Paddlefish can grow to be a pretty large fish, often reaching 6 feet and weighing several hundred pounds, their main body resembles the body of a shark, and their overall color is dark tan to grayish in shade. Depending upon water conditions such as the overall temperature, the algae count and the fishes main diet in it's current area of living, the shades of color may lighten or darken.
Paddlefish can live just fine in large reservoirs and deep rivers, where they swim slowly around the areas constantly foraging for food. Paddlefish swim with their mouths open, because they have a special lining in their mouths and throat that acts like a series of filters that captures small aquatic insects, tiny fish,, zooplankton and other small critters and substances, which it eats.
When fishing for Paddlefish,
wholesale hats, you must use equipment that is heavy duty, and can handle a lot of fighting weight without breaking, this includes the rod,
armani sunglasses, reel, line and hook. There is really no need in using bait or even a lure when fishing for Paddlefish,, because they will not bite or go after anything that is much larger then a tiny insect,
Wholesale Jerseys, that is ant size or such. Anglers that catch them, do so by casting as far as possible in a known Paddlefish area, then reeling, and snagging them with very sharp, and large treble hooks.
There is a website that describes Paddlefish and numerous other fish caught throughout the USA. Learn about habitat, the best baits and lures,
Polo Hats,, best time of day to fish for them, and much more great info,
Cheap NFL Jerseys, this website is called: Fishing Stringer - and it may be found at this url:
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About The Author
Robert W. Benjamin has been an avid fishermen for years, in fact in 2010 he went on almost 50 different fishing trips, to ponds,, lakes and rivers. Robert enjoys catching everything from panfish such as crappies and bluegill, to bullheads, catfish, eels, pickerel,, walleye and numerous other fish. If you want to increase your chances of catching more of your favorite fish, visit the website below:
Fishing Stringer