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Old 07-29-2011, 07:08 AM   #1
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Default Dance with my father 和爸爸跳舞

Back when I was a child, before life removed all the innocence,

My father would lift me high and dance with my mother and me and then

Spin me around ´til I fell asleep.

Then up the stairs he would carry me

And I knew for sure I was loved.

If I could get another chance, another walk, another dance with him,

I´d play a song that would never, ever end.

How I´d love, love, love

To dance with my father again.

When I and my mother would disagree

To get my way, I would run from her to him.

He´d make me laugh just to comfort me,

Then finally make me do just what my mama said.

Later that night when I was asleep,

He left a dollar under my sheet,

Never dreamed that he would be gone from me.

If I could steal one final glance, one final step, one final dance with him,

I´d play a song that would never, ever end,

´Cause I´d love,“药家鑫冷血师妹”或为冒名 学校称:查无此人, love, love

To dance with my father again.

Sometimes I´d listen outside her door,

And I´d hear how my mother cried for him.

I pray for her even more than me.

I pray for her even more than me.

I know I´m praying for much too much,

But could you send back the only man she loved.

I know you don´t do it usually

But dear Lord she´s dying.

To dance with my father again,

Every night I fall asleep and this is all I ever dream.
































Luther Vandross
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Old 07-29-2011, 07:11 AM   #2
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本片是柯波拉备受争议的战斗史诗作品,借由美国上尉的义务之旅,率领着观众历经一场困惑、混乱和超事实的漫 长摸索。全片的最精采之处,就是Vittorio Storaro惊人的摄影映像,完整是他将观众带着迷茫的丛林中。整体而言,这是一部可能震动人心的作品, 柯波拉的伎俩雄壮,将炮火漫天的越战,塑造成人类末世的地狱景观。大概,当前的战役片都可以从这里鉴戒到一 些感到。

片 名:古代启发录
英 文 名:Apocalypse Now
主 演:马龙・白兰度Marlon Brando
罗伯特・杜瓦尔 Robert DuVall
  马钉西恩 Martin Sheen
     劳伦斯・费什伯恩 Laurence Fishburne
     丹尼斯・霍珀 Dennis Hopper
导 演:弗朗西斯・福特・科波拉 Francis Ford Coppola
片 长:90分钟/集
配 音:英语
越战期间,美军情报官员威尔德上尉奉命“绝不留情”地除掉库尔兹上校,一个潜逃美国军人,chi nano hair dryer。接到命令后,威尔德带领小分队,乘小艇逆河而上,冒险深刻柬埔寨。在一处偏远的热带丛林内,精神变态的库 尔兹上校以其嗜血成性的残酷统治着当地土人居民,成为他们盲目崇敬、科学的图腾。跟着小艇驶入柬埔寨,威尔 德一行人仿佛卷入一个超乎现实、彻底疯狂的世界,吞没在人类灵魂最黑暗、卑鄙的暗影里……
固然本片在当年是一部备受争议的作品,但整体而言,《现代启示录》确实是一部可以震撼人心的片子。柯波拉的 手段雄浑,将炮火漫天的越战,塑造成人类末世的地狱景观,是一部十分值得探讨的战争史诗钜片,尤其剧中以交 响乐搭配直升机大屠戮的一幕,更是众多影迷们所称道的经典镜头。

自残、酗酒,自我放荡的鲜血刻印在银白的床单和墙壁上,刺眼醒目。扭曲的姿态一口吻喝下整瓶的烈酒,我欲醉 还醒,战争留下的恐惧无时无刻不在侵蚀着我的灵魂,假如没有库尔兹上校的所谓罪行和美国对库尔兹上校的所谓 处死令,也许我将在恐惧中死亡,无所不在的记忆,战争的恐惧,在声音里,在画面里,在我呼吸的空气里。为什 么如此恐惧,是什么?是什么在我的记忆力延长着这么深的恐惧,整瓶的烈酒宛若白水?
基尔戈上校昂首阔步、目空所有的姿势栩栩呈现,他张扬的打着属于他自己的战争,沉醉在瓦格纳歌剧华丽的乐声 里,用音乐和着弹药的轰鸣书写着越南战场上一出猖狂的剧本,蘸着一个又一个无辜越南人、美国人的鲜血。基尔 戈上校是一个不折不扣的疯子,他的灵魂已经完全被战争把持着。一个屠杀者,一架杀人的机器,一个人性的黑暗 不再受到道德力气束缚的野兽,一个屈从于恐惧的恶灵。哦,那华美的瓦格纳歌剧,就是死灵的欢唱,是天堂招呼 的神曲,所有的灵魂,开释吧,在炮火里,在战争里,让仁慈、正义都见鬼去吧。嘲弄哦,难道就由于基尔戈理解 欣赏瓦格纳歌剧,就把正法令颁给了只会观赏诗歌的库尔兹上校么?库尔兹上校的罪恶是下令处死了四个越南人! 基尔戈上校的炮火里倒下的一具又一具躯体,农夫、妇女、儿童,毫无例外的被剥夺着性命,他难道不应当死去? 壮大的权利下面道德评估的缺点和战争中人性黑暗的表示在这个上校军官的身上初步的体现着。屈服于内心恐惧的 基尔戈上校。
小女孩垂死的面容我没有看到,我不忍心看着这样一朵花在我面前凋落,然而我还是用手枪终结了这个女孩的生命 ,那最后一眼是如此的俏丽,她本不该死去。千千万万的人本不该死去的却死去了,死亡的起因是因为别人的恐惧 而这些端着机枪疯狂扫射的,却是战场上的主体--大兵。开枪前,他们想过杀人么?不,他们必定没有想过,他 们之所以开枪,是被战争吓坏了,他们不想死,于是杀死别人,管他呢,管他对方是什么人,总之对方让他的生命 感触到死亡的要挟了。开枪有错么?你难道没有看到,我把自己吓得半死。是,我是军人,best hair straighteners,但我也惧怕死亡,畏惧战争,Best CHI Straighteners,去你妈的战争。他们,那些渔船上的人是被恐惧杀死的。库尔兹上校,素未谋面的对手,你是否也和他们一样的 处于恐惧之中,精力已经瓦解,基本无力节制自己的行动?哦,不是的。
在一次喧嚣的晚宴上,客人们大方激动地争辩着政治问题,以及威拉德统一位迷人的法国寡妇之间的风骚韵事。看 过这段情节后,咱们会感到,它好像那种超现实主义的梦幻,有如西方殖民主义可望不可及的蜃楼幻景。不外,请 听马莱斯在晚宴上象征深长的话语:“我们为守住属于自己的货色而战,而你们美国人老是为那些毫无意思的东西 拼命厮杀。”
他们生下来就是庄园的人,chi hair dryer,是法兰西人。他们保卫着世世代代属于自己的庄园,为了那残余的信心--成功。然而饭桌上人一个又一个的离 去,离去的时候都是如斯的张皇,他们不过刚见证了一个士兵的尸体,Cheap CHI Flat Iron,是么?不是的,他们始终都生涯在恐惧里,战争,可恶的战争。无意义的饭桌争论,无意义的,除了徒增心坎的 恐惧,莫非能撑起他们本已懦弱万分的信念?在战争眼前,谁也不信心,黑暗的人道。画面上的人还在一个一个的 离去,撞到了桌子,撞到了人,战争像是一张无形的巨网,覆盖在他们心灵的上空。法国女人的漂亮带着苍白,苍 白得那么彻底。
你们的指挥官呢?我问了一个又一个士兵,岂非不是你么?他们的眼神跟他们的答复一模一样。混乱的战场,凌乱 的局面,士兵冲着黑夜里的森林不停的扣动扳机,子弹一梭一梭的射出,不论是否有敌人。反正敌人就是近在眉睫 ,在呼吸能够听到的处所。可知那敌人就是本人,就是害怕,是枪弹所无能为力的强盛恐怖。你们的指挥官呢?或 者已经逝世了。
尸体被悬挂在河边的石头上,台阶上,树上,遍地都是尸体,cheap chi straighteners,恶臭,还有苍蝇的跳舞声。以及堆满了河岸的尸体一样的扛枪者,对了,还有扛枪者身边围绕的女人和小孩。我 是否到了炼狱,这里的人没有恐惧,没有表情,这里,就是我的目标地。行将面对的库尔兹上校,我嘴唇干裂,每 一根神经都冲动着。对我来说,面对库尔兹上校并杀掉他,已经不是我的重要任务了。一路上见证的死亡,一路上 见证的恐惧已经深深的转变了我的内心,回想着之前的一次又一次战争的阅历,我无奈去相信这场战争,我无法去 信任所有的战争。无论是正义的,仍是非正义的,我所经历的,就是实在的战争,比鲜血还要残暴的是恐惧,是人 性里那最黑暗的一面。而我将要面对的库尔兹上校,他是否征服了自己的恐惧?还是已经无例外的成为了恐惧的奴 隶?事实上,一个更强的信念在号召我,我将杀死他,至于为什么要杀死他,我已经不知道了。我在库尔兹上校面 前无所遁形,他折磨着我,也折磨着自己,他用他本身的恐惧来折磨我。读着一行又一行的诗歌,他没有杀我,他 抉择了让我来停止他的苦楚。隆重的祭奠典礼,当刀砍进祭祀用活牛的身材时,我的刀也砍进库尔兹上校的身体, 库尔兹上校用他疼痛而恐惧的身体做为祭祀品献给了恐惧,他临死前念叨的,难道不是“Horror”?库尔兹 上校死掉了,我却面目狰狞的在鲜血里站了起来,我晓得,只有我
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Old 07-29-2011, 08:06 AM   #3
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Jun teachers teaching disabled children singing Yi Ge Hao press photo

Metropolis Daily News reporter Hao Zhang

run center, but fortunately her unfortunate experience of the relevant

Jun by love to do rehabilitation center in Wuhan, located in the province of Hankou Road Chai district Gutian a two-storey old building.
12th of this month, reporters on the scene saw: the first floor of the center is a dormitory, two rooms stood more than 10 low-bed sheets, very crowded. Quarters next to the couple's home is Li Jun - 10 square meters of a room, layout simple. The second floor is a few small classrooms and the children of the places.
love run rehabilitation center, but fortunately and unfortunately, Li Jun, life experiences.
44-year-old Li Jun, has no idea of ​​where born in Hankow. With polio, she was one year old for a long time right leg disability, age 3 to Shiyan Adopted by his parents in rural areas. Later on, when Wuhan,Armani Sunglasses, a medical team to the countryside, a pair of couples without children, turn her back to Wuhan.
often tied to her acupuncture, hand massage her legs, carrying her to school. The meticulous care in the adoptive parents, her Tuiji slowly getting better, but also on the university.
unique life experience, so that children with disabilities Li Jun had a special feeling.
Jun graduated from university, entered a rehabilitation teacher. The rehabilitation agencies, day care fees and charges 3,000 yuan per person per month (excluding accommodation). Because of high cost, poor families of disabled children do not afford to go. Summer 2002,chanel sunglasses, she witnessed the father of a rural, with a 2-year-old mentally retarded son, sitting in the playground, while feeding the baby water, while weeping ... ... this,sunglass store, her great sympathy and regret.
2004, she quit work in Hankou Road Gutian than 30 square meters of the home, run from the love and Rehabilitation Center, host to four or five poor and disabled children, and later increased to ten children on the She had moved to near the center of the three cottage.
after hearing the news as more and more disabled children, rehabilitation centers and moved to current location. Li Jun,discount sunglasses, the set sold more than 30 square meters of housing, put more than 10 million renovation for the rehabilitation centers and other projects.
currently registered in the rehabilitation centers caring for 34 disabled children, the youngest only 6 years old. Li said, according to each child's condition and family situation, rehabilitation centers charge only a nominal monthly fee ranging from a few hundred dollars. Center for the youngest boy admitted,
Floor play. These children, some autistic, some mentally retarded children.
suddenly there came a smell in the air. Yang soon found 13-year-old girl beads (a pseudonym) and incontinence of urine, and quickly received the first floor of her dorm for diapers.
13-year-old mentally retarded children with small Cheung, tongue always sticking out, dripping saliva wheezes. He reminded reporters mouth shut, he had no reaction.

chatting with reporters and Luo, the Luo Xiaohu Zi's head touched the boast: Luo said: teachers in the eyes of the baby. ! peak is retarded children, left the center in 2008, and now the third grade on Hanzhengjie; 7-year-old Li Jiacheng is mentally retarded children, to more than 3 years, this year in September left, in the first grade; Hongan the Cc (a pseudonym) hearing loss, rehabilitation center opened in 2004 when the come, last to leave, now is the school's roll student ... ... very eye-catching pieces of slogans.
6 years, the rehabilitation center treated a total of 51 poor and disabled children. 8 of them are recovering well on a normal school children. Moreover, some children become self-reliant, in the community to do cleaning or run from the kiosks.
Li Jun told reporters, rehabilitation centers pay more than 10,000 yuan a month only, far less overhead (rent,sunglasses for men, staff salaries and 13 teachers and students for food),cheap sunglasses, but for society that sponsored their own stickers that did not go on supporting. Many thanks to China Eastern Airlines, Shangri-La Hotel, Wuhan many universities and student organizations and some personal care assistance.
Li Jun said that she really need to make money, but not by increasing the fees to earn! And, after making money again into the cause of disability to the public. She regretted that, because of limited space, many came to help the poor and disabled children, she receives high. Later, hoping to expand public welfare with disabilities, so that more disabled children from poor families the opportunity to have treatment and rehabilitation.
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Old 07-29-2011, 08:30 AM   #4
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Post Shy Guy,block machinery

[size=9pt]A man really loved a woman, but he was just too shy to propose to her. Now he was up in his years and neither of them had ever been married. Of course, they dated about once a week for the past six years, but he was so timid he just never got around to[size=9pt] suggesting marriage much less living together.[/size][size=9pt]But one day, he became determined to ask her the question. So he calls her on the phone, "June."[/size][size=9pt]"Yes, this is June."[/size][size=9pt]"Will you marry me?"[/size][size=9pt]"Of course I will! Who's this?"[/size]clay brick machine[/size]
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Old 07-29-2011, 10:12 AM   #5
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Default Efektywne pozycjonowanie serwisow

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