Discrete points out of the local two-arc approximation
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herve leger toronto, MoretonDN. Optimalbiarc-curvefitting. ComputerAidedDesign, 1991,23 (6) :411-419AlanYJ, KimHO,
Salvatore Ferragamo outlet, LeeKY. GarcsplineapproximationofquadraticB ~ ziercurves. ComputerAidedDesign, 1998,30 (8) :615-620WaltonDJ, MeekD & ApproximationofquadraticBeziercurveyarcsplines. JournalofComputationalandAppliedMathematics, 1994,54 (1) :107-120 cast in the. Computer-aided geometric design and non-uniform rational B-spline. Beijing: Higher Education Press ,2001:76-77ApproximationofDiscretePointyBiarcCurveXUJian-ming,
MBTシューズ 販売店, LIUFei one, HEYuan-jUn, CAIHong ~ ming. (1.DepartmentofComputerScienceandEinee blind, ShanghaiJiaotongUniversity, Shanghai, 200030; 2.ShanghaiHolmes-Chan ~ eCollege, Shanghai, 200432; 3.SoftwareInstitute, ShanghaiJiaotongUniversity, Shanghai,
Beats By Dre Headphones, 200030) AbstractAnalgorithmofapproximationofdiscretepointy biarccurveispresented. Thealgorithmhasnospecialrequirementsforthediscrete points. Itfirstapproximatesthediscretepointycubicsplineand getsthefirstderivativeofthegivendiscretepoints, thenapproximatesthecubicsplinebybiarccurve. Throughlocalapproximation, thealgorithmisapplicabletobothlargedeflectionsplin eandsmalldeflectionones. Itovercomesthedisadvantageoftraditionalbiarcspline whichareonlyapplicabletosmalldeflectionspline. Thealgorithmisstableandrobust. TheacquiredbiarccurveisgloballvsmoothandC1continuo us. Keywords: biarecurve, approximation,
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