Hundred top companies in Forbes list ranks private enterprises involved in housing business up ,
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Yesterday, This is the Profit growth ) and profitability indicators ( return on sales ) weighted basis, and considering the scale of enterprises to adjust to arrive at rankings. Suning Nanjing, Jiangsu Province topped the list , Fujian Zijin Mining and Shandong Weiqiao points awarded Twenty-three . Survey results also show that enterprises are mainly concentrated in the list were real estate , steel, textile, automobile and parts industries . benefit from the recent years, Chinese real estate market boom , a total of 12 main companies involved in real estate selected The list ,
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Staff, after the killing streets of doing business to lose m, the weighted average of their 87% sales growth , profit growth rate of 83% , the profit margin is 22.4%.
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of : Zhongshan Jia Editors: Liu Jie
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