他还要去天坛,去赞美祖先的智慧……海对我 说:“寒,和我考一所大学吧。同我一起去领略那古城的风骚,好吗?”我是多么想和海考到同一所大学。能够跟 他比翼双飞。但是关于他追我的目地的传闻一直在心头挥之不去。我对海说我喜欢江南小镇的婉约。我想去浙江。 我想在西子湖畔扶着烟烟垂柳散步;我想去灵隐寺,去那古老的寺庙上香;我想去岳坟,去探望我心中的英雄;我 想走在白堤上,欣赏平湖秋月;我想走在苏堤上,去看那梦中的曲院风荷,去观看苏堤春晓,六桥烟柳;我还想走 在断桥上,欣赏“断桥残雪”,感受《白蛇传》里的那一个浪漫的爱情故事……我最想的是海能够赞同我,会为我 改变他的理想那么我会毫不犹豫地爱上他。

  海静静地听我说着,眼底匆匆掠过一丝伤感:“寒,你是一个很特别,很清醒的女孩。你能有所改变吗?”“ 不可能的啦。一个人的志向怎么能说改就改呢。”我笑嘻嘻地说,心里却有一丝失落。我想我更加肯定海追我并不 是因为真的喜欢我而是因为报复我。而我也忽略了海的脸色有一丝发白。

  那一次以后,我们依然天天在一起。学习再忙,海也会约我在学校的小湖边走一走。日子依然平淡而快乐,我 们的学习依然优秀,在别人眼里我们依然是幸福的,令人羡慕的一对。

  离高考的日子越来越近,我的心里有一丝丝的离愁别绪。但是我一句也不说。我不知道海有没有。我想他应该 是没有的。我总在鼓励着海,叫他一定要考上自己向往的学校,这样才不枉高中三年。海总是用很奇怪而令我不解 的眼神看着我,然后很无奈地用食指点一点我的额头,轻轻地叹一口气。

  高考终于完了,海考上了他想去的北大。一个暑假里,我和他几乎天天在一起。逛街,溜冰,买东西……海包 容着我的任性,陪着我一起胡闹,和我一起搞恶作剧,我们就像两个没有长大的孩子在一起尽情的玩 耍。

  海终于要去学校了。我到车站送他。站台上,他紧紧握住我的手,眼神很复杂。他对我说,寒,考到北京来, 好吗,我等你。我拿出给他准备好的礼物,一艘小船,笑着说:“祝你一路顺风。”我真的很想质问他:海,你为 什么不考浙江的大学而一定要考到北京?海的脸上有一种尴尬的苦笑:“谢谢。”


  海在上大学后给我写的第一封信里详尽地描写了未名湖畔的风光。他希望我能和他一道去领略那里的美景。他 叫我要好好学习,他说他等我。我努力地学习。我真的很想很想也考到北京去。死党们说我着了他的魔。说我是真 的爱上他了。死党们也提醒我,海这么做的目的,提醒我海并没有因为我而放弃考北大的念头。他并不是100% 的喜欢我,毕竟他不会为了我而舍弃他自己的目标。她们劝我清醒些。她们劝我给海一些考验。

  海走后,也有很多男孩给我写信。在心里,我总会自觉不自觉地把他们与海作比较然后以考大学为理由,拒绝 掉他们。


  高考填报志愿时我一本里第一志愿是浙大,第二,第三志愿和二本里面填写的学校才在北京。陪我一起填报志 愿的海没能说服我更改我的志愿。

  在拿到浙大的通知书时,海的脸色很难看。他的眼里分明噙着泪水。我这才讶然发现,这么久了,海应该是真 的爱我。我也才蓦然发现这么久了,我还没有仔仔细细地看过他。海真的长得很帅。方方正正的一张脸,高高的额 头,浓浓的眉毛,一双眼睛炯炯有神,六合彩。两年独立的大学生活,让他少了些许高中时的邪气,更添一份成熟与稳重。那宽宽的肩膀让人看着很踏实。刘德 华唱着“男人哭吧不是罪”,此刻流泪的海让我的心也跟着痛。我的心狠狠地抽着,忍不住扑在海的怀里哭了起来 。我告诉海,我爱他,我愿意做他的女朋友。


  那个夏天,我们在一起很开心。我向海坦承了我的心事,坦承了我的顾虑。我第一次觉得可以毫无压力地去爱 他。我相信海对我的感情,传奇私服,我相信海会等我的。因为我相信他流下来的眼泪。

  暑假匆匆结束了,海陪我去了我的学校。我在那美丽的校园里开心得像个孩子。海却非常沉默。他帮我整理好 一切,也准备北上继续读书。海要走了。我的心空荡荡的。真的好想就这样,牵着你的手,一起到永远。海安慰我 说:“傻丫头,这么多年在一起的时间不是一直不多吗?再说我还可以放暑假后来看你的。”

  我很快就适应了大学里的生活,只是在心头总有一份挥之不去的遗憾。在我还不想和他有什么瓜葛的时候,他 不肯放过我;在我最终爱上他的时候,却只能在远方为他静静地等候。我用书信,倾诉着我对他的爱 意,我不怕别人流言蜚语,我只怕花光勇气!。虽然已经流行发email,但是我依然喜欢写信,传奇私服。我喜欢以吻封箴。我相信海一定能够感受得到。我用电话倾诉着我对他的思念。有时候仅仅只是为了听一听他的 声音。

  海经常对我说:“寒,你是我的知己。这个世界上,最懂我的人就是你。遇上你,我是世界上最幸福的人。” 为了这一句甜蜜的话,我心甘情愿地等候着。

  我一直自信自己不是一个轻易动感情的人。我也一直认为随随便便玩玩的爱情是对自己的感情不负责任。和海 开始之后,我拒绝了身边众多的追求者,虽然他们当中很多人也很优秀者。但是他们又怎能与我心中的海比呢。海 的照片就摆在我的床头,每天我都枕着海的笑容入眠。宿舍的姐妹看过海的照片,她们依然劝我守着一份遥远的爱 不如找一份在身边的爱更实在。当她们听说了我与海的故事,也深深地被感动,再也不劝我在学校来一场风花雪月 ……

  大一的暑假,海来杭州了。他愈发显得沉着,稳重。没有回家的姐妹对我挤眉弄眼,她们被我的眼光深深折服 。

  很久很久以前我就勾画着与我心爱的人漫步在西子湖畔。现在,我和海终于手拉着手走在西子湖边。像所有陷 入爱河中的女子一样,我满心兴奋,一路叽叽喳喳说个不停。但海却很沉默。他有一点心不在焉,对我说的话总是 含糊应付。我问他是怎么了。他问我:“寒,你爱我吗?”那眼底有一丝掩不住的忧伤。我读不懂那一份伤感,如 果说爱一个人就会受伤。

  得到我肯定的回答后,海紧紧地抱住了我,他用脸轻轻的摩挲着我的头发,嘴里喃喃地说:“寒,我爱你,很 爱很爱你。寒,对不起。”那一刻,我以为我读懂了他的心,我以为他是因为他不能像别的女孩的男友一样陪在我 的身边而对我感到歉疚。我告诉他,我真的不介意他不在我的身边,今夜,风起是我的情,雨落是我的泪。我愿意等他。我愿意毕业后去北京工作,如果他不想离开北京……





  一句句甜言蜜语冲走了我的寂寞,也牢牢地拴住了我的心。海,我的爱人,他值得我用最美的年华去等待。三 年过去了,我就在一个人地甜蜜中守望着我的恋人。

  “表姐,如果海在骗你,你会相信吗?”一天,去了北京上大学的表弟突然来电话问我。此时,海早就在北京 找到了一份很好的工作。而我正上大四,我也在为去北京而积极准备着。“怎么会呢。海那样爱我,怎么会骗我呢 。”我心里一惊。“你自己过来看吧。”表弟说完就挂了电话。表弟的话让我心里一震,海会骗我吗?就在一个星 期以前他还口口声声说着爱我。如果时隔一周就有变故,那么变化得也太突然了,或者说海根本就是从来就在骗我 。一丝不安涌上心头,就如海第一次说要追我时一样。

  匆匆地,我坐上了北上的列车。在列车上往事一幕幕涌上心头。自从我上了浙大,海对我好像已经不像曾经那 般热情。海一直说他很爱我,但是自我上大学以后他再也没有跟我勾列过我们未来的生活。每次都是海来我这边玩 ,而我一次也没有去过海的学校,除了海,我对他周围的人,周围的事一无所知。海后来每次跟我在一起都不像从 前那般自然。海跟我在一起的时候总是接到很多电话和短信,而每次他接到电话或是收到短信时总是会略不自然地 看看我然后换个地方接电话或是发短信,他告诉我,那是他的同学找他的。海对我要去北京的事情没有我想像的那 样积极,他只是没有拒绝我过去……

  按照海以前给我的地址,终于找到海居住的地方。我在那里找到了他。海对我的突然来临惊慌失 措。


  年少的一段情总是太真。一段初恋总是太纯。无法轻易选择就从不舍得轻易放弃。我不想让故事开始的时候, 故事已经开始;我不想让故事结束的时候,故事已经宣告结束。故事开始得并不轰轰烈烈,只是结束得让人分外寒 心。故事的开始与结束,受伤最深的为什么总是女人?喜欢
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Old 08-12-2011, 03:13 AM   #2
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Reprinted from 540405381 at 14:34 on December 13 2010 read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
one, braised eggplant:
(1) to remove the head and tail Wash eggplant, cut into hob-like, foam in water, picked up the drain water and sprinkle a little starch and mix well. Wash the onions to the head and tail, cut into segments.
(2) pork slices, chopped into soil, add 1 / 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 1 / 2 tablespoon oil and 1 / 3 tablespoon chicken powder mix, marinated for 10 minutes tasty
(3) pour into the saucepan, heat 3 tablespoons oil, fry minced meat into the casual, stand-up picked up after white flesh.
(4) continue to add 10 tablespoons of oil, saute onion, add eggplant and stir fry quickly opened fire, add 5 tablespoons of water, stir-fry until eggplant softens the water, about 5 to 6 minutes.
(5) into the fried minced meat before stir for 1 minute, sprinkle 1 / 3 tablespoons salt, 1 / 5 tbsp chicken powder and 1 / 2 tablespoons soy sauce, you can pot it!

Second, the fish-flavored eggplant:
eggplant 2, a little pork.
ginger, garlic, onions,chi iron, hot bean paste, vinegar, sugar.
system of law:
1. Wash and drain the eggplant, cut into small round sections alternate. Washed mince garlic, onions wash, and cut green onion,
mince ginger spare. The vinegar, sugar, Qianfen into the bowl, add water back. Note: The first sugar bowl,
came alive again in vinegar. Vinegar and sugar into the same level.
2. The oil is heated, add eggplant fried soft segment into golden brown, picked up the oil drain.
3. the ginger, garlic, Cong Bao Hong, pour the pork, then pour the fried eggplant and stir-fry about, then add the sauce bowl
fry, you can pour into pan.

three, green peppers scrambled eggs:
practices: 1. Rinse the bell peppers, seeded and cut into filaments. Beat the eggs in a bowl, stirring with chopsticks spread.
2. pan put oil (40 grams), Heat, will be poured into the egg, fried poured.
3. Pour the remaining oil to the pot, pan, add chopped green onion soy pan, add green pepper with wire, add salt fried a few, see the emerald green silk green pepper, put a good fried egg , MSG, stir evenly, about cooking with vinegar, you can pan.

four, to Sam Sun
materials: Potatoes 1, 2 eggplant, green pepper sauce 1
: cooking oil, soy sauce, sugar, salt, green onion, garlic, cornstarch, broth, the amount of
practice: 1, eggplant and potatoes peeled, cut into pieces hob; break it into small pieces of green pepper and hands. 2, into the pot to more oil, Qicheng hot, add potato pieces first,chi pink dazzle limited edition, golden yellow, slightly transparent when you remove and reserve.. 3, then the eggplant into the pan, until golden brown, add green pepper along with the block that is picked up.. 4, a small amount of hot oil saute chopped green onion and garlic, add stock, soy sauce, sugar, salt, eggplant, potatoes and green pepper pieces, stir fry.. 5, by adding water to the sauce raw powder fire

five stir dry beans
Ingredients: 400 grams of lentils, 150 grams of minced meat, spices: dried chilli 4, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, mustard at the end , pepper, garlic, salt, monosodium glutamate, the amount of practice: 1, lentils two tear old muscle, break it into two sections, wash, dry control.
2, Heat 250 grams of oil, add lentils, fried lentils skin to wrinkle when the strainer remove and control with the Absolute.
3, In another saucepan, heat 1 tablespoon oil saute with minced meat, chili, pepper, mustard, garlic.
4, into the soy sauce, lentils, stir, turn off the heat when cooked lentils, salt and MSG, stir well then.

six, chicken stir-fry spend
Ingredients: chicken breast, cauliflower spices: onion, ginger, aniseed, edible oil, cooking wine, salt, chicken, oyster sauce, powder Thickening practice: 1, wash chicken breasts, cut into pieces salt salted cooking wine cooking oil for a while, and then grasping absorbed starch paste.
2, split into small pieces Wash cauliflower, sitting water pot, the pot boiled, remove and had cold water, control water use. Shredded onion, ginger mince, garlic slices.
3, In another frying pan, put oil, aniseed oil to warm the place, add ginger, the chicken breast meat, but also into the pot and fry color Sheng slip out of standby, and then onion Stir ginger into the flavor, put the boiled cauliflower stir well.
4, put cooking wine, chicken, oyster sauce, chicken breast is also good to slip into the pot, stir quickly, salt, stir fry, pan plate.

seven Fen Zhengrou
materials: a piece of pork spices: star anise one, spring onion, ginger and a number of films, a little wine, pepper, some pepper, rice, purple m certain, soy sauce, soy sauce, chicken, sugar, bean paste Method: 1 pork slice.
2, the meat with wine, onions, ginger, star anise marinate.
3, after the meat marinate, prepare chili, pepper, rice, purple rice.
4, 3, put the prepared pan fried.
5, the three put the pot with the torch and become fragrant yellow rice copied.
6, 3 with a mixer to break a good fried. Do not get too broken. Easy to larger particles.
7, the 6 into the marinated meat. Add soy sauce, soy sauce, sugar, chicken, a little sesame oil. Mix well.
8, finally adding a tablespoon bean paste. Add some water to wet powder.

eight, green onion, scrambled eggs:
cooking methods (two copies)
materials: egg (4), onions (3)
Seasoning: salt (1 / 3 tablespoons), oil (6 tablespoons)
1. onions washed to remove very light blue, green onion cut into the green onion and put it in the glass bowl
2. into four eggs, tilting the glass bowl at 45 degrees, along with chopsticks in one direction, quickly stir the egg and green onion, beat until the egg mixture was viscous.
3. to boil hot, until all the water evaporated the pot, burning about 1 minute, put 6 tablespoons oil wok, turn the pan so the oil spread across the pot surface, and then into a small fire, then poured into the egg fluid.
4. along one direction, quickly stir the egg mixture, about 1 minute, the egg will be freezing up, then quickly clean wok, so scrambled eggs too old.

Chefs Tips

1, scrambled eggs, the pan must be very hot, so that eggs will be fried up tender point, the pot is not hot scrambled eggs prone to failure.
2, into the egg through the refrigerator, first put out for an hour, and then used for cooking.
3, scrambled eggs avoid MSG, if added MSG, MSG after heating cover up the flavor of the egg itself.
4, if the consumption of too many eggs, will lead to increased metabolism and increase the burden on the kidney, eat 1 or 2 eggs on the line.

September, fried eggs, tomatoes, fried eggs, tomatoes method
Description: Scrambled eggs with tomatoes that everyone will do, but to do good, hard. Mainly by the number of errors, and so will I will detail.
material: tomatoes, eggs
Ingredients: vegetable oil, salt. Note, do not put chicken eggs, fried tomatoes, or MSG, as tomatoes scrambled eggs is to eat a This is also when the dish tightly Cong Jiangsuan reasons.
Production Method:
1. Tomatoes, cut into pieces, to large and small, what shape does not matter, eggs open into a bowl, beat uniform, put a little salt.
2. Into the amount of pot (scrambled eggs, when put the number of oil is critical,chi turbo flat iron, in my experience is putting the equivalent of eggs 2 / 3) of oil, such as oil, when hot, (I speak in more detail later how to determine the oil temperature), pour eggs, pay attention this time, the eggs will naturally freezing, do not move, until the eggs are freezing time (be careful the oil dried up, causing the egg paste), with rice shovel (also known as Chao Shao) from the edge of the egg gently into the eggs over and fry about, such as the color of both sides are golden color rendering, when taken out of the egg from the pot (you can not take,chi pink dazzle hair straightener, but talk about it after so skilled), this time there should be some oil inside the pot, turn the tomatoes in, stir a few times, because tomatoes contain a lot of water inside, water will be precipitated, this time to a good fried eggs into them, put a little salt, stir fry a few under the pan. PS: Some people like to do it, put some water in, I do not recommend, in fact, enough tomatoes in the water completely, and do not water. Also, the current poor quality tomatoes, fried food is not out of bitterness and some sweet, pan when you can put some amount of sugar.

ten, scrambled eggs
loofah material: loofah eggs
Seasoning: oil, salt, cooking wine, chopped green onion.
1. the eggs 2-3 pieces, add a small amount of salt, cooking wine. Stir use.
2. the loofah slice or dice aside.
3. raging fire into the frying pan heat oil, fry until the oil temperature rise into the egg Sheng bowl.
4. raging fire into the frying pan heat oil, fry until the oil temperature rise into the sponge, add the egg is cooked fry, then add salt to taste, chopped green onion to pot stir fry will eat the small.
eat benefits: a high nutritional value of loofah, sponge gourd contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin and other citrulline and vitamin B, vitamin C, also contains components contained in ginseng saponin

XI, Feng Lin basic material was crushed eggplant
20 grams, 200 grams of eggplant, onion 10 grams, ginger 10 grams.
Seasoning: peanut oil 500 grams (actual fuel consumption of 100 grams), 10 grams of salt, MSG 5 grams, 3 grams sugar, 20 grams of raw powder, sesame oil 5 grams, 50 grams of chicken broth, soy sauce 10 grams of the king.
production process:
1, eggplant, peeled, cut into large thick strips, wash and cut onion, ginger Alchemy.
2, burning pot of oil, oil temperature 120 degrees nowadays into the tomato section, fry until golden picked up.
3, leaving the oil pan, the next into the ginger rice, mess, eggplant, chicken broth, salt, MSG, sugar, soy sauce king, and then low heat till thicken the sauce when the wet powder, starch, sesame oil is poured percent.

second, the basic material gold raw garlic bone
: Rib
sauce: seafood sauce, barbeque sauce, soy sauce , soy sauce, oyster sauce, MSG, sugar, chili, garlic.
1, change the blade pork ribs into a 12 cm long segment, with water drift to the bloody
2, marinated with spices 2 hours (seafood sauce, barbeque sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, MSG , sugar) or more.
3, the second into the hot oil burn, the ribs into the pot, slowly fry oil made from low to high, to the ribs mature skin crusts removed Drain the oil.
4, and then put in pot with garlic, chili flavor Stir, then add the ribs a little fried, add spices, Zhuangpen can.

-------------------------------------- --- dividing line -----------------------------------------
do Rice practical skills

1, boiled dumplings, put an onion in the water or in open water, add salt, add dumplings, dumplings taste delicious without adhesions; in and faces, each 500 grams of flour mixed with an egg, dumpling skin Tinggua not adhesion
2, stew, in the pot with a few pieces of orange peel can be added in addition to smell and oily and the soup flavor
3, plus one when boiled bone soup tsp vinegar, make bones of phosphorus, calcium dissolved in the soup, and save the soup of vitamins.
4, stewed chicken: Wash the cut, pour the hot oil in stir fry until dry water, into the amount of vinegar, then quickly stir fry until chicken explosive crackling sound when issued immediately heated water (not too chicken), and then Wang fire ten minutes, then add spices, then boiled on low heat transfer 20 minutes, topped with sesame oil to pan; should be a good stew soup, the temperature drop 80 to 90 degrees Celsius or salt before consumption. Because the higher moisture content in chicken, stewed chicken with salt first, the chicken soaked in salt water, the water outside cells infiltration, coagulation protein produced, shrink and tighten the chicken was, of dissolved nutrients to the soup, and tend to hard-cooked chicken, the old, rough texture.
5, when the boiling broth, or pork ribs soup, put a few pieces of fresh orange peel, not only delicious, but also reduce the greasy feeling.
6, bean curd, add a little fermented bean curd, or juice, taste, aroma
7, fry the green beans in the wok and cook for 10 minutes, quickly boiled, but do not Chaojiao
8, When the water boiled add a little vinegar to prevent the shell cracked, add some salt in advance can also be
9, when kelp add a few drops of vinegar cooked easily broken; put spinach trees also line
10, cooked ham, before put some skin on the ham, sugar, easily boiled, taste even more delicious

11, mutton to smell: the carrot and lamb with pot, remove the carrot in half an hour; put up a few more orange peel good; per kg and mutton put 5 grams of green beans, boiled for 10 minutes, pour with water and green beans; put half a pack of hawthorn tablets; be washed two or three walnut shells into the hole; add curry powder 1 kg mutton 10 grams; 1 kg mutton cut open additional 200 grams of sugar cane; 1 kg of water to a boil, add 1 kg of lamb, 50 grams of vinegar, boil, remove and then re-add water, add spices.
12, boiled dumplings, add a little salt in the pot, the pot of water does not spill when opened
13, noodles, cooking oil when you add a small spoon, pasta will not stick with, and prevent the soup from the foam, spill pot outside
14, cook the noodles, add a little salt in the pot, cook the noodles easy mushy
15, porridge or Zhudou Do not put base, otherwise it will destroy rice, beans, and nutrients in
16, boil the new shoots easily cooked,cheap chi straighteners, and crispy and delicious; make boiled bamboo shoots are not reduced, can add a few mint leaves or salt
17, tripe cooked, cut into pieces, placed steaming bowl for a while and then add some soup, pig stomach will be thicker than doubled
18, boiled tripe, do not be the first salt, then eat when cooked such as salt, or pig stomach will shrink like a cow muscle as hard
19, cook beef: Beef stew to make fast, too bad stew, add a pinch of tea (about the amount of a pot of tea, wrapped with gauze) cook the meat quickly rot and delicious.
20, cook beef and other tough, hard meat, poultry and game time, add a little vinegar to soften.

21, the old chicken stew: two thirty in the pot and add beans with stew, cooked fast and fresh flavor; or kill the old chicken before filling a tablespoon of vinegar to the chicken, then scrapping , with Simmer stew, it will cook thoroughly cooked; or put 3 to 4 Hawthorn, chicken easily rotten
22, the old with the fierce heat and simmer for poultry, meat, hard is not good; if they start with cold water and a little vinegar Paoshang 2 hours, and then micro simmer, the meat becomes tender and delicious
23, stewed duck: In a few snail easy Guo Lifang overripe
24, duck midnight, the duck tail get rid of the smell of urine on both sides of beans, more delicious
25, cook bacon: there are many with a dozen holes drilled walnut cook, remove the smell
26, braised beef, add a little snow in red meat is delicious
27, do Pork before marinate the meat with a little bit of borax, burn fat from the meat greasy, delicious Ganxiang
28, fried food, Guo Lifang a little salt, oil does not splashing
29, the spring roll in the amount of stuffing mix to add some flour and frying to avoid the juice out of the process of filling paste pot phenomenon
30, fried potatoes before the cut potatoes cook for a while on the water, so that the surface of the skin potatoes thin plastic layer, and then fried

31, pork cutlet, in the a place ribs cut 2 or 3 incisions, deep-fried pork chops will not shrink out of
32, first, the chicken marinate for a while, sealing the cuticle into the refrigerator, to be removed again when fried, crispy fried chicken delicious
33, fried egg, the yolk will congealing in pouring a little cold water, make egg yellow and soft
34, fried eggs, put enough oil in the pan, heat the oil slightly lower egg pot, slowly getting cooked eggs, the appearance of the United States, non-stick
35, fried eggs, in the hot oil in sow wheat flour, eggs will be fried too nice Huang Liang, the oil spill is not easy to pot outside
36 with sheep Fry eggs, shiang no smell
37, scrambled eggs, a small amount of sugar was added, the freezing temperature will rise in protein denaturation, thus delaying the heating time, together with sugar with water retention, which can make egg products become bulky soft
38, scrambled eggs are added a few drops of vinegar, Stir the egg soft Weixiang
39, fried eggplant, in the Guo Lifang vinegar, Stir the eggplant color is not black
40, when the vinegar fried potatoes, to avoid burning, and biodegradable potato toxins, and to color, taste affordable

41, fried bean sprouts, first add a little butter, and then salt, to remove the beany flavor
42, when fried spinach should not be stamped
43, Pork slices: plus sliced meat sauce, butter, starch, into an egg, mix well, causal ; such as meat color, together with a few fried a little seasoning, the steak delicious, fresh
44, Fried Shredded Beef: chopped, salt, sugar, wine, cornstarch (or eggs) mixed with what, with oil generation bubble marinate for 30 minutes and then fried, fresh and delicious
45, Pork dishes salt too early too slow, should be cooked in salt, a few drops in the pan before the addition of vinegar, fresh and delicious
46, the meat cut wire on the baking soda solution after a good look Zaichao dipped, especially osteoporosis and delicious sweet and sour dishes no matter what, as long as the sugar by 2 copies of the proportion of 1 part vinegar to deploy, can be sweet and sour moderate
47, fried sweet and sour fish, sweet and sour outer leaves, etc., should first sugar, then salt, or salt, br> 48, make meatloaf and meatballs, the one kilogram of meat, put 2 tsp salt
49, make balls of 50 grams of meat ratio of 10 grams of starch, modulation, into a dish Ruannen
50, do slip Spicy Pork slices or diced, 50 grams of meat, according to the proportion of 5 grams of starch, sizing, fresh vegetables into delicious

51, make bread, if a small rub in the lard in baking, steaming out Not only white bread, soft, and Weixiang
52, when mixed with a little steamed orange Pisi, can increase the fragrance of bread
53, steamed buns put too much from the yellow base, such as water and vinegar in the original steamer 2 3 tablespoons, and then steam for 10 to 15 minutes white
54, a small amount of alum and salt into the water, the raw sweet potatoes to cut ten minutes immersion, wash after cooking to prevent or reduce bloating
55, boiled milk, paste, and put some salt, taste better after cooling
56, placed the food too spicy chili or add a little vinegar,Chi dazzle flat iron, fried chili, spicy greatly reduced
57, cooking , put down the vinegar, soy sauce, if wrong, can put a little sprinkle of baking soda, vinegar can remove
58, food is too acid, to an egg smashed into
59, food too spicy, put egg fry
60, spicy dishes, put some vinegar can reduce the spicy

61, bitter vegetables, drip a little white vinegar
62, soup is too salty and should not be watered , you can put up a few potatoes or a few slices of tofu, or tomato to the soup; also a handful of rice or flour into the soup together with a cloth
63, soup is too greasy, a small amount of seaweed on the fire roasted , and then thrown into the soup
64, peanut oil Zhashu, poured into a dish and serve hot sprinkled with a little white wine, then sprinkle a little salt, slightly cooler, place a few days and nights are crisp Jesus ever
65, Rapeseed oil has an odor, can the amount of oil after the Heat put ginger, garlic, onion, cloves, orange peel with the bombing of a moment, the oil can become Hong
66, with food fried peanuts not blame an taste, and smell delicious dishes Stir, and make cold dishes
67, after the bombing of the oil for food, leave some residue and becomes cloudy, can be cut into thick discs of white radish, turnip with chopsticks poke a few holes into the remaining oil in frying, the residue will be attached to the radish slices, and remove the debris cleared, and then fried again into the pot, the oil variable cloudy clear
68, cooking should be first Heat up a saucepan, then pour into the oil, then add the vegetables
69, when the pot temperature reaches the maximum when adding wine, easy to make wine evaporation to remove the smell of food
70, rendered lard: in Electric Rice praised by putting a little water or vegetable oil, then add pork suet or fat, is plugged in, can automatically refining the oil well, do not splash, do not paste diesel, oil pure

healthy food labels in italics
breast sauté eggplant
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