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Old 05-30-2011, 09:42 AM   #1
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Default 5.21的商定

  5.21 约定分手
  今天5.20,这么漂亮的日子,抉择分手是不是也是最美的?好像又回到了08年的那个夏天,在雨里哭到 没力量,坐在抱石公园,淋着雨痛哭,不论路人的奇异的眼神,狠狠的哭;因为那个负心的男人,一个只见过3次 面,便爱到骨子里的男人;现在,比08年还痛,痛彻心扉!!听着JM的《到了明天》,明天就是我们商定分手 的那天,他说他好想离开,可我却好见他,好想他抱着我、宠我、宠爱我。到了明天,你就离开我身边,到了明天 单独向流星许诺;我不记得今天哭了多少次,随处可以看他有关他的货色,那些快活的记忆,像片子一样回放着, 心里像抽空了,一个人呆着的时候,泪止不住的流下,甚至连想都不想,畏惧涉及有关他的所有。可是,偏偏到处 都有他的回想!
   吹风机,是他在三福给我买的,款式、色彩、功效都是他选的,他很具体的跟导购讯问,与其他机型对照后精挑细 选的买下的,当时,我却还以为一吹风机,至于吗!
   手机,买手机的那天,因为他上晚班从车间出来晚了,我坐车先走了,他也赌气不来了,闹了几天别扭,每次都是 他自动认错,而我习惯等候他先找我。
   手链,是表姐从无锡带回来,我跟他各有一条,他戴小了,所以 从来没戴过。
  手机链,我们在逛三福的时候,我买的,指南针,可是我却发明现在我找不到方向了,手机链已经断了,像我 们的恋情,不能不断;
  兔子,送给盼盼养了,也是我一时灵机一动,他给我买的,没养多少天就送人了,他实在很舍不 得。
  床头的米奇、三顺都是他给我的礼物,三顺是我们刚来往时送给我的第一份礼物,米奇是今年年后我途经看到 ,爱好就给我买了。
  板鞋,意识他后,我只在今年夏天买了一双高跟鞋,随着他在德尔惠买休闲装,一改之前“非主 流”的作风。
  衣服,在德尔惠给我买了人生中的第一件名牌,在以纯给我买了粉红的卫衣,只因为说我穿了好看。在乔丹买 了XXXL的衣服,明明很分歧身,却认为格式难看,就给买了。
  带他照了别人生中的一次大头贴,他说以后每个月都照一次,其实,也只是照了那一次后,再也 没照过了。
  DIY的电脑桌,是让他从施工的厂房,捡来的一块木板,一路上他觉得丢人了,glasses prada,一个劲的在说我,买个桌子好了。
  有一次闹的很厉害,因为他的银行卡,我不理他,他在廖淑珍楼下等我,我出去后,自顾自的走路,听凭他怎 么样都不理他,他好伤心的走了;然后他哥们都打电话找他,电话打不通,而我,也一直很焦急的打他电话,一直 在猜想、担忧他是不是有什么事件。买通后,我躲着他,让他找不着。回去后,他来宿舍找我,抱着我说对不起, 说了许多很多对不起就睡着了,夜里他说:莹莹不要分开我好吗?不要不理我,他有说呓语的习惯;第二天早上, 我们手牵手呈现在他那帮哥们眼前,看到他们无奈的表情笑。
  搬新宿舍的时候,我成心不告知他确实的时光,我就等他关怀我,问我什么时候搬,见他始终不问,我负气一 个人搬了5、6趟,累到恨逝世他了,跟他哥们埋怨着。他晓得后,晚上12:00跑我宿舍来报歉 。
  去年冬天,他被我拉到维纳斯拍艺术照,两个人由于晚上在宾馆吹了一晚上的空调,皮肤都干干的,上妆都很 难,那天气象很冷,后面我们去了动物,看了好多动物,我还喂了猴子。还去了鬼屋,我躲在他身后,狠狠的拽着 他的手,在他身后颤抖,他说,其实当时他也很惧怕,问我什么感触,我说素来没睁开过眼睛,他说挥霍,进去了 啥都没看见。他星期天是第二个晚班放工了,必定会陪我出去,有几回我忘却了他是第二个晚班的白天,见他不陪 我出去,很赌气的摔门出去了。
  他腿长,老是走的比我快好多,走到我前面前面去,我就在背地悄悄的骂他。还总是吃饭的时候,把好吃的从 我碗里夹走,我总会给他白眼。
  他们玩的话,会喜欢去KTV,可是我跟他的朋友们在一起就放不开。有一次我们2个人开了包厢唱歌,他听 着,我一个人在唱。
  我总会怪他对别的女生太好,只可以对我好,不可以对别人好,因为他前女友在挚友印象里说是一个对她很好 的人,很愤慨。因为他钱包里有前女友的大头贴恼火,因为KTV时,与他前女友碰面没跟我说,闹分手。因为… ..朝气。
  自己明明长的不好,拍照的时候,老是嫌他技巧不好,去年8月份去上海的时候,气候真的很热,我火爆的脾 气,比那天色还火,ghd iv styler hair straightener,老是动不动就发脾气,他总是缄默,默默忍耐。有一次,我赌气不跟上他的步调,到处乱走,我们走散了,找到 后,他很生气、很着急!
  他起初“小P孩、小P孩”的叫我,现在“媳妇、媳妇”的叫我,以后就不知道了,再以后应该就不接洽了吧 !在宠溺的称说也不在是在叫我了。
  上网时,会想起两个一起抢着玩动物大战僵尸,supra tuf
  两个人,说分手的时候,像聊天一样的说出来,却在一阵沉默后,一个哭的比一个厉害。也不知道那天夜里是 几点睡的,他总是让我去洗脸,不然眼睛要肿了。
  今天他问为什么非要留在新余,为什么其余城市不可以,我说为什么新余不可以,其他城市都能够!这个城市 离我家近,亲戚、朋友也都在这边,他回复哦,呵呵!就不了,就到此停止了!
  5.21 还1个多小时,咱们分别吧!
  今天性手的日子,他说他不后悔跟我在一起,也不后悔分手,他说他不属于这里,他还年青须要闯荡;他说他 是我的前夫,他来找我说是来偷情,他说要不晚点再分手,等他找到下一任老婆时再分手;
  我说,我也不懊悔在一起,也不后悔离开,固然哭的很丑,只是不自发的懦弱,我本不软弱,我是个要强的女 人,所以哭过后,心如止水;我说我们当初是朋友,却亲了他,而后说,占点朋友的廉价别感到冤屈;然后他亲我 ,我喊救命,说非礼;我说你不要来了,我不要你做我的小三,我说若干年当前,你若未娶,而我也未嫁,你来找 我!他说要不晚点再分手,我问晚到什么时候。他说等他找到下任女友人之后,我说你想的美!
  他说以后会晤了怎么打召唤,我说可以假装没看到,他说要不拥抱一下,朋友间的拥抱,我说,这样,那么多 朋友都要来拥抱一下?
  他说相片怎么办?我说烧了!那个大的相框了?我说也烧了!他说空间里的了?我说删了!他说要不把那个大 的相框挂在公司门口吧,我说不要,jimmy choo flats,等一下人家还认为喜结良缘呢!
  今天早上眼睛肿肿的,心境却好了良多;不能犹豫不决,该断一直,反受其乱;一年,不算长,也不算短,早 已成为习惯,我会缓缓习惯一个人的生涯,他也应当会享受,被我约束了那么久,这一次,自在了!这一次,不是 不爱,是无奈!他说过最深入的一句话:跟你在一起狠有压力!你太强势!每个女人都愿望在本人男人身边是小鸟 依人的,盼望有个高大、保险的港湾让她停靠的;
  可以,生活的再快乐点!女人,可以温顺点,太强,会太累!把一切都看破,就如前面说的心如 止水!
   莹 莹
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Old 05-30-2011, 09:42 AM   #2
General of the Army
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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 20:46 on August 10, 2010 Read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

stay up all night is normal, but often stay up late on the body will have a bad effect when I saw this article, reproduced over and perhaps have their counterparts often stays up late the help . -

- sleep tips -
According to medical and my experiences, observations, people really feel up to only two hours sleep, the rest are a waste of time, lying on the pillow to dream, and no people do not dream. As he did not wake up that dream, it is because he forgot. -
two hours sleep a person is usually enough, why do people have to sleep seven or eight hours? that is what you stay in bed resting on the pillow lying habits, not so long that we need to sleep, in particular, people who do know martial arts meditation, eyes closed, really fell asleep at noon as long as three minutes, is equal to two hours sleep, but be of good noon time. Will have to fall asleep at night is midnight, five minutes is equal to six hours. -

- for this time of learning but also big, with the laws of the universe, the Earth principle, the I Ching Yin and Yang of the reason a relationship, and you will feel,air max 95 パープル, literally the heart following a force down there, and pubic region (kidney on) the power of fusion, the so-called -
insomnia or so people who really want to stay up late at night, the time is midnight, even twenty minutes is also necessary to sleep, sleep must train yourself to sleep. -
After about half past twelve after being midnight, you will not sleepy, it is very bad. More seriously, to the dawn, four, five o'clock, five, six, when Mao Shi, You're sleepy sleepy sleep time if a day will faint head. -
so people who work want to work late at night, being midnight, even if things have to put down the big sleep it half an hour, to the Mao Shi want to sleep do not sleep enough the spirit of that day. -
But people have to survive the twelve insomnia, tossing and turning in bed, the results fell asleep almost dawn, to feel dizzy the next day afternoon, so you will feel insomnia, lack of sleep, in fact you have no experience.
- Sleep and Health -
a sleep rules -
the Warring States Period to the king of Qi Zhi Wen doctors, said: Dabu, who do not sleep a night, the loss of one hundred days is difficult to recover.
late 21 to 5:00 for the effective sleep time. People are animals, and plants belong to the same organisms, during the day (5 am to 21 pm) activities to produce energy at night (21 pm to 5 am) to begin cell division, put energy into new cells, the body cells recuperate, get rid of the time, but also people with the Earth's rotation to the back side of the sun. Yinzhu Jing, is one of the auspicious day of sleep, this time to rest, will have good physical and mental state. This baby sleep longer and more fat, grow fast, and playful children feel the same reason dysplasia. -
sleep is a major function of health, care is to use a large number of healthy cells to replace the corruption of the cells, such as the night can not sleep on the exchange of new cells. If a million cells die during the day, one night just make it up half a million cells, then there will be deficit your body a long time, people on the chaff, like a radish-like chaff. Why are there centenarians? Because they are at 21 o'clock every night to sleep on time. -
- Plants absorb energy from the sun, night the growth of crops in the countryside at night so the ground could hear the sound of jointing. Belong to the same human and plant biology, cell division, about the same time period, missed the auspicious day to sleep at night, the newborn cells die far not keep up, people will prematurely aging or illness, people should go with the flow, it should follow the sun, that day I wake up wake up, day sleep I sleep. Were as small as dust before the sun, This is the objective truth. -
real life, many people have difficulty falling asleep, sleep problems is not high quality. Poor sleep is a comprehensive problem, such as excessive anger, sleep alert; excess stomach fire, restless sleep; liver and lack of sleep tired. -

- Second, sleep and disease -
- the habits and lifestyle of modern people's brought a lot of negative impact on the body to form the There is a feature of liver: lying is back to the blood, sitting outside the blood supply. -
midnight (23:00-1:00), in fact, 23:00 is the beginning of a new day, not the 0:00 start, which we made the wrong identification. Hepatobiliary phase table, each other one, 23 points gall bladder was opened, if it does not sleep, sap courage, the guts are eleven organs are based upon the inequity of a virtual, the body organs function decline, metabolism, immune system have decreased and the body greatly reduced, courage to support the central nervous system injury prone courage of all mental disorders, such as depression, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, agitation, psychosis. Midnight to replace the bile bile, gallbladder are rising who is not lying, bile adverse change, too thick and the crystallization of stone, a long time that have gallstones, if the gall to pick, and a pick on the timid, the body's immune system declined by 50% or more, we can not pick and use it the great potential of the system to dissipate it. -
Chou Shi liver most popular, Chou Shi (1:00-3:00), insomnia, toxic liver can not lift the thing off, resulting in fresh blood, the blood due to the adverse possession, leaving it blue, a long time susceptible to various types of liver disease, now Some human liver is not very good, particularly in Europe have an average of 4 three positive or three positive person, mostly because of violation of the laws of nature do not sleep after a midnight caused . Better treatment of hepatitis, hepatitis B is very difficult to treat. Hepatitis B virus carriers often do not sleep because of night, are too weak, that order is too messy, the virus has reached the cells. That hepatitis B virus has reached the cell inside, but now it can not afford to cause hepatitis, when the body is most vulnerable when in the form as hepatitis, hepatitis B means that the future 40% - 60% of the cirrhosis. A wise man should know heaven, earth, human relationships between people are not smart people who should be eliminated. -
junk sleep bring much harm to the liver? -
- Liver dispersion, over midnight did not sleep, can cause adverse liver catharsis, liver qi stagnation, showing irritability, headache, dizziness, red eyes, eye pain, tinnitus, deafness, Sternocostal pain, women irregular menstruation, constipation and may also cause less liver Sheng-fa, who will head tired Shenpi, waist and knees, dizziness, insomnia, palpitation, trance, weight will be collapsed in the street, unconscious. -
liver has possession of the blood, regulate the function of blood, over midnight did not sleep, can cause liver blood deficiency, also cause vomiting,The world's super hard to find the prescription, k, epistaxis, subcutaneous bleeding, gum bleeding, retinal bleeding, ear bleeding, like bleeding card. -
liver opens into the eyes, over midnight did not sleep, can lead to liver deficiency, the blurred vision, old flowers, night blindness, photophobia, Yingfengliulei, and other symptoms, but also the formation of glaucoma, cataract, retinal arteriosclerosis , retinal diseases and other eye diseases. -
liver Zhu Jin, the Chinese in the claw, over midnight did not sleep, can cause liver blood deficiency, appeared tendon pain, numbness, difficulty in flexion and extension, convulsions convulsions, could easily lead to nail fungus, calcium deficiency, chondromalacia patella, epilepsy, osteoporosis embolism. -

- liver and heart, over midnight did not sleep, can cause liver blood deficiency, the main one of the heart blood, liver has the function of blood storage and regulation, will result in insufficient blood supply to the heart, causing palpitation , and other symptoms Xinchan, a serious form of heart disease, hypertension and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. -
liver and spleen, after midnight did not sleep, can cause disharmony of liver and, spleen and stomach to help digest the liver, spleen and stomach to help the liver can not digest Void, makes a bad stomach digestive function, manifested as tongue thick, long time will cause the gas collapse. -
liver and lung, do not sleep through midnight, unable to Yin and Yang, liver and loss, anger caused by excessive burning lungs, dry cough, or cough, expectoration of blood and other evidence of wood burning at the stake like gold , easily lead to psoriasis and other skin diseases. -
liver and kidney, do not sleep through midnight, liver deficiency lead to kidney deficiency, due to liver and kidney origin, likely to cause reproductive system diseases, infertility, bone disease, dental, hair loss, diabetes, kidney failure and other diseases. -

- Third, the approach of sleep -
- traffic rules - you do not understand, easy to accidents. For example, 23 pm to 3 am to Zaichou, the bile the liver by the most active, liver and gallbladder to return to the blood, If you lie down every night around 22 o'clock, do not speak too quietly, to 23 o'clock, it fell asleep. Hepatobiliary started back to the blood, the blood filter out the toxic, resulting in fresh blood, to be a hundred and no gallstones, no hepatitis, a type of cystic disease. If you stay up until 1 am every day, the liver can not return blood, impossible to remove toxic blood, fresh blood if it can not, gallbladder and bile can not be changed, so these people prone to gallstones,エアマックス+2009, cysts, three positive, three positive a variety of diseases. -
in Europe, an average of four people there is a hepatitis virus, which is called do not understand the rules. Best not to talk for half an hour before going to bed, sleep not to speak, like a talk, lung move , and then they move through the heart, (because the focus on heart and lung total) who are likely to enter the excited state, it is difficult to sleep. -
21:00-23:00 as Haishi. Haishi three Jiaojing Wang, triple burner through Lotus. Haishi sleep, Lotus Ru Yang Chieh-te, it was common characteristics of centenarians is 21:00 (Haishi) before sleep. To maintain the appearance of women Jiao long so it should be done early to bed early. -
bed to close the window, not the fans, not air conditioning, a lot of people are related to this illness, because people in sleep, blood circulation is slow, the temperature drops, the body will form a yang in the surface layer, This makes it yang layer called Air conditioning, the fans, not the case, open the window, the window is taking the wind, the wind into the bar, if air conditioning, but also the wind, the wind into the bar, cold Such is Life, the morning, yellow body, face, hair yellow, stiff neck, the back piece of tendon, joint pain, and some even began to fever, which is the wind and the cold penetrated to the tendons and bones of the reason, which is gas hurt. If the window does not sleep at night, no air conditioning, not the fans, even the doors are closed, the best, if hot, the door opened, close the window, the effect is not quite right , but He must have the next day morning whole body fatigue, back stiffness. -
the living room air conditioner was opened, and the bedroom door open, and direct the air conditioning to sleep is about the same, open the air after the cold air into the bone, so the cold heart, heart in which heart In the brain, the brain is sea of ​​marrow, bone marrow, there are cold, cold heart to it certainly, and how to do, kidney yang, fill in the air, when the complement to the heart is not cold, and burning on the back, the cold and went out. -

- go to bed to try to go to bed early, sleep late, hurt Shaoyang of the gas, must be tired the next day unable to shut the window, no air conditioning, fans, protection yang. -
Hepatobiliary the next focus, if the stomach problems, he would appear disturbed sleep and sleep, one is cold stomach, Stomach Yang if the person already in short supply, too much to drink green tea,エアクラシックBW, it will appear Wei Han, Wei Han When people sleep well, or eating things with too much sediment, stomach faint for the cold, definitely sleep; -
then one is stomach heat, heat is going up, panting mouth are hot, like this situation could not sleep well; another one is the stomach, dry, dry mouth, stomach feel dry; -
the stomach and the other is thick, the smell of the taste, stomach thick, this case is thick and greasy food the taste of this, some people eat seafood, fish, eat chicken, tastes delicious, eat more, delicious not much use, these things in it to dilute it, do not dilute it, taste it in there too thick, so this is also not sleep well; -
abdominal distention, abdominal swelling was up, could not sleep, could not sleep over and over again; another one is Stomach Void, cold sweats, which also sleep well, these reasons are likely to form the stomach restless, stomach restless sleep well. -
warm sleeping limbs when the limbs to warm, as is the sun of the limbs, this we all know, limbs not warm, certainly kidney is less, should cover their hands and feet before going to bed to warm hands and feet and navel, behind The Gate of Life to be covered. -

- sleep method vary, here are three kinds of practices: -
1, a simple stretching before going to sleep, and then sit cross-legged on the bed natural, both hands placed on the legs overlap, natural breathing, feeling the body with the breathing pores of one of a, if tears yawn best, to want to sleep they fall asleep. -
2,air max 95, supine, natural breathing, feeling like breathing spring, the first melting of the big toe, then the other toes, then feet, legs, thighs melted. If not yet awake, and then back to square one. -
3, fall asleep faster may right side, palm care right ear. Right palm for the fire, the ear is water, fire and water that is formed between the two economies, the formation of the kidneys in the body intersect. A long time, Yang Xin ney. -
sleep must get up early, even in winter, nor more than 6 get up, spring and summer before the fall to get up at 5 o'clock as far as possible, because people in the yin shi (3:00 - 5 points) when the lung get busy, enabling the lung anger to stretch to conform to the long yang Shu, to complete the metabolism, reduce aggregate of Su, the lung clearance, which helps Yangfeihuoxue and go with the sun rising trend of days the body yang,エアマックス 360, yang enough people one day Otherwise, if the engine, and have a good time this is difficult to mobilize the human body yang, yang deposition in the human lower body can not be started up by the Gate of rising air will form prostitution , serious damage to human health. -

- 5:00 to 7:00 is the human large intestine by the most busy time, the body metabolism of cloud properties need to be excreted at this time if you do not get up, the large intestine are not fully active, not very good to complete row of cloud function, so that things stay to form cloud toxins harmful to human blood and organs Bai Hai. 7:00 to 9:00 most popular human stomach, 9 am to 11 most popular human spleen, when the transportation of human digestion and absorption capacity of the best, if not then get up,I guessed at the beginning , but never guess that, a serious erosion of human gastric acid, the human body to absorb nutrients at the best time to get nutrition, long suffering from stomach diseases, resulting in malnutrition, in the gas collapse. So do not stay in bed, stay in bed can cause dizziness, tired feeling of lack of sleep, and when you should get up, history, many men are three or four o'clock in the habit of getting up, like Washington, Napoleon, Emperor Kangxi, Tseng Kuo-fan and so on. Another early can increase the effectiveness of the work, saying: -
Modern medicine has proved less stress on harmony were not susceptible to mental illness. Do not go out too early morning exercise, because the morning before the sun rises, the underpass of the Zhangzhou gas, sewage is going up (especially cities) , the gas on the human body is a very serious injury. -
three major self-cultivation, a sleep, two facilities, three restaurants, the rest of living, clothing etc are secondary. -
three things in sleep first. However, no appetite, and those disturbed nights sleep, it is convenient to pass the second. No section of the diet, hunger and eat over who will be injured in the stomach, and nutrition diminishing. Sleep to soothe the nerves mainly based peace of mind of God to be with age, middle-aged up to seven to eight hours, sleep the expansion of intellectual envy faint dizziness,NIKE AIR CLASSIC BW, limb weakness, childhood will get enough sleep eight hours, or over nine hours not to hinder, the old or the patient up to six hours is enough. -
- sleep disorders can not be ignored warnings -
should be noted: -
- (a) sleep better sooner, not more than ten, the elderly in eight is positive, do not have nine. Where to pay eleven o'clock, when the sun, is a kidney, then insomnia, loss of renal water will, heart and kidney connected to the water loss is Huo-wang, the most easy to La Tortura. Do not sleep with sleeping pills to help. -
(b) calculation of the pillow should not think about future events, sleeping all the time should not think, breath and mix thoroughly, listen to their own gas, from thick and thin, the thin and fine and interest rates. See this body as nothing, or such as sugar into the water, come to naught, natural sleep. -
(c) If thought was not safe, do not Zhuance minds of the pillow, the most exhausting, can sit up a time to sleep. -
(d) If, at noon,Love to talk about a marriage - Qzone log, that is eleven o'clock to one o'clock, when the shade, is a heart, at this time if they can not sleep, can sit for one quarter of an hour, eyes closed, the heart qi strong. Where heart disease Qieyi attention, daily attention to this two o'clock, the strength at high, no diarrhea or urinary frequency heart rate of the disease. -
(e) should be back from summer, winter should be starting late. Habitat should be cold northern air, such as Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces, to get up early in the disease anti-malaria Sam Rainsy. Do not sleep on his back after eating, get up early as three to five points in the yin shi, then avoid Yu Nu, the lung injury will damage the liver, Wan Wang attention. -
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